Intuitive Body

Intuitive Body

How would you bless the world if you were free of habits that deplete you? Creating change can be sa

Work with Me

1-on-1 counseling for overeating, bingeing & mind-body disconnection. Let your shame evaporate, as you flood your world with beauty. Drop into your body, your brilliance & truth — and let this be the last intervention you ever need.


🌙🌟⚡️My way of working with you to heal emotional eating, binge eating,
up and down and out of control eating... is NOT traditional.

How you *feel* in your body...
more important than any number on a scale, any way of eating, anything the experts spout, anything that did or didn't work for somebody else.

You can trust how you feel.
You know what feels good, what doesn't.
You know when you feel well, like yourself... at your best.

Maybe you know what true health feels like,. but you may not.
Maybe you can remember a time when you felt really free and at ease
and happy in your physical body... but you may not
Maybe you can pull up memories of feeling beautiful, of feeling light, of loving the body you were in ... but you may not.

And if you never have...if there has always been pain or shame or longing or a sense of heaviness or disconnection between you and your true companion, your body that is your physical home here... something went awry. At some point. Maybe trauma, maybe a chronic sense of not good enough, maybe the highly sensitive empathy overload of feeling too much, maybe a way of sacrificing yourself to make somebody else feel better... something.

I'm not interested in the latest diet, nor in having you exercise yourself into a frenzy, nor in some dogmatic approach that brings you into any further disconnection from your true knowing, your self, your .

We sense SO much via the body.
It's our radar, our antenna, how we feel our way in the world..
How we make choices about what's safe, what's not, where we belong.. what moves us, what we love, what loves us.

If we don't feel love for our body, feel the disconnection of shame or judgement.. it's hard to 'stay inside' and sense in the ways that matter... to give and receive in a way that best serves us.

I've spent decades working with women and teens around softening and healing them back into connection after the pain of disordered eating, or unhappiness with size or shape, or relentless beliefs and self talk separated them...

You and your body. Are not separate.
Never were, never will be. There is pain when women feel cut off from the pleasures that the body is meant to experience, the pleasures of being embodied in the senses.

My own personal walk thru an eating disorder that started when my Dad was diagnosed w cancer when I was 14, inspired me to find what worked.. And although I am thankful to be free of disordered binge-eating, I continue to love and be devoted to the women and teens that come to me wanting relief.

My approach is not traditional...never was.
It includes what I call The Daily Essentials
Practices and strategies that draw from energy healing,
spiritual guidance, managing sensitive/empath challenges,
intuitive development, breath-work, creative flow and self expression, and some meditative journeying that is powerful.

I am a creative.
What i love is creating something that works for you,
that you will be inspired and excited by.
This is not what you've done or tried before.
When you are my client, I am devoted to you.
I have been where you may be now... and I want to help
and I have the chops...
Both my early clinical training and work
in some pretty impressive settings.. my immersive work in treating trauma, and my many years studying with the healers, the spiritual teachers, the medicine men/women, the yogis, and more.

37 years working with women that struggled with all this...

It's a great mix.
It's a mix that will serve you.

It's too much to write about here (though I'm trying!!)
This is personal and deserves a personal conversation.
I want to hear your story. I want to give you some feedback
and ideas that will help whether you hire me or not.

I am opening Serving Sessions over the next 2 weeks to have
conversations about this particular issue. I'd love to talk with you.
We meet on zoom for whatever time feels right and then we decide if we want to move forward and what model will work best for you.

I know so many of my clients have faced the feeling of not wanting to try again and fail, but don't want to give up. It can be hard to imagine succeeding at something where there has been such pain and expense and frustration and self-blame.

And yet I am taking a stand for you, fighting for you, because i know that with the right support and a specific way of seeing this and the practices that will nourish you... you can flourish..

I know you may read this and think you are the 'only one' who this won't work for (all of my clients have told me they felt this way... every single one) but it actually did work for them, and I believe you can also feel relief, also feel the beauty of connection to your , also break the spell of overeating.

