$2 Tots

Welcome To Our Tribe! Clothing Items Are Priced At $2 Or Less. https://gofund.me/2a817be6


Good morning $2 Tots Tribe and Family! This is B. As many of you know I had an emergency and had to go out of town. I was able to make it back for today and asked Rachelle if she was up for doing a .25 sale. She’s not 100% but will come in. We ARE going to have our .25 sale today. But our hours for the sale will be from 1 pm to 4 pm!! See you all there! 😊

Photos from $2 Tots's post 07/12/2024

Good morning $2 Tots Tribe and family! This is B! I’m so sorry but we will be closed for the remainder of this week. One of my best friends recently took a drastic decline with his health and I am heading out of town to say my good byes. Rachelle is not in a position where she can be here because of her medical situation. I do have someone that could possibly cover this weekend (Saturday/Sunday) and I will reach out to them once I’ve sorted my travels I just wanted to post here first! Either way closed today (Friday). Keeps your eyes open for updates if you’re wanting to come this weekend. Otherwise I will be there next week and we will do what we can to stay open as long as we can for you. Please stay tuned about dates. Again, I really apologize and thank you for your patience and understanding.



So here’s the deal!

We have a local non profit that most of us if not all of us are familiar with, that is called $2 tots! This store has been strictly run by two amazing women, and a few amazing volunteers and tons of word of mouth!

Rachelle, the founder and owner/operator of the store has found herself not only struggling mentally and financially due to flood damage and having to be closed down for an extended period of time multiple times, but also health wise. She has made this store her baby, and didn’t make herself priority during the last two years.

The store that helps so many of us moms, single or struggling is facing closing down in just one more week if we can’t come together as a community to help catch her back up on rent there, and also find a reliable worker!

As go fund me is always a great option, they take out huge proceeds of the donations and right now this store isn’t able to take that extra loss. So I’m creating a venmo strictly for the store, and the owners.

I have also taken over admin duties for the page to help create and blast more adds and posts and answer any calls or messages or comments that come in in regards to how anyone can help!

Even if you only have $1 to spare or donate, anything will help during this time. 🙏🏼🙏🏼

Photos from $2 Tots's post 07/06/2024

Good morning $2 tots Tribe and Family! Today is a very hard day for us here at $2 Tots. After almost 2 years of service to our community we will be closing our doors after our final 25¢ SALE on July 14th. As many of you know my health has been declining rapidly, and thanks to a very kind customer and newest friend Jeyden ♥️ I will hopefully have answers soon. B has been SO KIND to help hold the store up for us, but she cannot to it alone. Now knowing that this medical issue isn’t likely something that can be “fixed” or resolved I’m forced to face reality and accept that won’t be able to go back to working the 60-80 hours a week that it took to keep us functioning. I think the physical, emotional, and financial stress brought on by the flood that took place here was just too much for me physically, emotionally, and mentally. I was thrown into a heath crisis and have fought SO hard to get ahead of it and I unfortunately have not been successful.

I love and appreciate you all so much and I am eternally grateful for the family we’ve all built together! I am devastated that we are all in this position because I know how much having $2 Tots as a resource means to so many families. If I could stay and be here with and for you I absolutely 100% hands down would!

If you have in store credit with us please use this next week to come by and shop. If you cannot please don’t worry, I have been building an online option for the store as an additional or alternate option for our Tribe as it grows! This means that you will still have the opportunity to shop and use your credit from an online store. I’ll do everything in my power to make this transition as easy as possible for you to still have the ability to use your credit.

As of August 1st you can begin requesting size and gender to be listed for sale. I’m not exactly sure how I’ll be making everything work yet, but hopefully we can figure it out together. I was thinking that I could list somehow on our page here, or do lives maybe 🤷🏼‍♀️ either in addition to or in place of doing an online store. Definitely open to suggestions and ideas! The last thing I want is for anyone to feel taken advantage of or like they’re loosing out in any way. $2 Tots was meant to make a difference and help as many families as possible, and I intend to keep it that way!

This upcoming week if you want to help me say thank you to B for being here for all of us these last few months while I’ve been trying to hold my life, family, health, and this store together with duck tape 😅 just know that the way to her heart is through her tummy lol. B really is the ONLY reason we’ve been able to stay open these last few months. I literally couldn’t have done it without her!

