
BCX Ultra Rife Machine - The Most Powerful & Sophisticated Royal Rife machine.

BCX Ultra Plasma Ray Tubes Power Increases When Touched! (video) 08/02/2024

BCX Ultra Plasma Ray Tubes Power Increases When Touched! (video)

BCX Ultra Plasma Ray Tubes Power Increases When Touched! (video) Video shows power conducted & that the circuit is being completed from 1 Hand held Raytube to hand through body to other hand to other Raytube. The BCX...


Another Impressive Royal Raymond Rife insight!

Early on when Rife went further into his research and passion for bacteriology jobs for bacteriologists were scarce. But as luck would have it, he was introduced to Henry Timken of Timken Roller Bearing Company. Timken, who had a great love of racing boats heard about Rife’s abilities as a master machinist. Timken was so impressed with Rife’s knowledge that Timken hired Rife to build a motor for his newest boat to compete in open sea endurance races of 100 miles. The motor Rife machined produced 2700 horsepower which was amazing for 1915. This boat, with Rife as pilot, went on to win the race sustaining 87 mph for 100 miles. This record was unbeaten for more than 60 years!


Food For Thought During This Blistering Hot Summer

Dehydration can significantly impact chronic illnesses by exacerbating existing conditions and leading to new health issues. When the body lacks sufficient hydration, it struggles to perform essential functions, which can worsen chronic conditions and make it more difficult for healing protocols to have any effectiveness.


While the therapeutic application of heat can yield outstanding outcomes in certain scenarios, without proper awareness and preparation, the effects of heat, particularly in environmental contexts, can lead to catastrophic consequences.
The ongoing global heat wave is having devastating effects, with fatalities reported in various countries, and a staggering heat-related death toll across the Northern Hemisphere as temperatures soar to record highs.

In high temperatures, dehydration can occur rapidly. The rate at which someone becomes dehydrated depends on several factors, including the temperature, humidity, the individual's level of physical activity, and their personal health. Generally, under extreme conditions, dehydration can begin within 30 minutes to 1 hour after starting vigorous activity without adequate fluid intake. It's crucial to drink fluids regularly in hot weather, especially when exercising, to prevent dehydration and its serious circumstances.

Exposure to high temperatures can also have a significant impact on the body's immune and lymphatic systems. Here's a brief explanation:

Immune System:

Heat exposure can impair the immune system's function, making it less effective at fighting off pathogens like viruses and bacteria. A study from the University of Louisville found that short-term heat exposure may increase inflammation and impair the immune system.

This is evidenced by higher levels of immune molecules in the blood during hotter days, indicating a general immune response and inflammation. Additionally, there is a decrease in B-cells, which are crucial for fighting specific infections.
As a result, people may become more susceptible to infections and sensitive to environmental exposures, potentially contributing to worsened heart disease.

Lymphatic System:

The lymphatic system, which is closely linked with the immune system, can also be affected by heat. Stress from heat can lead to a decrease in lymphocytes, which are important for boosting. In conditions like lymphoedema, where there is fluid build-up and congestion in the lymphatic system, heat can exacerbate tissue changes such as fibrosis and chronic inflammation. This interaction between lymphatic and immune dysfunction can further deplete the body's ability to maintain a healthy immune response.

In summary, heat can cause depletion of the immune and lymphatic systems by increasing inflammation, impairing immune cell function, and causing tissue changes that hinder the body's ability to fight infections and maintain overall health.

BCX Ultra Deluxe Rife - Enter Freq/Carrier above 100khz 07/25/2024


BCX Ultra Deluxe Rife - Enter Freq/Carrier above 100khz How to enter in a Frequency or Carrier Wave that is 100 khz or higher. Please note on frequencies between 100khz to 999,999 you will need to convert to Mhzht...


To Whom It May Concern:

I just wanted you to know how much the BCX Ultra Rife machine has improved my overall health. I have multiple chemical sensitivities, allergies to pollens and molds, and suffered from frequent sinus infections. It is so important to me that I am not on any antibiotics or steroids to further deplete my immune system.

Now I rely on the Rife to knock out any infection or virus that I get. It has worked wonders for the recurring uurinary tract infections.I found that just with a couple of treatments it seems to have killed the bacteria that caused the infection.

I work in the aircraft business and I am exposed to many toxins. The Rife has helped me detoxify my body as well making it easier to cope from day to day. Several months ago, I accidently got a graphite sliver in my finger, and did not notice it until it got infected. I removed it and put antibiotic ointment on my finger. But a couple of days later the infection was worse with swelling and a red streak running down my finger. Well, it was the Rife machine to the rescue. I used the the program for staph infections and within a few days the swelling and redness was almost completely gone.

