Tutoring By Toni

Tutoring By Toni

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All Kinds of Help
For All Kinds of Kids

* One-on-One Tutoring
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Tutoring By Toni, Inc. - Tutoring Services 08/14/2024

With school just starting, I find this is a great time to help kids get organized. This includes how to set up binders, with dividers and what supplies they actually need to carry every day. Their teachers will request certain notebooks, etc.

I implore you to please supervise how much loose leaf paper your child carries. I cannot tell you how many backpack checks I have done, where I find a whole pack of loose leaf paper, in the bottom or at the end of the binder. Your child's backpack is heavy enough, with their laptop.

Together, let's make this a great school year! 😍


Tutoring By Toni, Inc. - Tutoring Services Tutoring By Toni, Inc., Boca Raton, Fl. All Kinds of Help For All Kinds Of Kids. Tutoring Services, Home Schooling, Educational Coach, Learning Disabilities.

Tutoring By Toni, Inc. - Tutoring Services 08/05/2024

You know, I am definitely old school, in some ways. I still love to write a hand-written letter, as a thank you, or a birthday card, or a sweet message to someone deserving. I share this because I'd love for you to teach your kids how to write a nice letter. Sadly, it's a dying art. I love to collect colorful stationery or card packs.

Maybe, this summer you visited some family and your child can send a heartfelt thank you. ❤️ Encourage, demonstrate and share the experience of sitting down, with kind thoughts and help your child to compose a hand-written letter to someone special. Show them how to include a return address and stamp, on the envelope and how to sign off with "Love or Sincerely" AND don't forget to add a pretty sticker to the back of the envelope. When I write back to my students, I try to include some new stickers, for them to share with their friends. If you have your kids write to me, I promise to write back. ✍


Tutoring By Toni, Inc. - Tutoring Services Tutoring By Toni, Inc., Boca Raton, Fl. All Kinds of Help For All Kinds Of Kids. Tutoring Services, Home Schooling, Educational Coach, Learning Disabilities.


For me, each number on this list has value. Make the time to model the behavior you expect from your kids. Use these words daily.

Yes, I feel " love you" needs to be said every day, but I think, too often, we forget to say "I'm proud of you!"

Which words resonate with YOU? ❤️



As an educator, in my 34th year of working with kids who struggle, offering both tutoring and home schooling, my goal is to help kids build self-esteem, call upon their strengths and strive to reach their own potential.

I feel these 'daily reminders' are a great way to help your kids start off the school year. Print this out and post it on their bathroom mirror. Encourage them to look at themselves, and smile, as they make the reading of these sentiments a daily mantra. Show them and do it together. This way these affirming words can become part of their self-dialogue. As adults, we can use this encouragement, as well.❤️



Let's get ready to challenge our kids, in the new school year, 2024 - 2025.

School begins in Palm Beach, Broward and Dade County in 13 days!


Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday July 29 through Aug. 11 in Florida 07/30/2024

A reminder for Parents and Students~

This is a great time to take advantage of the
Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday July 29 through Aug. 11 in Florida.
Please reference your supply list from your child's teacher. It's a great time to stock up on all the necessities.
My students know I love my Flair markers and Office Depot makes a great battery operated pencil sharpener. Good luck on your hunt!📕🖇📌✂️✏️💜


Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday July 29 through Aug. 11 in Florida Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday July 29 through Aug. 11 in FloridaSubscribe to WPBF on YouTube now for more: http://bit.ly/1qfxvbXGet more West Palm Beach n...


Enjoy summertime reading with your kids. Find a great book for yourself and one for your child and cuddle up for some relaxing quiet time together.❤



Happy Summer to everyone! I just wanted to check in, as school has been out, for about a month.

My reminder is for your little one to continue reading, all summer. The schools should have a post showing a required summer reading list. Sometimes, Barnes and Noble will offer many of the books, out on the tables or of course, you can order books online. Please check for reading levels, before ordering.

