Autumn Love LMT

Faith-based massage therapist, bodyworker & mindfulness guide.


I finally joined the 208 club! Please delete my 253 number and save this contact info to stay in touch with your massage therapist 🤗


👩‍❤️‍👨 New package deal! 👶🏼

Need a gift idea for your family member’s baby shower? Look no further! This is the perfect gift for an expecting family!

Massage is an amazing gift to give an expecting mother, massage can help alleviate pain and tension from the changes of a growing pregnant body. And we all know (if you have kids...) that getting a massage after a baby is born sounds like a long distant dream. Well, I want to help you or your loved ones feel cared for, relaxed and at peace as they go through this new season of life.

With this package deal…
Mama gets one prenatal massage between 25-32 weeks.
As mama’s body is growing and changing to support the life growing inside of her, aches and pains are bound to arise. Let’s give her the relaxation she needs to feel strong and capable in her body. As she relaxes and gets some tensions released this helps prepare her body for labor along with sending feel good hormones to the baby like; oxytocin. Promoting relaxation for both mama and baby!

Then once the baby is born, they can schedule a home visit for mom and dad to get a massage at home. So that while one parent is getting massaged the other can be with the baby. This will be the ultimate gift for an expecting family!


Tips for enjoying your massage!

Photos from Autumn Love LMT's post 07/02/2024

Better Together Couples Bodywork Workshop
Dates: July 21st @ 2:30pm-4:30pm
August 25th @ 2:30-4:30pm
Price: $100 per couple 2 spots available for each session

We will be doing a Thai inspired stretch and compression massage routine. Fully clothed (stretchy, comfy fabrics) with breathwork and meditation.

Message me “BTWJuly” OR “BTWAugust” to reserve your spot for one of the dates!

Photos from Autumn Love LMT's post 06/21/2024

Peppermint is a client favorite! Often used for those experiencing headaches or muscle pains.


Gift your dad the gift of relaxation! I offer athletic style and deep tissue massage!

Photos from Autumn Love LMT's post 06/01/2024

Refer your friends and save! 🤑


Your mama doesn’t want flowers… she wants a spa day! 👏🏻


This time is for you to rest, relax and release. Eliminate distractions, focus on your breath and stay hydrated for the BEST massage experience.

Photos from Autumn Love LMT's post 05/02/2024

As a new mom and someone who hates wearing makeup guasha has been a life saver in helping me not look like I was hit by a truck on the daily.

My morning “makeup” routine consists of intentional massage while washing and moisturizing my skin. Opening up the lymphatic channels, waking up the muscles and releasing tension in my jaw.

Then doing a full face guasha routine to move the inflammation out and promote a more sculpture look.

On days I need a little extra ooomf I’ll add some brows and mascara and call it good! 👍🏻

Benefits of guasha:
• improves blood flow
• relieves puffiness
• muscle recovery / helps with TMJ
• smoothes wrinkles
• gives a glowing complexion
• lymphatic release / expels toxins


Story time: this is why I love massage!

When I was a kid I remember being sent to the nurses office at school because I had a headache so bad I couldn’t stop crying. I was later diagnosed with chronic migraines something that runs in my family.

During senior year of high school my migraines got so bad that I was taking 5 Excedrin a day to help manage the pain. Taking this many pain killers alongside consuming too much coffee and a mountain of stress all contributed to me being diagnosed with Gastritis. This diagnosis required me to cut out the pain killers and coffee and find a different way to mange the pain while my stomach healed.

My doctor recommended massage and chiropractic care. After 6 months of regular treatments I no longer suffered from migraines! LIKE EVER! This was 9 years ago and I can still say today that I do not deal with migraines!

The key:
- consistency with massage and chiro appointments
- daily stretching
- finding other means of self care to relief pain; epsom salt baths, hot packs, ice packs, CBD & breath-work.

If you’re in Boise, Idaho… I’d love to support you in your healing journey through bodywork.

Photos from Autumn Love LMT's post 04/13/2024

I offer complementary aroma therapy with my massage services and wanted to share some info about each oil. Essential oils are amazing for their physical and energetic abilities to aid us in rest and relief!

Let’s start with everyone’s favorite! LAVENDER


Just a friendly reminder that you as the client have the right to speak up!!

I have met tooooo many people who have expressed having had a poor massage experience in the past because the LMT stretched them the wrong way or gave too much or not enough pressure.

OR… and this is a common one… the LMT spends the whole session talking about themselves… you can tell them you’d prefer a quiet session.


If you are uncomfortable let your practitioner know!
If you want more or less pressure let them know.
If a stretch doesn’t feel good, ask them to stop.

AND if when you speak up, if they don’t listen to you… find a new practitioner because your body’s safety is more important than their flow.


