Zadaka Psychotherapy

Avi is trained in Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR), and CBT The purpose is to create a brighter and better informed future.

Psychotherapy invites you to delve inward to understand the intricacies of your behaviors and where they are rooted. I know we often think about reaching out for help and making an appointment long before we actually take action. Regardless of if you work with me or another therapist, know that you’re awesome for taking actionable steps towards health and positive change!


As an LICSW Psychoth


Our thoughts are with everyone affected by the Stone Canyon and Lake Shore fires in Colorado.

Healing begins when we reach out and hold space for each other.

FREE EMDR / A-Tip Session

I'm offering a free EMDR/A-Tip session to those directly impacted by these devastating fires.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a therapeutic approach that has proven effective for trauma recovery.

This offering is for those currently affected by the fires, as well as those who may be experiencing retraumatization from the Marshall fire.

Let's walk the path toward healing together.

Zoom or In-Person in Boulder, CO

Let's build a space where recovery is possible, and healing is nurtured.

Please share this message to ensure it reaches those who might need it most.

Your courage is seen, and together we can forge a path forward.

All my love,


Our thoughts are with everyone affected by the Stone Canyon and Lake Shore fires in Colorado.

Healing begins when we reach out and hold space for each other.

FREE EMDR / A-Tip Session

I’m offering a free EMDR/A-Tip session to those directly impacted by these devastating fires.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a therapeutic approach that has proven effective for trauma recovery.

This offering is for those currently affected by the fires, as well as those who may be experiencing retraumatization from the Marshall fire.

Let’s walk the path toward healing together.

Zoom or In-Person in Boulder, CO

Let’s build a space where recovery is possible, and healing is nurtured.

Please share this message to ensure it reaches those who might need it most. Your courage is seen, and together we can forge a path forward.

All my love,



Love this analogy of birth and death.

Seamless transition is one of natures many beauties.
russell quoted in .pollan ‘s .

Another fantastic read.


Loving this deep and beautiful book exploring the depths of the psyche and trans personal dimensions of consciousness.

Highly recommend for those interested in utilizing breath work as a means of connecting to self through non-ordinary states of consciousness.

Just beautiful.


We are living waters.

Flow with your waves, your tides, your rising and lowering.

Be what you are.

Be where you are.

You are water, of course you’re emotional.


In light of the recent and unbelieveable events, our thoughts are with everyone affected by the terror attacks in Israel. Healing begins when we reach out and hold space for each other.

FREE EMDR / A-Tip Session

I'm offering free EMDR sessions to those directly impacted by these devastating events. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a therapeutic approach that has proven effective for trauma recovery.

Let’s walk the path toward healing together.

Any and All nationalities welcome - no discrimination.

Zoom or In-Person in Boulder, CO

Let's build a space where recovery is possible, and healing is nurtured. Please share this message to ensure it reaches those who might need it most. Your courage is seen, and together we can forge a path forward.

Photos from Zadaka Psychotherapy's post 09/14/2023

Loving this beautiful book by

Reading close to the change of seasons from Summer to Autumn is a real journey of the mind and body.

"The structure of seasonal time has consolations. Kinder to the psyche, it lets you learn, because you get second chances. If something fails this year, you know you can try again next year."

3rd picture is a gift from one of my clients garden bounty 🪴 🌱 🥕 💜

Photos from Zadaka Psychotherapy's post 09/13/2023

Loving this beautiful book by .

Reading close to the change of seasons from Summer to Autumn is a real journey of the mind and body.

“The structure of seasonal time has consolations. Kinder to the psyche, it lets you learn, because you get second chances. If something fails this year, you know you can try again next year.”

Photos from Zadaka Psychotherapy's post 09/08/2023

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy explained…

Six Principles of ACT:

1️⃣ Contact with the Present Moment: Learning to be fully engaged with the here and now, not just on auto-pilot.

2️⃣ Cognitive Defusion: Learning to see thoughts as just that—thoughts, not reality or directives that must be acted upon.