Is reading one or two books, for a child, enough for the entire summer? No, but my thought it to do what you can. Have your kids read on their own and read with them. Turn off your tech and sit and read next to them. Hand your child a book, instead of your phone, when you are waiting for an appointment. I have students who have gone to sleep away camp. They might have some quiet time, to pen you a quick letter, but overall, they are having too much fun! One of my students is leaving in an RV, next week. How exciting! Many families are traveling and making wonderful memories, for their children. Isn't that what is most important?!

I have so many creative thoughts, as to how to approach a new book, like starting by looking up the author and learning a bit about them and checking out their whole series, or printing out comprehension questions, from their website, but this isn't really the time.

Well, I'll throw one more out there. For your very young ones, with whom you share nightly reading, before bedtime, start a black and white notebook. After you finish reading, each story, help your child to copy the title and author of the book and have them draw a picture of the story. Kids love to draw with crayons and colored markers. You can even color with them.

A few years ago, I had a four year old, named Keira, who loved to draw. She was a pip and we had a blast. She would make up the funniest stories and draw them. Sometimes, we would pound on her drum and she would make up words to a silly song, then draw it. We laughed so hard! I loved drawing, with her and teaching her.

I've been blessed with so many wonderful students, young and older. They all leave their mark on me, in their own way. And, do not forget to have a fun supply of stickers to reward them. I still love collecting stickers, to use with my students. My friends know I'll even put a sticker on the back of a birthday card, in the mail. Why not, if it brings a smile?!

The kids get 10 weeks away from the grind of getting up each morning, sitting in one place for too many hours, listening, instead of talking, all day. Encourage new learning experiences, all summer. Step outside your usual daily routine. Find hands on ways of exploring new ideas. Get crafty. Go collect leaves and flowers. Yes, it's horrendously hot, but you can still find the right time of day to take a walk with your child, just the two of you. That can feel very special, if there are multiple kids, in the house. Have them help make dinner with you. I remember my mom standing me up on a chair and showing me how to mash the potatoes, in a big silver bowl. I rarely make mashed potatoes, but when I do, I think of my mom. I had the privilege of baking with some of my students, this year and it was fun to see the kids take responsibility for their own measurements.

Lastly, always remember to praise your kids, day and night. You want them to remember the positive words, not the times you scold them. Assign your kids simple chores, around the house, then tell them what a great job they did. It is our responsibility, as adults, in their lives, to help build up their self esteem and confidence, so they can go out into the world and feel good about themselves, on their own. You might not be ready to let go, yet, but it's going to happen and you'll know you did your very best!

Wishing you a stupendous summer, filled with surprises, glee and good health. Feel free to reach out, at any time.

My very best,


Well, it's that time again!

Today is the first day of SCHOOL for Palm Beach County kids. I hope everyone had a great summer of fun, family and relaxation. After the last two years, dealing with Covid, I am hoping we can all have a healthy, happy new school year.

I am looking forward to seeing my old students. They seem to grow so fast, over the summer, especially my MS kids. It's always wonderful to welcome new kids, as the year unfolds and parents reach out for help.

This is my 32nd year of teaching, as I have had the privilege of working with wonderful families and really super kids. If you have been here, to my office, you know my 'Wall of Fame' is full of smiling faces of many of my students, over the years. And, of course, there is my ginormous frog collection, gifted to me by my awesome students, friends and family. Last count, it totaled over 400!

My ADVICE for the school year~ I say the same thing every year~Keep your face in their backpacks, so you know exactly what is coming home and what is going on. Trust me when I say the backpack tells its own story.

Set up a proper study area, with ample lighting/sunlight, plenty of room for your child to spread out their HW, lots of fun supplies, a computer with parental controls (Yes, please!) and encourage your child to personalize their space. Make the study area colorful and inviting, connect with the teachers and once things settle in, construct an achievable HW schedule.

Allow your kids to take a break, when they first get home and make it a priority to spend some time asking about their day and have them show you what they are learning. And, don't forget to read to your little ones, at night. I had a rising first grader read to me yesterday, sounding out words she didn't know, as I sat there with a huge grin on my face, so proud of her! And, most importantly, she was proud of herself! I started with her in Pre-K, so it's wonderfully rewarding to see her growth and success.