If you’ve been a long time client with me, then I’d love for you to share with your friends! I’m accepting new clients and would love to help your loved ones too!

Share with them why you choose Autumn at Willow’s Reach Bodywork for your monthly massage.

I have sessions for relaxation and tension release, deep tissue sports style or a mindful guided meditation massage. I separate my styles so that YOU get the massage you’re hoping for!

I also offer prenatal side lying massage, hot stone massage OR a focused period recovery massage to help with cramping, lymphatic release and pain relief.

If you refer your friends and they book a session, you get $5 off your next service!

Photos from Autumn Love LMT's post 03/14/2024

Take a moment to pause & meditate on the word of God. 🙏🏻


❗️Did you know that it only takes 60mins to release a week’s worth of stress!

❗️A massage is equal to getting a good nights sleep!

✨Massage is more than a luxury it’s a way of maintenance for our well-being. Whether you need bodywork to help release tension or just need a quiet and restful space to let your mind unwind. Willow’s Reach is that place for you!

Photos from Autumn Love LMT's post 03/01/2024

In honor of my return to work in April I wanted to do a !!

🏆 Win a free 60min relaxation massage w/ one service add on (focus hot stones, CBD or deep tissue)
🎟️ To enter;
- follow
- comment on this post and tag 3 friends who could use a massage
- share one of my posts to your story & tag me
- BONUS ENTRY; worth 5 entries, sign up on my website as a site member by clicking “sign in” and creating an acct (a email list for blog posts and first dibs on special offers that I’ll be announcing this year)

❗️Must complete all three (follow, comment & share to story) to enter giveaway.

🏆 Winner will be announced on my story on March 18th.


Prep episode for the first guided meditation of the year!
🔗 link in bio 🔗
We will be meditating with the season of Winter as we are still here in the cold, dark hibernation. Let’s honor this season for what it is and go into spring (in a few months) ready to take on our goals and ambitions... By allowing winter to serve us through a time of rest, reflection and release.

Guided meditation will be posted next week! Stay tuned! Tap the 🔔 on my profile to get notifications and never miss an episode!


5min guided breath practice 🌬️

Photos from Autumn Love LMT's post 01/25/2024

I’ve been drawn to really focus on the NOW. Not only because my attention has been directed towards this new life I’m called to steward and care for (my son) but also because my is OBEDIENCE; to trust in God’s plan, honor this season of life and each season as it comes (winter, spring, summer, fall) and to make efforts to walk in obedience rather than force things I THINK I need to do. I’ll only be doing things that come from a place of spontaneous creativity and ease.

This and prayer are great for this intention.

⬇️ Share in the comments what spoke to you as you meditate on it. ⬇️


New episode is up! Listen on


What are your favorite winter vibes? I for one am not a New Year’s resolution person. I prefer to wait for spring to set big goals and take action. As the new year begins I see that as a time to process the past year and use the last months of winter to rest, reset and prepare to go strong when spring time comes.



When I changed my skin care routine I noticed such a great difference in my skin.

I’ve been learning that what you use on your skin is important and affects how it looks but it’s ALSO what you’re putting IN your body that really affects the health of your skin.

I noticed that when I’m eating clean and using these products my skin is soft, moisturized and clear. But when I’m eating a lot of sugar or processed foods and using the products my skin is not so clear. It’s not the products.. it’s the internal environment reflecting on the outisde. So note to self: stop eating hot Cheetos and drinking cola 🥴

I’m so happy I found these products because I know they are CLEAN, small batch and made by a family farm business here in the US.

⋒ I’ve used the honey & tallow cream on my face for daily moisturizer and used it on my belly throughout my entire pregnancy… I have NO stretch marks 🙃 (could be the tallow.. could just be good genes 🤷🏼‍♀️)

⋒ If wearing makeup I use the oil cleanser then the cleansing grains (both the green tea or the rose are awesome! They smell so good)

⋒ If bare faced thru the day I’ll usually wake up and oil cleanse, then do the grains at night. Only moisturize as needed. Tallow is super rich.

⋒ The lip balm has been a life saver with dealing with chapped lips all my pregnancy.

You can use my code: WILLOWSREACHBODYWORK for 10% off! 😍


Something new is coming!

• on demand guided meditations
• self care chats
• conversations with wellness professionals
• faith & bodystewarship

Photos from Autumn Love LMT's post 01/11/2024

I recently made the switch to beeswax candles in our home and it has made a significant difference! The air literally feels cleaner than if I was burning an over scented candle from bath & bodyworks.

I’m guilty! I used to buy those candles ALL the time, even though I knew the smell was kind of overwhelming I wanted the house to smell good! Little did I know I was burning toxic fumes in our air. 🥲🤯

When I made the switch to beeswax candles that were scented with essential oils the house quite literally felt LIGHTER. More peaceful and clean.

