Boundary Search and Dive Rescue Team

Boundary Search and Dive Rescue Team

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Boundary Search and Dive Rescue Team Inc. is a non-profit Search and Rescue organization.


From our to team to you, we wish you a happy and safe 4th of July!!!!


Also please help us thank Travis and Jessica Stolley for the generous donation!!!!!!


Over the weekend our team hosted the Idaho State Search and Rescue Summer Conference. It wouldn't have been possible without the amazing community. So we would like to take a moment and Thank our amazing sponsors and donors.

Photos from Boundary Search and Dive Rescue Team's post 06/17/2024

Over the weekend we had our annual SAR Academy, where 7 new probationary members went through.
A huge shout out to all those that not only went through and completed Academy but to those who made it all possible.

Photos from Boundary Search and Dive Rescue Team's post 06/09/2024

BSDRT Water Rescue Team conducted some water training this morning in preparation for summer. The team utilized the jetskis and the john boat. Training included obstacle course, flipping and recovering the jetskis, victim pickups. Jetski and John boat personnel transfers etc. The flipping and recovering video is in the comments.

Photos from Boundary Search and Dive Rescue Team's post 05/20/2024

Six members of BSDRT’s Swiftwater Rescue Team, traveled to the Blackfoot River in Western Montana this weekend, to attend Advanced Swift Water Rescue training. All six members had previously attended Basic Swift Water Rescue Technician training. This training allowed our team members to put some new, and more advanced tools in their toolbox, and earn a Advanced Swiftwater Rescue Technician Certification. We want to thank our friends at Whitewater Rescue Institute, for hosting this class for us. Tuition was paid for by BSDRT through our supporters gracious donations. This is an example of what your donations do for our community. If you’re interested in supporting BSDRT, visit our website at


Did you miss our showing of Where the Rope Ends? No fear!!! There is still a chance!
Be sure to check out Kootenai County Sheriff - Volunteer Search & Rescue showing.

Have you heard about the movie “Where the Rope Ends”? It’s a moving and inspirational film about a trauma nurse who received severe life-threatening injuries in a 60 foot fall canyoneering, the Search and Rescue response that saved her life, and her personal growth from the accident and recovery to find the key to happiness. Kootenai County Volunteer Search and Rescue is showing this movie May 22 at Hayden Discount Cinemas, partly as a fundraiser, partly to help the community understand the incredible service SAR professional volunteers.

There will be a dozen outdoor recreation-oriented organizations at the free tailgater available to discuss their missions; and SAR personnel to answer your questions about their experiences and the techniques used on missions. Food will be provided as well.

Tickets to the movie can be purchased at

Equine Detection Services 05/10/2024

Boundary County
August 2-4
495144 Highway 95, Naples Idaho

Instructor: Terry Nowacki Equine Detection Services (

Classroom And In-The-Field Training
About 1/4 of this clinic will be classroom PowerPoint and video presentation and the rest will be out in the field training working with horses and riders.
We have found that three days works best for this clinic.

• Friday night- 2-3 hours (classroom)
• Saturday - approximately 6 hours (out in the field)
• Sunday - about 4-5 hours (45 min classroom and the rest out in the field with horses).

COST: $300.00 per Horse and rider/handler
Free dry camping on site (Field / treed area)

Please RSVP with Kami Hill [email protected]
$100.00 non-refundable deposit to hold your reservation.
Limited number of spaces available.

For more information, please see the attached documentation.

What will you learn at an Equine Scent Detection clinic in (2023)?
Since equine scent detection was a lost art before I brought it back into the public eye, it seems that most people who have never attended my clinics do not understand the value of the information I present.
If you are just a horse lover, mounted SAR rider, or want to train your own scent detection horse you will be presented with the most unique horsemanship training you have ever received.
You will have the opportunity to “Experience the Ride of a Lifetime”
People that attend my clinics can use the information presented and take equine scent detection in two levels.
Level #1 is for All MSAR riders and all horse lovers.
Level #2 is for participants who want to keep training a finished scent detection horse.

