Andrea Best, MD

Andrea Best, MD

Offering consultations/workshops/retreats: Integrative Medicine; Holistic Psychiatry; Nutrition

Photos from Andrea Best, MD's post 08/26/2024

6 MONTHS AGO. Balancing golf, class work, Model UN/Debate Team competitions and travel. More intense work with local policy to Global Affairs. Increased concerns about college programs’ involvement/handling of global affairs. Decisions about preferred colleges shift. Less talk about golf; more about international affairs, world religion, advocacy.


Love Abounds and it is a lovely day to create more Self-Love and Health Transformation, at retreat In Costa Rica July 2024. Early bird pricing ends tomorrow. What an Amazing gift for yourself, or someone you Love, today.


This isn’t the New Moon. But tonight IS the night of our first New Moon. Fresh start, blank page, new possibilities time. Packing up work; Preparing my space for a meditation ceremony to focus on some new health and wellness intentions (some that have only come to mind this week). Encouraged my patients to do the same. Light the candle. Breathe slowly. Ask. Write it. Place on the Flame. What are some questions people brought up in appointment today? What do I want? What is my sacred ask for my own body? How wonderful is it going to feel when I have it? Ahhhh, yes. Feeling my way.

What questions do they have? Should I take that medicine? Should I switch my health insurance or keep Kaiser? Should I have the procedure? Should I eliminate all meat? Should I stop the chemo? Should I risk another pregnancy? Should I stop the med and start a psychedelic? They asked a lot. I don’t have all the answers. I often don’t have their answers. Pointing to Alignment, Meditation. New Moon Meditation Tonight. May the answers, the solutions, the healing, the miracles all Flow in, In Grace, In a Perfect Way 🙏🏽



Shonda on TikTok. Listen and Be encouraged. This is my answer to 50+ questions, including why have I not posted any of the Amazing trips, workshops, retreats… Why don’t I hear back from you the same day, a day later…Why didn’t I even know about the last trip… Why aren’t you advertising… Where is the last edit of the kid’s anxiety book… Why Why Why…
My daughter is happy and well, despite a most awful, broken medical system. My son is happy and well, despite isolation and systemic issues on a large college campus.
I am happy and declaring wellness, despite being a doctor and also traumatized by this broken medical system. I Am Trusting that all is and will Be Well.
A friend (Love you, Marta) shared this In Perfect Timing—and I joined TikTok Lol for the first time just to see it on repeat and share it.
I will post again. When? We will see. I guess it’s just another thing that doesn’t get done… while I’m over here doing all of this, In Love, In Light. 🙏🏽💫

Watch this reel by drdeenaspeaks on Instagram 03/25/2022

Counting Down! 2 days until the EPIC Melanin Tôks event. I am excited to join this amazing group of women, in telling our fun, uplifting, and inspirational stories.
The art of storytelling passed down generation to generation! What an honor to share the stage with these lovely/powerful women!

For more information, or tickets, please visit:

Watch this reel by drdeenaspeaks on Instagram Dr. Deena C. Brown shared a post on Instagram: “Since the beginning of time, storytelling has been vitalizing in the African and African American…” • Follow their account to see 911 posts.


Please join us at the upcoming Melanin TôKs event on March 26th, presented by The Leadhershift Movement, where Dr. Andrea Best will be a guest storyteller! Come for inspiration, empowerment, and knowledge and leave with the tools to become the all-powerful-women(being) you are!
Please follow the link below for more information!


The Ascension Show Season 3, Episode Seven

Here is the instant premier link:



We have our “Earth Age” and OUR “Soul Age” coupled with the unseen energy of joy and happiness that influences our material DNA for optimal health and well-being.

This show is full of surprises on where the conversations lead to on dating... s*x... marriage... age “norms” & more. Plus, we talk supplements, sleep, tea, meals and all the right stuff to fuel up with. And, learn about and its age-defying tricks!!


Anchors: Dr. Denise McDermott, Jennifer Shaffer, Dr. Andrea Best, Beverly Bergmann, Cathleen O’Toole
Executive Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, Cathleen O’Toole
Associate Producer: Katherine Axiotis
​Vocals: Emily Eddins
​Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, G. Beverly Bergmann, Emily Eddins
Graphic Artist: Carolyn Honda

Links in show:
~Dr. Andrea Best’s Transformation Women’s Retreat
~Dr. Jo Dispenza/Epi-genetics

Photos from Andrea Best, MD's post 06/11/2021
I am excited to join the 2022 Unshakeable Woman Conference Cruise Retreat as the keynote speaker! Click (or copy) the link above for more details!

