
**environmental songs, music, poetry, art, dance, style, science, kisses & tats for planet earth** Ki

EarthLover, Dedicate 44%* of Your Time + 44%* of Your Money to Save Your Fun+Rad+Crying Earth use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth 07/03/2024

EarthLovers : Please dedicate 44% of your time & 44% of your net income to keep Earth alive.

EarthLover, Dedicate 44%* of Your Time + 44%* of Your Money to Save Your Fun+Rad+Crying Earth use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth Earth Lover, Dedicate 44%* of your Time [19.4 hours/week] + 44%* of your Money [net income or apropos assets] to any teams+projects that are working hard to cool down the climate change monsters that are hurting me, your charming+wild+burning planet Earth. Yes, 44% may be more than your fair share.....

Go Vegan Please = Love The Animals + Respect Your Body + Stop The Cruelty + Save Fading Earth use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth 06/25/2024

Two ways to keep your home cool this summer are using a portable induction stovetop outdoors and adopting a plant-based raw diet.
Outdoor Induction Stovetop: Cooking on an induction stovetop hotplate outside your home can help maintain a cooler indoor temperature. Additionally, it reduces your utility bill by minimizing the energy required for cooling. Induction stoves are more efficient than gas or electric stovetops, so even when used indoors, they contribute to a cooler living space. Moreover, their energy efficiency benefits the planet. Induction for Love and Life.
Plant-Based Raw Diet: Opting for a vegan diet and consuming more raw vegetables is another excellent way to keep your home cooler. Raw veggies are not only nutritious but also require less cooking time. Chopping or cutting them into smaller pieces enhances their flavor and digestibility. Unlike animal-based foods, raw veggies don’t necessitate extensive cooking to eliminate harmful bacteria and viruses. Vegan for love and life.
Stele / XOEarth

Go Vegan Please = Love The Animals + Respect Your Body + Stop The Cruelty + Save Fading Earth use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth “I pump up my vegan brain with 750mg of algae derived omega-3 EPA and DHA every day. I also carry a little bottle of ground flax seeds and nutritional yeast to power up the omega-3-fatty-acid ALA, B vitamins and protein in any meal that I think might need it. Rocking the fruit, veggies, beans, nut...


Help stop the crueltly, torture and imprisonment of
kind and innocent animals. Join a vegan activism group.
Plant Powered = Love Powered
XOEarth org/Go-Vegan-Please


Yes, we can flush dog p**p down the toilet:
Sewer System: Only flush the dog poo if your toilet is connected to a sewer system. If you have a septic system, it’s not recommended, as it won’t eliminate dangerous pathogens from dog waste.
No Bags: But don't flush dog p**p inside a bag, as it can clog your toilet. Just the waste itself is fine.
Environmental Benefits: Flushing dog p**p is actually beneficial for the environment. It prevents harmful bacteria and toxins from contaminating local water sources and helps reduce landfill methane production and theefore helps slow down the climate monster disasters.
Give your pup’s p**p the royal flush!



So we can keep partying on this planet Earth: I promise to try to talk with p*eps every day about volunteering + donating + voting to keep the democracy killers and the climate monsters out of office. A friend came over a few days ago and we both sat down and donated bucks to a get out the vote group and to 350.org. For more sheets and giggles, Stele 🌹🌎🤓🦆
xoearth org / Help-Get-Out-The-Vote

Bar Soap Rope [make one for your shower time] + the Hand Dry Jive song [sing along with us] use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth 05/16/2024

Easy to make adjustable bar soap rope to hang up bar soap so it can dry out, hold little pieces of soap to new soap bar, no soap on the tub ledge & make bar soap way easier to hold. How to at xoearth.org/bar-soap-rope.

Bar Soap Rope [make one for your shower time] + the Hand Dry Jive song [sing along with us] use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth BAR SOAP ROPE I use a Bar Soap Rope to dry out my bar soap between my showers or baths, and to slow down the crazy flood of plastic being made for single-use junk. The Bar Soap Rope makes the soap easier to hold on to while bathing too. The ‘rope’ around the soap can […]


Dedicate 44% time and money to help keep this fun planet Earth party going.

For and


NooPoo Paper and Bottle Bidet : Used Office Paper, Newspaper & A Water Squirter Vs Toilet Paper use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth 04/21/2024

