Elevated Functional Health

Find the emotional and physical root cause of your symptoms or chronic condition. Online & in-person.


I’m excited to go live on IG next week with Becka Payne .payneful.nights who is a Sleep Consultant with ! ✨

Join us on Wednesday, August 28th at 11am MT. We’ll be talking all thing sleep for adults but especially the little ones! 😴💤

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 08/19/2024

Happy Monday! It’s a new week - new opportunities, new energy, new perspectives! ✨🫶🏻

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 08/09/2024

Anyone else relate? 🙌🏻🫶🏻😂

*Not medical advice.

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 08/08/2024

Anyone else relate to these mistakes on their healing journey?

Honestly, this is why I became a practitioner. I saw the gaps in the field in a big way when I was going through the worst time in my life. And I knew there was hope. I knew I could heal. I just needed the right tools! I’m thankful I’m not in that spot anymore and that I can help others move out of the darkness that is illness into health and freedom.

*Not medical advice.

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 08/06/2024

At , we love supporting moms-to-be, postpartum moms, and mamas to littles to help them find balance in their body! 🥰

Also, did you notice that we didn’t “balance hormones” with this client? 👉This is because hormones are *not* the root cause.

Hormones are a downstream effects of imbalances caused by underlying infections, and dysfunction in the body. Once you target those infections and imbalances, the body can return to homeostasis. 🙌🏻

Here’s to more “I’m pregnant” 🤰messages in our client portal! 👶🏼😍🫶🏻🙌🏻🙏🏻

*Not medical advice.

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 08/02/2024

Prepping for pregnancy is a mind, body, and spirit journey! ✨👶🏼

I love working with couples and women on their preconception journey! I’m taking on new clients for August and September. And I offer discounts for couples. 🙌🏻

What does the journey look like?
👉 comprehensive functional lab testing
👉 address nutritional deficiencies, toxin burden, and optimize the function of the immune, endocrine, and digestive systems
👉 balance the nervous system with Mind Body Spirit Release and release emotions and limiting beliefs around your health, and your journey to parenthood

If your goal is to get pregnant in 2025, schedule an Inquiry call. Or comment “ME” and I’ll send you the link to schedule! ✨🥰

*Not medical advice.


I’m excited to discuss all things root cause with on Tuesday, July 16th at 10am MT!!

We’ll be talking about our approaches to root cause as well as common signs and symptoms related to parasites, mold, etc we see in our clients! Can’t wait to see you there!

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 07/12/2024

Do you have parasites? 🪱If so, let’s dive into the Energetics of Parasites. This is often a missing piece of the puzzle, 🧩 especially if you have reoccurring issues with parasites.

Parasites are an organism that uses another organism’s energy or life force as its own. The origin of the word “parasite” means “eating another’s table.” The Parasites cannot survive without their hosts. If you have physical parasites, do you also have patterns of energetics matching them?

🪱Empaths & Highly-Sensitive People
Empaths and highly-sensitive people can be vulnerable to people who are considered emotional or energetic parasites. These energy parasites can feed off your emotional energy and support, leaving you feeling drained. Narcissists are a prime example of this type of relationship, where they depend on their host, likely an empath or highly-sensitive person, for emotional survival. 👉Feelings of drained vitality, exhaustion, and depletion are common energetic matches for parasites.

🪱People Pleasing
If you are a people pleaser, you freely give your life force energy and practice poor boundaries. You put others’ wants and needs before your own so that you can feel worthy of love. Unfortunately, you are feeding someone else’s energy instead of your own. 👉Poor boundaries and a lack of self-worth are common energetic matches for parasites.

🪱Feelings of Disconnection
Physically, parasites can cause imbalances with our neurotransmitters and create systematic inflammation, which can cause mental health issues. Similarly, we can feel drained or disassociated, and disconnected from ourselves if we feel overwhelmed by other people’s energetic demands. 👉Feelings of drained vitality and disconnection are common energetic matches for parasites.

