AATJ - American Association of Teachers of Japanese, Boulder, CO Videos

Videos by AATJ - American Association of Teachers of Japanese in Boulder.

Congratulations to the session presenters at ACTFL! 🎉 Thank you for sharing your knowledge and insights.
Cooking in the Classroom: Scaling Lessons for All Proficiency Levels
★Coral Bishop sensei, Columbus North International School, Columbus City Schools Dawn Hasselbach

Other AATJ - American Association of Teachers of Japanese videos

Congratulations to the session presenters at ACTFL! 🎉 Thank you for sharing your knowledge and insights. Cooking in the Classroom: Scaling Lessons for All Proficiency Levels ★Coral Bishop sensei, Columbus North International School, Columbus City Schools Dawn Hasselbach

💙 この一体感と温かさがあるから頑張っていけます!皆さん、ありがとうございます! The heart of AATJ beats with a sense of belonging! 🌐✨ It's more than an organization; it's a driving force that unites us in our language-teaching journey. Together, we thrive on the power of community and shared passion. Here's to the endless bonds and inspiration! 🤝💖 #AATJ #Belonging #LanguageCommunity #ACTFL23 #ACTFL

🌟INVITATION TO THE AATJ GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING!🌟 ACTFL期間中のAATJ会員総会のお知らせです。リラックスした雰囲気でAATJの一体感を味わってみませんか?チケットは必要ありません。リフレッシュメントを用意して、役員、ディレクター一同、皆さんのご参加をお待ちしております! The AATJ General Membership Meeting will be held on Saturday, November 18th, from 6:30 PM-8:30 PM in Room 196c!🗓️

🏆AATJ Award Luncheon at ACTFL 🏆 ACTFL期間中に、AATJ優秀教師賞を授与するランチョンが開かれます。ACTFL登録の際にチケット購入をされた方は、ACTFLバッジの表に記録が記されています。 The AATJ Award Luncheon at the ACTFL conference will be on Saturday, November 18, from 12:15-1:30 p.m. in Room W474B! 🍽️🌟 #AATJ #AwardLuncheon #ACTFL23 #ACTFL

🔍 Ready to be inspired? Join us at Room W178B for AATJ-sponsored sessions that will ignite your passion for language teaching and learning! 🌐💡ACTFL会場でのAATJセッションはW178Bで行われています。ぜひお越し下さい! #AATJ #ACTFL23 🌟🗣️

🌟INVITATION TO THE AATJ GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING!🌟 ACTFL期間中のAATJ会員総会のお知らせです。リラックスした雰囲気でAATJの一体感を味わってみませんか?役員、ディレクター一同、皆さんのご参加をお待ちしております! The AATJ General Membership Meeting will be held on Saturday, November 18th, from 6:30 PM-8:30 PM in Room 196c!🗓️ This will be an excellent opportunity to connect with your fellow Japanese teachers and unwind in a friendly atmosphere. The meeting is open to all AATJ Members, and it is FREE! 🎁We have some incredible door prizes lined up, thanks to our generous sponsors. You won't want to miss your chance to win! We can't wait to see you there! 🤝✨ #ACTFL23 #aatj

🏆AATJ Award Luncheon at ACTFL 🏆 ACTFL期間中に、AATJ優秀教師賞を授与するランチョンが開かれます。ACTFL登録の際にチケット購入が必要となりますのでご確認ください。 The AATJ Award Luncheon at the ACTFL conference will be on Saturday, November 18, from 12:15-1:30 p.m. in Room W474B! 🍽️🌟 Please join us for a special luncheon where we will honor the outstanding achievements of our members. It's a time to celebrate excellence and be inspired by the accomplishments of our colleagues. To secure your spot at the AATJ Award Luncheon, members must purchase a ticket. Tickets can be purchased during your registration process for the ACTFL conference. We look forward to seeing you at the AATJ Award Luncheon on November 18th! 🎉

