Distressed Real Estate Investor's Association, Boca Raton, FL Videos

Videos by Distressed Real Estate Investor's Association in Boca Raton. The Distressed Real Estate Investors Association is a real estate investment club for all levels of

One of the biggest opportunities in today's market is seller financing with sellers who own their properties free and clear (with no mortgage). Many of these homeowners are now trying to sell and are realizing that they are not getting offers anywhere close to their asking price. They also see that there are a lot less buyers than a year ago. This is causing some of these sellers to be much more motivated to sell. Some of these sellers will consider discounting the price, but not by enough to make it a worthwhile cash purchase price for you as an investor. With these leads, the opportunity is to approach the seller with a creative strategy like seller financing. Offer these sellers a low down payment and then monthly interest payments with a low interest rate. Then negotiate on those terms instead of negotiating on the price. I teach this at the Creative Financing Boot Camp.

Other Distressed Real Estate Investor's Association videos

One of the biggest opportunities in today's market is seller financing with sellers who own their properties free and clear (with no mortgage). Many of these homeowners are now trying to sell and are realizing that they are not getting offers anywhere close to their asking price. They also see that there are a lot less buyers than a year ago. This is causing some of these sellers to be much more motivated to sell. Some of these sellers will consider discounting the price, but not by enough to make it a worthwhile cash purchase price for you as an investor. With these leads, the opportunity is to approach the seller with a creative strategy like seller financing. Offer these sellers a low down payment and then monthly interest payments with a low interest rate. Then negotiate on those terms instead of negotiating on the price. I teach this at the Creative Financing Boot Camp.

So many people tell me that they would hate to be a landlord. And I can understand why because being a landlord is not always easy. You have to deal with non paying tenants, evictions, maintenance and repairs. But if you want to be wealthy, and you want to have income for life, you are going to need to be a landlord. Owning rental properties is the surest path to wealth. Why? Because your mortgage payment is fixed, but you can raise the tenant's rent every year. And if you have a 15 year mortgage, then after 15 years, you own the house free and clear. This means all that rent will now be passive income for you for the rest of your life. And that's why you cannot afford to NOT be a landlord. You MUST own rental properties. I can teach you how to buy your first rental property with the buy, repair, rent refinance strategy. Let me show you how.

The problem with going to school, getting good grades and getting a good job is that eventually you will get laid off from that job. After spending your entire life working, there is a real possibility that in your late 50's or early 60's, there will come a day that you do get laid off. You need to have a plan for when that day happens so that you have a way to pay your bills. You will not be able to rely on social security. Do you have a plan for when your income stops? Buying just one rental property can create a financial freedom plan for you and your family. Let me show you how easy it is to buy a rental property

My student Andy is a great example of how you can substantially boost your cash flow by turning long term Section 8 Rental properties into short term Airbnb's. When I started working with Andy in my coaching program, the strategy we implemented was buying Section 8 rentals using the Buy, Repair, Rent, Refinance (BRRR) Method. The Superbowl coming to Miami in 2020 was what gave Andy the idea to try and list one of his properties on Airbnb. When he saw the cash flow that was generated from that one Airbnb he was amazed. He has since converted ALL of his rental properties into Airbnb's. He now has 10 Airbnb's generating as much as $90,000 a month in income. Andy will be at the Airbnb Short Term Rental Boot Camp sharing his story and teaching how to furnish, list and manage Airbnb's and how to create the perfect "experience" for your Airbnb guests. Make sure you attend this Airbnb Boot Camp. We only hold it once per year. It is life changing when you hear his story and other students sharing their Airbnb success stories and you realize that just one Airbnb could replace your income from your job. Many of my students are now pivoting towards Airbnb's. If you want to learn how to implement this strategy the correct way, then make sure you attend the Airbnb Boot Camp.

Stop focusing on what could go wrong. Instead start focusing on what could go right. Your own self limiting beliefs are what will cause you to doubt yourself, be cynical, think you are not smart enough, or make you quit. Each and every one of us has the power to be the best version of ourselves. This includes having the income and wealth that we desire and deserve. I have trained over 7,000 new real estate investors how to get started investing in real estate. I can tell you for a fact that the break through with most of my real estate training with coaching students does not involve teaching real estate systems and processes like what post card to mail, what to say to the seller, or what contracts to use. The real coaching is changing my student's core belief system. And that starts with their views and attitudes about money, income and wealth which is deeply related to their own inner fears of what could go wrong. Instead, focus on what could go right. Understand that you are the product of what you were taught. If your parents told you to go to school, get good grades and get a good job then that is your core belief system. And you have to figure out how to change that core belief. I can help you with that. I have changed many students lives and I can help you change yours. As long as you have a deep burning desire to change, and you are coachable and willing to follow instructions and listen, and you follow the steps that I give you, and are willing to do the work that is necessary to effectuate that change.

You are literally just one Airbnb away from quitting your job. Many of my students have achieved financial freedom by using the Buy, Repair, Rent & Refinance Strategy to purchase a rental property. Then they are turning the property into a short term rental with Airbnb and getting 3 times the cash flow of a long term rental. You can learn how to do this at my upcoming Airbnb & Short Term Rentals Boot Camp.

How is working out and fitness related to investing in real estate? We all know that working out and limiting sugar and carbs is the way to lose weight? So why do so few people actually manage to lose weight? The answer is desire. Their desire is simply not high enough. Or their desire to eat that burger or French fries is higher than their desire to lose weight. How is that related to real estate? We all know that owning real estate and buying rental properties creates wealth. So why isn't everyone buying rental properties and investing in real estate and creating wealth and financial freedom? The answer is the same answer. Lack of desire. If your desire to quit your job and achieve financial freedom is greater than your desire to not have to deal with tenants then you will achieve success by investing in rental properties and will become wealthy. If you desire something badly enough (like financial freedom) then you will figure out a way to make that turn into a reality. If not you will come up with a list of excuses.