🪱Parasites are a major part of healing - both physically and emotionally! 👉This is why in my Integrative Root Cause Healing Program, we tackle both the physical with root cause functional labs and muscle testing as well as the emotional with Mind Body Spirit Release. The two cannot be separated!

🪱 I have two spots for new clients in July! DM me with the word PARASITE or comment below 👇We’ll send you more info!

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 07/08/2024

➡️Are you ready for a reality check?

❌The medical system’s one-size-fits-all and band-aid approaches do not work.

✅We believe in root cause because you deserve to live a life free of health issues and chronic symptoms.

Having been failed by the medical system ourselves, we’ve found hope and healing by addressing the physical and emotional root causes of our health issues.

We believe there is always a root cause and always hope. ✨

Join and on Tuesday, July 16th at 10am MT/12pm ET for an IG live all about Root Cause!

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 07/02/2024

Cooking Oils & Fats Guide ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Solid = Safe to Heat
I always recommend solid fats like ghee, coconut oil, duck fat, etc, as safe cooking oils because they are safe at high heat (~450 degrees).

Why is this important? If oils are heated beyond their smoke point, their chemical structure changes and becomes oxidative. Oxidation occurs when fats go beyond their smoke point. It is when the fats form harmful free radicals. These free radicals damage our cellular membranes, which causes inflammation as well as cellular dysfunction (aka poor hormone signaling and accelerated aging!).

With inflammatory diseases on the rise like diabetes, heart disease, autoimmunity, and cancer, one easy swap you can do in the kitchen is good with heat-safe oils!

Not to mention, these safe, high-heat fats are not just safe, they are also packed with health benefits. Coconut oil contains Lauric Acid which can help increase your 'good' HDL cholesterol. Ghee, which is lactose free, is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which protect against heart disease and are important for healthy cell membranes. Grass-fed butter is high in beta carotene, which has been studied for its amazing ability to reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancers!

I still use other oils like Avocado and Olive oil, but I typically add these oils at the end of my cook and on low heat only.

So, who's ready to incorporate grass-fed ghee or butter into their dinner tonight? Share your thoughts in the comments if you found this post helpful!

# livercleanse # parasites # detoxficiation # nutritionaltherapy # gallbladderdetox # rootcause # rootcauseapporach # autoimmunediet # emotioncode # mbsr # holistichealth # functionalhealth # detox # liversupport # healthydinners


I’m posting all this month education in honor of ! So be sure to follow me at to learn more.

Polyvagal theory provides a whole new layer to the old model of the two branched nervous system of “fight or flight” (sympathetic) vs “rest and digest” (parasympathetic).

Instead, Polyvagal takes things do a different dimension with how we view the nervous system. Rather than viewing it via the automatic responses on a physiological level, we view the nervous system through the lens of ✨connection.✨

We are humans after all. 🫶🏻

Polyvagal is founded on social connection.

Our ability to feel *safe* depends on our ability /capacity to connect to others.

If we are connected with ourself and others, and have a safe space to do so, we will be in a healthy nervous system state. This is Ventral Vagal.

However, if we are not able to connect in a safe way with ourselves and others, then we will move through to the other two states.

And MOST IMPORTANTLY, it’s okay to move into a Sympathetic and Dorsal state as needed.

👉We are, again, human.

So, we will have moments of fight/flight and freeze BUT… how do we move into Ventral Vagal?


Connection is a huge missing piece for balanced mental and emotional health, especially in today’s world.

So, if you are feeling like you are in a Sympathetic or Dorsal state, don’t be afraid to reach out to others you feel safe with.

This is key to moving out of that state into a more balanced and secure state of your nervous system.

✨ cuddle, hug, call or text a friend, dance, laugh, go to a coffee shop, pet your dog or cat, connect with others as you can - and watch your mood elevate.🙏🏻

*Not medical advice.

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 04/27/2024

Ways to work with us at !