Wishing everyone a year of new friends, fab teachers and lasting good memories. Cheers to impressive achievements and surprising discoveries!




As the school year comes to an end, I sit here and reflect on all that has happened, these last two years and how life has changed. I see how the pandemic has affected our kids, teachers and parents. I can certainly feel the change in my own level of anxiety, when it comes to concerns about everyone's health around me. It was a very scary time when Covid first hit and schools and life shut down. I could see how the pandemic affected my students emotionally and academically. I am always grateful for the opportunity to educationally support the families who seem to find me at the exact right time.

This brings me to the summer weeks ahead. As kids go off to day camp, sleep away, ride horses, basketball camp, vacation homes, the beach, backyard pool and grandma's house...I ask that you please make time to continue to integrate academics, all summer long. Kids need to be reading every night, alone and with you. Please curb tech time. Establish time limits. Read with them and to them. Talk about what you are reading and learning. Have them write a story of their own and illustrate, using their individual creativity. I've watched so many of my kids draw in ways that I never learned to express myself. I have one little girl who loves to be video taped, as she makes up stories. Start a big puzzle of the United States, on the dining room table, for the family to do together. Then, talk about all the places you'd like to visit.

And, please continue to review math, from the previous year. Find simple games to incorporate multiplication facts. Some of my parents invest in workbooks, each summer, to keep skills current. It may not be exciting for the kids, but it's fine, for the summer. I know there are different sites online, but I still like paper and pencil. If the kids complain about school work during the summer, blame it on me. Tell them Miss Toni said it is important. Remind them that they are going to a new grade, where things will be harder and they will want to feel prepared.

I don't want to end with the sad reality of this week's devastation, in Texas, because every time I watch and read online, the tears just flow, but it has to be noted. It's been a tough last week of school. Be available for questions from your kids and open discussion about what has taken place. I am still having trouble processing this week. I can't imagine how a child can understand it all. Please, let's fight for CHANGE.

I am trying so hard to stay focused on the wonderful success that I have been privileged to be part of, as each of my students worked so hard, this year, to overcome the interruption in their education. I have an amazing 4th grader, who moved here from the Philippines, to live with extended family. She came in struggling to keep up and finished her school year with an award for excellence and terrific grades. Most of all, her confidence and self esteem are totally evident. Her excitement for learning is contagious and it encourages me to continue to nurture her growth. I have a 7th grade boy, who has been with me for many years. Last week, he told me that he'd like to try 8th grade without my help. I am super proud of him! I know he will continue to excel. After 32 years, I still love teaching, but it's always the hardest part when they leave.

I think, mostly, I encourage you to stay close to your kids. Teens are trying to separate and become more independent, so they might not want to spend as much time with you. But, this is such an important time to regroup, after we have all been so isolated, for way too long.

I wish y'all a happy and healthy summer of fun, family, exploration and the ability to HUG those you love!

See you soon!

***Some of TBT frog collection.

Tutoring By Toni, Inc. - Tutoring Services 04/14/2022

Hi All! I wanted to check in, since it's been a while since I have posted. I am alive and well , as we wind down to the last month or so, of school. Covid surely presented major challenges for our kids. I am seeing the struggles and continue to encourage my students to do their best. I know families are anxious to travel, this summer, but please make it a point to continue academics, in whatever form is possible. Your child needs to be reading each night, with you and independently. Math skills need to be maintained or the kids will forget, even their basic multiplication facts. I can see that end of year exams are weighing heavy, on my students, so please start to review. Also, I am finding that the backpacks are seriously overloaded. Take some time on Sunday eve to help your child organize and purge papers, sharpen pencils, empty the crumbs. KUDOS to all the parents who facilitated virtual learning. I am looking forward to teaching without a mask, next school year. Thank you to all of the families, who have given me the opportunity to help make a difference, in their child's academic life. Wishing y'all a Happy and safe holiday!❤🐸


Tutoring By Toni, Inc. - Tutoring Services Tutoring By Toni, Inc., Boca Raton, Fl. All Kinds of Help For All Kinds Of Kids. Tutoring Services, Home Schooling, Educational Coach, Learning Disabilities.