3️⃣ Acceptance: Willingness to experience feelings, thoughts, and sensations for what they are, without trying to change or avoid them.

4️⃣ Self-as-Context: Understanding that you are not your thoughts or feelings; you are the observing self who experiences them.

5️⃣ Values: Discovering what really matters to you in the grand scheme of life, and setting your actions accordingly.

6️⃣ Committed Action: Taking active steps toward living a life that aligns with your values, even in the face of difficulties and setbacks.

🎯 How Can These Principles Help?
These principles work synergistically to help you build psychological flexibility. That means being able to stay rooted in the present and take actions in line with your deeper values, even when life throws curveballs your way.

🗝️Why Does It Matter?
Psychological flexibility can be a game-changer when it comes to mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and chronic stress. It’s about learning to navigate life’s challenges with more ease and meaningful direction.

👇 Ready to Start?
If you're curious about how ACT can benefit you, feel free to comment below or DM me for more information.


Truth: untouched, Our past has a stronghold on our present and future.

To unlock the highest joy and meaning in your current and future life - it is imperative to process and heal from the deepest sadness and hurt from your past life.

Looking to start living freely? Book a 20-minute consultation on my website.

Link in


I don’t need success.

I desire growth.


Do you ever find yourself getting into a rhythm? Where at first you felt like you couldn’t do anything but then you just got chugging along and getting through a bulk of your to-do list?

This practice can be cultivated with the proper mindset. Knowing that once you get the ball rolling, even if it feels like a heavy boulder at first, you’ll be able to accomplish more than you thought!

Always allow yourself the tenacity to believe you are perfectly enough, while perpetually growing.


Can’t clean your room?
Make your bed.
Can’t clean the kitchen?
Put the dishes in the sink.
Can’t run a marathon?
Walk around the block.

Etc etc etc

The biggest changes happen gradually and slowly. Mental health is not a race.

Ten times out of nine you’ll feel better doing a little than doing nothing at all.

Try it!


My son was given a diploma from his Kindergarten teachers which had a picture and name of all his classmates.

As all children do, he started circling his BFF’s. I noticed he had circled himself with all the colors.

I asked him why he circled himself. He responded, “I love my friends, but first I love myself.”

As a parent and therapist, these words gave me such solace.

When a child loves themselves, it’s like they’re wearing a body of armor that allows them to grow into healthy and strong adults.


Does anyone else hear this soundtrack when they feel their emotions overflowing? As if you're entering an epic battle?

We are emotional beings, we are meant to feel.

At the same time, we are also intellectual beings (some more than others...)

Yet we all have the capacity to reign in our emotions and allow our intellect to determine the flow.

This space between emotion and response is where we find our humanity.

Challenge yourself to focus attention and intention into this space, to allow it to grow and widen.

Photos from Zadaka Psychotherapy's post 02/03/2022

There’s a Chassidic Adage…Think Good and it will Be Good.

“טראַכטן גוט און עס וועט זיין גוט”

Psychology proves this time and time again.

Donald Hebb (old-school Canadian psychologist) coined a theory - Hebb’s Theory reminds us that every experience, thought, feeling, and physical sensation triggers thousands of neurons, which form a neural network. When you repeat an experience over and over, the brain learns to trigger the same neurons each time.

What does this mean for you and me?

It means that the thoughts, speech, and actions that we take every day create a pattern for our minds to follow. The more we have a specific line of thought, the more often we will have that thought.

If we think positive…we will more easily think positively.

If we think negative, we will more easily think negatively.

If we complain often…we will find reasons to complain.

If we are grateful often…we will find reasons to be grateful.

Our brains are incredible…and somewhat lazy. Our neurons will choose the path of least resistance.


If you find yourself in a web of negative self-talk - the best way to get out of that tsunami is to start speaking nicely to yourself. To start seeing the good in others.