**SCHEDULE OF AATJ-SPONSORED SESSIONS AT ACTFL** ACTFL期間中のAATJメンバーの先生方によるセッション情報をぜひご確認ください。発表される先生方、ご準備ありがとうございます。会場でお会いできるのを楽しみにしております! Are you ready for an enriching learning experience at ACTFL in Chicago? We're thrilled to announce an incredible lineup of sessions that will leave you inspired and empowered. 📚✨ 🗓️ Session Schedule:https://www.aatj.org/conferences-fall/ 📍 AATJ-sponsored sessions: Room W178B 🗓️ Friday, November 17-Sunday, November 19 🌟 Don't forget to check out other sessions presented by our dedicated AATJ members at various locations. A big round of applause to all the incredible teachers selected to present at ACTFL. Your hard work and dedication deserve to shine, and we look forward to seeing you in action! See you in Chicago! 📖🌎

** FALL CONFERENCE AT ACTFL ** 11月17日ー19日に開催されるシカゴでのACTFL/AATJ秋の学会への先行申し込みは10月25日までです。お早めにご登録ください。日本語セッションのスケジュールも下記リンクよりご覧いただけます。 Registration for the Fall Conference/ACTFL Convention at “advance” rates continues until October 25. Details are at https://www.aatj.org/conferences-fall/

** UPDATE FROM THE FALL CONFERENCE DIRECTORS ** AATJ 秋季大会は、11 月 17~19 日にイリノイ州シカゴで開催される ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) の年次大会と併催されます。シカゴで多くのAATJ会員にお会いできることを楽しみにしています! Advance registration is open for the 2023 AATJ Fall Conference, which takes place in conjunction with the annual convention of ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) in Chicago, IL, on November 17-19. We look forward to seeing many AATJ members in Chicago! Information on AATJ-sponsored sessions and events and registration instructions are available at https://www.aatj.org/conferences-fall/ and in the September issue of the Newsletter. ★A special request: If you plan to present in a session outside the AATJ slot at the ACTFL Convention, please contact the Fall Conference Co-Directors at [email protected] We would like to include you in the AATJ presenters’ list and share it with the members. AATJ主催のセッションやイベントに関する情報、登録方法は、https://www.aatj.org/conferences-fall/をご覧ください。 また、11月のACTFLコンベンションにおいて、AATJ枠以外のセッションで発表を予定されている方は、秋の学会の共同ディレクター([email protected])までご連絡ください。AATJ会員の発表者リストに掲載し、会員の皆様と共有する予定です。 よろしくお願いいたします。

** PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DEADLINES ** ACTFLでの秋の学会参加を支援してくださるグラントが二つあります。ぜひご覧ください。 Don’t forget to register for the 2023 ACTFL Convention and Expo in November in Chicago, Illinois. AATJ will be holding its Annual Fall Conference in conjunction with the ACTFL Convention. Details on the conference, and links to register, are online at https://www.aatj.org/conferences-fall/. AATJ is pleased to offer two opportunities for funding support to attend this year’s ACTFL conference: 1. Applications for the 2023 Cheng & Tsui Professional Development Grants are open until September 1. Details are online at https://www.aatj.org/prodev-cheng-and-tsui/. 2. Applications for CULTR grants for first-time conference attendees are open to AATJ member teachers in their first to fifth year(s) of teaching who have not yet attended an ACTFL conference. https://forms.gle/EWufw8rQ83PFJoWt6

** FALL (ACTFL) CONFERENCE REGISTRATION IS OPEN ** Next up for members will be the annual fall conference with ACTFL. Registration is open now at https://www.actfl.org/conference-and-expo. AATJ members can register at discounted member rates. The schedule of AATJ member presentations and other events will be posted online at the end of April at https://www.aatj.org/conferences-fall . ACTFLとの秋の年次大会の登録は、https://www.actfl.org/conference-and-expo で受け付けています。AATJ会員は会員割引料金で登録することができます。AATJ会員のプレゼンテーションやその他のイベントのスケジュールは、4月末に https://www.aatj.org/conferences-fall でオンライン公開される予定です。

**SPRING CONFERENCE INFORMATION** AATJ 2023年春季大会の参加登録が開始されました。プログラムの詳細なスケジュールを含むカンファレンスに関する詳しい情報はAATJwebサイトをご覧ください。(https://www.aatj.org/conferences-spring/) Registration for the AATJ 2023 Spring Conference is open. The conference will feature a full day of concurrent sessions, with dozens of presentations on topics including linguistics, literature, second language acquisition, language and culture, materials development, curriculum and course design, assessment, K-16 articulation, study abroad, heritage language education, and more, followed by a keynote talk on Japanese as a global language. More information on the conference, including the detailed program schedule, is online at https://www.aatj.org/conferences-spring/.