~~"When I reached out to Lisa last fall I was pretty desperate. I was so uncomfortable in my body but couldn’t muster up any of the many, many strategies I’d used before to lose weight. I’m so grateful that there was some spark in me that didn’t want to be resigned to living that life forever and looked to Lisa for a different way. Lisa took that little spark and stoked it into fire. That my body is transforming seems a bit like the least of it. There’s a level of peace and even ease in how I’m approaching food and my body that I never really thought would be possible for me and I am so grateful to have invested in myself through working with Lisa." Debra, Ontario, CA

~~"In the short time I have been working with Lisa, I have experienced profound shifts in my perception about myself, my “food issues”, my relationships with people close to me and my emotional eating. Through Lisa’s gentle but powerful coaching I have gained understanding, practical knowledge and most importantly – support, support and more support for the journey. I love working with Lisa for her warmth, her humour and her deep empathy. I am calm (and joyful) in the knowledge that I am well on my way to conquering my emotional eating in a timeframe that is comfortable for me. Lisa has the safe hands to guide me ".
DG-Melbourne, AU

I can help.
Let's talk.. reach out to schedule during my Serving Hours.
I will give you my best, you just have to show up. xo lisa

40 Days:Breaking The Spell Of Emotional Eating - IntuitiveBody 11/01/2021

I have been fascinated by addiction for a good long time. Addiction surely touched my family as it likely touched yours. Both of my brothers in more obvious external ways, but it ran through the line for sure. Through my own experience, for sure, as I see eating disorders as a form of addiction.

My decades of study with Caroline Myss have informed every aspect of my work and my personal evolution and healing. I can't tell you how much. I don't even really remember when her brilliance wasn't woven into my perspective. As always I have to say how deeply grateful I am for her. And for the teachers and the teachings.

And as I wrote the materials for my 40-Days~Breaking The Spell of Emotional Eating, the themes and ideas related to addiction are prominent. Maybe differently from how you've thought of them.

One of them is about how we split and divide ourselves in two. When we separate our hearts from our minds.
When what we say and how we act are not congruent with what we believe.

The ways we then can't tell ourselves the truth.

⚡⚡⚡And how when we can't speak truth, when we betray ourselves and are split off from what we know, what we believe, what is true... we will need something for the pain. ⚡⚡⚡

This certainly applies to our intuition, also.
To our relationship with our ... yes yes yes it does.

When your intuition offers you new information, are you ready for this form of truth to reach you, to pe*****te, to integrate with your awareness?

Not always, would be the correct answer.

And when you are not ready for truth to land via your , then what? What will you do?

You'll block it.
You will likely reach for a well-worn habitual pattern, a coping strategy, a comfort, a way to block... aka addiction.

Consider this and you'll know it's true.

When we are able to be with what is true, when we are willing to see clearly, to feel it all including real pain, we will be less likely to try to subvert it with an addictive strategy.

I have found this such a valuable concept. It's just true. And can be so helpful.

Just dropping by with that little morsel for now. Back to my Chai Latte and my writing. Happy Monday, Beauties. xo lisa

PS- ready to get some relief for your emotional eating that has been going on for what feels like forever? I have something beautiful you can do on your own... some support included, affordable.. more support if you want it. go here.

40 Days:Breaking The Spell Of Emotional Eating - IntuitiveBody Everything you need to break the spell (and the pain) of emotional eating to emerge into heart-spinning beauty. 40 DAYS~Because 40 is a number that speaks of miracles Join me for a gorgeous 40 days of renewal, here on Teachable 40 Days tells us of sacred journeys. From suffering and torment, to tran...

40 Days:Breaking The Spell Of Emotional Eating - IntuitiveBody 10/25/2021

⭐⚡✨I know a lot of women (and most of my clients) who are torn between 1~wanting real help+support around the and also 2~wanting to do it themselves.

The conflict makes sense to me, for lots of reasons.

⭐⚡✨The women I work with have had lots of success in lots of ways. The thing with eating and weight, is maddening to them b/c they are so powerful in other realms...

⭐⚡✨Also.. the shame. The shame is a big part of all this.
So it's understandable to want to find healing privately. Lots of things that promised relief, didn't deliver.

These women tend to believe it's their fault. It isn't.

And they tend to believe they are 'the one' that is 'hopeless'... no, they are not (and neither are you).

