Dr. Anna Gold, Berkeley, CA Videos

Videos by Dr. Anna Gold in Berkeley. Dr. Anna Hsieh Gold, DACM, L.Ac., FABORM, specializing in women's health and facial acupuncture.

This little video may have captured the construction of my dream studio from when we purchased the land in 2017 until move in day in 2023. What it could not convey was the heartache, resilience, and fortitude that was needed to complete such a project. 🏗️Infinite gratitude to @devi.dutta.architecture and @talc.studio for holding my hand and seeing this project to its end. 🥳🥂. Now come to #Berkeley and get some healing in my forever studio! 🙌🕊️. #tcm #holistichealth #chinesemedicine #holistichealing #acupuncture #chinesemedicineworks #herbalmedicine #balance #drannagoldtinctures

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This little video may have captured the construction of my dream studio from when we purchased the land in 2017 until move in day in 2023. What it could not convey was the heartache, resilience, and fortitude that was needed to complete such a project. 🏗️Infinite gratitude to @devi.dutta.architecture and @talc.studio for holding my hand and seeing this project to its end. 🥳🥂. Now come to #Berkeley and get some healing in my forever studio! 🙌🕊️. #tcm #holistichealth #chinesemedicine #holistichealing #acupuncture #chinesemedicineworks #herbalmedicine #balance #drannagoldtinctures

We built this space from the ground up and every detail was hand picked by myself and a dynamic team of women designers and artists. @talc.studio @wild.club @devi.dutta.architecture @robertsonmariah @royhospitalitydesign: I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for keeping my dream alive and talking me down during times when I didn’t believe the project could actually be complete. I can’t wait to share this new healing space with you all. I hope you find the forever home of @dr.annagold as much a sanctuary as I do.

🌾Read the new post in our Blog about the end of the summer and ways you can stay in balance for the upcoming Fall season, including diet, routines, and self-care. 🌾 ✨https://drannagold.com/blogs/herbal-blog✨ #tcm #drannagoldtinctures #balance #autumn #seasonalfood #holistichealth #chinese medicine

I'm delighted to share that we are now selling @marieveronique products in both our San Francisco and Berkeley clinics. Marie Veronique is a non-toxic skincare company based in Berkeley that offer effective topical formulations. As a holistic practitioner, I can attest that a lasting approach to beautiful skin is finding the internal balance of the body to support the healthy microbiome of the skin. Marie Veronique topicals are a perfect pairing to DR. ANNA GOLD ingestible tinctures for skin issues like breakouts (CLEAR), eczema (DISPEL), or aging skin (ELEVATE). . . . #drannagoldtinctures #drannagold #marieveronique #berkeley #skincare #cleanbeauty #nontoxic #chinesemedicine #tcm #partners #balance #clear #elevate #dispel #acne #eczema #aging #skin #nontoxic #tcm #holisticbeauty #holisticmedicine

In ancient China physicians were kept on salary to keep their patients healthy. Doctors were paid when their patrons were well and not when they were sick. This model of healthcare is the opposite of what we have in the west. Thus, East Asian medicine's emphasis is on preventative medicine, rather than curative medicine. For ways to keep colds and flus at bay, from both an East Asian as well a Western medicine perspective, head to my website & stay tuned for tips! . . . #preventativecare #holisticwellness #holistichealth #tcm #chinesemedicine #stayhealthy #wellness #herbalmedicine #naturalmedicine #staystrong #keephealthy #colds #flu #wellandgood #holistichealing #drannagoldblog