➡️ Our 5-month one-on-one Integrative Root Cause Healing Program
➡️ Mind Body Spirit Release sessions

Learn more about these offerings above! Comment ROOT CAUSE below and we’ll send you a link to book an inquiry call to learn more! ✨

*Not medical advice.


What does a Mind Body Spirit Release session look like? ✨✨✨

✨ Setting your intention
✨ Testing & Clearing
✨ Processing & Next steps

✨✨✨ If you’ve experienced Mind Body Spirit Release, what has been you favorite outcome?

✨✨✨ If you haven’t experienced Mind Body Spirit Release, what questions do you have or what is holding you back?

⬇️ Post your experience and questions below ⬇️

*Not medical advice.


🧪Conventional vs Functional

👉 If you’ve ever had your healthcare provider say that your blood work looks “normal” but you have a laundry list of symptoms…

❌This is the problem. You need your labs reviewed from a functional perspective.

Common imbalances and patterns we find from a functional perspective ⬇️
🧪 nutritional deficiencies
🧪 hidden infections (bacterial/vlral)
🧪 root cause issues (parasites, mold, heavy m3tals)
🧪 insulin resistance & thyroid dysfunction (because we look at more than just TSH!)
🧪 digestive & liver dysfunction
🧪 cellular dehydration
🧪 physical and mental stress

There’s so much power in a simple blood panel that is being left on the table in conventional medicine. This is why I’m a huge fan of blood panels because they can tell the story of the WHY - you just have to know how to listen! 🙌🏻

✨ I have a few spots open in my 1-1 Integrative Healing Program! This includes a full blood panel lab review with 85+ markers and 5 months of 1-1 support to heal your imbalances.

👉 DM me or comment below 🙌🏻 if you’d like more info!

*Not medical advice.

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 04/14/2024

What is Mind Body Spirit Release™? ✨✨✨

*Not medical advice.

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 04/10/2024

Mold illness is truly a silent epidemic.

❌85% of US homes and commercial buildings have water damage. (EPA)

❌93% of chronic sinus infections can be attributed to mold. (Mayo Clinic)

❌ Mold is not just in our environment but also our food with grains, peanuts, cheese and other fruits and vegetables being a source of exposure. (WHO)

❌ 25% of us hold the HLA-DR gene which increases our response to mold and mycotoxins (by product of mold) in our Immun3 system and creates havoc for those with this gene causing chronic inflammation, and a cascade of symptoms.

❌ 40-60% of us have the MTHFR gene mutation which impacts our ability to detox properly making us more susceptible to mold illness.

Common places for mold growth in your home (and workplace):
🪴 house plants
🏡 duct work, AC unit, rooting
🚿 bathroom sinks, showers, tubs, bathroom vents
🧦 laundry machine
🧽 dishwasher
🏠 flooring, carpet, walls, behind refrigerator, basements and attics

Do you have any of these symptoms above?

I have two additional 1-1 spots open this month in my Integrative Root Cause Healing Program. Here’s the steps we’d take to help you heal -

👉 We’d perform lab testing to confirm mold/mycotoxin levels in your body.

👉 I would recommend getting a mold test like the EMMA from or ? to test your home or work space.

👉 We’d support your body’s natural detox processes and rebuild your energy so you heal from an acute or chronic exposure.

👉 We’d support your nervous system system to calm your reactivity to mold, and environmental inputs including food.

👉👉👉Want to learn more about my process? DM me “MOLD”.

*Not medical advice.

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 03/14/2024

Preparing Properly for Detox ✨

👉In my practice, I always first look at blood chemistry and muscle/energetically test to see which organ systems need the most support and which nutrient deficiencies need to be addressed before attempting detoxification with my clients. This process is called drainage support, which is the process of making sure that when toxins and pathogens are released they can properly drain out of your system through various pathways, including the lymph, liver/gallbladder, bladder, bowels, etc.

❗️Opening up your drainage/detox pathways is KEY to success. This process takes 30-60 days for most people, critical aspects of this process include — 

💦Hydration: Proper hydration is key to supporting your lymphatic system, helping you sweat properly (detox through the skin), and ensuring proper elimination through the urine and bowels. 