⭐⚡✨But with all the trying, investing, frustration... it makes sense to want to pull in, try something behind the scenes. AND there are other reasons...

⭐⚡✨Why it might be good to do it yourself this time... (with my very focused curated best practices provided every day, with things to think about, to practice, to write... slow and steady and private.)

⭐⚡✨A daily flow of support, new perspective, specific practices and writing prompts keeps you focused, without overwhelm, without jumping around, without trying to figure out where to start, what to choose, how. The overwhelm is a big factor when you try to heal something longstanding.

⭐⚡✨All of the 40-Day materials build and support you foundationally and keep you in really beautiful care and balance. Privately and in manageable doses.

⭐⚡✨It's a really affordable investment on its own and also provides email coaching. YOu can also add 3 spellbreaking sessions for more support at half price usual coaching rates.

⭐⚡✨Privacy- take your needs seriously. Trust yourself to take action in your own way with a quiet but steady support. Time to metabolize big shifts in perspective and integrate small daily actions that make a difference right away.

⭐⚡✨Slow and steady. Stay the course for these 40-days. Every day you will be provided something that will add to the overall healing, discovery, and reconnection with your heart, your intuition/ , and your wellbeing. Every day will give you something that I know will truly NOURISH you.

⭐⚡✨Some days will be harder than others. This is not lightweight fluff. Some of this is deep and not so fun to look at. Each day's material add something essential that my client have benefitted from for decades, as have I myself. This lets you process and digest quietly. But I am here if you need me. Via SOS email coaching... or more if you want it. But this stands alone.

SO much more I could say but you can both read more about the program, and also please know I am here to answer any questions, now and later. Read more here..

PS- this is my life's work. from my own brutal binge-eating disorder when my dad was dying... to freedom, beauty, balance and working with my clients who truly deserve relief, as do you. This my expertise, I've spent 35 years developing and curating materials for women like me who just did not know what else to do to break free. To Break the Spell of Emotional Eating.

I would love you to have this. go here~

40 Days:Breaking The Spell Of Emotional Eating - IntuitiveBody Everything you need to break the spell (and the pain) of emotional eating to emerge into heart-spinning beauty. 40 DAYS~Because 40 is a number that speaks of miracles Join me for a gorgeous 40 days of renewal, here on Teachable 40 Days tells us of sacred journeys. From suffering and torment, to tran...

Home - IntuitiveBody 10/25/2021

⭐⚡💜⚡⭐For my emotional eaters, my bingers, my dieters, my up and downers and thinking it's all about the food and the body, for my all or nothing perfectionists... I'm thinking of you.
We all need a best friend (or a few).
For the obvious reasons, but also to remind us of what real love knows. To remind us of what real love and care sound like, from the person who really really knows us and loves us anyways.
Because that's what you want to borrow. That perspective, that voice. That feeling of being seen, loved, known.
When you can't find the love and compassion, the soft-eyes, the kindest voice for your precious self, you want to borrow from somebody who provides those things.
When you are raggedy and stuck in your pain-identity.., when you believe that you are the sum of this flaw and that imperfection... and not much else... You need to remember, and borrow.
You need to just for a few minutes, remember and connect with how that friend(s) sees you. The love in their eyes, their ability to see the whole of you, all your parts, the beautiful and the imperfect, and that which is becoming.
The ones that do not measure you by what you ate, what you weigh, what your body is up to, or which parts are lovable or not.
I hope to God that you have friends like that. (If you don't, then that is another discussion and we should talk about this).
In my decades of work with women who have suffered around their relationship with food and their body, one of my favorite things is when a client says "I could hear you in my head"....
When they 'borrowed' the voice of my seeing and loving their wholeness... all of the parts of them... when they can remember and give that back to themselves in the moment they most need it.
That's where they begin to integrate something new that shifts how they see and treat themselves. That's when they release the painful patterns, the excruciating self-talk and the rest. That's when they get momentum.
PS- You can have that too. I offer intimate individual intensive intuitive (sorry love alliteration)... that gets to the heart of you and the heart of where you have struggled and brings relief that ripples thru every area of your life. It's gentle, loving, and highly successful, as my clients get big outcomes. You can see how it works in a complimentary coaching session with me, just reach out and we'll find a time to talk together. Check out my free 23 page pdf, The Beauty of Relief... when you enter your email on my website.
all love to you, xo lisa

Home - IntuitiveBody Holistic Wellness Intuitive Coaching and spiritual guidance for makeovers that matter. Beautiful rituals and practices and healing to transform body and eating issues, relationship struggles, beautiful self-care and intuitive development for men and women. Located in Newport, RI and globally online.