Thank you all again for being a part of this beautiful family 🩷


Good morning $2 Tots Family and Tribe. We apologize for the last minute decision, unfortunately the store will be closed today July 4th again. Rachelle wanted to go in today but she was in the hospital yesterday and I don’t think it’s a good idea for her to go in. She’s my best friend and I’m really worried about her. So she’s staying home and I am not going to be able to make it in either. I am going to take her and her kids some meals and take the kids some 4th of July Fireworks 🎆. We hope you all have a safe and happy 4th of July! As a disabled veteran this is a holiday I am most proud of!! We will see you all tomorrow from 11 am to 6 pm. ❤️❤️ (well I will for sure and hopefully she will too)


Hi $2 Tots tribe 🩷 Rachelle here. As most of you know I’ve been battling with a lot medically. I asked B if she would come get me and take me back to the hospital yet again so we will be closed today. I do have Crohn’s disease, but even that shouldn’t be causing everything I’ve been going through. It’s been blood tests and imaging galore with no answers, and still the pain continues to worsen. It feels like my muscles and tendons in especially my upper body are pulled, staining, injured, almost every day migraines, back and neck pain, followed by my whole body especially my arms and legs feeling like a tender bruise with even the slightest amount of pressure. I’m completely exhausted and drained every day. If you know anything about these symptoms or anyone going through something similar please share! Oh very easy scrapes and bruises that take forever to heal and I’m light headed and off balance. Plus more but for me this already feels like over sharing 😬Today is another extremely rough day already. Pic to hopefully catch your eye before you head to the store if you’re planning a trip today. One of my sweet granddaughters Rayleigh 🩷🩷🩷

Photos from $2 Tots's post 06/23/2024

🎉 25¢ SALE + 50% OFF Everything Else TODAY 12-4 🎉 $.25 items are donated items that don’t make it on the racks due to imperfections. These items are great for play clothes, extra changes of clothes for daycares, or are a great opportunity for someone who doesn’t mind washing etc.!

Photos from $2 Tots's post 06/22/2024

Good morning everyone! Running a little late this morning! Runt wasn’t wanting to eat and take her meds this morning. The vet said that it can be normal because she’s still working through the trauma and to be patient because she has to take the medication twice a day. She had her surgery and we got to bring her home last night. She has a rod running along her bone that sticks out the top of her shoulder. 2 weeks they’ll take out the stitches, and 4 weeks they’ll see if the bone is healed enough to remove the medal rod. She’s on 3 medications, for pain, nerve pain, and antibiotics. Thank you again for your love and support.


Apologies in advance if this upsets anyone. My son is at an event 6 hours away and it looks like this mama will be heading there asap. The store will be closing early today at 2pm. I’ve asked B to go with me as I worked all night and have not slept yet, so I would really appreciate having help on the drive there. I did reach out to volunteers who have helped with operating the store for the last few hours, however, no luck for today. I hope you all have the most amazing weekend with your families, and HAPPY FATHER’S DAY!!! ♥️🙌🏼💯

Photos from $2 Tots's post 06/08/2024

Good afternoon $2 Tots Tribe 🩷 I would like to take a moment talk about disappointments. I don’t know how much longer I can carry this weight without help. I am considering closing $2 Tots. If you have in store credit don’t worry I would be sure that you would get to use it for items you want/need. I want to help everyone I can so desperately with my entire heart and soul. I truly believed that as parents we could all work together to make this an incredible resource for families with in our community and that I just needed to be the strong brave soul that takes the leap of faith. I can’t begin to tell you how much a store like this would have helped me, especially when my kids were young. A store where I could buy clothes for my kids and myself @ just $2 apiece ?!?! When I relate with our tribe and about how I’ve been there, how I’ve struggled, and how I’ve survived, I mean it. I remember a time in my life when I couldn’t afford anything outside of the necessities. When it was too cold out and the park wasn’t an option I would take my son to Chucky Cheese to play. We would look for dropped coins under the machines like an Easter egg hunt, then when we couldn’t find any more tokens we would play in the free play structure they used to have. A bit off track, but I hope that you understand the point of sharing my experience. I’ve been there, so I know the impact financial struggles have on parents and their families first hand. I know in my heart that one of my life’s purposes is to help others. To be there in whatever capacity to offer a hand up. I am always saying this, and I’ll say it again. We are ALL in this together.

