Berkeley Copwatch

Berkeley Copwatch is based on the idea that WATCHING the police is a crucial first step in the process of organizing. We began in 1990 on Telegraph Ave.

Berkeley Copwatch is the original Copwatch group. as an all-volunteer organization dedicated to monitoring police actions and non-violently asserting our rights. Since that time, many Copwatch-type organizations have sprung up across the nation, in various forms. We do not attempt to interfere in police activity or to resist police misconduct physically. It is our hope that, one day, mass outrage

Photos from Berkeley Copwatch's post 07/18/2024

We conducted our own research on the leaked problematic text messages from BPD Officers in 2022, this is what we found. Read the full report in our bio.

Photos from Berkeley Copwatch's post 07/10/2024

Tonight the Police Accountability Board will meet to discuss and approve the report of their independent investigation into the BPD textgate scandal. Their meetings are open to the public.

This is a moment of truth. After 2 years of BPD dragging their feet and decades more of their obstructions of transparency, will this report and its finding be taken seriously by city government?

In their investigation, the PAB confirmed:
- Yes the leaked text messages were real
- Yes bike officers were being pressured to maximize arrest numbers (aka illegal quotas)
- The arrest rate for Black people was almost four times as high as for White people

In its conclusion, the PAB reports touches on the lack of cooperation and transparency by the Berkeley Police Department:

“The PAB thus recommends, as a key priority, that City Council enact an Ordinance or other mechanism to ensure that this oversight body—which has sworn an oath of confidentiality—has the authority to access internal BPD records in the interest of preventing such damaging practices in the future” (PAB report, pg 28)

Berkeley Copwatch also did an investigation into the Textgate scandal and released our report in January 2024.

Read our report and more about Textgate at

Photos from Berkeley Copwatch's post 07/10/2024

Tonight the Police Accountability Board will meet to discuss and approve the report of their independent investigation into the BPD textgate scandal. Their meetings are open to the public.

This is a moment of truth. After 2 years of BPD dragging their feet and decades more of their obstructions of transparency, will this report and its finding be taken seriously by city government?

In their investigation, the PAB confirmed:
- Yes the leaked text messages were real
- Yes bike officers were being pressured to maximize arrest numbers (aka illegal quotas)
- The arrest rate for Black people was almost four times as high as for white people

In its conclusion, the PAB reports touches on the lack of cooperation and transparency by the Berkeley Police Department:

“The PAB thus recommends, as a key priority, that City Council enact an Ordinance or other mechanism to ensure that this oversight body—which has sworn an oath of confidentiality—has the authority to access internal BPD records in the interest of preventing such damaging practices in the future” (PAB report, pg 28)

Berkeley Copwatch also did an investigation into the Textgate scandal and released our report in January 2024.

Read our report and more about Textgate at

Photos from Berkeley Copwatch's post 07/09/2024

If we don’t shut this down, selective enforcement against our unhoused neighbor is gonna get even worse in Berkeley. It already is.

Grants Pass rolled back years of protective legislation that said cities have to provide shelter options and cannot simply ban people from sleeping on the street if they have nowhere to go. With the Grants Pass ruling, the Supreme Court said “Go ahead. It’s not okay to make it illegal to be unhoused”


NEW DATE: TUE JULY 23 at 7-9pm: Copwatching at Protests and Preparing for Arrests

This training is part 2 in a training series. You don’t need to attend part 1 though, everyone is welcome! (Check out Part 1: TUE JULY 2 at 7-9pm: Basic Copwatching techniques and intro to Copwatch and your rights)

Our trainings are offered free to the public. Please spread the word! We encourage all people, with any amount of prior knowledge or experience, to attend these trainings and contribute your questions and wisdom. If you would like a training for your org/group, contact us and we will do our best to accommodate.

Location: 2022 Blake St. Berkeley (Grassroots House). These trainings will be conducted in person.

Accessibility: we will meet in the back room of the Grassroots House. There is a ramp at the front of the house. Masking recommended but not required.

Photos from Berkeley Copwatch's post 07/04/2024

Racist leaked texts from BPD officers in 2022 reveals a pattern of racist policing in Berkeley. Read our full Textgate research report in our bio.


WED JULY 10 at 7-9pm: Copwatching at Protests and Preparing for Arrests

This training is part 2 in a training series. You don’t need to attend part 1 though, everyone is welcome! (Check out Part 1: TUE JULY 2 at 7-9pm: Basic Copwatching techniques and intro to Copwatch and your rights)

Our trainings are offered free to the public. Please spread the word! We encourage all people, with any amount of prior knowledge or experience, to attend these trainings and contribute your questions and wisdom. If you would like a training for your org/group, contact us and we will do our best to accommodate.

