Boca Injury Law

AV Rated firm, experienced attorneys handling Personal Injury, Auto, Motorcycle & Trucking Accidents

Boca Injury Law represents individuals and their families who are catastrophically injured or have lost a loved one due to the negligence of others. When you are hurt and seriously injured through no fault of your own, the results can be devastating. A personal injury or loss of a loved one can also impact the financial and emotional well-being of you and your family. We offer a free initial phone


Lawyers in Fort Lauderdale, Boca Raton & Palm Beach Gardens
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With South Florida's many thousands of Spring Break visitors comes an increase in accidents & injuries of all types: car & motor vehicle accidents, slip & fall injuries, pedestrian accidents, bicycle & scooter accidents, boating accidents, negligent security, and a sharp increase in drunk driving accident and physical assault victims.

If you, a friend or a loved one has been injured while on Spring Break in Florida:

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Offices in Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale & Palm Beach Gardens
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In spite of strict national and Florida state laws surrounding drinking & driving, nearly 1,000 Floridians a year die in accidents involving an intoxicated driver.

Many thousands more are seriously hurt, often suffering permanent, life-altering injuries.

Drunk drivers confront severe civil and criminal charges when caught, yet that does not replace loved ones lost in accidents due to an impaired driver's reckless behavior.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) report that drunk driving accident deaths increase by 23% nationwide during America's Spring Break season.

If you or a loved one has been injured in any type of accident while on Spring Break in South Florida:

Especially during Florida's Spring Break season it is crucial to avoid alcohol or any intoxicating substances while driving and to maintain hyper-vigilance for impaired or distracted drivers when you are behind the wheel.

The attorneys at Boca Injury Law offer their injured clients nearly 50 years of combined legal experience in all types of accidents and injuries.


Offices in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens & Ft. Lauderdale
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The use of motorized , and e-scooters has skyrocketed in recent years, given that such "micromobility" vehicles are relatively low cost, less expensive to fuel & maintain and give riders a sense of fun and adventure.

All such small motorized vehicles, while providing an inexpensive and easy means of transportation, also leave their riders highly vulnerable to serious injury in the event of an , especially with larger motor vehicles such as cars & trucks.

Accident or Injury on Spring Break?

Scooters, and related vehicles are quite small in comparison and offer almost no on-board safety features that would provide at least some protection to riders in the event of a crash with a larger motor vehicle.

If you or a loved one has been injured or lost their life in a scooter, or accident, you should seek the legal representation of highly skilled personal injury and wrongful death attorneys, who can provide the vigorous advocacy you need to obtain justice & maximum compensation.

At Boca Injury Law, our compassionate, effective attorneys have nearly 50 yrs combined legal experience helping clients with all types of accidents & injuries.


Offices in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens & Ft Lauderdale
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Speeding is among the major contributing factors in many motor vehicle accidents, injuries & fatalities.

Please read more about speeding accidents & injuries in our latest blog post, here below.

If you or a loved one has been injured or lost their life in any type of accident, we invite you to contact us for help as soon as possible.


Offices in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens & Ft Lauderdale
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Large commercial trucks provide a crucial lifeline in the transportation of the nation's goods from one location to another. America's supply chain would essentially cease to function without the trucking industry.

While trucks comprise only about 4% of US registered vehicles, they are involved in 9% of all fatal vehicle crashes.

In 2020 alone, truck accidents caused nearly 5000 fatalities nationwide and nearly 75% of those fatalities were occupants of other vehicles involved and 12% were pedestrians or cyclists.

If you or a loved one has been injured or lost their life in an accident involving a truck, you want to work with strong legal counsel that will provide the compassion, expertise & experience necessary to achieve justice and maximum compensation in your case.

At Boca Injury Law, our attorneys offer nearly 50 yrs combined legal skill & experience in all types of accident, injury & wrongful death cases.

We will help you zealously pursue the justice you & your loved ones deserve.

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Offices in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens & Ft Lauderdale
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According to the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), seven of the ten most dangerous metro areas for pedestrians are in Florida, and over 700 Floridians died as a result of pedestrian accidents in 2019 alone. Many thousands more sustained grave injuries.

Florida roads are heavily trafficked, and this creates potentially dangerous situations for pedestrians, bicyclists & motorcyclists especially, given the lack of protections such as airbags & seat belts, which afford at least some measure of physical defense in the event of collision between motor vehicles.