Okay, let’s talk about hours of operation first where this is the most recent disappointment brought to our attention. I can imagine that a portion of our tribe has experienced something similar to this comment at some point upon arriving. I sincerely apologize if we have ever disappointed you. We do everything in our power to be open and available for everyone during the posted operation hours. There are times that this is simply not possible. I have learned through this process that I will never be able to do everything right, make everyone happy, or meet everyone’s expectations. I do however do everything in my power to help meet the needs of everyone I can by sacrificing myself, my time, and my finances etc., and so do our volunteers. I am human and only one person. I will do my best to meet the expectation of opening at 11am, but we would need to either raise our prices, or obtain funding in order to hire staff. Until then we will need compensation and/or grace from our customers/tribe when it come to things like being late, or needing to be closed because of unexpected circumstances or family circumstances.

Trade Ins- I would absolutely LOVE to reopen the trade in program! I really enjoyed being able help by providing a fair option for parents to trade clothing, toys, and furniture that they no longer need for items that they do. We chose to continue taking trade in items even when our inventory was full because we didn’t want to let down the families who rely upon the program to provide essentials to their families. We were ultimately forced to place the program on hold due to the lack of help. The last few months that the program was open I was working literally non stop to try to process everyone’s trade ins, and maintain operations. This was such a beautiful time for $2 Tots as we were growing exponentially and the store sales began covering most if not all operating expenses. I was SO overjoyed because these meant that we would soon have the ability to hire help for the store, and I would have the time again to take microblading/ permanent makeup clients more to support my family. Unfortunately everything changed once the contractors from the space next to us hit a fire sprinkler line during renovations. We were forced remain closed during this time to clean, repair, and restock the store as we couldn’t remain open to the public while this was taking place. We made the decision to place trade in on hold not only because of how overwhelming this situation was, but it would have also been impossible for me to keep up with trade ins while trying to recover the business after so much loss. I had to take a personal loan just to cover expenses including operation expenses and reopen after this disaster, so that put us in the negative. After reopening the store we planned to reopen the trade in program once we recuperated from the loss and /or we had enough help to make it possible. Currently we have no help outside of what B and I can do, and I am still supplementing the business expenses financially because the store’s sales have not gotten back to where they were. That being said as much as I would love to, we are still not taking trade ins. I don’t have the manpower to accommodate the program. I barely have the manpower to keep the store open for everyone. If and/or when we do re open it there will be a program where you sign up for the day that you want to bring your items in to ensure that we only get a certain amount of drop offs per day. Currently we are not answering many messages asking if we’re accepting trade ins again yet. This is not because we want to be rude or ignore you, it is because of the volume of messages we get especially pertaining to trade ins. We hear you, we want to help, and we will absolutely let everyone know when things change and we’re able to begin accepting trade ins again.

If you need help, or know someone who does you’re welcome to reach out and if we can help in any way we will. Please do not steal, but especially not from a small locally owned and operated non profit. We are trying so hard to help, and every loss makes it that much harder to be successful in our mission. Please give us the opportunity to help you if we can, or help you find the resources that can if not. Taking from us is literally taking from others who need help.

If you’ve read this far and are wondering what you can do to help, or if you’re able to help with our mission in any way please refer to the post prior to this one for more information, private message us here, or text us at 208-615-4777. No phone calls please, we appreciate the ability to message back when we have a moment where time and helping hands are not in our favor.