1- Why All Mounted SAR need an Equine Scent Detection Training (Level 1)
The number one answer is -if they do not understand their horse’s natural scent detection capabilities, they are not using mounted SAR to its full potential.
You will see equine scent detection firsthand and learn how, and why it works.
For SAR purposes, when most untrained horses come across the scent of either a live person or a cadaver in an unexpected area (unexpected to the horse) they will naturally give a series of signs. These signs are most often NOT an excited heads-up-alert sign like riders expect to see, instead it usually a series of small subtle signs that most untrained people do not even recognize. (The excited heads-up-alert is a sign that the horse has seen or heard something but is not related to scenting.) The information I present on this subject goes way beyond common knowledge of equine body language.
Reading equine sign language is the whole key to understanding your horse’s natural scent detection capabilities. This knowledge will greatly increase your Probability of Detection. For example – Did you know that certain equine snorts are directly related to scenting and others are not? You will learn the three different types.
You will get training on understanding scent theory and movement, which is something all SAR members should know.
You will see and learn search strategy as it pertains to scent movement and detection. There is a right and wrong way to search a certain area.
Participants will be able to witness firsthand as many of their own horses learn to air scent locate hiding subjects
You will get all around horsemanship training tips that will improve all MSAR. You will learn to improve your horsemanship on what you feel, hear and see from your horse.
Participants will learn how to best cover search areas using a grid search. After working with many MSAR teams all across the United States I can tell you this is a skill which many riders have great difficulty in achieving when they are by themselves.
In order for my clinics to run smoothly and in a timely fashion, I request that groups use the Incident Command System (ICS). Even though this training is required for all SAR members I find that most MSAR groups across the US are lacking on their working knowledge on how to use this system. To manage my clinics, I request groups set up and use Operations, Planning, Logistics sections. If they do not know how I do give limited instruction.
2- Riders who want to keep training a finished scent detection horse will be presented all of the above plus the following (When a finished scent detection horse comes across the target scent it will follow the scent to it source) (Level 2):
Learn and see firsthand the steps needed for training the air scenting horse - You will be able to see many participant horses learn to air scent hiding subjects' step by step.
How to document your scent trainings.
Videos of finished scent detection horses in action.
You will get to try out specialized scent training equipment.
Learn why understanding equine sign language is 100% necessary to complete your goal. You will learn that horses use a different set of sign language for the following stages of scent detection:
1. Searching for scent.
2. Picking up on the scent.
3. Following scent drift.
4. Locating scent source.
5. Loosing scent.

Trouble Shooting – You will witness many problems in training that arise among the participants and see different correction methods.
You will see how scent movement changes according to the environment
3-What The Horse Lover /Trail Riders and Natural Horsemanship Enthusiast Will Learn:
The number one answer is - If you want a true partnership with your horse, you best start by understanding equine scent and sign communication and then build from there.
Equine Scent Detection is natural horsemanship in its purest form; it’s the only 100% natural job we ask horses to do.
You will feel, see, and hear previously unknown equine sign language as it pertains to equine scent detection.
Feel and Timing are two of the most important components of horsemanship. At our clinic we discuss and demonstrate the importance of feel and timing. Riders will learn how to better use feel and timing in their all-around horsemanship.
You will hear all around horsemanship training tips that will improve your training. Along with helping you develop a better “feel” of your horse while riding.
From the information presented you can learn to document equine sign language and use this knowledge to improve training techniques or to increase understanding between horse and rider.
You will learn how equine scent detection is being used for sport in Field Trials.
Does Equine Scent Detection Work? Answer Yes It Has Been Proven Many Times.
The following is just one example of many - Please read the Sheriff’s News Release below and you will read about a lifesaving find giving credit to Scent Detection Horse.

2021 Life Saving Scenting Horse Of The Year
It is with great pride and pleasure that we are awarding our 2021 Life Saving Scenting Horse Of The Year to Ceedo owned by Raven Reed. In a news release on May 27, 2021, Sheriff Daniel Abbott credits Ceedo with finding the missing lady. Owner Raven Reed said Ceedo used Equine Scent Detection to make the find. This had been a three-day search for the missing lady in near freezing temperatures. On the first days of the search, they used ground, K-9 and air searches with no luck. The Van Buren County Sheriff’s Mounted Division and Ceedo were called out on day three of the search. Raven Reed and Ceedo had only been out for 20 minutes when Raven notice her horse was going into the scenting mode so she knew they were on to something

They found the lady; she was barely conscious and had hypothermia. It had been cold down in the 30s
It had been my pleasure to have previously given my Equine Scent Detection training to Ceedo, Raven and the Van Buren County Sheriff’s Mounted Division. Congratulations to Ceedo, Raven Reed and the whole Van Buren County Sheriff’s Mounted Division!