Alcohol intoxication accounts for about 46% of pedestrian accidents, injuries & fatalities:

If you or a loved one has been injured or lost their life in a pedestrian or other motor vehicle related accident, you want to enlist the legal guidance of compassionate & highly skilled attorneys who will tenaciously seek justice & maximum compensation on your behalf.

At Boca Injury Law, our attorneys offer nearly 50 yrs combined legal expertise in all areas of personal injury, accidents & wrongful death. Please contact us for a free initial phone of video consultation about your case.


Offices in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens & Ft. Lauderdale

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Motor vehicle accidents occur in many different forms, all of which can cause serious personal injury, property damage and fatality.

Side impact, or T-bone, collisions are among the most common, accounting for nearly 25% of all passenger/occupant fatalities on America's roads.

T-bone collisions are especially dangerous for several reasons:
* The driver of the struck vehicle is often unaware of the pending crash before it happens, and has no time to avoid it

* The driver of the offending vehicle has run a stop light, stop sign, yield sign or has otherwise disobeyed road rules or signage

* Distracted drivers' lack of attention to the road, traffic conditions and driving itself often lead to collisions with other vehicles

* Intoxicated drivers have greatly diminished driving skills, response times & cognitive function, leading to serious crashes, often at high speeds

If you or a loved one has been injured or lost their life as a result of a side impact or any other type of motor vehicle collision, you want compassionate & highly skilled legal representation to pursue the justice & compensation you deserve.

At Boca Injury Law, we offer our clients nearly 50 yrs combined attorney experience in all types of personal injury & accident cases, fighting to help them rebuild their lives and recover the compensation they are entitled to.



Offices in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens & Ft Lauderdale
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The holiday period between Christmas Eve & New Year's Day is one of the most accident-prone times of the year.

The Automobile Association of America (AAA) estimates that 102 million Americans are taking to the roads for the 2022 holidays, many of them traveling to, from, or within Florida.

There are various reasons why the Christmas-New Year's holiday season is especially dangerous:

* Increase in the number of cars on the road & traffic in general

* Increased stress & distracted driving, particularly with so many driving to & in unfamiliar places

* Vehicles driven over long distances in a poor state of repair

* An increase in drowsy and drunk driving

An overabundance of caution is strongly recommended at all times, but holiday driving needs an even sharper focus on safe driving habits and a higher level of alertness when on the road.

If you or a loved one has been injured or lost their life in a motor vehicle accident, do not wait to get the tough, skilled, compassionate legal representation you need & deserve.

At Boca Injury Law, our attorneys offer nearly 50 yrs combined legal experience in all types of personal injury, accident & wrongful death cases.


Serving all of Florida from our offices in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens & Ft Lauderdale

2022 presented a very active and highly destructive hurricane season, with Hurricanes Ian and Nicole alone causing billions of dollars in property damage to homes, businesses, motor vehicles & watercraft across the state. And from all that, the personal toll that such destruction has caused in the lives & livelihoods of our fellow Floridians.

We've all seen the personal loss, destruction & chaos in the media and we know that each hurricane's property damage stems primarily, though not exclusively, from the storm's wind & flooding.

While a homeowner or business owner may have a number of insurance policies meant to protect themselves against the extremely high cost of repairing damage to their properties, insurance companies often delay, deny or otherwise dispute such claims in order to minimize or escape payouts to clients.

In such circumstances, you want to work with highly skilled & tenacious insurance claim dispute attorneys, who will do everything legally feasible, including litigation, to overcome the obstacles that insurance companies create, to get your legitimate claim paid as quickly & fully as possible.

The attorneys at Boca Injury Law offer their clients more than 45 years combined attorney experience, fighting insurance company claim disputes, delays & denials.

We offer a free, no obligation phone or video consult to learn more about your case.
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Offices in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens & Ft. Lauderdale
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has been extremely popular in the US for decades, and Florida is no exception. Given our state's warm climate & extensive road system, are the transportation vehicle of choice for many travelers.

However, given the lack of built-in rider & passenger physical protections offered in cars & other vehicles, such as seat belts & air bags, motorcyclists are highly vulnerable to injury & fatality in the event of an accident.

While motorcycles account for only about 3% of Florida's registered motor vehicles, they account for 17% of traffic accident deaths in the most recent five-year period.

