Corrective Body Solutions

Corrective Body Solutions

Clinical practice since 2004 in injury prevention, and the treatment of acute and chronic pain. Spec Bryan is a Pain and Injury Specialist.

He fuses Eastern and Western treatment styles to relieve tension, prevent injury, and resolve acute and chronic pain. In 2004, he founded Corrective Body Solutions, a synthesis of Acupuncture, Massage, Personal Training, Corrective Exercise, and Chinese Stretching. 80% of his clients experience significant reduction of pain in 3 sessions, and are pain-free in 9 sessions. His acute work corrects co


Free promotional
Acupuncture and Massage session!

I am currently running a promotion for the start of my new movement program called Movement for Life. It teaches a highly effective series of joint mobility and stability exercises for each major joint of the body simply while standing. It takes 5 to 15 min to complete which can be added to a pre or post-workout or just done for general structural maintenance. The initial series is taught in 3 one hour sessions, where you will be given personalized postural cues that will help to correct your structural inconsistencies. Acupuncture and massage can be added to address the areas that we find where your range of motion and stability are limited. Total cost is $330. For the 4 session you save $110. receiving a free complimentary session.
Free 15 min consultation to decide if this is right for you.


$30 Special for Chinese New Year! Receive one hour session of acupuncture and tui na(Chinese Therapeutic massage)

Tai Chi Benefits: Stress Reduction, Weight Loss, for Older Adults 25/06/2019

Tai Chi/Qi gong= internal martial arts was how the original acupuncturist began to study how acupuncture and meridian system works. Books where for people who already new not for those just learning. When you study the internal martial arts you are studying your body and all aspects of what makes you you. By studying what is proper alignment of your body you begin to see how different aspects of your health improve. For example, as you learn how to decompress your spine with proper alignment you begin to understand why cerebral spinal fluid plays an essential part in the health to our nervous system. There are many benefits to Tai chi that can be experienced at any level beginner to advanced! If you have any questions about this wonderful exercise system make a comment or message me!
My Best!

Tai Chi Benefits: Stress Reduction, Weight Loss, for Older Adults There are many health benefits to practicing tai chi, and few risks. We share 11 science-backed benefits. If you're a beginner, start by taking a class through a local studio, community center, or gym. Always talk to your doctor before starting a new workout routine.

Here Are 4 Ingredients the US Allows, But Are Banned in Other Countries 10/06/2019

Simplicity is key for knowing what should we should eat. In a world of information flying at you at every corner one needs to step back and pause for a minute. We need to ask ourselves some basic questions that help to get closer to the truth of what we need in our lives to thrive. In this article they talk about some of the general food additives that the general American public eats, that other countries either do not put in there food or at least warn you on the packaging. Simplify less is better in this case!

Here Are 4 Ingredients the US Allows, But Are Banned in Other Countries We took a look at several disturbing ingredients used in our nation's food supply, and why they could be hazardous to our health.

Healthy Breakfast & Brunch Recipes 10/06/2019

If you looking for some new breakfast ideas have a look!

Healthy Breakfast & Brunch Recipes

The Land of Immortals: How and what Japan's oldest population eats 30/05/2019

This has always fascinated me there are people around the world that live an average age of 100 years. One of the secrets that there has to be a sense of purpose in your life. In Chinese medicine this concept exist that when you are fulfilling your purpose you are strengthening your kidney's which is the key to maintaining long life.

The Land of Immortals: How and what Japan's oldest population eats The elderly on Okinawa have adopted the philosophy of hara hachi bu, in which they stop eating when they are 80% full, and it's tied to longevity.


Hello my everyone I am going to start distributing health information from all aspects of what gives people the potential to live a vibrant life. I will be gathering this information from all over the internet including diet, superfoods, herbal supplementation, healthy mental and emotional perspectives, functional movement/functional exercise, Chinese exercise systems, stretching systems, new western medical advancements and research and the list goes on! I am going to be interactive with any one that wants to ask me questions and will respond to the best of my ability about any of the articles posted. I will also start putting out my own videos on these different topics. If there is anything that you have questions about and want me to do a video about or find an article to help you resource yourself then just level me a message.

My Best,
Bryan Rodriguez


Hello all ~ I'm offering a free talk this Thurs on The Ergonomic Dilemma of Sitting at a Desk: How to Optimize Your Posture. Do you sit at a computer all day? Come learn some simple movements to bring tone and flexibility to your body and help correct tension and pain from sitting. Join us - it's free!

7:00-7:45 Thurs 30th
Mandala Integrative Center
2505 4th st Boulder Co 80304

Photos from Corrective Body Solutions's post 15/07/2018

This is the 8th year of attending my teachers tai chi/qi gong summer camp intensive. Every year is another layer of Deepening into the mysterious of the body and how to create more effiecent ways of moving and a better understanding of how to heal oneself! Extremely grateful for the Taoist healing Arts!

The link between your gut health and autoimmune diseases 23/03/2018

There is certain schools of thought in China that consider that the digestion is one of the main pillars of health. Here is some info from the Western school of thought that coincides with this.

The link between your gut health and autoimmune diseases Medical experts are still mystified about what exactly causes an autoimmune disease. But now, fascinating new research shows that your gut bacteria may play an important role.