Wholesaling is the easiest way to get started as a new real estate investor because it does not require any cash or credit. The challenge is learning how to find good deals at wholesale prices that investors like me would want to purchase. If you get good at finding wholesale deals, you can wholesale or flip these deals to other investors and make a lot of money.

Many people don't know that you can wholesale and flip bank owned properties. One of my best selling books that talks about how to wholesale and flip REO's is "Wholesaling Bank Owned Properties". You can get a free copy of my book about wholesaling bank owned homes at: www.lexlevinrad.com/getyourfreecopy

Are you worried about retirement? Will you have enough money available to live comfortably after you stop working? One way to ensure that this is never an issue for you is to buy rental properties. When you own a rental property, every year the balance you owe to the bank goes down. And every year, the rent goes up. When you own it free and clear, the monthly rent is your retirement income.

What's the most you can pay for a property if you want to buy the property to fix and flip or keep it as a rental? In order to calculate this you need to know three numbers. The first is what the house is worth fixed up (we call this the ARV). The second number is how much it will cost to repair the property ( we call this the Repair Estimate). The third number is your Maximum Offer price or the most you would be willing to pay to purchase the property. If you know the ARV, and you know the Repair Estimate, then you can calculate your Maximum Offer Price. You can use my Fix and Flip Calculator to calculate the potential profit on your next fix and flip. A link to the fix and flip calculator is in my bio.

The first person you should hire for your real estate business is an assistant. You do not want to waste your time on $15 an hour tasks that someone else could be doing for you. Spend your time on activities that make you money - like finding more houses to flip. Each house could make you $10,000, $20,000, $30,000 (or more). Delegate everything else to an assistant.

Do you feel like you don't have enough money saved and you don't have any assets or investments? Do you feel like you have way too much credit card or student loan debt?Do you worry about how you are going to be able to pay your bills when you no longer have a job?You can plan for this by figuring out how much money you need to live your life without having a job. That number is your financial freedom number. How many rental properties would you need to own to replace the annual income from your job? Could it be possible that the money you make from ONE Airbnb could replace that income? Let me show you how to plan to have a better future. Start out by attending my upcoming Airbnb Boot Camp where you will see with your own eyes students of mine that have quit their jobs and replaced the income from their jobs with Airbnb Rentals. One student of mine is making $90,000 a MONTH on Airbnb. Can you afford to miss this? The Link to the boot camp is in the comments

I want to show you how to take the Buy, Repair, Rent and Refinance Strategy and combine it with Airbnb to create a cash flow machine that will literally print money for you!If you read the news, it sounds like Airbnb's are terrible and Airbnb owners are "dumping" their Airbnb's. The reality is that is not the case in many areas of South Florida like Miami and Fort Lauderdale where demand is extremely high (100% booking rate).One of my students made $90,000 on Airbnb LAST MONTH. Yes that's in ONE MONTH. He used to be a Section 8 Landlord and he switched to Airbnb. Why are so many of my students switching from long term rentals to short term Airbnb Rentals?

Some real estate gurus say that the buy, repair, rent and refinance strategy doesn't work. I am here to tell you that it does. It has worked for me, and it has worked for many of my students (some of whom are now multi millionaires). The BRRR Method is the true path to wealth. When you first start out, you may only make a few hundred dollars a month in cash flow. But over time, as you raise rents, and as you pay down your mortgage, you will see the equity in your property turn into wealth. And that is how you create a life of financial freedom.

Join us at the Fixing and Flipping Houses Boot Camp which is being held from Friday April 5 to Sunday April 7, 2024 in Deerfield Beach FL Call (561) 948-2127 to Register Over The Phone. For More Info About the Boot Camp Visit: https://www.lexlevinrad.com/fixing-and-flipping-boot-camp/ To See Our Real Estate Training Event Calendar Visit https://www.lexlevinrad.com/events/

I see a lot of new investors that quit within a few months of getting started. I think this happens because they don't have realistic expectations and they think it will be very easy. They lack a clear and concise vision of what their goals are, and how and why real estate will be the vehicle to help them achieve those goals. As a new real estate investor, you need to be consistent and you must be persistent. You won't buy a house from the first few motivated sellers that you talk to. That doesn't mean you should quit. It just means you should persist and talk to more sellers until you do buy a house.

A common question I get asked by new students is why would someone pay 12% interest to borrow money to buy a house? The answer is because you cannot get a conventional mortgage if you want to buy a bank owned property, a foreclosure, or a damaged property. You have to pay all cash. You can either use your own cash (if you have it) or you will have to borrow money from a private lender. And the prevailing interest rate for private lenders is around 12%

Hiring Virtual Assistants is a great way to grow your real estate business. When you hire your first virtual assistant, you should have a very clear outline of their job duties, and what you expect of them. Make sure that you provide them with onboarding, support, video training, and Standard Operating Procedures for them to be able to do what is expected of them well. If you provide good training you will be rewarded with a productive and happy VA.

Most people view their primary residence as an asset, but I view it in some cases as more of a liability. An asset creates income and provides a return on investment. Buying a house is the smartest decision you can ever make, and I will always advocate owning over renting as long as the amount you pay in mortgage is close to or equivalent to what your rent will be. But if owning a house and creating equity over time causes you to spend way more than you can afford or if you need to strip that equity by borrowing against your house or refinancing your mortgage to pay off your credit cards then you are living above your means and you are living on borrowed time. At some point, you won't be able to refinance or borrow against your home anymore. I recommend that you live within your means and take your excess equity and buy rental properties.