Dr Andrew Caster, Beverly Hills, CA Videos

Videos by Dr Andrew Caster in Beverly Hills. As a doctor and LASIK patient myself, I’ve been happily canceling glasses for over 25 years

I'm a LASIK specialist. OF COURSE I'm on-call for my patients after their treatment to make sure they're doing okay! #comedy #LASIK #ophthalmologist

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I'm a LASIK specialist. OF COURSE I'm on-call for my patients after their treatment to make sure they're doing okay! #comedy #LASIK #ophthalmologist

@followers Do you wear blue light glasses? As a doctor, I can't say I can get behind the idea of these glasses. There have been no concrete studies that have shown these glasses actually work or have long-term benefits for wearers. They do have unbelievable marketing, however, so many people think that they might actually work. However, I do have an alternative exercise that has been shown to work for maintaining vision. Have you tried the 20x20x20 rule? Let me know in the comments!

The truth about polarized sunglasses: They decrease glare off of flat surfaces, such as water or roads. Whether or not you wear polarized sunglasses is your personal preference. You don’t need them unless glare truly bothers you. When it comes to UV protection, polarized lenses don’t make any specific difference. Sunglasses do — any type. Regular shaded sunglasses and clear-lens sunglasses are what will keep away UV rays ☀️

If you’re into martial arts, this is for you! PRK or SMILE is what I normally recommend for martial arts athletes. I can speak from experience hearing what my patients have gone through that you don’t want glasses or contacts in contact sports!

During the first episode, we discussed what All-Laser LASIK was. Now, in dedication of Smile Month, let’s talk SMILE LASIK! This is our most advanced technology in vision correction. Quick, gentle, and painless, this form of treatment is a popular option next to All-Laser LASIK!

Have you ever wondered if you should relax your vision throughout the day? 👁️ This simple method keeps eye strain at bay. I recommend this exercise for everyone but mainly those with long hours on the computer! Here’s how to perform it: Take a break every 20 minutes. Choose to look at one object 20 feet away for 20 seconds(20-20-20). Think of this as a mini stretch for your vision. After long hours of sitting, you feel tense, naturally, the main way to release some of it is by getting up and doing some brief stretching! Let’s not forget to include our eyes in our breaks!

Floaters might be annoying, but are they a sign of something else? Unless one of these 3 things happen, you usually don’t have much to worry about. If you get floaters, keep an 👁️ out for these symptoms: 1) Hundreds of them suddenly appear 2) A dark curtain-like shadow appears in one or both eyes blocking your vision on either side 3) Lightening-like flashing lights appear in your eye that go on for several hours If ONE of these 3 things happens, I highly advise you to see your eye doctor. If you’re considering LASIK but are suffering from floaters, send me a DM with the word ‘LASIK’ for a free consultation!

We are incredibly honored to take part in this mission to help give children a chance at better vision. We recently got a visit from Kat right before her trip to El Salvador where she delivered our donated lenses to these kids. After LASIK, you won’t need your glasses anymore! We created this little ‘ritual’ for our patients to celebrate finally letting go of their lenses. Once they drop them off in our lense vase, they are donated to children in need! Eyes of a Child dedicates themselves to making a positive impact on the lives of children and families across countries like Mexico, El Salvador, and Brazil, with their mission now expanding to Chile. The team and I look forward to continuing our collaboration with them through our donations from Caster Eye Center. If you or your loved ones would like to donate new or used lenses, come by our Beverly Hills office to drop them off or send your donations to them directly by visiting their website at www.eyesofachildusa.org!

“Speed wasn’t the focus. It was safety” When I ask my patients what their experience was like with us, I almost always get the same answer. During their follow-ups, they tell me that they didn’t feel rushed and that we’ve answered all of their questions. It seems pretty simple, doesn’t it? We know that all people want is to feel cared about. They want to feel that we’re listening. This is why, during our consultations, we take the time to answer all your questions and concerns. No matter how silly you think your question might be, it’s not silly to us. I encourage you to take the time to find who you can trust when you step into your LASIK journey. Speed wasn’t Joshua’s focus, and it shouldn’t be yours! Your safety should always be first. Especially when it comes to your vision. Interested in finding out more about LASIK? I offer free consultations at my Beverly Hills office where my team and I help you discover if you qualify. We’ll be giving you step-by-step guidance on what to expect during your personalized treatment process. Click the Link in my Bio for more info!

Do you know what 20/20 actually means? 👀 Generally, we know that this is a number that symbolizes good vision. What about 20/15? Or 20/50? These are measurements we check for when examining your eyes for treatment. In order to know how to accurately create a treatment and after-care plan, we do this basic examination during your first visit with us. How long has it been since you last checked your eyes? It might be time for a check-up!

Patient Spotlight: Rita! Another wonderful transformation! Rita now has vision that’s as amazing as she is! Are you considering LASIK? Ask me your questions in the comments!

With Spring now upon us, it’s a matter of time before the hottest time of the year comes around! How at risk are we REALLY when it comes to exposing our eyes to the sun? Well, as you now know, ANY significant amount of time outside without protection for your eyes makes them susceptible to damage, which adds up over time. So it’s best to not risk it and to wear your sunglasses most of the time you are outside. Yup, you read that right! Some people tend to wear glasses that wrap around their heads to completely cover the eyes. This ensures that absolutely no UV rays make their way through your peripheral vision. However, regular sunglasses will do just fine! What are some questions you have about eye care during the summer months? Let me know in the comments!

Is there a wrong way to rub your eyes? YES If there is anything you take from this reel, is to please NEVER scratch or aggressively rub your eyes. This can easily cause corneal or retinal damage. If this didn’t convince you, I have a video on my TikTok where you’ll get an inside view of why eye rubbing is a huge NO. TikTok: @drcastermd

I’d like to express my sincerest gratitude for all the amazing things our patients have said about their experience here at the office with all of us. It means very much that they are incredibly enthusiastic to share their stories with others who may feel nervous while considering this treatment. We love to establish relationships with our patients because they deserve to know who’s taking care of their eyes!

With Mother’s Day this weekend, this reel is a tribute to powerful mothers making a difference every day for themselves and their families. This day was emotional for all of us! Jasmin was very open in sharing with us what made her finally take the next step in her LASIK journey. After being unable to witness a proud moment from her son, she decided she was never going to miss another moment again. Once she stepped into the suite for her treatment, she was immediately overcome with joy at how clear the world became the moment she opened her eyes and we were all there to cheer her on! It’s moments like these that remind us why we do this and we feel incredibly humbled to have the purpose of helping patients like Jasmin every single day. Happy Mother’s Day to the incredibly strong women of this world!

The reason why we ask our patients what they think of their procedure is for multiple reasons. Some of those reasons are: - We want to know you’re okay! - We want to know if there’s anything more we can do to help you feel comfortable as you recover! - We want to know the real reason why many people online are saying LASIK is scary. We always ask ourselves, “Is it the procedure or the team that makes them feel that way?”

We’re saying goodbye to April and hello to May! The hottest time of the year is almost here!! What are some questions you have about LASIK? Let me know in the comments below!