2022 Scenting Horse of The Year
It is with great pride and pleasure that the American Equine Scenting Association is awarding our 2022 Horse of The Year to Sampson owned by Sgt. David Estes. Sgt. Estes has been with Florida’s Collier County Sheriff’s Mounted Patrol Unit since 2000 and Sampson joined the Mounted Patrol in 2017.
In 2021, Estes attended Terry Nowacki’s Equine Scent Detection clinic hosted by Peace River K9 Search and Rescue in Myakka, Florida. Sgt. Estes said that he and his horse Sampson learned the new skill set of searching for people by using the horse’s amazing ability to search with their nose. He returned to his agency and began training his Mounted Patrol team in scent detection. The team has been able to locate a person hiding in the wilderness with great speed and accuracy sometimes from distances of up to ¼ mile away.
In 2022, while on duty, Estes repeatedly used Sampson’s scenting ability to locate evidence and apprehended suspects.
Congratulations to Sampson and Sgt. David Estes!
Terry Nowacki
American Equine Scenting Association

This e-mail is Copyright protected, do not copy or send any of the below information to others without written permission from Terry. If you want to send some of the below information to others send me a request and I will send information directly to them with their permission.

Equine Detection Services Equine Detection Services - Search and Rescue


As Idaho Gives Week has come to an end, We at BSDRT would like to thank those of you who considered donating.
As stated before we are a small, self supporting 501 3c team and we are greatful to each and every donor, whether it be a financial donation,a physical, or time donation.
We are greatful!

Photos from Boundary Search and Dive Rescue Team's post 04/29/2024

Idaho Gives week begins today!!!!
Every year Boundary Search and Dive Rescue Team responds to numerous calls for service, and we do this at no charge to the person in need or our community.
We look to our amazing community for help with funds to maintain our high quality training and fund our equipment needs. We are a 501 c3, and are fully self supporting.
When looking for a cause to donate to this week, or anytime please consider BSDRT.
You can donate through our PayPal link

Or directly to us at
P.O. Box 1274
Bonners Ferry ID, 83805

Thank you so much, and we look forward to continuing to serve our community. All donations are tax deductible.

The members of

Photos from Boundary Search and Dive Rescue Team's post 04/27/2024

We want to take a moment to thank the community and a special thanks to Nichole and Paul for coming to our screening of Where the Rope Ends!!!! We had a nice turn out and it was fantastic to meet and visit with Nichole and Paul!!!


In less then 48 hours we will be showing this amazing video of Strength and Hope and just an amazing story!!!! Please remeber entry is by donation. Refreshments avalible. Q & A with Nichole, the amazing survivor and producer of Where the Rope Ends and our team to Follow
See you all Saturday at 9am!!!

6821 Riverside
Bonners Ferry


Let the count down begin, this Saturday at 9, be sure to be there!!

6821 Riverside
Bonners Ferry Id

The WaterWays building (SAR Barn)


We are please to announce that Nichole Doane, subject of and producer of Where the Rope Ends will be in attendance at our showing on APRIL 27th @ 9a.m
We are excited for this opprotunity and for Nichole to be able to share her experiance, strength and hope with us live after the viewing. We hope to see you all there!!! We will be having a Q & A and refreshments. Remember entry is by DONATION with all proceeds going directly to our team.


Join BSDRT April 27th @ 9a.m for a viewing of this powerfull film, Where the Rope Ends. Come see what our team is all about and see if you migh be interested in joining. Entry is by donation, we will have a Q & A after. STAY TUNED FOR A BIG ANNOUNCMENT!!!!!

