Brazil-California Chamber of Commerce (BCCC) is the only Brazilian business association in Los Angeles, and we're expanding!

The Brazil-California Chamber of Commerce (BCCC) is a nonprofit 501(c)(6) organization, and the only Brazilian business association in Los Angeles. BCCC is your connection to influential people, innovative programs, valuable resources and important information about doing business in Brazil and with the Brazilian business community in Los Angeles. Be sure to visit our website and join us for our next networking event!


Warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful holiday and a very happy new year.


Desejamos a todos um Natal repleto de alegria, cercado pelo calor da família e embrulhado em amor e gratidão.
Que esta temporada traga momentos preciosos e sorrisos inesquecíveis!


In the midst of our busy lives, Thanksgiving invites us to pause, express gratitude, and share special moments with our loved ones. May this day be filled with thankfulness, unity, and cherished memories. Happy Thanksgiving!


Em meio à correria do dia a dia, o Thanksgiving nos convida a pausar, agradecer e compartilhar momentos especiais com quem amamos. Que este dia seja repleto de gratidão, união e lembranças afetuosas. Happy Thanksgiving!


Join us for an engaging seminar that delves into the vibrant worlds of music, audiovisual, and entertainment industries in both Brazil and the U.S.

Explore the key trends, investment opportunities, production incentives, and public support mechanisms that shape these dynamic sectors.

Junte-se a nós em um seminário envolvente que investiga os mundos vibrantes das indústrias musical, audiovisual e de entretenimento no Brasil e nos EUA.

Explore as principais tendências, oportunidades de investimento, incentivos à produção e mecanismo de apoio público que moldam estes setores dinâmicos.



Join us for an engaging seminar that delves into the vibrant worlds of music, audiovisual, and entertainment industries in both Brazil and the U.S.

Junte-se a nós em um seminário envolvente que investiga os mundos vibrantes das indústrias musical, audiovisual e de entretenimento no Brasil e nos EUA.


Join us for an engaging seminar that delves into the vibrant worlds of music, audiovisual, and entertainment industries in both Brazil and the U.S. Explore the key trends, investment opportunities, production incentives, and public support mechanisms that shape these dynamic sectors. Gain insights from industry experts, government officials, and thought leaders as we discuss the cultural impact and business potential of producing content in these two diverse and creative nations.

Date: Monday, October 30th, 2023 Time: 7:30 am - 12:30 pm (PDT) Location: Consulate of Brazil in Los Angeles, 8484 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 300, Beverly Hills, CA


The Brazil California Chamber of Commerce supports and joins @‌giseleambrosiolaw and @‌diegoboni for a presentation about the “Brazilian Consumer Behavior in the United States”. Providing an overview of the market and relevant data and insights, the presenters will describe and discuss how Brazilians exercise all their purchasing power in the U.S. market.

See you at the Brazilian Consulate in Los Angeles on September 19th at 10am!

*The lecture will be in Portuguese.


A Brazil California Chamber of Commerce apoia e participa da palestra de @‌diegoboni e @‌giseleambrosiolaw sobre o “Comportamento do Consumidor Brasileiro nos Estados Unidos”, em que apresenta um panorama completo do mercado e traz dados e informações relevantes que retratam como o brasileiro exerce todo o seu poder de compra no mercado americano.

Nos vemos no Consulado Brasileiro em Los Angeles, no dia 19 de Setembro às 10am!

*A palestra será realizada em Português.


Join the Brazil California Trade & Logistics Committee on November 10 and 11 to hear from government leaders and industry experts about opportunities to boost trade between Brazil and California.

Speakers include Joseph C. Semsar, Acting Under Secretary for the International Trade Administration from the U.S. Department of Commerce, Lucas Ferraz, International Trade Secretary from the Brazilian Ministry of Economy, and many more.

You don't want to miss this opportunity!

➡️ Register here: 👉


The Brazil California Chamber of Commerce once again supports EXPOCINE, the largest movie industry convention in Latin America.
The event takes place in São Paulo, between the 3rd and 6th of October.

With an intensified schedule to bring a more complete experience to all participants, EXPOCINE will be divided into two spaces: the Cine Marquise, at Conjunto Nacional on Avenida Paulista, with panels, lectures, workshops and presentations; and at the Renaissance Hotel, located in Alameda Santos, where the business fair will be hosted.

Credentials are on sale at discounted prices for a limited time and BCCC members also have a 15% discount.

Send an e-mail to [email protected] and redeem your voucher (only members with dues up to date will be entitled to the voucher).
Access and secure your spot!

A Brazil California Chamber of Commerce mais uma vez apoia a EXPOCINE, a maior convenção da indústria de cinema da América Latina.

Com uma programação intensificada para levar uma experiência mais completa a todos os participantes, a EXPOCINE será dividida entre dois espaços, o Cine Marquise, no Conjunto Nacional da Avenida Paulista, com painéis, palestras, oficinas e apresentações e no Hotel Renaissance, localizado na Alameda Santos, que receberá a feira de negócios.