Study reveals role of spleen in prolonged anxiety after stress

Western medicine validates Eastern understanding of certain types of stress. Scientists are uncovering clues to what might be unfolding in the relationship between the brain and immune system in those who suffer from long-term reper ...


New law sparks debate over future of traditional Chinese medicine

Chinese herbal medicine moving forward in the Western world! At the dinner table, if there is one topic that Lu Yuping's family is careful to avoid, it's medicine.


Acupuncture Today Digital Issue


Why ice doesn't help an injury and could even make it worse New research shows that icing an injury may even make it worse


Dr. Gabe Mirkin on Health, Fitness and Nutrition. | Why Ice Delays Recovery

Some info on the question of do you use ice to help healing after injuries. When I wrote my best-selling Sportsmedicine Book in 1978, I coined the term RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) for the treatment of athletic injuries (Little Brown and Co., page 94). Ice has been a standard treatment for injuries and sore muscles because it helps to relieve pain caused by inju...


Why Everything We Know About Salt May Be Wrong Research on Russian cosmonauts suggests that salt makes you hungry but not thirsty, and may help burn calories.


A Drug That Actually Reverses Ageing Will Start Human Trials In Less Than Six Months

Star Trek here we come or aleast to Mars ;) not sure of the joke then read the article! Fancy living forever?


A Drug Recall That Should Frighten Us All About The FDA US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Margaret Hamburg Pay attention, as I can’t say this seriously enough. Last week, the FDA took a drug off the market, and the reasons should send shivers of fear down the backs of consumers, investors, generic drug companies – and the FDA. The FDA an...


Stevia Kills Lyme Disease Pathogen Better Than Antibiotics (Preclinical Study) Lyme disease is exceedingly difficult to treat, due to its well-known shape-shifting (pleomorphic) abilities, with conventional antibiotics often failing to produce a long-term cure. Could the commonly used natural plant stevia provide a safer, and more effective means to combat this increasingly pr...


New Alzheimer’s Treatment Fully Restores Memory Function Australian researchers have come up with a non-invasive ultrasound technology that clears the brain of neurotoxic amyloid plaques - structures that are responsible for memory loss and a decline in cognitive function in Alzheimer’s patients.


Now You See TV

Always important to do your the extra research especially in the age of Fake News!

Now You See? Former CBS Reporter and Media Professional exposes the mind manipulation used by special interest groups, media, and medical. Share and wake up your brothers and sisters.


Alex Klokus

Stem cells onward!!!!!

Canadian doctors just reversed severe MS using stem cells


Eggs Don't Cause Heart Attacks -- Sugar Does | The Huffington Post

The real truth! Yet again western science realized they where wrong! It's over. The debate is settled. It's sugar, not fat, that causes heart attacks. Oops. Fifty years of doctors' advice and government eati...


Barakat Optical UAE

How hearing works


Diet Soda’s Worst Fear Coming True: Massive Study links Aspartame to Major Problems

Keep it natural as you can make it or drink it! Western science is not as scientific as they would like to believe unless testing it on the human population was apart of there plan?! The more homemade it is the better it is for you! As concerns about health epidemics plague the nation, demand and sales of diet soda have plunged as consumers try to make better choices. As we reported, aspartame (the main sweetener for diet soda) is one of the most dangerous ingredients used in our food supply, causing...



Moving forward!

This gun squirts stem cells and helps burn victims regrow their skin in just a few days.


Scientists Think They've Found A Way To Halt Ageing In Humans

We are getting closer! :) Nobody likes getting old, so why do it at all?


Food for thought!?!

In the beginning of studying the Eastern arts of movement what seems to be these abstract poetic concepts of how the body is connected slowly turns into some very basic understanding of bio-mechanics at first. One of the basic concepts of stretching is that it creates connection to the rest of the body. When you have this connection qi(energy) can flow through areas of your body with out getting stuck preventing pain and tension. This concept of stretching in the Chinese system should not be confused with the western understanding. Often when people move there are places that they are unaware of creating a l). There is a saying in the Chinese systems of movement “in order to move in balance and create healing in your body you need to bring your conscious mind to your unconscious body.” When we move around in our life doing every day activities or are exercising the more we can bring awareness (attention= qi= energy) to the unconscious areas of our body the more effortlessly we can engage into life. Stretching consist of a matrix of seemingly opposing forces of nature yin and yang. In this contexts yin being to relax while yang being engaged. When we engage with this concept of yin and yang we can begin to pull the slack out of our body (stretching). When your body has no slack in it your body is now connected. Moving from this place we move with integration and connection of the rest of our body in support of every other part of your body! Food for thought! Rome was not built in one day!

In my Chinese system for stretching and joint mobilization sessions, these concepts are what I help people to understand so that they can move with more ease and out of pain!


Almost No Children In France Are Medicated For ADHD: Here’s How They Define & Treat It

Good Job France! The medical industry is changing! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), approximately 11% of American children between the ages of 4 and 17 have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as of 2011. However, if you ask the American Psychiatric Association (APA), they maintain th...

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825 S. Broadway Street Suite# 200
Boulder, CO

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 18:30
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:30
Wednesday 10:00 - 18:30
Thursday 10:00 - 17:30
Friday 10:00 - 18:30