🧘‍♀️Nervous System: This is the MOST important!! Our nervous system will hold onto toxins if it does not feel safe. Every function in your body, like properly functioning digestion, bile production in your liver, and activating your immune system, all rely on a balanced nervous system. This is why I use Mind Body Spirit Release with each of my 1-1 clients. 

🍋 Liver: Your liver produces bile, which is your body’s ‘river of toxins’ that helps grab onto toxins (which include body waste products like hormones). So, it is vital to support your liver during detox.

💊 Supplements: Supplements are needed, mainly because our world is so toxic. Healthy foods and lifestyle choices like movement and hydration can support your natural drainage pathways, but to be successful we need therapeutic doses of key nutrients and compounds that support the system’s optimal elimination of toxins. 

😅 Sweat: Your skin is a detox pathway and one of the best ways to support your immun3 system.

🥘 Balanced Diet: It goes without saying that your body needs nourishment to function optimally, so a balanced diet, especially of healthy fats and protein, is foundational to optimizing detoxification. 

*Not medical advice

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 12/13/2023

So many of us are disassociated from our body’s messages. 🫥

What if we tapped into this? ✨

What would our healthcare system look like if we honored the intelligence of the body instead of treated it like a machine with different parts? 🤖

I believe deep healing is possible for everyone and that your body holds the keys to unlock this transformation.✨

For me, it was when I worked with a practitioners that that led me down this path to healing by tapping into my body’s wisdom when I found myself and regained my health. 🙏🏻

I see it all the time now with my own clients - they are amazed at what answers and connections we can make when we ask the body what it needs. 🙌🏻

Transformation and healing happens every day with this method. ✨

Send me a message or comment below. I’d love to connect with you if you are ready for this level of transformation and healing in your life! ⬇️

*Not medical advice.


Hi! Let me reintroduce myself - I'm Jess. ✨

In 2019, my health was honestly a dumpster fire. 🫣I was living every day with chronic pain and anxiety.

Here are just a few of the symptoms I experienced daily a few years ago: serve heart palpitations, crippling anxiety/social anxiety (I'm an extrovert, you'll! I couldn't get out of my driveway to leave the house somedays.), depression, insomnia, migraines, chronic sinus infections (hello, rounds and rounds of gut destroying antibiotics🫠), inflamed and chronically slipping rib cage (this was awful🙃), constant tingling and numbness in hands and arms, chronic neck and shoulder pain, muscle weakness, fatigue, eye twitching (this lasted like 6months in 2019 you guys!😵‍💫), ear ringing/short-term hearing loss, and to top it off, I was starting to get internal vibrations linked to MS. 😣

I was given NO answers by the mainstream healthcare system even though I saw the "best of the best" at Vanderbilt University. I was told I had an autoimmune condition (they didn't know which one - they called it mixed connective tissue disease). And told me I would develop Lupus within two years & to go on immunosuppressing drugs. 🙅‍♀️

Well, I didn't let these doctors write my story, and I didn't take their fear-bait. I decided to write my own story and forged my own path to healing, which included working with a holistic nutritionist, functional medicine doctor, and therapist that focused on energy psychology. This journey was full of trial and error, but I made it out of the other side with zero symptoms today from the ones listed above. 🙌🏻

Inspired by my journey and disheartened by the medical system, I created an alternative system of care and became a Holistic Practitioner and founder of Elevated Functional Health.

My mission is to provide you with a root-cause approach to healing so you can live an elevated life free from symptoms and fear! 🎉

Follow to learn more!



✨Introducing Elevated Functional Health✨
Say goodbye to mainstream healthcare and hello to a holistic, root cause approach! 🌿 Our mission is to support those with autoimmune, chronic health issues, PCOS, and anxiety by addressing the underlying causes and providing personalized wellness plans that support your mind, body, and spirit.