YOU CAN BE ABCs SONG by Robert Samuel 11/15/2020

I so LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!
Enjoy and please this to your .


YOU CAN BE ABCs SONG by Robert Samuel Please Subscribe For More

Tutoring By Toni, Inc. - Tutoring Services 08/31/2020

Welcome back Palm Beach County PARENTS and KIDS! I know the start of this school year is not exactly what we hoped for, as our kids engage in 'distance learning,' but I remain positive and hopeful.
I remember that nervous and excited feeling the night before school started, when I was a kid and also, when I was a classroom teacher. I imagine today will be filled with feelings of joy, anticipation and uncertainly. I know kids have been looking forward to seeing their friends and meeting new teachers.
I'm sending out strength and patience to all who will help to facilitate a positive learning experience for both our kids and parents. This morning, I was happy to receive smiling pictures of my students, sitting behind their computers, ready to embrace what's to come. I feel confident that you will help your child find their own success.
If you feel you need support with distance learning, home schooling or tutoring, please feel free to reach out.


Tutoring By Toni, Inc. - Tutoring Services Tutoring By Toni, Inc., Boca Raton, Fl. All Kinds of Help For All Kinds Of Kids. Tutoring Services, Home Schooling, Educational Coach, Learning Disabilities.

Tutoring By Toni, Inc. - Tutoring Services 03/30/2020

Moms & Dads~

Distance learning is here. I'd like to help. I am available for virtual learning.

For the past 27 years, I have been tutoring and home schooling kids, of all ages, covering all subjects, including beginner Mandarin Chinese. Interestingly, I tend to do a lot of math. I foster a strong focus on organization and study skills. I offer All Kinds of Help For All Kinds of Kids.

The transition to distance learning is going to be a challenge. The initial goal will be to set up and implement a workable, day-to-day routine. This schedule will have to work for both kids and parents. Please allow your teachers to guide you and understand that this is new for everyone. Undoubtedly, there will be glitches and changes, along the way.

The best tip I can give you is to purchase a good planner/agenda/calendar, the bigger the better. Using a white board could also be fun, with different colors. I would suggest filling in all of the assignments, listed from your teachers, for the full week. While using a larger planner, there will be ample space to make notes, if you or your child has questions about the lesson. Once the assignment is completed/turned in, place a check mark or use a sticker. As my students know, I always use different colored markers and I love stickers!

For the older kids, who might work more independently, I see how keeping a log of completion might keep the peace with parents. Instead of a parent having to constantly ask their teen what work has been completed, they can simply view the planner. This can provide the opportunity to give positive feedback, encourage continued hard work and have meaningful, constructive conversation.

Good luck to all of us, during this stressful time. If I can be of any help, please don't hesitate to call. I am happy to share my ideas and offer support.

Stay strong and stay connected, as we all look forward.
Feel free to SHARE.

My best,
Toni Hertzberg, MSEd


Tutoring By Toni, Inc. - Tutoring Services Tutoring By Toni, Inc., Boca Raton, Fl. All Kinds of Help For All Kinds Of Kids. Tutoring Services, Home Schooling, Educational Coach, Learning Disabilities.


Moms & Dads~

Distance learning is here. I'd like to help. I am available for virtual learning.

For the past 27 years, I have been tutoring and home schooling kids, of all ages, covering all subjects, including beginner Mandarin Chinese. Interestingly, I tend to do a lot of math. I foster a strong focus on organization and study skills. I offer All Kinds of Help For All Kinds of Kids.

The transition to distance learning is going to be a challenge. The initial goal will be to set up and implement a workable, day-to-day routine. This schedule will have to work for both kids and parents. Please allow your teachers to guide you and understand that this is new for everyone. Undoubtedly, there will be glitches and changes, along the way.

The best tip I can give you is to purchase a good planner/agenda/calendar, the bigger the better. Using a white board could also be fun, with different colors. I would suggest filling in all of the assignments, listed from your teachers, for the full week. While using a larger planner, there will be ample space to make notes, if you or your child has questions about the lesson. Once the assignment is completed/turned in, place a check mark or use a sticker. As my students know, I always use different colored markers and I love stickers!