Frequent causes of motorcycle accidents include:

* Careless lane changes by cars & other vehicles, who do not see motorcyclists in their blind spots, causing a collision

* Right of way errors caused by other drivers, especially when making left turns at intersections

* Other vehicle drivers who are intoxicated, drowsy or distracted, road debris, defective road conditions, rear end collisions and high speed accidents all contribute to grievous injury & death for motorcyclists.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured or even lost their life as a result of a or other motor vehicle accident, you want highly skilled, experienced & compassionate attorneys to help you pursue justice and maximum compensation for your injuries & losses.

At Boca Injury Law, our attorneys offer clients more than 45 years combined attorney experience in proving liability & damages in motorcycle & all motor vehicle accident cases.

We offer a free, no obligation initial phone or video consult to learn the specifics of your particular case and how we may be able to help.

** No Fee If No Recovery **


Offices in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens & Ft Lauderdale
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Slip, trip and fall accidents are among the most common causes of personal injury in both Florida specifically and the US in general.

In 2020, more than 42,000 Americans died as the result of falls at home, at work and even at grocery stores, restaurants or shopping malls.

Almost 100% of falls are preventable and we need to make safety our top priority to avoid falls as much as possible.

Many slip and fall injuries and deaths occur in the workplace, with more than 800 workers dying from falls at the workplace and more than 211,000 being injured seriously enough to need significant time away from their jobs following their fall, in 2020 alone.

Construction workers are more than seven times at risk for injury and fatality from falls at work than any other industry, but even those at desk jobs in offices can sustain serious injuries in a fall.

If you or a loved one was injured or lost their life in a slip and fall accident, construction site or other workplace accident, you want to work with supportive and highly skilled attorneys in your pursuit of justice and maximum compensation for those injuries and losses.

At Boca Injury Law, our attorneys offer more than 45 yrs of combined attorney experience vigorously advocating on behalf of our injured clients and holding accountable those who have been negligent or careless.


Offices in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens & Ft Lauderdale
** No Fee If No Recovery **

Florida's very large resident population and huge tourist numbers translate into roads very heavily trafficked by motor vehicles of all kinds, as well as bicycles & pedestrians.

Our state's car accident numbers are enormous: more than 340,000 accidents in 2020 and about 400,000 in 2021.

The increase in accidents means an unfortunate increase in injuries and deaths. There has been a nearly 20% increase in hit and run accidents just between 2020 and 2021 alone.

The overwhelming cause of motor vehicle accidents is human error, often in the form of carelessness or recklessness on the part of drivers, including driving under the influence (DUI) and distracted driving habits, such as texting while driving.

If you or a loved one has been injured as a result of a car or other vehicle accident, you should seek out highly skilled attorneys who will relentlessly advocate on your behalf for the justice & maximum compensation you deserve for your injuries & losses.

At Boca Injury Law, our attorneys offer decades of combined legal experience in aggressively, compassionately & successfully representing clients who have suffered personal injury & loss as the result of accidents.

We offer free initial consults, so please contact us today for the help you need.


Offices in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens & Ft. Lauderdale
* No Fee If No Recovery *

Any activity that diverts a driver's attention from the act of driving itself can be considered distracted driving.

It only takes a moment of distraction to cause a serious, even fatal accident. You should always keep your eyes & full attention on driving and driving only, when you're behind the wheel.

Texting while driving has become a particularly serious factor in motor vehicle accidents, as it involves manual, visual & cognitive distraction from the act of driving itself.

Pedestrians and bicyclists are especially vulnerable to catastrophic injury or death in a distracted driving accident.

If you or a loved one has been injured or lost their life due to the negligence of a distracted driver, you want to work with a legal team who will zealously defend your rights.

At Boca Injury Law, our attorneys offer 45+ yrs of highly skilled combined attorney experience helping our clients pursue justice & maximum compensation for their injuries and loss in all types of accidents.

Contact us today for a free consult about your case.

* No Fee If No Recovery *


Personal Injury & Accident Attorneys in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens & Ft. Lauderdale
** No Fee If No Recovery **

The statistics surrounding drunk driving accidents in the US are both startling and tragic.

More than 10,000 Americans die annually in alcohol-related accidents and about 1000 of those are in Florida alone. Thousands more are seriously injured.

Nearly 1/3 of Florida's annual traffic fatalities are alcohol related, despite strict laws against driving under the influence (DUI/DWI).

Drunk drivers face severe civil and criminal penalties. Do not ever drive under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicating substance. -years

If you or a loved one has been injured or lost their life because of a drunk or otherwise intoxicated driver, you want to work with compassionate, skilled attorneys who will pursue justice and maximum compensation on your behalf.