Home - IntuitiveBody 09/21/2021

Beauties, If you've ever struggled with emotional eating, binge eating, or a relationship with food and your body that has left you feeling dis-empowered and lousy... this is for you. It's brand new, it's a gift, it's packed with supportive content and it's now available.
Just head over to my home page and opt-in (I'd love to see you and you can opt in and opt out any time you want..).
It's called 'The Beauty of Relief~(from emotional eating)
11 Essentials That Will Help.
It's 23 pages of love+support and my 35 years of experience helping my clients who have struggled with both emotional eating and feeling 'too much'... I want you to have it if this is you.
Please visit and help yourself to a copy, with my love and thanks... xo lisa

Home - IntuitiveBody Holistic Wellness Intuitive Coaching and spiritual guidance for makeovers that matter. Beautiful rituals and practices and healing to transform body and eating issues, relationship struggles, beautiful self-care and intuitive development for men and women. Located in Newport, RI and globally online.


⭐⚡⭐⚡💜Announcing....My life's work, my legacy... now in a 40-day container of the magical+mystical for you... daily, in the privacy of your own domain... to take in and use for your healing from emotional eating. This is personal, a culmination, emotional... I am so very happy to offer this as a part of my decades of work helping women break the spell of emotional eating and the underlying themes and struggles my clients share. For you.. with so much love.
Coming soon (VERY soon)... 40 days of the beautiful+the mystical for healing emotional eating and struggles with loving your body. Filling yourself up with the gorgeous, the potent, the sacred... an initiation, a walking through a portal...
Today as the new moon is dark in the sky and we think about what we want to create this lunation.. I want to let you know that I have something big to offer you.
⚡⭐💜The POWER and MAGIC of 40- long held as a number of miracles and transformation. A container for rebirth and healing. A possibility for magic+miracles. For you.
You will be hand-fed materials to inspire and soothe you, to lift you beyond your tired beliefs about yourself, about your identity, about 'the problem". Every day for 40 days.
This is personal for me. I have been gathering these pieces for a lifetime... but officially for 35 years, as I traveled through 20 years of clinical trainings that gave me a way to see and understand, then left that in 2008 to study with the most powerful healers and mystics I could find.
And the mix, that has served my clients for decades in their longings to be free of addictive patterns and the hell of compulsive or emotional eating and the pain of hating their bodies.
I am now in my 60s, my wise woman years. And this is my legacy, this collection of pieces that will love and care for you every day as you walk through the portal to healing, to relief, to reclaiming the wholeness that is already there beneath all the noise and all the habits.
Let yourself find peace now.
This is not time to be at war with yourself. The world needs your clarity, your love, your beauty, your gifts... It's time to let go of the rest, which does not serve you nor the whole.
Breaking The Spell- A 40 Day Devotion to Heal Emotional Eating
40 Days of the mystical and the beautiful. Unusual teachings, powerful practices and sacred rituals, endless love to be showered toward yourself each and every day, the truths that will matter, in a container that has signified transformation in cultures around the world since time eternal.
⭐⚡💜⭐⚡This is a self-guided journey with two levels of support, depending on what is right for you. Calling hours for anyone who chooses (1:1, with me during the program) or more regular intensive support with (3) individual Spell-Breaking Coaching Sessions to ensure the powerful outcome you're ready for.
The program will be available September 22, the fall equinox. Feel free to message me to register now. When you do you'll receive immediate/right now access to You Are The Temple, a gorgeous book of self-loving sacred rituals that will be the perfect way to get read and accompany the program as my gift ($47 separately). And you'll begin receiving daily materials on the 22nd... either way, you'll begin to immerse yourself in beauty and true care that will give you the inspiration and fortitude to do what you're here to do, to be the best of yourself, to release the weight of unworthiness, of habits that drain and demoralize, of all kinds of heaviness and weight... literally and symbolically.
This is my expertise. This is my passion. This is the realm I have taken hundreds of clients through to transformation for decades. For anyone who hasn't wanted to invest in individual work, or who has tried countless approaches and been disappointed... Or who has spent too much money at things that felt like the same rehash... This may be for you. Take your pain and desires seriously... this is everything I can possibly give you tucked into a 40-day gorgeous container. Private. Powerful. Truly transformative.
Reach out if you want it. Message me or contact me via
all my love, plus 40 days of all my everything... xo lisa
PS- don't forget, you immediately receive a copy of You ARe The Temple when you register. $197 for the program. Additional pricing for 3 private sessions of Spell Breaking Coaching.


