Dr Andrew Caster

As a doctor and LASIK patient myself, I’ve been happily canceling glasses for over 25 years The best vision 24-7, both day time and night time.

Dr. Andrew Caster was voted Best Laser Eye Surgeon in Los Angeles by Los Angeles Magazine and was voted as one of two top Lasik doctors in America by W Magazine. What does Dr. Caster's training, experience, and dedicated approach mean for you, the patient? Call To Schedule your Consultation Today! 888-402-3768


Thank YOU!

The words “comfortable, safe, and exceptional” come from our very patients who’ve left us their reviews on Google.

To know that this is how you all see us and feel supported by us truly warms my heart. We are so thankful for all of your kind words over the years. Your feedback not only motivates the team but also helps us continue to change lives for the better.

If you are a past patient and feel that we’ve provided you with a safe, easy, and caring experience that stood out to you during your vision journey, we welcome you to Leave Us a Review on Google!

We love the feedback we get from our wonderful patients and I am proud to share your kind words with the whole team during our morning huddles! Thank YOU for being a part of our journey.

Click the Link in my Bio to access our Google Reviews!


We aim to make your consultation process as simple as possible. Our goal is getting to know you better when you come in!

Allow me to give you some honesty about myself and my team. We don't care how far into your journey you are, we don't care if you're walking in through the door for the first time, and we don't care if you're 5 minutes away from your treatment. When we tell you to give us all of your questions and concerns ANY TIME they arise, we mean it.

I don't want you to go into this treatment with a shred of doubt. Remember, your doctor is here for YOU.

Curious to learn more about LASIK? Let's get you informed! Message me to request more LASIK info!

Do Blue Blocker Glasses Work? | Caster Eye Center 07/16/2024

Giving you the facts on Blue-Light glasses

Do Blue Blocker Glasses Work? | Caster Eye Center The marketing campaign for blue blocker glasses is very strong. And who doesn’t get fatigue from working all day at a computer? But do blue blocker glasses really work? Are...

Photos from Dr Andrew Caster's post 07/11/2024

Cataract Awareness PSA!

Cataracts are one of the main reasons you should be getting vision checks. Although they primarily target people over the age of 70, any age can be at risk for developing them. They are one of the most common eye conditions.

⬇️ Keep yourself safe by having ⬇️

✅Routine eye exams

✅UV protection

✅A diet rich in antioxidants

✅No smoking

✅Eye protection


Photos from Dr Andrew Caster's post 07/08/2024

In the world of martial arts, you put in blood sweat and tears to make a better version of yourself every day.

It’s hard work. You’re putting focus and discipline into your body and it takes a lot to stay consistent. You don’t need that journey to be harder by having your glasses fogging up or your contacts getting dirty. You deserve to train as hard as possible without anything slowing you down. I’ve had many wrestlers, boxers, baseball players, football players, and other athletes come through the door desiring a life without limits. I’m no genie but if it’s a lens-free life you want, that’s what I’ll give you.

If this post resonates with you, learn more about your options when you book your free consultation with me!


🎇 Watching fireworks is a magical experience for everyone every year. Remember;

🚨 Leave it to the pros: Don’t handle fireworks. Find a community event near you or simply look outside of your window and take in the sights!

🚨 Supervise your kids: We know they love to see fireworks. Let’s make sure they can enjoy them safely.

🚨 Snacks: Now what good is watching a once-in-a-year event if you don’t have snacks? Priorities! 😉

Wishing everyone a safe and Happy 4th of July! 💥

Photos from Dr Andrew Caster's post 07/01/2024


We can’t beat aging. It’s the circle of life. But we can make sure to build healthy habits to maintain good vision!

Things like cataracts, macular degeneration, and other ailments can be fought off with proper eye care. This is a friendly reminder that your vision is very important to maintain healthy as you age!

Photos from Dr Andrew Caster's post 06/25/2024

Happy Pride Month!! 🎉🌈

Can I share one not-so-secret fact about this handsome couple?

Gregory (pictured left) is my nephew! He and his partner Davide came from NYC to see if they qualified for laser vision correction, and they did!

