AATJ - American Association of Teachers of Japanese

AATJ is a professional organization for all K-16 teachers of Japanese languages, literature, linguistics. and culture.

Can you spare a minute to help this campaign? 08/07/2024


Students at Cupertino High School have started a petition to bring back their Japanese class (instead of phasing out Japanese in a couple more years). Join this petition by adding your signature!

Can you spare a minute to help this campaign? Bring Back Japanese at Cupertino High School

Donate to Support for Karl`s Road to Recovery, organized by Takumi Borgmann 08/06/2024

Atsuko Suga Borgmann sensei, a past president of WiATJ and currently teaching at Brown University, is seeking your support for her husband:

Hi everyone, I'm reaching out to ask for your help and support for my husband, who is recovering from a major stroke. We've started a GoFundMe campaign to help cover his medical expenses and ensure he receives the care he needs. Any contribution, no matter how small, would make a significant difference and is deeply appreciated. Please consider donating and sharing this message to help spread the word. Thank you.


Atsuko Suga Borgmann

Donate to Support for Karl`s Road to Recovery, organized by Takumi Borgmann Hi everyone, We are organizing a fundraiser on behalf of … Takumi Borgmann needs your support for Support for Karl`s Road to Recovery


The International Conference on Japanese Language Education (ICJLE) 2024, Global Network consisting of 12 organizations involved in Japanese language education, was held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from August 1st to 3rd. Approximately 540 participants from around the world gathered to share research findings and practical reports, and the event was a great success. We will report on the outcomes in the AATJ newsletter and other channels. A big thank you to all the members of the organizing committee for their hard work!

世界の日本語教育12団体が加盟するグローバルネットワークの日本語教育国際世界大会であるICJLE 2024が8月1日から3日にかけてウィスコンシン大学マディソン校で開催されました。世界各国から540名ほどの参加者が集まり、研究成果や実践報告を共有し、大盛況に終わりました。成果についてはまたAATJニュースレター等でご報告します。実行委員会の皆様、お疲れ様でした。

In Honor of Senior Lecturer in Japanese Yoshiko Jo 08/06/2024

We have received the news that Professor Yoshiko Jo, who taught Japanese at Swarthmore College, has passed away. Professor Jo was not only dedicated to Japanese language education but was also active in marathons. We extend our heartfelt condolences and remember her with great respect and admiration.

In Honor of Senior Lecturer in Japanese Yoshiko Jo "Yoshiko is remembered for the passion for Japanese language and culture she instilled in her students, as well as for her love of running, with her success as an ultramarathoner serving as a model for working hard while also leading with enthusiasm and joy," says Acting Co-Presidents Tomoko Sakomur...

Photos from AATJ - American Association of Teachers of Japanese's post 07/30/2024

**Japanese-Language Proficiency Test 2024**
JLPT registration will begin on August 5. Please check the flyer for the starting dates and times for different levels and sites. A new site in Middleburg, VT, has been added in 2024.

Photos from AATJ - American Association of Teachers of Japanese's post 07/16/2024

**Japanese-Language Proficiency Test 2024**

JLPT registration will begin on August 5. Please check the flyer for the starting dates and times for different levels and sites. A new site in Middleburg, VT, has been added in 2024.







**Please Share Your Advocacy Ideas!”
We are creating a Padlet to showcase ideas and activities and would love to hear what you are doing in your Japanese programs. Let’s share our ideas with each other! Please contact us if you have any questions. (AATJ Advocacy team at [email protected])


Apply for J.LIVE Talk 2024!

We are happy to announce that the J.LIVE Talk 2024 will be held on Sunday, November 3rd in-person on the George Washington University campus! J.LIVE Talk is a national presentation contest with the focus on 21st century skills, held annually since 2015. The preliminary round application deadline for individual divisions is September 24, 2004. Selected finalists will be invited to Washington, DC with travel subsidies of up to $500.

We will have two categories (Intermediate low-mid, Intermediate high and above) in the high school division and three categories (Intermediate mid-high, Advanced Low-Mid, Advanced High and above) in the college division this year. We also have a high school group video competition. Please check our website and YouTube channel for more detailed information.

Application deadlines are as follows:

- Individual: Sep. 24
- Group video: Oct. 18

If you have questions, please contact us by email.

Attached is the flyer for the J.LIVE Talk 2024. Please encourage your students to apply!