Location: 2022 Blake St. Berkeley (Grassroots House). These trainings will be conducted in person.

Accessibility: we will meet in the back room of the Grassroots House. There is a ramp at the front of the house. Masking recommended but not required.


PART 1: TUE JULY 2 at 7-9pm: Basic Copwatching techniques and intro to Copwatch and your rights

PART 2: WED JULY 10 at 7-9pm:Copwatching at Protests and Preparing for Arrests

Attendance to Part 1 is not required to attend Part 2!

Our trainings are offered free to the public. Please spread the word! We encourage all people, with any amount of prior knowledge or experience, to attend these trainings and contribute your questions and wisdom. If you would like a training for your org/group, contact us and we will do our best to accommodate.

Location: 2022 Blake St. Berkeley (Grassroots House). These trainings will be conducted in person.

Accessibility: we will meet in the back room of the Grassroots House. There is a ramp at the front of the house. Masking recommended but not required.

Photos from Berkeley Copwatch's post 06/26/2024

San Pablo Cop City - also known as the San Pablo Regional Training Facility - is a $43 million police militarization project approved by the San Pablo City Council in 2021. 

The facility is planned to include a K-9 holding and training area, a 20-lane indoor shooting range and a drone technology deployment center.

While Cop City would be located in San Pablo, it would undoubtedly buttress the police state across the Bay Area. 

It is not too late to stop construction!! 

This Monday, June 1st, from 9am-12pm we are flooding the phone lines of Overaa, the general contractor for the Cop City project.


UC Berkeley police brought tear gas canisters to SF County Jail to be used for training purposes. The tear gas spread to a nearby elementary school where 20 children and one adult experienced burning sensations from the gas.

Police training is pollution and harms communities.

Even though Berkeley has banned the use of tear gas, they still have it in their stockpile and we can’t be sure city council won’t simply lift this ban under whatever they decide counts as “extreme circumstances”

No one is safe as long as any police department could use tear gas, because the wind carries that s**t.


Meet at 7pm at the Grassroots House (2022 Blake St, Berkeley)

No experience needed + all are welcome. We will meet for a mini training and then split into groups of 3-5, either into cars or walking, each group will have one experienced copwatcher facilitating.

This is a chance for us to teach our shifts practice: listening to the scanner, how to copwatch as a team, incident documentation, entry into our database, and more.

We hope that people will take what they learn into their daily lives AND join copwatch for some of our weekly shifts! We are always seeking to train up more shift facilitators.

Accessibility info: Meet in the backroom of Grassroots House. There is a ramp at the front. Masks are encouraged.


rsvp link in bio

what we will cover:

our mission + vision
how we get stuff done
our ongoing projects

you will leave with:

our handbook + other literature
next steps to get involved

Photos from Berkeley Copwatch's post 04/29/2024

thank you to everyone who came out💕


Hope to see you Sunday! Bring a friend :)

Photos from Berkeley Copwatch's post 04/02/2024

Remember these horrible leaked anti-homeless and racist texts from Berkeley police officers? These texts scratch the surface of the harm this department does. Read our Textgate Report. Link in bio.

Photos from Berkeley Copwatch's post 02/29/2024

Report police misconduct! Join us on our intake shifts and add to our growing People’s Database tracking Berkeley police.


Demand an end to the campaign of city sponsored intimidation and brutality. Speak out at City Council meeting tomorrow (10/3). Rally 5:30 pm, council meeting starts 6:00 pm. 1231 Addison Street.

See video in our reels:
Less than 72 hours after BPD shut down the Chess Club (a community mainstay on Telegraph Ave), the organizer Jessie Sheehan was brutally arrested. For hours, he was disappeared into the system, tortured, abandoned at a hospital in Pleasanton, and then cited and released. In this video, Jessie is being lifted by his wrists after having sustained injuries from being assaulted.


Read Copwatch’s full press release and watch the footage from the incident at the link in our bio.


Read Copwatch’s full press release and watch footage from the incident at the link in our bio.