Be mindful of your mind. Grab the steering wheel back when you notice your mind turning your attention back to negative self-talk, or thinking negatively of others. Take a breath and speak your positive affirmations into existence. The more often we do this, the more likely they will manifest.

Enjoy the ride.

Reach out to Zadaka Psychotherapy today if you or a friend are struggling.
[email protected]

Photos from Zadaka Psychotherapy's post 01/27/2022

Snow Day in Jerusalem…


Make 2022 the year you prioritize the parts of yourself that need watering!

And I don’t mean mindlessly watering those parts like the wilting herbs on your windowsill, I mean intentionally watering those parts of yourself that you’ve neglected for too long.

Let me put it this way.

You know that feeling when you wake up in the middle of the night completely parched. Your lips feel like papyrus and your tongue is literally sandpaper…but then you look over at your bedside table and see that beautiful, shining, glistening, glass of water that somehow has a spotlight pointing at it with a cool blue glow. You take a sip, and then a gulp, and the water that flows into your being literally feels like it’s invigorating you with new life??

Yes. That’s what I’m talking about. That is how watering these parts of yourself will feel; authenticity, self-love, growth mindset, gratitude.

So let’s dive in!

Interested in a free 20-minute Zoom consultation?
Contact below!

[email protected]

Photos from Zadaka Psychotherapy's post 12/28/2021

Beware the 4-Horsemen of relationships!

Know what they are, and more importantly, the antidote to their poison.

Relationships are complex and ever-changing. Name the issue to tame it, and then change it.

Self-awareness within a relationship is the breath that ignites its life.

Practice these antidotes to improve any relationship, romantic of platonic.

Interested in a free 20-minute Zoom Couples Therapy consultation with Zadaka Psychotherapy?
Contact below!

[email protected]

Photos from Zadaka Psychotherapy's post 12/27/2021

Enter this space.

Raise your words, not your voice.

Whether it’s individual, couples, or family therapy - learning effective communication inspires closeness and connection.

Before the thunder and lightning, practice listening and honesty.

Reach out to Zadaka Psychotherapy today to cultivate these skills within the relationship with yourself and others.

[email protected]


How to build confidence within yourself without externalizing your locus of control.

The practice is in setting aside time to praise yourself. Enjoy yourself. Be honest with yourself.

The more you show up for yourself, by setting attainable goals that you can achieve, and then upping the ante, the more you can count on yourself when you aren't feeling like the that you are.

To break out of narratives that cut yourself down is not easy, but it is absolutely do-able!

Stop meowing like a housecat, start roaring with a Lion's confidence.

Reach out to Zadaka Psychotherapy today!
[email protected]


“We have flown the air like birds and swum the sea like fishes, but have yet to learn the simple act of walking the earth like brothers”


What relationship can you cultivate today to bring out your inner “brother-bond”?

Contact Zadaka Psychotherapy today!


Friendly reminder that Self-Care is ESSENTIAL!

Our culture has hijacked “self-care” and made it seem selfish or a joke.

It’s not.

Caring for ourselves is part and parcel of being human. If we do not take care of ourselves we fall apart.




And spiritually.

If you’ve found it difficult to connect to these areas of your life, ask yourself,

“have I been neglecting my NEEDS and WANTS?”

“when was the last time I enjoyed the activities that cultivate happiness and meaning?”

Today, I’m reading. Why? Because it brings me joy. Because I need to relax into the soft pages of ideas outside of my own mind.

What will you do today to care for yourself?


💡 when do you need therapy?
💡 what will therapy do for you?
💡 what are Core Beliefs?

Learn more through therapy with Zadaka Psychotherapy!

Reach out today:
[email protected]

Photos from Zadaka Psychotherapy's post 10/14/2021

Do you have a healthy attachment? Do you feel secure in your relationship?

Did you know that according to the Attachment Theory, the way that you'll interact in relationships as an adult is determined by the first two years of your life and your attachment to your primary caregiver(s).

Having an unhealthy attachment is not your fault, but it is your responsibility to heal.