There is no more going to the doctor anymore, or taking unwanted drugs so it’s saving me hundreds of dollars. My husband also uses the Rife and has good results. We are all very pleased with this product.

Thanks so much for your expert advice and improving our health.

Sally E.
Little Rock, AR

3 Things to Know About FLiRT and LB.1, the New Coronavirus Strains 07/22/2024

FLiRT Variant on the Rise - Take Preventative Measures!

https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/3-things-to-know-about-flirt-new-coronavirus-strains?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR09wLUOxjsG1MyUdBGMrHuq6JsasZNzisEdjA4ZTCUMeUP3p6ae5Q6KSjk_aem_PfpSqRu8SFHPR1WXgHgYXQ #:~:text=Nobody%20knows%20exactly%20where%20the,people%20don't%20have%20symptoms

3 Things to Know About FLiRT and LB.1, the New Coronavirus Strains A Yale Medicine expert discusses the FLiRT and LB.1 strains, COVID subvariants that emerged in the first half of 2024.



1. Is there a need to run above 4.00 MHz (4,000,000 Hz)?

4 Mhz is high enough to run Rife’s Original frequencies.

2. Why would I want to get a standalone Beam Tubes vs HandHeld apparatuses?

Most rife frequency generators only include a Metal type apparatus (usually metal cylinders). BCX Ultra includes a wide range of Apparatuses/Electrodes and offer optional additional apparatuses. Most people experience success with just their included Hand-held Ray Tubes (30 watts) & metal apparatuses (ie footplates, metal cylinders). However with the stand alone high powered BCX Ultra Beamtubes Blaster pkg (300 watts) can kill off organisms at a faster rate due to the intense power they produce.

3. Why is a ‘Hand-held’ Plasma Ray Beam Tubes apparatus better then the metal apparatuses?

Continue reading: https://rifemachineblog.net/173/


How can the BCX help w Dogs’ Latest Respiratory Illness?

Tip on protocol for dogs using the BCX

Veterinarians across the US are having to treat a rising # of dogs sick with a severe respiratory illness. Scientists are scrambling to figure out the cause of the current outbreak. The quantity of serious cases that have lead to pneumonia are concerning. There is a possibility this is a new bacteria. The University of New Hampshire recently identified a novel bacterium as a possible culprit.

Which dogs are at higher risk?

Dog breeds that are flat-faced such as French bulldogs or pugs, senior dogs or dogs with underlying lung disease are more at risk of developing pneumonia from a respiratory infection.

Symptoms of canine respiratory infection include:
Red, runny eyes.
Suggested BCX Ultra Rife Programs to Run:

Pneumonia and bronchitis frequencies such as: CP 37, PP 135-136, PP 963-968 then follow up w CP13

Please note that the BCX can be utilized for a variety of conditions in your pets. Additionally, consider our BCX Ultra PEMF mat, which pets enjoy lying on while frequencies are being administered.



Interested in Going Deeper Into Your Understanding of the BCX Rife machine?

We frequently receive inquiries about becoming a Rife practitioner. Despite extensive research, Rife technology remains experimental and requires significant hands-on experience, especially for those without a background in healing practices. There is no universal method for using healing instruments; intuition and practical wisdom are crucial. For those interested in mastering Rife methodologies, we offer foundational and advanced training courses exclusively for HYMBAS clients. Additionally, purchasing a BCX unit includes a complimentary session with an experienced Rife practitioner."

Please contact customer support for more information.

Virus Destruction by Resonance 07/12/2024

Virus Destruction by Resonance

Virus Destruction by Resonance Discover the groundbreaking method of selectively inactivating viruses and microbes using an oscillating electric field. Learn about Royal R. Rife's century-old discovery and the recent breakthroughs that shed light on its underlying mechanism. Explore the implications for combating the global pande...


Neuroapthy gone - Another Success Story w/ Hymbas Rife Practitioner!

Eve, I am SO EXCITED! Wanted to share this with you. Started taking the drops Sunday. Yesterday, my legs felt awake, light, like foreign objects on my body. I was very clumsy. My husband noticed it as well. Thought maybe I was just being hopeful. Typically my legs are heavy and drag, primarily the toes. This morning, driving to work, I realized I was driving with 1 foot. I have been driving with 2 feet for at least a year. All day I have been driving with 1 foot! Additionally, I feel like I am walking more normal today, not with a forward lean and dragging feet. I had a chiropractor appointment this morning, she asked me if I have been doing anything different over the past 2 weeks. I had the picture up of us rifing the 50/50 mix you told us, to show her, she had already charted that my adjustment was the best it has been in years, and she noticed that I was walking better today! VALIDATION from a third party!!!”