In 2017, BPD Officer Richard Marble racially profiled, cuffed and pushed a Black man to the ground without probable cause. Five years later, he pulled a gun on two Black men while he was off duty. How many more incidents is BPD sitting on?
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STOP THE SWEEPS- Care First Cops Last
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Meet the people who watch the cops, get the latest updates from copwatch, and learn about your rights interacting with police. Know Your Rights training from 12pm-2pm. Community Cookout from 2pm-4pm (Veggie options! Free, donations welcome). Come for some or all!

Sunday, September 10, 12pm-4pm
Grassroots House, 2022 Blake St. Berkeley

RSVP here:

Accessibility: Ramp to house. Access to yard from street. Masks required indoors, we will have extra.
Contact for questions: [email protected]


Once again Berkeley’s city government sides with the police and against justice.

Photos from Berkeley Copwatch's post 06/27/2023

City Council is planning to cut $1 million from the Specialized Care Unit/Re-imagining Public Safety budget. Join the council meeting TONIGHT to remind them of their past promises and ongoing responsibility to this city’s people.
More info on the meeting and how to attend in our linktree.


Know your rights! Learn tips for documenting police in protest situations. Join us Wednesday, August 10 at 6:30pm to learn your rights in police interactions, strategies for documenting police, and specific tips for copwatching at protests.

When: Wed. August 10 from 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Where: Grassroots House (2022 Blake St. Berkeley)
The training will be held indoors. Masks are required.

People's Park Community

Photos from Berkeley Copwatch's post 07/06/2022

Today, Wednesday, July 6 @ 5pm
Starting @ Martin Luther King Jr. Civic Center Park, Berkeley

People's Park Community
Defend People's Park


TODAY @ 4pm, at the special meeting of Berkeley City Council,
Please tell City Council to VOTE NO ON ITEM 1!

Item 1:
Contract: Axon Enterprise, Incorporated, [formerly known as TASER], for Body Worn Cameras, Storage and Software
From: City Manager
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Contract with Axon Enterprise, Incorporated to provide body worn cameras, equipment, software, and services for an amount not to exceed $1,115,000 over the next five years through Fiscal Year 2027.

Axon signed something saying they are not in violation of Berkeley’s “Sanctuary City Contracting Ordinance.” If a company who hired the former director of ICE and has a contract with CBP is not in violation of the sanctuary city ordinance, then there needs to be a stronger sanctuary ordinance. STOP FUNDING PEOPLE WHO ARE INVOLVED WITH ICE AND BORDER PATROL.

Tell City Council:




For the Zoom link and agenda to the meeting, scan the QR code on the flyer or go to .

“To access the meeting remotely: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device: Please use this URL If you do not wish for your name to appear on the screen, then use the drop down menu and click on "rename" to rename yourself to be anonymous. To request to speak, use the “raise hand” icon by rolling over the bottom of the screen.
To join by phone: Dial 1-669-900-9128 or 1-877-853-5257 (Toll Free) and enter Meeting ID: 811 7911 4559. If you wish to comment during the public comment portion of the agenda, Press *9 and wait to be recognized by the Chair.
Please be mindful that the teleconference will be recorded as any Council meeting is recorded, and all other rules of procedure and decorum will apply for Council meetings conducted by teleconference or videoconference.
To submit a written communication for the City Council’s consideration and inclusion in the public record, email [email protected].”

[ Image is black with a red line at the bottom and a red circular shape at the top. The Berkeley Copwatch logo is in the top right, with a black circle and red outline. On the bottom right is a QR code. Black, white, and red lettering says today, at the special meeting, June 21 @ 4pm, tell Berkeley City Council: Stop doing business with people involved in Immigration & customs enforcement (ICE) and border patrol (CBP); vote no on item 1!
Item 1 on the action calendar is a contract with Axon for body worn cameras & technology.
Axon hired the former director of Ice in 2021
Axon has a 13 million dollar contract with CBP.
Vote NO on item 1.
Tell City Council to put peoples’ lives ahead of money!
Scan code to get to zoom link and agenda.]


TONIGHT, June 14 @ 6pm

Item 23 on the Consent Calendar:
Contract: Axon Enterprise, Incorporated, [formerly known as TASER], for Body Worn Cameras, Storage and Software
From: City Manager
Recommendation: Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Contract with Axon Enterprise, Incorporated to provide body worn cameras, equipment, software, and services for an amount not to exceed $1,115,000 over the next five years through Fiscal Year 2027.