As credenciais estão à venda com preços promocionais por tempo limitado e membros da BCCC ainda tem 15% de desconto.

Entre em contato pelo nosso e-mail [email protected] e resgate seu voucher (apenas membros com os dues em dia terão direito ao voucher).


Business owners know the importance of making valuable connections, understanding the market and being present.

Brazil has 215 million residents who can become customers, investors or that potential contact that you need to expand even further!

Quem tem comércio sabe da importância de se fazer conexões valiosas, entender o mercado e estar presente.

Na Califórnia são 39 milhões de habitantes que podem se tornar clientes, investidores, parceiros ou o possível contato que faltava para você prosperar ainda mais!


Creating valuable connections with like-minded executives, investors and service providers is critical when you’re planning your expansion or if you already have operations and investments in two of the world's largest economies, the U.S. and Brazil. We at the Brazil California Chamber of Commerce operate in this space, providing insights, information and connectivity, and we are ready to help you.

Gerar conexões valiosas com outros empresários, investidores e prestadores de serviços é fundamental quando você planeja expandir seu negócio ou já tem operações e investimentos em duas das maiores potências mundiais, os EUA e o Brasil. Nós da Câmara de Comércio Brasil Califórnia atuamos nesse espaço, provendo informações e conexões, e estamos prontos para te ajudar.


On June 6th, the Film Commissions Webinar will take place, which will bring together Brazilian and international experts, aiming to expand knowledge about how film commissions work and their importance for the local economy and the audiovisual sector worldwide.

The Brazil California Chamber of Commerce supports this event, along with . This event is promoted by and , and it is sponsored by .

Online and free, sign up to our webinar via link in bio. 📍

Dia 06 de junho acontece o Webinar Film Commissions, que trará especialistas brasileiros e internacionais, com o objetivo de ampliar o conhecimento sobre o funcionamento de film commissions e a sua importância para a economia local e setor audiovisual no mundo todo.

A Brazil California Chamber of Commerce apoia este evento, junto com CQS/FV Advogados. Realização da Expocine e Los Angeles Entertainment Services (LAES), com patrocínio da Latin American Training Center (LATC).

O seminário será online e gratuito! Inscreva-se através do link na bio. 📍


Brazil California Chamber Of Commerce in partnership with Consulate General of Brazil in Los Angeles and Aranovich Law Film, PC present the event "Demystifying the future of technology".

Come join this event about the latest technology trends. Don't forget it's a member-exclusive event.

📍 Register now and secure your spot!
📩 RSVP: [email protected]

A Câmara de Comércio Brasil Califórnia em parceria com o Consulado Geral do Brasil em Los Angeles e Aranovich Law Film, PC apresenta o evento "Desmistificando o Futuro da Tecnologia".

Venha participar deste evento sobre as últimas tendências tecnológicas. Não se esqueça que é um evento exclusivo para membros.

📍 Faça já sua inscrição e garanta sua vaga!
📩 RSVP: [email protected]


If your plan is to boost business and generate more revenue and possibilities between Brazil and California, we can help you!

In today's post you will see some of the features and advantages of being a member of the Brazil California Chamber of Commerce.

Se o seu plano é gerar mais negócios e catalisar possibilidades na Califórnia, nós podemos te ajudar!

No post de hoje você vai ver alguns atributos e vantagens de ser um membro da Câmara de Comércio Brasil-Califórnia.


In partnership with ApexBrasil, General Consulate of Brazil in San Francisco and General Consulate of Brazil in Los Angeles, we are honored to present Webnar Direto de Mercado, West Coast edition of the United States.

The focus is to present opportunities for beginner exporters and non-exporting companies, providing access or expansion of their operations to this region of the United States.

Sign up by March 29th.
📍 Link in Bio!

Em parceria com a ApexBrasil, Consulado Geral do Brasil em São Francisco e Consulado Geral do Brasil em Los Angeles, temos a honra de apresentar o Webnar Direto de Mercado, edição Costa Oeste dos Estados Unidos.

O objetivo desta série é apresentar oportunidades para empresas exportadoras iniciantes e não exportadoras, disponibilizando o acesso ou expansão de suas operações nessa região dos Estados Unidos.

Inscreva-se até dia 29 de março e garanta sua vaga.
📍 Link na Bio!




Happy New Year! Wishing all our members, partners and friends a wonderful and prosperous 2023!


Thank you to all our members, partners and friends for the amazing 2022!
We at the Brazil California Chamber of Commerce wish you a wonderful holiday season and a 2023 full of happiness, health and prosperity!

Agradecemos a todos nossos membros, parceiros e amigos pelo fantástico 2022!
A Câmara de Comércio Brasil Califórnia deseja boas festas e um 2023 repleto de alegria, saúde e prosperidade!

Happy Holidays! Boas Festas! 


BCCC is proud to partner with ApexBrasil and the Consulate General of Brazil in Los Angeles to organize and host the first edition of AgriTalks -

Sustainability and Technology in Food Production: Solutions for the Future of the Planet. The in person event will take place at the InterContinental Hotel in DTLA on November 30th, from 9am to 1:30pm. 