After hearing about how well this treatment worked for my son and myself, I decided to invite them over to help give them the results they never knew they needed! Davide struggled very much with contact lenses drying out his eyes throughout the day. So much so that it would affect his work. Gregory’s vision wasn’t too extreme but he did depend on glasses every day. When he got his treatment done, he asked how he could’ve lived this entire time needing to wear glasses! They both came back the following day seeing at a clear 20/15!

I place so much trust in this treatment that I would absolutely recommend it to friends and family who need it. It brings me absolute joy when I hear back from people who didn’t realize how held back they felt until they began living lens-free. It’s truly amazing!

Do you have any questions about this treatment? Comment the word ‘LASIK’ below!


Why do they call it SMILE?

In dedication to Smile Month, I want to talk about this unique variation of LASIK. SMILE stands for Small Incision Lenticular Extraction which means removing a lens through a small incision.

We can also call it SMILE because not only do the results MAKE you smile, but this treatment is the least invasive type of LASIK only creating a small incision that results in the shape of a smile. This is the newest and most advanced variation of LASIK giving you a very quick and easy treatment.

Photos from Dr Andrew Caster's post 06/21/2024

Your sunglasses are USELESS unless

You wear them at MOST of the time when outdoors

We need the sun for energy and also our eye health! But, to ensure our eyes are getting a healthy dose without those harmful UV rays, they need to be protected. Sunglasses protect against damage over time which can lead to cataracts and macular degeneration. So, if you haven’t gotten into the habit of wearing your sunglasses, this is your sign to start now!


Wishing the BEST Patient Concierge on this planet a wonderful birthday! Here’s a memorable moment of Laura being so starstruck when came in for his LASIK that she would not let him leave without a big hug 😂

Happy Birthday Laura! A huge thank you from both our team and our patients ❤️


I wish everyone and their families a safe and Happy Father’s Day!


Here’s something that isn’t being discussed enough:

Did you know that there is currently a poor vision epidemic? It’s prevalent among younger generations. Although it doesn’t sound as alarming, it should be cause for concern. This results in younger and younger people needing vision assistance like glasses and contacts. As they get older, they are becoming more at risk of cataracts and macular degeneration than the average person with healthy vision.

Not only do we need to back away from tech and take breaks throughout the day, but we also need more sun (but don’t forget to wear your sunglasses of course)! Be sure to get some daily sun through walking, hiking, cycling, or any other activities! Do the 20-20-20 exercise when you’re on your laptop for hours!


When you’ve visited us, have you ever noticed this vase?

This special vase is used for storing your old lenses for donation to Central America as a collaborator for Eyes Of A Child. Our patients have so much confidence after their procedure that during their follow-up, they happily donate their glasses to our office! Will you be donating yours next? 😄


Patient Story: Picture being an avid surfer. You want nothing more than to catch waves during sunset on a warm day. You see a good wave coming toward you and you feel playful enough to let it kick you off your board. As you fall into the water, your eyes are blurry when you open them but you don’t think much of it. This is what happened to one of our patients.

Patrick (for patient confidentiality we won’t share his real name) didn’t think much when he noticed his eyes were blurry upon opening them. But, once he stepped onto the sand, the blurriness never went away. That’s when he realized he had lost his contacts.

Patrick was terrified when he noticed this. His contacts were the only things he had to see and now they were gone forever. That wasn’t the end of things. Patrick didn’t always hang around his friends to catch waves. This time, he was alone with no one to take him home. He then went on to drive almost 2 hours back home with blurry vision. From that day forward, he decided it was time to get LASIK.

He came to us with his story and now he’s traveling around the world catching humongous waves with 20/20 vision! Congrats, Patrick!

Photos from Dr Andrew Caster's post 05/30/2024

Is there a right way to put on contacts? Yes!

If you’re new to contact lenses, be sure to take them out before you sleep (extensive sleeping in your contacts prevents your eyes from getting enough oxygen) and always use clean hands to remove them as they are easily contaminated.