Tell City Council:

For the Zoom link and agenda to the meeting, scan the QR code on the flyer or go to

[Alternate Text: Image is black with a red line at the bottom and a red circular shape at the top. The Berkeley Copwatch logo is in the top right, with a black circle and red outline. On the bottom right is a QR code. Black, white, and red lettering says today, June 14@6pm tell Berkeley City Council: Stop doing business with people involved in Immigration & customs enforcement (ICE) and border patrol (CBP); vote no on item 23!
Item 23 on the consent calendar is a contract with Axon for body worn cameras & technology.
Axon hired the former director of Ice in 2021
Axon has a 13 million dollar contract with CBP.
Vote NO on item 23.

Raise hand during public comment for consent calendar

Scan code to get to zoom link and agenda.]


Call for copwatchers tomorrow morning, Wednesday, April 27th @ 7:30am!

Residents at 2nd & Page in West Berkeley were given only 24hrs of notice to clear the area completely by April 27. We are looking at possible (1) disposal of personal property/survival equipment, (2) impounding of vehicle homes. We need documentation to hold the city accountable & support residents.

The notice cites BMC 1.24.040 ("Any nuisance which the City reasonably determines to be imminently dangerous to the life, limb, health, or safety of the occupants of the property or to the public" may be removed).

On the public notice it says, "it is your responsibility to retrieve anything of value from the interior of the vehicle prior to this date, or it will be removed along with the vehicle"

This is really concerning! Vehicle residents in other parts of Berkeley are currently pursuing legal action against the city for similar practices. Why were residents given only 24hr notice to completely relocate? What makes their HOMES a "nuisance" that threatens p***c safety??

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Videos (show all)

Shame on Berkeley!There is no place for the displaced to go. Live from the eviction happening NOW at Downstairs Seabreez...
Evictions loom large for Berkeley's unhoused community and Copwatch says: HELL NO![video: white woman standing in front ...
Care not Cops Press Conference on 5/19/21 about Berkeley City Budget
Berkeley Police deny the Right To Watch (again!)
Human Rights for the Homeless in Berkeley
BPD sets up wide perimeter to prevent media and civilians from observing
BPD and BFD are misusing HIPAA as an excuse to violate our right to watch



2022 Blake Street
Berkeley, CA

Other Berkeley government services (show all)
C. E. Moore aka Carolyn E. Moore C. E. Moore aka Carolyn E. Moore

Imagination Lobbyist “Push Envelope 4All” #PE4A

UC Berkeley Library UC Berkeley Library
Charles Franklin Doe Memorial Library, University Of
Berkeley, 94720

We help people find, evaluate, use, and create knowledge to better the world.

2424 4th Street
Berkeley, 94710

Over $150 in medical relief aid is provided for every $1 donated. $50 donation = $7,500 in aid.

Library of all Libraries Library of all Libraries
490 Minor Hall
Berkeley, 94720

Berkeley Public Library Berkeley Public Library
2090 Kittredge Street
Berkeley, 94704

Check out the Library's Web Site for the most up to date information on programs, locations, hours and services:

Youth Spirit Artworks Youth Spirit Artworks
1740 Alcatraz Avenue
Berkeley, 94703

YSA provides art training, job training, and much more to underserved youth, ages 16 to 24.

Robert T. Matsui Center for Politics and Public Service Robert T. Matsui Center for Politics and Public Service
117 Moses Hall, MC 2370
Berkeley, 94720

The Matsui Center honors Robert T. Matsui, a graduate of UC Berkeley, who provided inspiration to many through his dedicated service in Congress. Matsui served 26 years as a repres...

Education/Psychology Library, U.C. Berkeley Education/Psychology Library, U.C. Berkeley
Tolman Hall, UC Berkeley
Berkeley, 94720

The Education Psychology Library houses the largest digital and print education and psychology collections in a public California university.

Women's Daytime Drop-In Center Women's Daytime Drop-In Center
2218 Acton Street
Berkeley, 94702

WDDC creates a bridge to safe housing and self-sufficiency for unhoused women and their families.

UC Berkeley Army ROTC UC Berkeley Army ROTC

Welcome to the official UC Berkeley Army ROTC page! Visit our website: Or call us at: (510) 643-7682

Through the Looking Glass Through the Looking Glass
3075 Adeline Street, Ste 120
Berkeley, 94703

Through the Looking Glass (TLG) is the National Center for Parents with Disabilities and their Families. It is a disability community based nonprofit organization emerging from the...

UC Berkeley Ethnic Studies Library UC Berkeley Ethnic Studies Library
30 Stephens Hall
Berkeley, 94720

Our mission is to preserve the histories and support the futures of communities of color.