We help you solve the mystery at the root of your symptoms by tracking down toxicities, hormonal and nutritional imbalances, environmental exposures, as well as emotions, limiting beliefs and unresolved traumas contributing to your symptoms.

In 2024, we will expand our services to include functional lab testing, root cause bio-energetics, and emotional wellness services with Mind Body Spirit Release.

Stay tuned to to learn more!

*tomos *Not medical advice.


Exciting updates coming soon. ✨

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 11/11/2023

Looking for an easy meal to whip up for dinner tonight?

Check out these easyyyy 4 ingredient recipes! 😋

*Not medical advice.

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 11/09/2023

Need easy, nourishing meals?🥘

➡️ Check out these easyyy 6 ingredient meals ideas.

⬆️High in nutrients
⬇️Low in effort

But not lacking in satisfaction and tasty-ness! 😋

Enjoy 😘

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 11/09/2023

We are heading into one of the busiest times of the year with the holidays around the corner. 🦃 🎄✨

With busyness, we often find ourselves lacking the time to nourish our bodies!

Here are some of my must-haves so you’ll always have nourishing, and quick meals and snacks on hand! 🙌🏻

Over the next few days, I’ll be posting quick 4-& 6-ingredients meals that you can make with the items above!❤️

If you are interested in purchasing some of these food items many can be found on - I have a link in my bio that will save you 40% off your first order! 🎉

What are your must haves to have on hand? Comment below ⬇️

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 10/23/2023

🪱Parasites - Steps to Detox #1!

👉Most people need 4-6wks of drainage pathway support before starting on a detox protocol! It’s really your pre-tox to your detox. ✨

Why do we open drainage pathways?

1️⃣ You don’t reabsorb the toxins. Because if they reasborb - what is the point?
2️⃣ You significantly lower your chances of a detox reaction, which makes detoxing a much easier process!

So, are your drainage pathways open? Drop your thoughts below! 👇

*Not medical advice.

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 10/15/2023

I hopped on the haunted house trend…

Photos from Elevated Functional Health's post 10/12/2023

👉 Does this sound like you?

Are you struggling to get through the day without coffee? ☕️

Are you feeling overwhelmed and need tools to cope with everyday stress? 😅

Are you weight loss resistant? 🙈

Do you have hormonal imbalances?🙃

Do you feel like you need more tools to protect your energy? 💫

Are you holding onto emotions and trauma that are holding you back from living your best life? ✨

➡️If this is YOU - you need the
DETOX YOUR LIFE group program.

Just a few days left to join us on October 17th. 🙌🏻

👉 Program includes 30-Day Reset Supplement kit, one-on-one energy/emotional release session, four live coaching call sessions AND toxicity and nutritional health assessment. 😍

All of this for only $399 (payment plans available). AND you can use the code DETOX for $25 off.

Comment DETOX below to learn more!


We are excited to support this awesome event on October 31st! If you are in the North Denver Metro come join us! 🎃

REPOST from .northmetrodenver 🎃Join us for a spooktacular event! 🎃


Get ready for a fun-filled day of fitness, community, and Halloween festivities! Join our Stroller Strides class, followed by an exciting Trick-or-Treat adventure where local businesses will be setting out booths to hand out treats 🍬 to little ones in costumes. 🧛

📅 Date: Tuesday, October 31st
🕜 Time: Stroller Strides at 9:30am, Trick-or-treat at 10:30am
📍 Location: Whitetail Park in Lafayette

👉 STROLLER STRIDES: Enjoy a full-body workout while while bonding with your little one in their stroller and meeting other moms.

👉 TRICK-OR-TREAT: After the class, get ready for a spooktacular adventure! Dress up your little one in their cutest or spookiest costume to collect candy and goodies from amazing local businesses:


Don't miss out on this fantastic event! Grab your strollers, put on your costumes, and join us for a memorable day of fitness and Halloween fun. 🎃

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⚡️⚡️⚡️My favorite minerals for Detox ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️ Minerals are the spark plug of life! Minerals are needed for every functio...
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Boulder, CO

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