Timeline photos 05/30/2021

The Ascension Show Season 3, Episode Five
“Intuition: Hacking the Afterlife”


It’s your clear knowing, your clear feeling, your clear seeing — it’s your ! But how do you use it and how do you , The Other Side? The Ascension Show team tackles it all! The doctors answer the million-dollar question of, “Is this my anxiety or my intuition?” Plus, practical applications of your intuition — everything from high heels vs. slippers to locating Leo the Cat — how to listen to your highest sensory level all the time. Get ready to tap into your Ethereal Internal Guidance!

Anchors: Dr. Denise McDermott, Jennifer Shaffer, Dr. Andrea Best, Beverly Bergmann, Cathleen O’Toole
Executive Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, Cathleen O’Toole
Associate Producer: Katherine Axiotis
Vocals: Emily Eddins
Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, G. Beverly Bergmann, Emily Eddins
Graphic Artist: Carolyn Honda
Guest: Richard Martini

Links in show:

Here is the instant premiere link:

Timeline photos 05/27/2021

Join Dr. Andrea Best at the Kairos Summit on Saturday, May 29th at 11:30am to discuss integrative medicine and nutrition! Dr. Best will be live to chat during the presentation to answer any questions! Click the link to register now!
Want to know more about the Kairos Summit? Watch this link for more details!


I’m excited to participate as a keynote speaker in The 2021 Kairos Summit!

I’m inviting you to join us – international business owners, philanthropists, educators, doctors, and technology and brain creators as we celebrate, network, and empower. Topics of discussion: international business, African trade, building corporate relationships, business finance, post-Covid business models, racial equity, education and the digital divide, cannabis and CBD, and improving mind/body total health to fulfill one’s purpose. Come and browse presentations, visit virtual booths, make valuable connections, relax at the networking lounge, and access tools that will accelerate your individual/company’s growth.

Register for the Free, three-day virtual event: Tuesday, May 25th; Friday, May 28th; Saturday, May 29.
Eventbrite link in post


Happy International Women’s Day 2021 “Choose To Challenge”!
So honored to work with the Ascension women who Choose To Challenge Every Day, Every Show. I’m also So Thankful for the teachings of Professor Dr Gail Wyatt back at UCLA in the late 90’s. Check out her book, Stolen Women. Reclaiming Our Sexuality, Taking Back Our Lives. It was groundbreaking then and continues to be powerful, enlightening. Let’s continue to uplift, encourage, honor women. all parts of self *xuality


On Alchemy: Deep Dive on Liberation

What happens when one realizes one show alone, The Ascension Show, cannot possibly address the week’s topic “Liberation”, especially during Black History Month? Well, you produce another show on your platform that does, a show that addresses the feelings, triggers and questions around that word.

This week, on the On Alchemy show, Dr Denise and I address your (and our) questions, feelings, triggers around the topic “Liberation”. Listen to hear how to Alchemize, how to handle thoughts and feelings to then feel and Be Free, Liberated. We tackle the challenging questions: How do you feel Liberation, in this country, if you’re a person of color? How do we all effectively talk about, create, and experience Freedom? How do we give ourselves permission to Feel Free, Liberated… when the evidence around us appears to point to the opposite? Racism and inequality may be a daily reality that prevents freedom for some. The pandemic that isolates us, a collective reality, certainly doesn’t promote the feeling of freedom. Then also, Anxiety and Fear seem to whisper to many that there’s not enough of what we need, not enough to share. That doesn’t feel like freedom. For some others, who are not experiencing any discrimination, restrictions or suffering … we talk about steps to remove guilt about the enjoyment of things, importance of altruism/speaking up for others, and ways to give yourself permission to Feel Free To Feel Good. The path to Liberation. That’s what we’re for and about this week. Join us as we share our respective journeys and tips for Liberation.