Where the Rope Ends Teaser 04/01/2024


Bonners Ferry, Idaho – April 27th, 2024 – Highly acclaimed and locally produced film ‘Where the Rope Ends’ will be shown at the Waterways Building 6821 Riverside St, on April 27th th at 9:00a.m. All proceeds will go towards Boundary Search and Dive Rescue Team

The film is about Nichole Doane, a trauma nurse who found herself suspended 100 feet above the ground after a rappelling error. It was in this terrifying moment that she had a profound mental transformation, which not only spared her life but also became her guiding light during the challenging journey of recovery following her harrowing fall.

“It’s an extraordinary gift to somehow live through what you thought was the end of your life “ says Doane “I found more wisdom in those few moments than I experienced in the entirety of my life and that shift in perspective rewrote my focus for the future “
The making of the film itself was a transformative 7-year journey, and tells the story not only of Nichole Doane’s long recovery, but also of the amazing local Search and Rescue team that saved her.
“When I first met Nichole in yoga teacher training, she was recovering from the fall in a wheelchair, her pelvis held together by a metal bar. Little did I know the impact Nichole and her story would have on my life” says director Baylee Sinner. “watching people walk away from the film applying Nichole’s learnings to their own life is the biggest gift and I can’t wait to watch that happen on a larger scale”
Be sure to join the BSDRT team from this showing with Q & A to follow. All proceeds will stay with the team to help fund training and equipment needs. This viewing will be by DONATION!!

Film Website:


Where the Rope Ends Teaser


Wishing you all a Happy Easter!


Where the Rope Ends


Boundary Search and Dive Rescue is excited to bring you a viewing of "Where the Rope Ends" APRIL 27th, @ 9a.m
At our Search and Rescue Barn, or the Waterways building at 6821 Riverside St, Bonners Ferry
Cost is by Donation, proceeds collected from this fundraiser will help support your local Search and Rescue Organization.
Join Us & Learn more about our group of volunteers!
Stay after the movie for a Q & A session and check out what tools our team currently has.


Tonight, our team did a mock search for a lost hiker.
We utilized our mantracker,ATVs, and other resources. We practiced with hypo wraps, and pack outs.



I have been in Bonners Ferry, pretty much most of my life. I left for a short time, and came back to the nest. There really isn't any place like Boundary County to call home. I currently work for the Boundary County Sheriff's Office, and I'm assigned to the Patrol Division. I live with my fiance Tami, we are a mixed family, and between the two of us, we have five kids ranging in age 9 to 21. When I'm not spending time with my family, or working, I enjoy pretty much anything outdoors, and really enjoy spending time in the mountains, and backcountry.

I joined Boundary Search and Dive Rescue Team for the first time in 2002, and primarily worked on the horse team, until I left the area in 2006. I came back to the team in 2013, and in June of this year will be my 11th year consecutively on the team, with 14 years of service total. I served as a Board Member for 2 years, as the Vice President for 2 years, and as the President for 4 years. I recently returned to the Board of Directors, for the 2024 year. I hold an Advanced Search Manager's Certificate, ERI Basic SAR Skills Instructor, Swift Water Rescue Technician, and too many other certificates to list. I have two areas of specialty in SAR I really enjoy, Overhead (SAR Management), and I currently serve on the BSDRT/BCSO Dive Team. I really enjoy operating all of our watercraft, and have come to know the Kootenai River quite well. Another passion of mine in SAR is teaching others the ins and outs of the business of helping others. Some of my most rewarding, and fondest memories here, have been sharing my knowledge, and watching others grow on our team.

I'm very proud to serve with this group of professionals, and look forward to our future.


Meet Brandon Neuman!!!

Time in Bonners: I have lived in Bonners Ferry for 23 years. I was born in South Dakota, but I am a 5th generation Bonners resident.

Family: I have been with the love of my life for 8 years, and we got married on Dec 1st. We have two beautiful and (kinda) good dogs, Copper and Arya.

Previous experience: When I moved to Bonners, my grandfather, Jerry, started teaching me everything he knows about the outdoors. I have hiked, fished, and hunted a lot of this county. When I was a kid, I worked for the Forest Service trail crew where I made trails to the top of Queen Mt, and the revision to the Harrison Lake trail.