**ACTFL/AATJ FALL CONFERENCE CALL FOR PROPOSALS OPEN NOW** 2023年ACTFLにおけるAATJ秋季大会のプロポーザルの締め切りは1月27日です。お早目にご提出ください。 The 2023 AATJ Annual Fall Conference will be held during the annual convention of ACTFL (www.actfl.org), which will take place from Friday, November 17, through Sunday, November 19, 2023, in Chicago, IL. The proposal submission deadline is * FRIDAY, JANUARY 27 *, at 11:59 PM Eastern Time. Be a part of the AATJ/ACTFL conference by presenting a paper or panel session! Proposals are being accepted now for the Fall 2023 conference. The deadline is coming up, so To submit a proposal, go to this page on the ACTFL website: https://www.actfl.org/convention-and-expo/2023-call-proposals If you want your session or paper presentation to be considered as a part of the AATJ program, please pay special attention to the following two points in the ACTFL online proposal submission form: 1. Please choose “Japanese” under “Applicable Language.” 2. For Question 2, under the “Other” tab, please choose “Not Applicable (N/A).” If you choose one of the ACTFL Special Interest Groups (SIG) in answer to this item, your proposal will be reviewed by the SIG first. Once the SIG has accepted your proposal, we cannot include your session or presentation in the AATJ program. We look forward to seeing many great proposals for the 2023 Fall Conference in Chicago!

Standing ovation for Tsuda sensei #ACTFL22 #aatj #LifetimeAchievementAward

三三七拍子~during Avello sensei & Masuyama sensei’s session #ACTFL22 #aatj #language #japanese

AATJ supports multilingualism. #ACTFL22 #aatj #language #multilingualeducation #jnclnclis

It’s great to see AATJ members in person! Welcome Back to ACTFL! #ACTFL22 #aatj #language #japanese

** THE DEADLINE TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL FOR THE 2023 SPRING CONFERENCE IS OCTOBER 24 ** AATJ/AAS春季大会のプロポーザルは10月24日まで受け付けます! AATJ’s 2023 Spring Conference will be held in person in Boston on March 16, 2023, in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS). The conference will feature a full day of presentations, a keynote address, and opportunities for networking. Proposal submission is open until OCTOBER 24. Proposals are invited for panels and individual presentations in pedagogy, linguistics, literature, and other related topics. Details on the topic categories and a link to submit proposals is at https://www.aatj.org/conferences-spring.

**INVITATION TO NATIONAL Jr. JAPAN BOWL INFORMATION MEETING FOR ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHERS** 小学校・中学校の日本語の先生方へのお知らせです。 日本語教育アドボカシーネットワーク(J-LEARN)主催の第7回ジュニアジャパンボウルのための先生向けの説明会が下記の通り開催されます。どうぞお気軽にご参加ください。 J-LEARN (Japanese Language Education Advocacy and Resource Network) would like to invite elementary and middle school teachers to join the information meeting for the 2023 National Junior Japan Bowl. National Junior Japan Bowl is a team-based academic competition for the Japanese language and culture. The 2023 competition will be online using Kahoot! We’ll share information and tips for registration. We hope your students will join the fun this school year! Who: Elementary & Middle School Teachers What: Information about the competition and resources When: Saturday, November 5, 2022 8 PM-9 PM Eastern Time 5 PM-6 PM Pacific Time How: Register from here: https://tinyurl.com/yc6s5n56 Where: You’ll receive the zoom link after registration. Why: J2B will provide your students with the excitement and joy of learning the Japanese language and culture!