Thank you all so much for the kindness, compassion, love, and support that you bring to our tribe! It takes a village and we’re happy to be here with you! 🩷🩷🩷

Google: https://g.co/kgs/Txdc8E
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/2dollartots
Tribe group: https://www.facebook.com/share/o7nDdYoNQUxCTUoJ/?mibextid=K35XfP
Parents group: https://www.facebook.com/share/KxfiN4BmuV8VkF8V/?mibextid=K35XfP
Instagram: www.Instagram.com/2.dollartots
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/?_t=8cl9fx1T7lb&_r=1
Website: www.2dollartots.com
Yelp: https://yelp.to/ATG3iVrBA7
GoFundMe: https://gofund.me/2a817be6
$2 Tots
(208) 615-4777 (text only)

Photos from $2 Tots's post 06/08/2024

Edit: I hope to make it clear that we in NO WAY have any inkling that the mother who wrote the post shared in the photos below was involved in any way with this situation. Sharing the photos from the anonymous post was to illustrate part of what we do within our community, and to share our experiences. We have nothing but love, kindness, and compassion for this strong and brave woman!

Good afternoon $2 Tot Tribe and Family! We want to thank everyone that came out this week to support us and took home some really great finds! We appreciate you very much. Sadly this afternoon we had an incident and want to share our experience, thoughts, and feelings with you. As many of you know we keep our bigger items such as strollers, cribs, swings, etc. out front instead of inside. This gives us the opportunity to utilize more space and offer a wider selection. All sizes and maternity are available in the back of the store too! As we were bringing our usual larger items in, we noticed that someone stole one of the higher end strollers we had available. We do hope whom ever took it really needed it. Unfortunately situations like these make it harder for us to continue operating as a non profit for our community while keeping our prices at just $2 for clothing items, and everything else is priced 50%-70% below retail cost of purchasing new. We are a non profit and unfortunately we haven’t been able to access grants, monetary donations, or create a fundraising program to help keep us her to support our community. $2 Tots operates strictly from the owner and the few volunteers who believe in our mission and donate what time they can, so as you can imagine this simply leaves little to no time to create an/or maintain additional programs. It makes us sad that in our efforts to help our community it feels like we are continuously facing one set back after another. I know it’s just one stroller, it’s just reminds me of the expression that says “no good deed goes unpunished”. 😔 Just today $2 Tots went above and beyond to help a family in need, then the very same day it’s more than the occasional $2 item that is stolen. We work hard to keep things positive, but we really appreciate being able to share this with our $2 Tots Tribe and Family. We would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that each effort makes an impact. If you’re able to help $2 Tots help our community in your own way please don’t hesitate to reach out. This could be a donation of items rather than a trade in, making even a $1 monetary contribution adds up and can help cover operating expenses, popping into the store to de wrinkling and hang clothing, cleaning or pricing toys and furniture, helping organize a fundraising event, sharing your personal experiences at $2 Tots with friends, family, and social networking to reach others that may need our help or are capable of helping us help our community, or if you or someone you know has the ability to help please let us know. You can message here, or text the store number at 208-615-4777. Blessings to you all! We appreciate all of you love and support 🩷🙏🏼🩷


I love the roads then they’re done so I remind myself that I’m grateful to have the road work, but dang…… it’s annoying while in progress. Point…. Late opening this morning ☺️ 🩷


Good morning $2 Tots Family! I got the call from my bank while on my way to the store saying there were fraudulent charges on my account! I swung by to provide what they needed and should at the store by 11:30. I’m still here though so I’ll let you know if it’s going to be later than that. Happy 80 some degree Saturday everyone!


I’m sorry guys I just can’t, and I can’t ask B to either. 😭 SO DISAPPOINTING

Photos from $2 Tots's post 05/22/2024

Good morning $2 Tots Tribe! I’m sad to say that one of our favorite volunteers was admitted into the hospital last night. First let me say that we love you, we are beside you, and we wish you all the healing this this earth has to offer. Second today is Trasyn’s Ceremony/Celebration at IESDB in Gooding. Well with our volunteer unavailable and not having another to for coverage I’m forced to choose between supporting my son and supporting my community. I love you all so much, but I am going to be beside him today to share in his accomplishments! I am beyond proud of this young man and all that he’s accomplished I I wasn’t to be there to show that along with so much love and support!! I hope that everyone can understand the need to be closed today, and I apologize for the inconvenience. We hope that you have the absolute best day! 🩷🩷🩷🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🩷🩷🩷



We have some volunteers heading to the store to open it. Will be there in about 20-30 minutes. 😊😊

Good morning $2 Tot Tribe & Family. We are sorry for the late post but unfortunately we will be open late today. We will be open at 1 pm. Rachelle needs to take one of her sons to the doctor and we are currently car pooling and she doesn’t have time to grab me (B). Most likely we will be open at 1:00 pm but if we’re able to open before then we will post it on here. Thank you for all your understanding and patience! We appreciate you all more than you know!!