At Boca Injury Law, our attorneys offer 45+ combined years of aggressive, knowledgeable legal experience to our clients who have been personally injured or suffered a death in their family due to the recklessness of drunk or impaired drivers.

We look forward to helping you soon.

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Offices in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens & Ft Lauderdale
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In Florida, the public has a right to expect business & property owners to provide a reasonably safe and secure environment at their establishments. This is referred to as the Duty of Care principle, an important element of premises liability law.

Customers, visitors, guests and employees of establishments such as hotels, bars, nightclubs, sporting venues, hospitals, gas stations, shopping centers, convenience stores & supermarkets have a legitimate expectation of safety at those locations.

If you or a loved one has been injured due to the negligent, incompetent or complete lack of security at any type of business, you do have recourse for pursuing both justice and compensation for any personal injury suffered.

At Boca Injury Law, our attorneys offer clients 45+ years combined legal experience in all areas of personal injury, including negligent security, premises liability, slip and fall and wrongful death cases.
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Offices in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens and Ft. Lauderdale
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Bicycle accidents in Florida and across the US have greatly increased in the past several years. Florida has consistently ranked as the top state for bicycle accident fatalities for the past 10 years.

There were nearly 6,400 bicycle crashes in Florida in 2021 alone, resulting in nearly 200 deaths and thousands of serious injuries.

Sharing roadways with motorized vehicles puts both bicyclists and pedestrians at risk for devastating accidents, frequently causing catastrophic injury and fatality.

Some tips for safe bicycling:
* Always wear a helmet and reflective clothing
* Ride with, not against, the flow of traffic
* Be especially vigilant at intersections

If you or a loved one has been injured or lost their life as a result of a bicycle, pedestrian or any other type of accident, you want to seek out knowledgeable legal counsel immediately to help you pursue justice and maximum compensation.

At Boca Injury Lawyers, our attorneys offer 45+ years of combined legal experience in all types of accident, personal injury & wrongful death cases.


Offices in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens & Ft Lauderdale
** No Fee If No Recovery **

America's transportation system relies greatly upon the movement of goods around the country to meet the needs of consumers & businesses.

Much of what we rely upon is brought to us by trucks of all sizes & purposes and our economy could not realistically function without them.

However, large commercial trucks such as tractor trailers, oil & gas tankers and flatbeds present serious dangers to motorists in the event of an accident.

Given the enormous size & weight differential between such trucks and cars & motorcycles, there is the greatly increased likelihood of catastrophic damage, injury & death when a truck is involved.

If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident with a truck or any commercial vehicle, the injuries sustained can be devastating and life-changing.

You want to work with personal injury attorneys who are compassionate, experienced & highly skilled in fighting for justice & maximum compensation for your injuries, damages & even loss of life.

At Boca Injury Law, our attorneys offer 45+ years of combined personal injury and wrongful death experience in truck, car, motorcycle and all other types of accidents.

No Fee If No Recovery
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Offices in Boca Raton, Palm Beach Gardens & Ft Lauderdale
* No Fee Unless We Recover *

Boating, fishing, sailing, jet-skiing and other recreational activities on Florida's many waterways are among the most popular pastimes for both locals and visitors.

With our year-round ability to go boating, we need year-round vigilance when we do so. Careless, reckless or negligent boating operations can easily lead to accidents, injuries and loss of life.

Not all boating accidents occur out on our waterways. They can also happen while boats are docked and still cause serious injury:

The most common types of boating accidents are:

* Crashing into one another while out in the ocean, on the Intracoastal, as well as in lakes, canals & other bodies of water.

* Collision with fixed objects, such as docks, buoys, piers and bridges.

* Having an on-board malfunction or accident, which can lead to explosion, fire, crash or sinking.

Common causes of boat accidents include driver inattention or distraction, lack of boating experience or training, and boating under the influence (BUI). Any or all of these factors in combination can lead to a crash that causes serious injury and deaths.

If you or a loved one has been involved in a boat accident and were injured or lost their life, you should seek knowledgeable legal counsel highly experienced in prosecuting boating & watercraft accidents, who will hold responsible parties to account, both legally and financially.

The attorneys at Boca Injury Law offer nearly 50 yrs combined legal experience in pursuing justice & maximum compensation for victims of all kinds of boating accident injuries, property damage and wrongful death.

If you have been injured in a boating or any type of accident, we look forward to helping you soon.

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327 Plaza Real Suite 217
Boca Raton, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Thursday 8:30am - 5:30pm
Friday 8:30am - 5:30pm

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