Nice news huh! 🙂


ISSUES: Hereditary Sensory & Autonomic Neuropathy, Peripheral Nervous System Diseases


Sound Waves vs BCX Ultra Rife frequencies

Sound is the modulation of physical pressure through a medium- air, water, rock, etc. The human audible modulation range is generally 20hz to 20khz, which is the audio range. The BCX Ultra Rife machine modulates electricity, which is flow of electrons, in the audio range, below, and above. It also modulates light (photons) and EMF (electromagnetic field). Within the human audio range, electricity is transmitted by physical conduction through an electrically conductive material- not air. The Ultra does not modulate physical pressure- a pressure transducer is required for that. There are different types for different mediums, and the loudspeaker is most common for air.


Basal Cell Carcinoma Fades Away -pics in link


Photos from RifeMachine's post 06/27/2024

Check out the myriad of BCX Ultra Deluxe Rife Machine Pkg options: https://www.hymbas.com/bcx-ultra-rife-machine-deluxe-unit.php


- HEAT -

While the therapeutic application of heat can yield outstanding outcomes in certain scenarios, without proper awareness and preparation, the effects of heat, particularly in environmental contexts, can lead to catastrophic consequences.

The ongoing global heat wave is having devastating effects, with fatalities reported in various countries, and a staggering heat-related death toll across the Northern Hemisphere as temperatures soar to record highs.

In high temperatures, dehydration can occur rapidly. The rate at which someone becomes dehydrated depends on several factors, including the temperature, humidity, the individual's level of physical activity, and their personal health. Generally, under extreme conditions, dehydration can begin within 30 minutes to 1 hour after starting vigorous activity without adequate fluid intake. It's crucial to drink fluids regularly in hot weather, especially when exercising, to prevent dehydration and its serious circumstances.

Exposure to high temperatures can also have a significant impact on the body's immune and lymphatic systems. Here's a brief explanation:

Immune System:

Heat exposure can impair the immune system's function, making it less effective at fighting off pathogens like viruses and bacteria. A study from the University of Louisville found that short-term heat exposure may increase inflammation and impair the immune system.

This is evidenced by higher levels of immune molecules in the blood during hotter days, indicating a general immune response and inflammation. Additionally, there is a decrease in B-cells, which are crucial for fighting specific infections.

As a result, people may become more susceptible to infections and sensitive to environmental exposures, potentially contributing to worsened heart disease.

Lymphatic System:

The lymphatic system, which is closely linked with the immune system, can also be affected by heat. Stress from heat can lead to a decrease in lymphocytes, which are important for boosting. In conditions like lymphoedema, where there is fluid build-up and congestion in the lymphatic system, heat can exacerbate tissue changes such as fibrosis and chronic inflammation. This interaction between lymphatic and immune dysfunction can further deplete the body's ability to maintain a healthy immune response.

In summary, heat can cause depletion of the immune and lymphatic systems by increasing inflammation, impairing immune cell function, and causing tissue changes that hinder the body's ability to fight infections and maintain overall health.

Equipped with an extensive library of over 1,300 programs including customizable settings, the BCX Ultra Deluxe Rife machine offers numerous options specifically designed to mitigate the impact of heat-related conditions.


DEMO - BCX ULTRA Double Blaster Beams 06/25/2024


DEMO - BCX ULTRA Double Blaster Beams View our demonstration of the BCX Ultra Rife machine Double Blaster Beams in action. See how to experience it. More information https://www.hymbas.com/bcx-...


Looking to purchase your own BCX Ultra Rife machine? https://www.hymbas.com/bcx-ultra-rife-machine-deluxe-unit.php

RifeMachine BCX Ultra Rife Machine - The Most Powerful & Sophisticated Royal Rife machine.


Comparison BEMER vs BCX Ultra Rife PEMF Mat & Concentrator



Thriving Vitally!

Hello, I wanted to share with you some observations we have made since using the Rife machine for my husband’s chronic illness that we were not at all expecting. Primarily to get your feedback but also maybe this feedback could help others with the same issues. My husband is 74 years old and has been suffering with serious health conditions for quite some but I’m won’t go in to detail. We purchased the Rife for a very specific health concern which we have been very please with the results. What we were not at all expecting was not only the positive results my husband was receiving for his specified condition but it’s his overall boost of energy, mood, and prowess that came back as if he was 20 years younger. I’m trying to be as discreet as possible but let’s just say his testosterone levels boosted significantly to where he is experiencing a very high libido. You can imagine for us old folks who have not been very active in life even outside our own home, this has given us much to laugh about but mostly it’s a sign of a once very sick body thriving again!

Photos from RifeMachine's post 06/14/2024


Square Wave, Sine Wave, Pulsating Wave, Hoyland Wave Pulse, Modulated Wave, Triangle Wave, Trapezoid, Exponential Ramp Up Wave, Exponential Ramp Down Wave, Linear Ramp UP Wave, Linear Ramp Down Wave, Odd Order Harmonic Wave, Even Order Harmonic Wave, Custom Waves…



"Frequency" is a term used in various contexts, but it generally refers to the rate at which something occurs or is repeated over a specific period of time. In physics, it's defined as the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. The standard unit of frequency is the hertz (Hz), which is equivalent to one occurrence or cycle per second.