In partnership with the U.S. Department of Commerce and the participation of prominent players such as Embrapa, Los Angeles County Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC), SVG Ventures | THRIVE, SP Ventures and others, we are delighted to arrange an agricultural innovation and food security conference, focusing on sustainable practices of Brazilian agribusiness and investment opportunities in the sector. 

The event will feature policymakers, top leaders and influencers of the agribusiness sector of Brazil and in Southern California. The Los Angeles edition will promote debates on climate change, with emphasis on the measures Brazil has been adopting to balance agricultural production and environmental sustainability; and technology for sustainable agriculture, showcasing the potential of technological solutions to ensure the sustainability of agriculture.

These topics reflect a strategic agenda for the State of California, where concerns over the effects of climate change and the search for clean and renewable energy solutions are at the forefront of public debate.

Date: November 30, 8:45 AM – 1:30 PM
Venue: InterContinental Downtown Los Angeles

We hope to see you there!


We’re happy to share the poster for this year’s edition of the Hollywood Brazilian Film Festival.

Join us November 15th-19th and discover the best of Brazilian independent and arthouse cinema.

➡️ to find out more about this year’s program!


LAIPLA (Los Angeles Intellectual Property Law Association) in conjunction with LMU Loyola Law School, Los Angeles presents its groundbreaking annual TechTainment™ program for an eighth year. TechTainment™ 8.0 will take place on Thursday, November 10, 2022.  

Register 👇


LABRFF 2022 panels. Those will take place at the Laemlle Monica Film Center on November 7th and November 8th.


Come and enjoy an evening of art.
After the movie, the festival will offer a cocktail party.
Tickets are available at


The Los Angeles Brazilian Film Festival is back. Celebrating its fifteenth anniversary LABRFF is confirmed from November 5th-9th. Co-founder Meire Fernandes made the announcement that the festival is back with its activities. With its Opening Night Gala at the iconic Harmony Gold Theater in Hollywood, LABRFF is very proud to bring “Diversity” as its theme and the festival program will be comprised of feature films, shorts, music videos, and international shorts in addition to seminars, workshops, and networking meetings.


Expocine 2022 é semana que vem!

Falta apenas uma semanas para a Expocine 2022 e, se você ainda não fez sua inscrição, não perca mais tempo!

A maior convenção de negócios do cinema e audiovisual da América Latina acontece de 20 a 23 de setembro, 100% presencial, no Cine Marquise e no Renaissance Hotel, em São Paulo.
O Cine Marquise também receberá os painéis e palestras, as apresentações das distribuidoras e sessões de pitching de film commissions e prefeituras, que apresentarão as oportunidades e benefícios para filmar em suas cidades. No Hotel Renaissance, a cerca de 150 metros, acontecerá a tradicional feira de negócios, com mais de 30 expositores confirmados.

Confira a programação já confirmada e garanta sua credencial em
Associados BCCC têm 15% de desconto, basta resgatar o codigo enviando um email p/ [email protected]
Aproveite e nos vemos lá!


Está aberto o credenciamento para Expocine 2022. Em sua 9º edição e voltando ao formato 100% presencial, o evento acontecerá de 20 a 23 de setembro, em dois espaçõs, separados por apensa 150 metros de distância na região da Avenida Paulista: o já tradicional Cine Marquise e um dos mais conhecidos e visitados hotéis da cidade de São Paulo, Renaissance.

O Cine Marquise sediará em suas salas a cerimônia de abertura, painéis e palestras, apresentação das distribuidoras e alguns expositores que precisam estar dentro de um cinema para reforçar ainda mais a importância de seus produtores e serviços. Os visitantes contarão com tecnologia de ponta de som Dolby Atmos, projeção Laser da Cinionic e uma tela de última geração da Harkness.

Já o Renaissance Hotel sediará o centro de credenciamento ao visitante, além da já famosa feira de negócios, contando com mais de 30 estandes expositores. A conveniência com o Renaissance Hotel contará com bares, restaurantes e mais de 400 quartos que já podem ser reservados por quem quiser aproveitar cada detalhe da maios convenção de negócios de audiovisual da América Latina.

A programação completa será divulgada em breve.

Garanta sua credencial no site



Here's to a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! Let's make it amazing!


Brazil California Chamber of Commerce


Dear BCCC members, partners and friends,

We at the Brazil California Chamber of Commerce appreciate your support throughout 2021 and look forward to expanding and improving it next year.
We wish you a happy, healthy and formidable New Year!


Brazil California Chamber of Commerce



We at the Brazil California Chamber of Commerce thank you for our partnership and for your esteemed membership. We wish you a joyful, healthy and happy holiday season and a bright, prosperous New Year!

Best regards,

Brazil California Chamber of Commerce

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Evento Embaixador
Happy Holidays
Business Women
A Path To Boost International Trade Between Brazil and California
Felipe Cusnir, Presidente da BCCC, convida todos que atuam no setor de audiovisual a participarem da Expocine/20, e do p...
This Friday. Register at


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