Andrea Carter Best


The Pause ... The Ascenscion Team took a break. For me, that meant time away, on a friend’s boat. The short, audio only podcast before the break:

Dr. Denise MD 10/18/2020

The Ascension Show Two
Altruism in Action to Elevate All


As if the show didn’t have enough doctors!! Dr. Denise Berger of Pepperdine University joins us this week to talk about the Universal Truth of Altruism. Dr. Denise McDermott and Dr. Andrea Best, our MD-credentialed co-anchors, explore the science behind why giving feels so good. Ascension Medium Jennifer Shaffer helps us dig into the New Normal as we look at the positive ways the world is moving. Think , not just shift! We also will explore news headlines as they pertain to . And viewers looking for a kinder, gentler world, will see how we peacefully discuss The Vote 2020 while honoring divergent viewpoints, not creating even more noise. Also looking at our past will most likely get you pumped up for this little voting thing we have going on right now. Finally, get prepared to have a dose of Altruism injected into your life with your very own assignment from our Legacy of Love Ambassador G. Beverly Bergmann. Awareness, mental wellness, self-love and altruism — it’s all yours for the taking!

Anchors: Dr. Denise McDermott, Jennifer Shaffer, Dr. Andrea Best, Cathleen O’Toole
Executive Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, Cathleen O’Toole
Associate Producer: Katherine Axiotis
​Vocals: Emily Eddins
​Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, G. Beverly Bergmann, Emily Eddins
Graphic Artist: Carolyn Honda
Live Guest: Dr. Denise Berger

Links mentioned in show:

.beverly .axiotis .love Cathleen O’Toole

Watch in link above!

Dr. Denise MD Elevating the human spirit through media Learn More Latest Inspirations Inspirations Oct 11, 2020 The Ascension Premiere Oct 11, 2020 Listen to the first episode of The Ascension here! Read More → Oct 11, 2020 Oct 6, 2020 On Alchemy Series Sizzle Reel Oct 6, 2020 Watch the On Alchemy Series highli...

United in Integrity to Elevate the Human Spirit 10/11/2020

The Ascension Show One
United in Integrity to Elevate the Human Spirit

Premieres Oct 11, 2020 1111ampst

Four women of diverse background come together to discuss Universal Truths and how to mindfully infuse them into all our lives. For this first episode, we tackle INTEGRITY. We examine current events, age-old wisdom and talk about being . We talk about The Vote 2020 and attempt to elevate the conversation with a look at history. We “tap in” to figure out some practices that might unite these United States. We also look at some of the hate and vitriol in our world and attempt to shine light into these dark spaces. Viewers will meet a special guest, an “Artist with Integrity,” who will share prose, examples and coaching to use intuition to enhance our inner awareness and to trust freely. You’ll walk away with an action item to bring INTEGRITY, love and light to your corner of our planet. Being will fortify your wellness.

Dr. Denise McDermott
Jennifer Shaffer
Dr. Andrea Best
Cathleen O’Toole

Special Guest:
Beverly Bergmann

Executive Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, Cathleen O’Toole
Associate Producer: Katherine Axiotis

Vocals: Emily Eddins
Producers: Dr. Denise McDermott, G. Beverly Bergmann, Emily Eddins

Visit us at:

Cathleen O'TooleJennifer Medlyn Shaffer Andrea Carter Best Beverly Bergmann Emily Eddins

United in Integrity to Elevate the Human Spirit Four women of diverse background come together to discuss Universal Truths and how to mindfully infuse them into all our lives. For this first episode, we ta...


We just completed taping of the first show in the series, The Ascension! Universal Truth for today: INTEGRITY.
So timely!
Show posts this Sunday! ❤️


So excited! And the work continues...

Timeline photos 04/15/2020

There are people who believe in Science, but not Inner Being/God/Source/Universe etc. There are people who only believe in Spirituality or Religion, and not Science. Anyone keeping up with the last decade of and current advances and understanding however know that the biggest non believers on both sides now know and speak differently. See Truth.
Science And The Art of Medicine. Spirituality And Science. Quantum Physics, Power of Faith, The Field, Energy— all proven. And not so complex. Sounds complex, but the simplicity is incredible and the true factors are now recognized in medical offices, spiritual centers, and all systems (including those wishing you Not to know) around the globe. Factors that are, yes especially and even now, relevant and necessary.
Like your Inner Being and You, there is Never any separation.
So many symptoms. Confusion. So many questions. Confusion. Many excellent guides to the answers but the answers, to all and every, ultimately relate to a deeper, yet accessible place in you. Just have to get quiet enough, still enough, and get to some basic powerful understandings. When you have the thought that deep down something else is going on here, in you ... do not move on and distract yourself from that. It is time.
The subconscious program is real and it is on always. Like the Lil man behind the curtain, the not so great Wizard of Oz, playing the program, the same old recording, the repeat, that which keeps on showing up, more or different symptoms, same old response you said you would change, the same old pattern, same old results. But yet... It is a liar and You do have the power to create a different outcome. God doesn’t condemn and we should not condemn ourselves. But we do have to make some changes because we deserve to feel, do, and have better.
There are just some things to Remember, not to learn... to Remember. Whether you read this excellent book with discussion of science, medicine, spirituality and How to clearly see and remember and Change/Get what you want in your health and life... or go straight to his guided subconscious programming meditation in the back or downloadable online, It is time.