Do you have any questions about contacts? Ask me in the comments below!

Photos from Dr Andrew Caster's post 05/16/2024

SHARE THIS POST if someone you know is struggling with floaters!

There are multiple reasons why floaters, flashes of light similar to lightning, or shadows can show up in your vision. Which is why it is IMPORTANT to NEVER self-diagnose. The moment you experience any of these in multitudes that continue for several hours, do not hesitate to seek medical advice from your doctor.

Photos from Dr Andrew Caster's post 05/15/2024

One of our patients once told us, “Once you have this experience with LASIK, you can’t help but spread the word”

Madison admitted that although she felt nervous before her treatment, she was immediately put at ease by the hospitality of our team. We love to set a positive tone for our patients. This is a life-changing experience for you and we want to ensure your comfort!

If you’re considering vision correction with us in our Beverly Hills office, we welcome you to ask us anything whether by phone, DM, or text! We are always listening and will be happy to help inform you of anything you want to know about this treatment!

Do you have any questions about LASIK?


Don’t ignore your eyes this summer!

Whether you’re at the beach or out grabbing a refreshing drink with friends, remember that June is right around the corner and this is your reminder that proper UV protection is great for Cataract prevention!

Photos from Dr Andrew Caster's post 05/07/2024

Think of LASIK as letting go of leg braces

Leg braces help keep you up and walking. They get the job done but, If you were offered a 5-minute painless procedure to walk with your legs again, would you prefer that instead?

LASIK helps you see things with your own eyes. No more disruptions to what activities you can do, irritations, forgetting your lenses, or dealing with foreign objects in your eyes. We’ve had many patients come in with “whys” from different situations. Some are surfers trying not to lose their contact lenses in the ocean, rock climbers trying not to break their glasses, mothers who want to see their children’s sports games without limitations, or a person simply trying to live life without worrying about an inconvenience such as remembering to take their glasses everywhere or making sure their contacts don’t dry out, etc.

In the long run, the biggest benefit I hear from patients to this day is that LASIK gave them freedom.


Real question: If you wear glasses or contacts, why haven’t you opted for LASIK?


Who else is suffering from eye allergies this season?


What can we say about Shay?

She, like many of us, admitted that she was very anxious about her upcoming procedure. She was so anxious that she said she even rescheduled a couple of times!

Eventually, she realized she was ready for the change. She came in and was shocked at how quickly she finished. She immediately saw the difference and began to live her life going onto new projects in her career and ultimately calling LASIK one of the BEST decisions she’s ever made. Congratulations, Shay!

Photos from Dr Andrew Caster's post 04/19/2024

I will NEVER stop discussing the benefits of LASIK.

Why? Besides being a doctor who specializes in it, I get to see how this affects not only my patients but myself and my family. From personal experience, when you can finally see completely without needing glasses or contacts, it’s like taking a deep breath for the first time. The entire world is like new and the freedom is indescribable. What many of my patients describe it as is almost feeling like you’re unstoppable and I want that for YOU.

My motive behind offering a free consultation is not to try to sell you on the most “expensive” procedure or to get you to commit to it on the spot. It’s to educate you on what all of this means. There’s a lot of confusion on LASIK and part of my job is to make sure you walk away confident and educated on this procedure and its variations.

If you have any questions, I encourage you to reach out to me and my team at our Beverly Hills office. Find our info when you check out our bio!


Patient Spotlight: John Stamos!

I had the pleasure of helping John with his vision journey right before his first son was born. These days, technology helps us conserve these amazing memories on our phones or cameras, but there’s never going to be anything like experiencing it for the first time and I believe whether you’re having a wedding, bringing a child into the world, or even living your day-to-day, you deserve to see it through your own eyes.

Photos from Dr Andrew Caster's post 04/15/2024

Have you ever been seen by an Ophthalmologist? 👁️

As an Ophthalmologist, I am a medical doctor who has a focus on vision care. Within the specialty of Ophthalmology, I am a SUPER-specialist in LASIK procedures which include ALL Laser LASIK, PRK, and SMILE! 👨‍⚕️

When you see me for a consultation, I am present throughout every step of your process leading up to your procedure. Once that’s done, I personally ensure proper follow-up care to see how your vision continues improving depending on the procedure you’ve had!