Photos from $2 Tots's post 05/15/2024


Good afternoon $2Tot Tribe and Family. This just in! We have this Maxi Cosy car seat combo!! Comes with Car seat that fits in the stroller and interchanges with carriage and 2 bases for $140.00. It retails at $399.99. Come see us!!

Photos from $2 Tots's post 05/04/2024

Guys seriously with the rain 🙄 my garden LOVES it, but…… this is so frustrating! Even under the awning in the front (especially with wind) everything gets soaked when it rains. Let’s try again shall we? May 12th is Mother’s Day so we will need to wait until May 19th.


Good morning $2 Tots tribe and family! We are trying to get everything ready to go for our first .25 cent sale of the year and our grand opening of our back room for the bigger sizes. So we regret to inform everyone that we can not take any trade ins at this time. We hope to post something after Sunday to start our trade in program back up. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope you all understand. We hope to see everyone on Sunday!! Have a great day!! 😊


Good morning $2 Tots Tribe & Family!! The season of our .25 sale is finally here. We are happy to announce that Sunday May5th will be our first .25 sale and the grand opening of our back that has bigger sizes. 6T, 7/8,10/12, 14, 16, 18, men’s, women’s and maternity!! We will be open from 12pm-4pm!! We hope to see you here!! ❤️❤️


Good morning $2 Tots tribe and family! We apologize in advance. We are running late. We were working at the store until almost 4 am. We woke up late but we are heading to the store now. We will be open today but a little later than usual. Again thank you for your continued support and patience.

Photos from $2 Tots's post 04/02/2024

Needing food and diaper help for my daughter’s family (sizes 5/6, parents choice preferred, little ones react to Huggies diapers). Mykaila is hospitalized in Boise and on strict bed rest after her water broke prematurely. Thankfully despite there being no amniotic fluid baby Paisley is still fighting strong.

If you are able to make a food or diapering donation I will be able to collect items for their family this evening between the Boise Meridian and Kuna area, or I will also be available for drop offs most of the day at $2 Tots in Boise ($2 is not open today so if you want to drop off please message ahead or leave at the front door because the doors will be locked).

I have also set up a go fund me for Mykaila's family (Link in the comments). If you're able to contribute in any way please know that it helps so much and is gratefully appreciated! Send prayers, share her story, write her a few encouraging and kind words, and or help relieve the stress and financial burden that has been placed on their family in addition to this unfortunate situation. Truly every bit of love and support helps.


We brought the white shelf inside because it was cleared out. We stocked up a few more things outside if anyone needs them 🩷🐣🩵

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Apologies in advance if this upsets anyone. My son is at an event 6 hours away and it looks like this mama will be headi...
Donate when you can 🩷💜🩵 one man’s trash is another man’s treasure 🙌🏼
Evenflo Urbini Omni Plus Travel System $90 ♥️♥️♥️
Happy Black Friday $2 Tots Tribe 🥳🥳🥳 This Black Friday 11/24/23 ONLY!!! All clothing items are 50% OFF!!! ALL tops and b...
Closed today and tomorrow due to a flood😱😭 we have to move a all of the inventory out until it has been cleaned and drie...
This is our “foster kitty” (no name yet). I used “” because I’m not sure that the kids will let her go… Honestly though,...
09/17/23 ‼️CLOSED TODAY‼️PLEASE SHARE‼️Elysian had another seizure! We were recently released from the hospital, and I a...
Late to work because….
Finally feeling better ❤️‍🩹
Living his best life 😎😎😎
Boys Size 5 Added Today! 🤑Always just $2 Each!





8249 W. Overland Road , Suite 130
Boise, ID

Opening Hours

Wednesday 11am - 6pm
Thursday 11am - 6pm
Friday 11am - 6pm
Saturday 11am - 6pm

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Boise, 83704

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Boise, 83702

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Boise, 83704

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Boise, 83704

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Boise, 83709

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