For more questions about attachment theory and the different types of attachment, feel free to reach out!
[email protected]


Lemme spill the tea…

I’ve noticed a recent (read. Millennia old) issue coming up for my clients.

Feeling like they are at the whim of any push or pull that their emotions take them.

Question is: how do we steer our day in a conscious way instead of our finicky emotions drunkenly stumbling through our day?

How can we honor our emotions without being washed over by them like standing on a beach staring at a tsunami?

Quick answer: it’s time to get Meta. To think about thinking is a trait not held by most inhabitants of our planet, and that truly sets us apart - if we let it.

To think about thinking is to understand that you have the feeling of anger, sadness, hangry, exhaustion, yet deciding how you want to respond to that emotion.

The next time you are having a strong emotion, try telling someone close to you how you are feeling.

Not reacting to the emotion, rather communicating the emotion.

The more space (conscious thought) you can create between your emotion and your reaction, the easier it is to tame the reaction, and honor the emotion.

Interested in how to effectively think about your thoughts and not be led on by your emotions?

Contact Zadaka Psychotherapy today for a free 20-minute consultation.


Photos from Zadaka Psychotherapy's post 10/06/2021

As everyone’s favorite neighbor put it, “Anything that’s human is mentionable, and anything that is mentionable can be more manageable. When we can talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.” ~Mr. Rogers

Our mental health connects like a river with many streams to how we behave and feel, and the relationships we hold and cultivate.

The scariest thing this October should be the blackout, Ugg boots coming back into fashion, and shortages of lattes - not your Mental Health and relationships.

Interested in reaching out to Zadaka Psychotherapy?
[email protected]

Happy Fall!

Zadaka Psychotherapy 09/15/2021

Interested in setting up a free zoom consultation or session? Follow this link!

Zadaka Psychotherapy Schedule your appointment online Zadaka Psychotherapy


On intimacy...

Intimate relationships are fire. They have the ability to be warm, constructive, passionate, and catalysts towards inner growth.

They also have the ability to be destructive, burning, immature, and bring out the worst in individuals.

So where do you go if you’re feeling like your relationship is the latter?

The work is within the individuals in the relationship and how they communicate their thoughts towards one another. Recognizing your own patterns and triggers, opening up to risking ego in order to be rewarded with trust and understanding.

What’s the temperature in your relationship?

Reach out to Zadaka Psychotherapy today for a free 20-minute consultation:

[email protected]

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Anyone who tells you otherwise can see themselves out ✌️ Sometimes we need a gentle reminder to quiet the external or in...
♥️ 👇Here is how we bring presence  into our partnership👇♥️   We stop talking in the past tense and future tense.We bring...
Correcting something doesn’t always improve your situation. Sometimes the work is in accepting what is, and understandin...
Does anyone else hear this soundtrack when they feel their emotions overflowing? As if you're entering an epic battle?We...
Make 2022 the year you prioritize the parts of yourself that need watering!And I don’t mean mindlessly watering those pa...
💡 when do you need therapy?💡 what will therapy do for you?💡 what are Core Beliefs?Learn more through therapy with Zadaka...
Lemme spill the tea…I’ve noticed a recent (read. Millennia old) issue coming up for my clients.Feeling like they are at ...
We're always looking for a sign...Consider this that sign.Instead of leading a life where you look outwards for 'signs' ...
Zadaka Psychotherapy Depression Support Group
On Relationships...Within my private practice, while working with couples, I often refer the age of the relationship to ...
When is it necessary to go to couples counseling?Currently taking new clients (in-person!) in Jerusalem - and online ove...
On ChangeProspective new clients often ask me in distress “how long will therapy take?”I wish I could give an answer tha...




1800 30th Street #201E
Boulder, CO

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 4pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 4pm
Wednesday 8:30am - 4pm
Thursday 8:30am - 4pm
Friday 8:30am - 1pm
Sunday 8:30am - 4pm

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