Training: I have recieved quite a bit of training through SAR; Swiftwater Rescue, ERI Search Management (Basic and advanced,) Wilderness First Aid, ATV, lots of general training, and the very first SAR Academy.

Hobbies: I like to spend time outdoors doing things like fly-fishing high mountain creeks, shooting, picking mushrooms and berries, hunting grouse, and kayaking lakes. I also really enjoy History.

How long with SAR: I have been a member of SAR for 8 years in December. I joined the same month I started dating my wife.

I have enjoyed my time in Seach and Rescue. I am happy that I have been able to help people who were in need, and I am grateful for the friends I have made on our team. If you're interested in the outdoors and learning skills that might save your life or someone else's, come join Search and Rescue.


From all of us at BSDRT we want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, now gobble til ya wobble!!!

Minden Family Tragic House Fire, organized by Michaela Burt 11/17/2023

Let's help part of our amazing Medic family.

A Bonners Ferry couple dedicated to serving the community as long-time emergency medical technicians and their three daughters now themselves need the support of their community after a house fire shortly before noon Thursday caused extensive damage to their home and belongings.

Minden Family Tragic House Fire, organized by Michaela Burt The Minden family of 5, husband, wife, and three girls, experienced a tragic event 11/… Michaela Burt needs your support for Minden Family Tragic House Fire


We at BSDRT would like to take a moment to show our gratitude and appreciation for all the men and women who have served our Country!!


Let's meet Adam Reevs!!!

How long have you been in Bonners? I have lived in Bonners Ferry since 1996 when my parents moved here for work.

A little about yourself/family - I have four awesome kids, and an Amazing Girlfriend! We enjoy adventuring all year round.

Previous experience - I have always enjoyed the outdoors, and this is a way to give back to the community that I love and live in while honing those skills.

Training - I am the team lead for Off Highway Vehicle team (snowmobiles, Atv, Utv), current trainings include wilderness first aid & CPR, white water rescue technician, low angle ropes...

Hobbies/interests- My free time is filled with various outdoor activities, rafting, motorcycle riding mountain trails, snowmobiling, hiking.

How long with SAR - I have been part of SAR since 2015

Photos from Boundary Search and Dive Rescue Team's post 11/01/2023

Another great Glowing Treats in the books. Thank you Boundary County for brining all your adorable kiddos out!!!


Meet Pat Bennett!!!

I have been a member of the Boundary Search and Dive Rescue Team for about 8 years now. I am the team lead for Swift Water Rescue / Watercraft Rescue and I currently serve as a board member for BSDRT. Throughout the time spent as a member of BSDRT I have served on the board of directors for a few years, and I have served as the Vice President. My certificates and training include White water rescue technician, watercraft rescue, ATV/UTV, Snowmobiles, Rope Rescue, Avalanche rescue, First Aid and CPR.
I am proud to serve our community as a volunteer for the Boundary Search and Dive Rescue Team. I have always been a proponent for volunteering for a community agency. I feel it’s a way for me to give back to the community especially in a time of need. I also spend time volunteering for the forest service every year to help with the upkeep of one of the local lookouts.
Bonners Ferry is my hometown where I have grown up and have always lived. It’s a great place to live for outdoor activities. Throughout the year during my free time, I’m typically running around in the woods or the desert on some crazy adventure with my partner and my three dogs. In the wintertime you will find me out snowmobiling or snowshoeing.


Rest in Peace Officer.

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Videos (show all)

EXCITING ANNOUNCMENT!!!!We are please to announce that Nichole Doane, subject of and producer of Where the Rope Ends wil...
Join BSDRT April 27th @ 9a.m for a viewing of this powerfull film, Where the Rope Ends. Come see what our team is all ab...
Boundary Search and Dive  Rescue is excited to bring you a viewing of "Where the Rope Ends" APRIL 27th, @ 9a.m At our Se...
From all of us at BSDRT we want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, now gobble til ya wobble!!!


6821 Riverside Street
Bonners Ferry, ID

Other Ambulance & rescue in Bonners Ferry (show all)
Boundary Ambulance Boundary Ambulance
6658 Comanche Street
Bonners Ferry, 83805

Emergency Medical Services & Transport