Here are some key points about frequency:

• Physics & Waves: Frequency is the number of complete oscillations or cycles that occur in a wave per second. For example, if a sound wave has a frequency of 440 Hz, it means the wave cycles 440 times in one secondhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency.

• Period: The period is the time it takes for one complete cycle of a wave to occur. It is the reciprocal of frequency. If the frequency is ( f ), then the period ( T ) is given by ( T = \frac{1}{f} )https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency.

• Electromagnetic Spectrum: Different frequencies correspond to different types of electromagnetic radiation, from radio waves at the low-frequency end to gamma rays at the high-frequency endhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency.

• Daily Life: We encounter frequency in everyday life, such as the frequency of a ticking clock, the frequency of a pulsing light, or the frequency of events like annual festivals.

Also, remember, the internet is abundant with information about “Frequency”.


Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDx Skidmore College


Photos from RifeMachine's post 06/07/2024



Set up, Turn on and Transcend: The BCX Ultra Deluxe Rife Machine, while advanced in technology, offers user-friendly operation that ensures peace of mind.

Find all instructional videos for the myriads of functions on our YouTube channel!



Good morning and happy Monday!

As we welcome a new week, let's set our intentions for a peaceful and productive time ahead. This week, let's focus on detoxing not just our bodies, but our minds and spirits as well. Here's to nourishing ourselves with healthy habits, positive thoughts, and tranquil moments. Remember, a clear mind and a clean body leads to a clear path. Wishing everyone a serene and fulfilling week


Knocked out MRSA & Staph .. no Antiobiotics!

Hi Diann,

This is the frequency set I used to knock MRSA & Staph over night on my face. As you are aware it was from contact with towels provided at a sauna three weeks ago. I thought it was from a bite, but the right nostril inside and out became inflamed, weeping and lost all skin overnight. My forehead also had a spot above my right eyebrow which I remember scratching. This to got very bad very quickly. Literally overnight. Not much pain but a tremendous amount of weeping as the body tried to cover the exposed sub layer of skin. There was also a lot of inflammation. I went straight to the doctor and he diagnosed with a swab MRSA. He prescribe me CIPRO and asked me to report back if the infection continued after a few days. I went home and hit the BCX ULTRA RIFE for almost four hours using a combination frequency set I made up from several lists and saved it as a custom program.

The next day, the swelling was gone, inflammation was down and the skin was not being dissolved anymore. The weeping had stopped and was very crusty. Over the following week I continuously picked off the crust and exposed the skin underneath to assist healing. After four days I began to apply 70% DMSO which knocked off the remaining inflammation within hours.

After three days however it was obvious the BCX Ultra RIFE treatment had been successful.

No antibiotics were needed. I had cured myself.

My doctor was actually pi**ed off that I had not taken treatment but was stunned how much better and how advanced the wound healing was. It would normally take several weeks to get the healing result I got in less than five days.

Eliminate MRA & Staph – Preferably use Electrical Foot Plates & Hand Held Plasma Ray Tubes (using tubes next to infection appears to have immediate results) Run Minutes per Frequency = 2 minutes (total set 52 minutes) Duty Cycle = 90 Hz Gate = Square Sweep Gate Frequency = 56.2 Hz Carrier Wave = Square Carrier Frequency = 44660 Hz Frequency (Hz) = 727, 786, 453, 674, 550, 1109, 424, 943, 1050, 643, 2600, 7160, 639, 1089, 8697, 60, 48, 727, 960, 728, 634, 644, 647, 745, 738, 744

Kind Regards,



How to Change Intensity for the BCX Ultra Rife Accessories? (video)



Honoring Our Soldiers

As we observe Memorial Day, we pause to reflect on the bravery and sacrifices of our soldiers who have served with valor. Their unwavering commitment to our nation's ideals stands as a beacon of courage and resilience.

To our esteemed customers, we join you in saluting these extraordinary individuals. Their efforts have safeguarded our freedoms and shaped the course of our history. Today, we stand united in gratitude and respect for their service.

May the memory of their heroism inspire us, and may we continue to strive for a world where peace prevails and the horrors of war are but a distant memory.

With deepest appreciation from those of us at HYMBAS.

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The MOST Powerful & Versatile Rife machine
Sale ends 7/12 up to $200 Off  @ www.Hymbas.com
Check out the Most Powerful & Versatile Rife Machine: BCX Ultra Rife Machinehttps://www.hymbas.com/bcx-ultra-rife-machin...




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