For the older kids, who might work more independently, I see how keeping a log of completion might keep the peace with parents. Instead of a parent having to constantly ask their teen what work has been completed, they can simply view the planner. This can provide the opportunity to give positive feedback, encourage continued hard work and have meaningful, constructive conversation.

Good luck to all of us, during this stressful time. If I can be of any help, please don't hesitate to call. I am happy to share my ideas and offer support.

Stay strong and stay connected, as we all look forward.
Feel free to SHARE.

My best,
Toni Hertzberg, MSEd



You can make the difference in your child's day!


Why You Should Get (and Give) More Hugs 11/08/2019

Absolutely HUG more often!💜😍

"We need four hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.”


https://www.healthline.com/health/hugging-benefits #1

Why You Should Get (and Give) More Hugs Hugging, it seems, is universally comforting. It makes us feel good. And it turns out hugging is proven to make us healthier and happier.


I challenge you to do 'MORE' today.
Fill your day with beautiful, thoughts and actions.


Tutoring By Toni, Inc. - Tutoring Services 07/06/2019

5 things that require ZERO effort or talent, but guarantee SUCCESS in life:

1. Be the first to smile & say hello
2. Say please and thank you
3. Share your kindness with others
4. Show gratitude
5. Treat others as you’d like to be treated.


Tutoring By Toni, Inc. - Tutoring Services Tutoring By Toni, Inc., Boca Raton, Fl. All Kinds of Help For All Kinds Of Kids. Tutoring Services, Home Schooling, Educational Coach, Learning Disabilities.


Here are some super ways to compliment our BOYS and GIRLS.


5 Tips for Designing Multiple-Choice Quizzes 01/23/2019

Good Insight for and Tips for in Designing Multiple-Choice Quizzes



5 Tips for Designing Multiple-Choice Quizzes A researcher explains how to align your test design with the latest brain science.

Making Connections With Greetings at the Door 01/16/2019

EVERY needs to watch this & do this with their .

This will
~Activate a child's cognitive skills
~beginning with activatng their social connectiveness.


Making Connections With Greetings at the Door https://www.edutopia.org/video/making-connections-greetings-door

Making Connections With Greetings at the Door Research shows that greeting students as they come into class bolsters a feeling of belonging and readiness to learn.


I took a tech break for a bit.
Wishing everyone the happiest of NEW for 2019!

To my teachers/parents...enjoy a few more days of relaxation before kids return on Tuesday.



Here is a quick review, to brush up
~ from your Educational Coach.
10 words & phrases people say incorrectly.



One of my 5th graders brought me two 100's and an awesome grade on a math test, never mind a huge smile!The teacher told her mom that she has seen a wonderful improvement. My student is working harder, is more focused and excitedly earning higher grades. Mom is very happy. I am thrilled to be able to help. I am a happy teacher!

More Talking in Class, Please | Edutopia 09/24/2018

Providing consistent, structured time for students to participate in collaborative conversations can improve the overall classroom environment.


More Talking in Class, Please | Edutopia Strategies for facilitating small group and whole class conversations with students in grades 3 to 12.


TEACH your KIDS why education = knowledge.
It's a conversation that really has no end.


How to Inspire Students Who Dislike School | Edutopia 08/23/2018

How to INSPIRE STUDENTS with low motivation to be more willing participants.


How to Inspire Students Who Dislike School | Edutopia Students must be willing participants in their education, and we have a few ideas on how to help them feel motivated.


Let's start the new year feeling positive and ready for !



My job, as an Educational Coach, is to affect positive change in my students who are struggling to find their own success.

I help them understand that we are a work in progress, we can aspire to have good intentions and change takes time.


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8357 Cypress Lane
Boca Raton, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 9pm
Tuesday 9am - 9pm
Wednesday 9am - 9pm
Thursday 9am - 9pm
Friday 9am - 9pm
Saturday 12pm - 6pm
Sunday 12pm - 8pm

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