There’s a hand dipped beeswax candle show here in Boise! 😍 .folks

Photos from Autumn Love LMT's post 01/11/2024

There are soooo many benefits to massage therapy, but here’s one. Mobility for joint health!

A randomized study done on 200 participants found that after 8 weeks of regular massage sessions greatly improved joint mobility and reduction of pain. Following this 8 week period, they were then given biweekly massage for another 52 weeks and found that their improvements found during the first 8 week trial were prolonged; joint mobility increase and pain reduction thus improving quality of life.

As we age and or move less these soft tissues of our body become weak and fragile which is where joint pain often comes from.

Massage helps by relaxing the surrounding muscles and keeping movement and lubrication in the connective tissues. Allowing for the joints to function optimally.


Sharing more of my story in hopes it encourages other women who may hold fears around getting pregnant.

Things I couldn’t avoid:
• nausea for the first two months
• sore feet
• nasal congestion
• sore hips & occasional back pain
• bloody nose (not bad mostly just little bits when I blow my nose, only a few nose bleeds)
• the smell.. Iykyk = lots of showers & baths lol
• heartburn
• itchy skin
• WILD dreams

What I never experienced:
• serious swelling
• restless nights
• needing to p*e every 5 mins
• body pain that limited mobility
• carpal tunnel
• insatiable hunger or weird cravings
• insecurity of a changing body
• restless leg syndrome
• varicose veins
• high risk concerns (GB, Group strep, anemia etc)

I share all this to highlight that EVERY WOMAN’S body is so so different and while you may hear of things being “normal” in pregnancy, some may NEVER see those symptoms.

Sure I ate a lot of pizza but it wasn’t really a craving just convenient lol. I went into this thinking I’d have ALL the things on my never list and came to find out that my body reacted different to pregnancy than even the women in my own family!

The discomforts that I did experience were all manageable!
• Hip soreness & back aches were relieved with regular body work (massage therapy & chiropractic care), stretching, foam rolling and working out
• sore feet was relieved by taking a break & elevating my feet at-least once every day.
• the nausea.. I couldn’t escape that one for two whole months, I considered this my “initiation” 😆🥴 but then one day in the blink of the eye I felt like me again & was able to eat! 2nd & 3rd trimester was so easy for me!
• congestion relieved by marshmallow root tea & nasal strips
• papaya enzymes for heartburn

It can be scary at first to find out your pregnant and wonder what will happen. The best advice I can give on this is.. enjoy the ride. Be open minded. Listen to other women’s stories BUT don’t try to fit your experience into the expectations of their story because you may not see any of the same symptoms as they did.


As I draw near the end of my pregnancy I wanted to share with you all how thankful I am to be in the bodywork and wellness world. I truly believe that I can attest my positive pregnancy experience to the knowledge given to me from my schooling in anatomy and physiology. When I started massage school and began learning how the body and all its systems worked I became so aware of my body and what it was speaking to me.

I’ve loved hearing the stories of the women in my life both personal connections and clients who have shared their experiences with me of their pregnancy and birth journeys. It helped me to prepare and learn to look for certain cues.

I’m at the home stretch and as I reflect on this 9 month process I’m so thankful for;
- the ability to sleep thru the night my whole pregnancy, only waking once early in the morning
- little to no body pains and if any did come up I knew what to do to relieve them
- my dairy allergy was HEALED!
- my hair and skin changed for the better
- my husband and I’s relationship grew stronger
- my capacity to take on daily activities increased even while energy dwindled away

In a later post I’ll be sharing some of the things I did to stay healthy and body feeling great! I believe Ive been blessed and my prayers have been answered by God but I also believe it was my intention and awareness that allowed me to have this amazing experience. I look forward to sharing more soon…


Need a quick and easy stretch routine to relieve back and neck pain? This one is PERFECT for after work or just waking up.

Take the next 10mins to give yourself some self care.
Link in bio! Or click here:

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

A week ago today this lil man joined the family and our lives are forever changed. 🤍The hardest and most fulfilling thin...
As this new year dawns it can be overwhelming to take on all the goals and tasks. Life is changing for alot of us and I ...
Start with...• a 5 min breath practice in between work meetings.• When ending a call, stretch your neck and look UP• Str...
Stop your scrolling & take a breath 😮‍💨
New offering! Only 7 available!
Idaho peeps! Please share! Tina's Healing Touch and I are offering couples massage at my office for Valentine’s Day! Thi...


5440 W Franklin Road Suite 203C
Boise, ID

Opening Hours

Wednesday 1pm - 5pm
Thursday 1pm - 5pm
Friday 1pm - 5pm
Saturday 1pm - 5pm

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