AP Japanese Language and Culture Past Exam Questions – AP Central | College Board 05/19/2024

The Free Response Questions for the 2024 AP Japanese Language and Culture Exam have been released!

AP Japanese Language and Culture Past Exam Questions – AP Central | College Board Download free-response questions from past AP Japanese Language and Culture exams, along with scoring guidelines, sample responses, and scoring distributions.


The May issue of the AATJ Newsletter is now available!

本 だいすき! 05/17/2024

**日本語レベル別読み物サイト「本 だいすき!」のご案内**


本 だいすき! はじめに

Sign the Petition 05/15/2024

**Continue the Japanese Language Program at Northshore High Schools**




Sign the Petition Continue the Japanese Language Program at Northshore High Schools

Photos from AATJ - American Association of Teachers of Japanese's post 05/02/2024

The AATJ Webinar titled "Confronting the Japanese Language Teacher Shortage: Government Developments Concerning Japanese Language Education in the United States 米国における日本語教育を巡る政府の動向について" on April 28 was a great success! We had over 180 participants engaged in lively discussions, with numerous questions and comments even extending beyond the scheduled hours. AATJ would like to express gratitude to Tomoko Marshall sensei from the University of Virginia & MAATJ and Taichi Kaneshiro sanjikan from the Embassy of Japan for their interesting and insightful presentations, as well as to the webinar participants for their keen interest. The recording, slides, and questions and comments from the participants are available at https://www.aatj.org/teaching-resources/current-trends-japanese-language-education-us/

Photos from AATJ - American Association of Teachers of Japanese's post 05/01/2024

On April 27, an AATJ Local Affiliates meeting was held under AATJ Vice President Mieko Avello sensei's leadership. Leaders from various local affiliates had the opportunity to exchange information and interact with each other. We would like to thank Kumi Kobayashi sensei, Vice President of the California Association of Japanese Language Teachers (CAJLT) and also serving as AATJ JNHS Co-director, for sharing the findings of the recent CAJLT survey aimed at identifying burning issues in Japanese language and culture programs in California!


The ICJLE program is now available!
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1g9v47Icn1Otp6IOFUKSvxcgtEUZyjnt9p_Oeyw8BJu8/edit =420724069


Table For Twoからのお知らせです。
**「和食育オンデマンドコース for University students」2024-25年度の参加校募集案内 **

Are you looking for a unique and fun program for your students? Applications for our Wa-Shokuiku “和食育” online on-demand Japanese inspired food education course for university students have opened and we are looking for 20 teachers to collaborate with us for the 2024-25 school year! The course will be provided for free to the selected schools.

Apply by May 31st 2024:


Through this course, your students will learn the principles of Japanese cuisine and food culture. They will also gain the skills required to prepare healthy, nutritious foods to strengthen our bodies and minds as well as learn about food related issues around the world.

The program can be adapted according to your lesson plans. You don't need to use all of the content provided and can use any parts of the course based on your needs.

We had over 20 colleges participate during the 2023-24 school year and had great collaboration with the schools and teachers. We are looking forward to this next school year!

Website https://www.wa-shokuiku.org/ondemand-university

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/p/C56eqRdtNiA/

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tablefor2/posts/pfbid02XXRMr6N53iymLyxa7NoBHkTT3eq2rWFrLqiYzdj4ZU5h3ggdrxJ3BY4LEZ2D1VgYl


Japanese Language and Literature, Vol. 58 No. 1 (2024) has been published!

Japanese Language and Literature (JLL) serves as the primary platform for intellectual exchange among AATJ members, offering a scholarly forum for discussions on Japanese literature, linguistics, teaching Japanese as a second or foreign language, and Japanese culture. It publishes two issues annually.


20th Annual All-USA High School Japanese Speech Contest
Sunday, May 26, 2024
For more information, visit http://www.jlsf-aurora.org/eng/

Photos from AATJ - American Association of Teachers of Japanese's post 04/22/2024

The 30th Central Association of Teachers of Japanese Conference (CATJ 30) was jointly hosted by the Department of Modern Languages at DePaul University and Purdue University’s School of Languages and Cultures. The conference featured numerous excellent presentations centered around this year's theme, “Collaboration Across Interdisciplinary Communities, Borders, and Languages.” Yoshiko Mori, AATJ President, delivered the keynote address titled “Beyond Borders: Shaping the Future of Japanese Language Education in the Era of Diversity and Collaboration,” sparking engaging discussions on the future of inclusive and collaborative pedagogy.

