Videos by BSA Scout Troop 33 of Beverly Hills in Beverly Hills. We are an activity driven troop/pack that on top of regular meetings have monthly activities which provide scouts and their families opportunities to experience, explore and learn together!
BH Troop 33 trecked into the night and was up before dawn this morning to catch the last Delta II Rocket ever to launch. The rockets payload is the ICESAT-2 satellite
Join Scouting and make a positive difference! Scouting is unlike any other activity. The combination of incredible experiences chosen by the scouts and then led by the scouts themselves creates lifetime experiences, leadership opportunities and knowledge of critical skills. The boys who make up Troop 33 range from 11 to 18 years of age. They have or will make the significant investment of 4 to 7 years as they strive to become Eagle Scouts. If they have bridged from Cub Scouts they will have invested 8 to 11 years in scouting. Many are so committed that they stay on after they turn 18 and participate as Assistant Scoutmasters supporting the troop while they are at college locally. Colleges see these experiences and achievement of the rank of Eagle Scout as very valuable and we have been told it has a significant impact on your ranking for admission. USC's Admission standards state: "We are particularly interested in learning about our applicants' activities outside the classroom. The application's activity summary gives you the opportunity to highlight special skills or talents, interesting experiences and personal accomplishments. When reviewing activities, the admission committee is looking for those experiences that might suggest your potential for leadership and involvement at USC. We are interested in seeing activities that show passion, potential and a significant investment of time; an activity summary listing a large volume of cursory involvement is often much less impressive than one showing ongoing commitment to, and leadership in, a smaller number of activities."
Pack 100 Promo Video
Cub Scouting is a fantastic program. If you are looking for something that not only is a lot of fun but will enrich your son's life in ways that you have not even thought of please consider signing up for Scouting. Pack 100 will be registering 1st through 5th graders (boys 6th and up can join one of several fine Boy Scout Troops in the area).
Interested parents can contact me here or at (310) 651-6874