Did you know there were different variations of LASIK?

Photos from Dr Andrew Caster's post 04/10/2024

We know there's an epidemic of poor vision in younger generations. So what can we do?

This epidemic is targeting youth ages 20 and under before their eyes have fully developed. The solution I can best provide to keep you or your child's vision in check is to get at LEAST 1 hour of sunlight per day. This means an absolute reset for your eyes by shutting off the phone or laptop (setting a timer can also help you keep track of this break), getting some sunglasses (Do NOT leave the house without them), and going for a nice walk or having your kids play outside! Make this a daily habit.

Although, we're not sure why the sunlight seems to prevent people from getting more nearsighted, this is definitely a factor as evidenced by large studies of tens of thousands of kids. Be sure to get outside! Not only is it good for you and your child's mental health, but it'll help keep your vision young too!

When was the last time your eyes got a break from technology? Before you say it, sleeping does NOT count!

Photos from Dr Andrew Caster's post 04/05/2024

Here’s a BONUS tip

Besides indirectly viewing the eclipse using two separate pieces of paper, which is my most recommended method if skipping the eclipse is not what you plan to do!

A tip I hadn’t mentioned is watching it online! There are always websites (like NASA) that would show a live (and safe) viewing of the solar eclipse.

The eclipse is almost here! What questions do you have about viewing it? Ask me in the comments!

Photos from Dr Andrew Caster's post 04/01/2024

It may be April Fool’s but your vision is no joke!

A LOT of folks forget to get routine eye checks. There are conditions of the eyes that require treatment, such as glaucoma, that can only be determined by an eye exam. Remember, you only get ONE SET of eyes in your life. Make sure you’re protecting your vision at ALL costs by ensuring they’re in a healthy state.

Have you gotten your eyes checked?

Photos from Dr Andrew Caster's post 03/21/2024

The Winter gloom is finally over! But now there's another issue...

Eye allergies.

Besides taking the usual antihistamine pills, most people do not know that you can use over-the-counter antihistamine allergy drops. (one brand I recommend using is Alaway) There's pollen in the air and sadly, there's no way to avoid it. Ensure that you're taking extra precautions when going outside. Make sure that you're gently cleaning your eyelids every day to remove any particles from your eyes, staying hydrated, making use of an air filter at home, and also being a bit more mindful when it comes to cleaning your eyewear every day.

Happy Spring!

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Videos (show all)

I'm a LASIK specialist. OF COURSE I'm on-call for my patients after their treatment to make sure they're doing okay! #co...
@followers Do you wear blue light glasses? As a doctor, I can't say I can get behind the idea of these glasses. There ha...
The truth about polarized sunglasses:They decrease glare off of flat surfaces, such as water or roads. Whether or not yo...
If you’re into martial arts, this is for you! PRK or SMILE is what I normally recommend for martial arts athletes. I can...
During the first episode, we discussed what All-Laser LASIK was. Now, in dedication of Smile Month, let’s talk SMILE LAS...
Have you ever wondered if you should relax your vision throughout the day? 👁️ This simple method keeps eye strain at bay...
Floaters might be annoying, but are they a sign of something else?Unless one of these 3 things happen, you usually don’t...
We are incredibly honored to take part in this mission to help give children a chance at better vision. We recently got ...
“Speed wasn’t the focus. It was safety” When I ask my patients what their experience was like with us, I almost always g...
Do you know what 20/20 actually means? 👀Generally, we know that this is a number that symbolizes good vision. What about...
Patient Spotlight: Rita! Another wonderful transformation! Rita now has vision that’s as amazing as she is! Are you cons...
With Spring now upon us, it’s a matter of time before the hottest time of the year comes around! How at risk are we REAL...





9100 Wilshire Boulevard, Ste 265E
Beverly Hills, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 5pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 5pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5pm
Friday 8:30am - 5pm

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