Junior Japan Bowl 2024 04/19/2024

The 8th Annual Junior Japan Bowl, which will be broadcast live on Friday, April 26th.

Date: Friday, April 26, 2024
Session Schedule:
Level 1 (Grades 1-3): 5:30-6:30 PM Eastern Time
Level 2 (Grades 4-6): 6:45-7:45 PM Eastern Time
Level 3 (Grades 7-8): 8:00-9:00 PM Eastern Time
Format: Live-streamed digital competition on YouTube LIVE

Junior Japan Bowl 2024


Confronting the Japanese Language Teacher Shortage: Government Developments Concerning Japanese Language Education in the United States
April 28 (Sunday), 9:00-10:30 a.m. Pacific time; 12:00-1:00 p.m. Eastern time
日時:4月28日(日)9:00 -10:30 a.m. PDT; 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. EDT

Based on the "Memorandum of Cooperation in Education" signed between the U.S. and Japanese governments last May, the first U.S.-Japan High-Level Policy Dialogue on Education was held in October 2023. At this dialogue, the Embassy of Japan presented the results of a survey conducted by the Mid-Atlantic Association of Teachers of Japanese (MAATJ) and raised issues surrounding the shortage of Japanese language teachers. Included in the joint statement that was compiled was the decision to strengthen efforts to support Japanese language education in the U.S.
In this webinar, the presenters will share the latest developments and deepen the discussion with teachers on finding creative solutions to the shortage of Japanese language teachers.


Taichi Kaneshiro, Education Counsellor at the Embassy of Japan in Washington, DC / 金城太一参事官、在アメリカ合衆国日本国大使館 /
Tomoko Marshall, Distinguished Lecturer at the University of Virginia and Past President of MAATJ / マーシャルともこ、バージニア大学、MAATJ2022-2023年度会長
Yoshiko Saito-Abbott, AATJ Professional Development Director / 齋藤-アボット佳子, カリフォルニア州立大学モントレイベイ校



United States-Japan Joint Leaders’ Statement | The White House 04/12/2024

The United States-Japan Joint Leaders' Statement, "Global Partners for the Future," released on April 10, 2024, highlights support for Japanese language education in the United States.

“We acknowledge the importance of language study, particularly in person, to develop long-term ties and announce a new Memorandum of Cooperation to increase opportunities for the number of exchange visitors from Japan to share their specialized knowledge of Japanese language and culture in the United States, as well as welcome efforts to expand the Japanese Language Education Assistant Program (J-LEAP).”

United States-Japan Joint Leaders’ Statement | The White House Global Partners for the Future Over the course of the last three years, the U.S.-Japan Alliance has reached unprecedented heights. We arrived at this historic moment because our nations, individually and together, took courageous steps to strengthen our collective capacity in ways that would have se...

日本専門家のための教育文化交流機会創出のための協力覚書 04/12/2024

4月11日(現地時間10日)、米国ワシントンD.C.において、相航一在米国日本国大使館特命全権公使と、リー・A・サターフィールド国務次官補(教育文化担当)(Ms. Lee A. Satterfield, Assistant Secretary of State for Education and Cultural Affairs)との間で、「日本外務省・文部科学省及びアメリカ合衆国国務省の間の日本専門家のための教育・文化交流機会創出のための協力覚書」への署名を行いました。

日本専門家のための教育文化交流機会創出のための協力覚書 外務省ホームページは「JavaScript」が使われております。「JavaScript」をONにしてご利用ください。

Memorandum of Cooperation Upon Creation of an Educational and Cultural Exchange Opportunity For Japanese Specialists 04/12/2024

On April 11 (April 10 local time), in Washington, D.C., Mr. AI Koichi, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Embassy of Japan in the United States of America, and Ms. Lee A. Satterfield, Assistant Secretary of State for Education and Cultural Affairs, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan, on the one side and the Department of State of the United States of America, on the other side, for the creation of educational and cultural exchange opportunities for Japanese specialists.

Memorandum of Cooperation Upon Creation of an Educational and Cultural Exchange Opportunity For Japanese Specialists Press Releases Memorandum of Cooperation Upon Creation of an Educational and Cultural Exchange Opportunity For Japanese Specialists Tweet April 11, 2024 Japanese On April 11 (April 10 local time), in Washington, D.C., Mr. AI Koichi, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Embassy of Japan....