The Real Causes of Emotional Overeating - IntuitiveBody Where you feel alone, I promise you are not. Where you feel the deepest shame, the most overwhelm, and the fear of trying again because you have just done it all and spent it all and had enough. My clients, while all unique women (and a couple men), hav...


is such a beautiful brave expression of living in an . An intimate relationship, a knowing, a trusting... a listening and a responding.
A refusal to betray oneself, to gloss over or override the signals.
Allowing the body and the self to have the authority and the final say over ALL external forces... at such a moment of pressure and such painful choices at hand,
And yet, she honored the knowing and guidance of her body. My heart breaks for her b/c we can't begin to appreciate the wrenching nature of her experience and decision. But I so love the example she has set and the powerful message she has imparted.


Keep reading for 3 options for real RELIEF!

⭐️💜⭐️💜⭐️STOP... in the name of love... before your break (your own) heart... Taking liberties with the old Supremes song...
I got a note from a client today. I have received many such notes in the last 35 years of helping women change their relationship with their bodies and with food.

It was a note filled with shame, with self loathing, with harsh judgements... all directed towards herself.. her body... her size...
If you've ever read such a thing, you might know that it's hard to hear. To experience one's own turning against oneself...

A kind of betrayal, a form of self-abandonment, no safe harbor for the pain and the frustration and the sense of powerlessness.
And we have to soften it..

We can't go head to head with that kind of pain because it fights back harder, it goes bigger, it becomes more of itself and voracious and relentless... all of the perceived failures and imperfections.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️As Martin Luther King, jr said so beautifully...“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.”
And so we find ways to reconnect with heart, with compassion, with finding ways into that place where there is not abandonment.. but compassion, kindness toward self, a new perspective... and new practices...

We often can't think our way into these mired places.. we have to act our way in... small actions, rituals, practices that have BIG and lasting impacts.

That's the way we do it..

AND... I have a women' group forming..intimate and loving, filled with supportive feedback and very new strategies so you don't have to turn to food, don't have to fear your emotions, don't have to end up in the shame and self hate or in a body that doens't feel like 'yours'.

AND... this is also the work i do privately in deep immersive life changing individual programs.

OR... if you're not sure what you need or if you want to move forward, a complimentary conversation that will provide immediate insights and a shift, even if you choose not to work with me, I guarantee you will see things differently AND experience some relief... yes, really.
All love. xo lisa


