Tumbleweed Bicycle Company, Boise, ID Videos

Videos by Tumbleweed Bicycle Company in Boise. Rugged, adaptable mountain touring bikes. Rohloff Speedhub optimized narrow Q factor fat bikes, comp

Today, Walt is going over the features and use cases for our Mini Pannier and T-Rack! Visit tumbleweed.cc to learn more and order now.

Other Tumbleweed Bicycle Company videos

Today, Walt is going over the features and use cases for our Mini Pannier and T-Rack! Visit tumbleweed.cc to learn more and order now.

Each of our racks are available in two different sizes - 355mm and 380mm. Today, Walt is going to show you how to measure your bike to determine which size is best for you. For more info and to buy your rack, visit tumbleweed.cc