Timeline photos 08/22/2019

Thank you Abraham!!!

Timeline photos 05/11/2019

View from Point Dume Cliffs. , , , , , , , , ,


Move, + tunes, feel the happy chemicals surging inside

Photos from Andrea Best, MD's post 04/17/2019

We didn’t know what a late night misstep, then a few more mistakes, and a missed subway stop in Paris would get us. Then we walked up stairs from the subway station exit and immediately saw this. Magical. Beautiful. A reminder to me that there really are very few mistakes...and to keep on enjoying things, people, and moments when they are here :)

6 Things That Happened When I Tried Intermittent Fasting For A Week 07/11/2018

“Intermittent Fasting -- more a dieting pattern than a diet…”

What is intermittent fasting? Essentially it's you giving your body a break and choosing a set amount of time hours in the day that you eat that compliments the amount of hours your body is at rest while sleeping.

Would you try it? Get the first hand account of a woman that tried it for a week!

6 Things That Happened When I Tried Intermittent Fasting For A Week Is this diet trend too good to be true? I decided to find out.

Exercise Tips For a Busy Working Mom 07/06/2018

How many moms do I have out there? Mom's of infants? Toddlers? If you're a working mother, no matter the child's age, it can be difficult to find time for yourself and carve out time to workout.

Below I found an article that has some great tips to do just that. Try now and thank me later. I promise that you'll feel a lot better : )

Exercise Tips For a Busy Working Mom Are you a working mom struggling to fit in time to exercise? These tips set a great foundation for making exercise an awesome self-care habit.


“Self-Care looks like deciding to love myself enough not to settle for less than what I deserve” -Alex Elle

The Best Travel-Friendly Workouts You Can Do With No Equipment 06/29/2018

If you have an active lifestyle it can sometimes be challenging to find time for yourself. Part of Integrative Medicine is to practice & develop skills in order to be consistent in your journey of self care and a balanced lifestyle.

Staying physically active can prove to be challenging especially while traveling. Before you take your next trip, either for business or pleasure, think about incorporating and setting aside some time to workout. Let your hotel room or where ever you choose to stay be your personal gym for at least 30min. You don't even need any equipment!

The Best Travel-Friendly Workouts You Can Do With No Equipment We've rounded up our top on-the-go routines.

10 Facts You Might Not Know About Sleep and Mental Health | Neurocore 06/27/2018

“Poor sleep habits have been linked to problems like depression and anxiety…”

Are you getting a restful amount of sleep at night? Do you go to bed at the same hour each night? Are electronics a part of your pre slumber rituals? It's important to make sure that the amount of sleep you receive is consistent and that you develop healthy sleeping habits as bad habits may lead to problems affecting your mental health.

Read this informative and helpful article to give you some guidance on how to develop healthy sleeping habits and the link between mental health and sleep.

10 Facts You Might Not Know About Sleep and Mental Health | Neurocore If you’ve ever felt drowsy or “zoned out” in class or at work, then you’re already aware of how important a good night’s sleep can be. What you might not know, however, is that sleep isn’t just important for helping you get through those dreaded Monday mornings, but it’s essential for ...

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Videos (show all)

Love Abounds and it is a lovely day to create more Self-Love and Health Transformation, at retreat In Costa Rica July 20...
Shonda on TikTok. Listen and Be encouraged. This is my answer to 50+ questions, including why have I not posted any of t...



8484 Wilshire Boulevard #200
Beverly Hills, CA

Opening Hours

Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm

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Organic Immune Support + First-Aid Products.