JNCL-NCLIS Celebrates Re-Launch of America's Languages Caucus and New Bipartisan Co-Chairs 04/12/2024

The Joint National Committee for Languages has just announced the re-launch of the America’s Languages Caucus , featuring Representative Jen Kiggans (R-VA-2) as the new House Co-Chair. She joins Congressman Jimmy Panetta (D-CA-20) in this crucial leadership role to support multilingualism across the United States. Representative Kiggans brings a unique perspective as a former JET participant!

JNCL-NCLIS Celebrates Re-Launch of America's Languages Caucus and New Bipartisan Co-Chairs FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEWASHINGTON, D.C, April 11th, 2024 – The Joint National Committee for Languages is pleased to announce the re-launch of the America’s Languages Caucus with the addition of new House Co-Chair, Representative Jen Kiggans (R-VA-2). Congresswoman Kiggans joins Congressman Jimmy P...

Photos from AATJ - American Association of Teachers of Japanese's post 04/10/2024

Mrs. Yuko Kishida, the First Lady of Japan, hosted a luncheon meeting on April 9th at the residence of the Japanese Ambassador in the DC Metropolitan area. The gathering brought together Japanese language educators from various sectors, including representatives from hoshuuko, secondary schools, immersion programs, higher education institutions, teacher associations, community schools, and Japan culture organizations. Many attendees were members of AATJ.
During the meeting, participants engaged in candid discussions on topics such as current trends in Japanese language learning in the U.S., student motivation, and challenges in sustaining Japanese language studies. Mrs. Kishida expressed her enthusiastic support for Japanese language education in the U.S., stating, "I express my sincere respect for your daily efforts in Japanese language education, and I hope that as many people as possible will gain a deeper understanding of Japan through language learning and education."


**ICJLE Registration Information**
The International Conference on Japanese Language Education (ICJLE) will be held in Madison, Wisconsin, from August 1st to 3rd. The theme of this year is "Exploring Issues of Diversity and Expertise in Japanese Language Education." Early bird registration will end on April 30th, so please register if you haven't done so yet.

International Conference on Japanese Language Education (ICJLE)

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Videos (show all)

Congratulations to the session presenters at ACTFL! 🎉 Thank you for sharing your knowledge and insights.Cooking in the C...
💙 この一体感と温かさがあるから頑張っていけます!皆さん、ありがとうございます!The heart of AATJ beats with a sense of belonging! 🌐✨ It's more than an organiza...
🌟INVITATION TO THE AATJ GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING!🌟ACTFL期間中のAATJ会員総会のお知らせです。リラックスした雰囲気でAATJの一体感を味わってみませんか?チケットは必要ありません。...
🏆AATJ Award Luncheon at ACTFL 🏆ACTFL期間中に、AATJ優秀教師賞を授与するランチョンが開かれます。ACTFL登録の際にチケット購入をされた方は、ACTFLバッジの表に記録が記されています。The AATJ...
🔍 Ready to be inspired? Join us at Room W178B for AATJ-sponsored sessions that will ignite your passion for language tea...
🌟INVITATION TO THE AATJ GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING!🌟ACTFL期間中のAATJ会員総会のお知らせです。リラックスした雰囲気でAATJの一体感を味わってみませんか?役員、ディレクター一同、皆...
🏆AATJ Award Luncheon at ACTFL 🏆ACTFL期間中に、AATJ優秀教師賞を授与するランチョンが開かれます。ACTFL登録の際にチケット購入が必要となりますのでご確認ください。The AATJ Award Lunc...
**SCHEDULE OF AATJ-SPONSORED SESSIONS AT ACTFL**ACTFL期間中のAATJメンバーの先生方によるセッション情報をぜひご確認ください。発表される先生方、ご準備ありがとうございます。会場でお会いで...
** FALL CONFERENCE AT ACTFL **11月17日ー19日に開催されるシカゴでのACTFL/AATJ秋の学会への先行申し込みは10月25日までです。お早めにご登録ください。日本語セッションのスケジュールも下記リンクより...
** UPDATE FROM THE FALL CONFERENCE DIRECTORS **AATJ 秋季大会は、11 月 17~19 日にイリノイ州シカゴで開催される ACTFL (American Council on the Tea...
**  PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DEADLINES **ACTFLでの秋の学会参加を支援してくださるグラントが二つあります。ぜひご覧ください。Don’t forget to register for the 202...
** FALL (ACTFL) CONFERENCE REGISTRATION IS OPEN **Next up for members will be the annual fall conference with ACTFL. Reg...


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