I have found the small intimate groups I've run all year to be PERFECT for this, and seriously affordable, especially compared to working with me individually. Now you don't have to miss out on the powerful results and breaking the spell of emotional eating. You will be safe, you will feel belonging, you will feel RELIEF. Reach out now and I'll tell you more. xo
⛅️💐⭐️🧚‍♀️🌿There is literally nothing you can tell me, that will shock me, that I haven't either heard nor experienced in my years doing this work. Anything to do with your body, your eating, your weight... I was there at one time, as have all my clients been.. plus I worked on psych units and a PRISON psych crisis team... You can tell me anything, I promise. I PROMISE.
🧚‍♀️🌿🎋⛅️💜There is SO much shame when emotional eating feels like it's spinning you. When you feel you are not i control. When you are doing things that hurt you.
No matter how gifted or talented, no matter how loving and kind, no matter how hard working or aware or generous, creative or intuitive or beloved you are....
So often you will identify yourself only around this piece.. I can't stop eating, I can't lose the weight, I've been trying forever and I still can't do it, I should be able to do it on my own, I can't keep throwing more money at things that don't work, everyone else figures it out but me, I am never going to be where I want with this, I hate my body, and on and on it goes
And I understand deeply from every possible angle. I spent much of my life in that place, traumatized early on watching my Dad fade and weaken and die from cancer when i was young, plus some of the food culture and emotional eaters on both sides of my lineage, plus being a finely honed empath who FELT IT ALL and picked up EVERYTHING from everyone else, took it on, added it to my hips....
But I also understand because given my own history, I explored everything I thought might 'work', and then founded IntuitiveBody when I understood and created my own perspective and approach. And it's powerful. And so many women clients of mine have found real relief and peace.
I typically work individually with private clients. But I have been in love with the beauty and power of small groups this year. They are intimate, they have an added element of support of belonging of knowing you're not alone or crazy... they provide structure and support and comfort...
💜⭐️🌿💜⭐️and they are much more affordable. Especially now when I really want you to get the support because if you EVER had an issue with emotional eating..... it has probably got you by the throat right now.
12 Weeks
8 women
90 Minutes Weekly
A mix of discussion, perspective, new strategies, powerful guided meditation and quieting nervous systm, a little bit of Kundalini to move energy, some clearing, some writing.... and all my love and devotion (and experience and smarts!!)
Special Pricing now- $380
Message me. This is not Weight Watchers. This is not a diet. This is something different than you've likely tried, and it will change you.
All love, xo lisa


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐New program to heal emotional and binge eating... Intimate+Powerful
💜⚡💜⚡💜Helping women who struggle with their relationship with food and their bodies is dear to my heart.
My own eating disorder that began when I was 14 and my dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer, continued for years. It was painful, shameful, demoralizing and consuming.
It took me a long time to stop the binges and the cycle of shame and self hate and a form of addiction.
I was already a licensed psychotherapist and helping other women....before i healed my own history with emotional and binge eating.
I could *ALWAYS* help other women. But it took longer for me to release myself from these patterns. Which only added to the shame and feelings of helplessness.
Countless women and teens have found me over the years, and it is one of the biggest gifts of my life to have helped them heal the same challenges. While addressing the real nature of things.
There were themes and patterns... very specific, shared by every one of my clients. Pretty much without exception.
I"ve done this work individually for decades with beautiful clients who wanted relief... after they had tried SO many other things. Books, and WW, and 12 step programs, and online programs, and personal training and different ways of eating and cleansing and low carb and trying to eat 'clean' and on and on and on.
And most of them still didn't get to where they wanted to be... did not find the relief or peace or sense of themselves minus this identity that colored pretty much everything...
But now, having fallen in love with the healing power of small intimate groups, if you are ready to try again, for 12 weeks, in a loving supportive and powerful online group... if you are willing to approach this differently, if you are curious about a more holistic and compassionate way to heal... I know I can help.
Starting late May, Tuesdays from 530-7 pm ET
12 weeks
8-10 women
This could be the thing that turns you around. It has been the answer for women in my existing group. The support, the techniques, the strategies, the sharing, the insights, the finding your voice and authority...
This is deep and powerful medicine of the highest kind.
To save your seat or ask questions, pls reach out now.
To be in a new place with your body and your eating by the end of the summer and usually much sooner... sign up now.
xo lisa

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Come back to the sensual ...

... to creating beauty everywhere, to deep pleasure and the connections you yearn for.

If you’re feeling adrift, a bit stuck and stagnant, uncertain, not sure how to be who you are in this world, not sure which pieces to share, which to hold back. If you’re feeling a deep yearning, if you’re not always sure what that yearning is for… if you sometimes turn to food, or other substances, or relationships.. to feel more, to feel less.. If you ‘miss’ the best of you, the passions of you, the truth of you.. If you’re not sure how to touch in and reconnect…

Come dance with me

Into the sensual, the physical, into pleasure, and into immersion with the beautiful and the sacred. Into a romance that you create that touches everything. That nourishes and restores… you.. and everyone and everything you touch.


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The aim of this page to interact & discuss benefits of Healthy ,to avoid junk food , exchange inform