NooPoo Paper: Saving the Planet, One Wipe at a Time
For over 15 years, I’ve proudly not purchased any toilet paper. Instead, I’ve embraced the NooPoo Paper lifestyle, an eco logical, fun, eco-friendly alternative that turns waste into a clean, cushy experience. Here's how do do do it too!
NooPoo Paper is a blend of discarded treasures. Think printed office documents, old books, packing paper, newspapers, grocery flyers, and even phone books. The poo-poo hero of paper repurposing! Mission: Save carbon-sequestering trees and keep our beloved planet Earth party going.
The NooPoo Experience: NooPoo Paper is an upgrade over toilet paper when you add water to the repurposed papers that you use. Soft as a cloud and more effective.
Used NooPoo paper goes in my compost or regular trash. No fuss, no mess.
And guess what? Our bathroom doesn’t smell. The minimal “p**poo” dries out quickly on the ultra eco toilet paper. Even IF there were a hint of smelliness I would still do my do do with NooPoo paper anyway!
Saving Forests, One Wipe at a Time: Be a forest hero and a planet hero and a life hero and a life hero by using your unused office documents, old books, packing paper, newspapers, grocery flyers, and even phone books when you go number one or two.
Forests aren’t just trees: They are bustling ecosystems with critters, birds, and maybe even a squirrel playing and making a life song. Plus, they’re climate change warriors—slowing down those pesky climate monsters.
Countdown to Earth’s Rescue: How long do we have to save this blue orb? Months? Days? Toilet breaks? Let’s go hero level and save our sweet planet Earth. Visit XOEarth.org/noopoo for more info.
So the next time you reach for your NooPoo Paper remember you’re not just wiping. You are helping save our planet party!

NooPoo Paper and Bottle Bidet : Used Office Paper, Newspaper & A Water Squirter Vs Toilet Paper use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth   Play >> NooPoo Paper .mp3 Here are four fine ways to stop using killer toilet paper and help save the forests, help save the forest animals, and help stop the climate change monsters that are killing our biosphere. Have fun cleaning your p**py bottom with these: 1] Various waste papers – called...


Ticks Are Sick: Climate change makes it easier for these cute little eight-legged vampires to survive and mess with a person's party time.

Tiny gifts the tiny tick can give ya to make ya feel p**py scoopy:
+ Lyme disease (bullseye rash bash, meningitis, carditis, plus autoimmunity that can ruin your party time for decades).
+ Anaplasmosis (cosmetic surgery, no. chills, aches, and fatigue, yes)
+ Ehrlichiosis (flu-like bacterial bummer)
+ Rocky Mountain spotted fever (hurty head trip and malicious muscle bug)
Tularemia (a surf beach, or infected lymph glands?)

Even if one doesn't get a disease from a tick, if a tick's body part comes off and stays in the skin when removing a tick, the antibody inflammation can last for weeks. I have had this happen at least three times.

Past colder winters killed more ticks. Warm winters mean more ticks survive. Early springs and late falls make tick time last longer. More ticks have greatly reduced the population of moose, deer and other wild animals. Moose have been found with thousands of ticks sucking up the moose blood.

So purty please, dedicate 44% time and money to slow down the climate change monsters, and reduce the chance of getting tick sick. And do those tick checks after hiking on mother nature too, of course. ~xoearth

This Hand-Washing Detergent Has Saved Me Thousands on Dry Cleaning Bills. And There’s No Rinsing Required. 04/06/2024

Hand-Washing Detergent Saves on Dry Cleaning. No Rinse. Also, most hand-washing bar soaps do not contain proteases. So I use a bar soap to wash a lot of my clothing. Add a bar soap rope to hang and dry the bar soap. Less . Less
. .
XOEarth .org/Bar-Soap-Rope

This Hand-Washing Detergent Has Saved Me Thousands on Dry Cleaning Bills. And There’s No Rinsing Required. Just a splash of this magic in a bottle beautifully and safely cleans your delicates with a simple soak.

Help Get Out The Vote/ 2024 use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth 03/09/2024

Earth Lovin People, Please
Volunteer + Donate + Vote
= More Love + Life + Fun
Please help us elect candidates who will fight the climate monster
that intensifies wars, droughts, heatwaves, floods, poverty, inflation & extinction.

Help Get Out The Vote/ 2024 use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth   Earth Lovers, Help. Get. Out. The. Vote. Every climate change monster and disaster is dangerous and deadly. + They Hurt The Economy + They Fuel Inflation + They Endanger Democracy + They Trigger Wars And Crime + They Kill People And Animals + They Destroy Planet Earth = Climate Change Monsters An...


No, let's not eat meat because we are forced to
not eat meat because animal ag has killed our sweet
and zany planet Earth, because it is illegal to eat
imprisoned animals that had to live and sleep in their
poo and p*e, because heart disease, cancer or diabetes
has battered or wasted our bodies, or because climate
change monster heatwaves, floods, poverty,
wars or extinction has killed our friends.

Yes, let's not eat meat because we love our alive and
snazzy planet Earth, because we like to let wild animals
live and love in places where animal factory prison farms
might have been, because we love having strong and
fun bodies, because we are jazzed to stop the climate
change monster heatwaves, floods, poverty, wars or
extinction so we can keep hanging
and partying with our friends. ~se



Aloha Friends, Big ask here.
Please, purty please,
Volunteer + Donate + Vote
= More Love + Life + Fun
Help elect candidates who
will fight the climate monster
that intensifies wars, droughts,
heatwaves, floods, poverty,
inflation & extinction.

XOEarth .org/Help-Get-Out-The-Vote


Volunteer + Donate + Vote = Love + Life + Fun

Climate Emergency
Boulder/Denver Sunrise Movement
XR Youth US 350 Colorado

Lawrence: Biden on his worst day is better than Trump on his best day 02/14/2024

Lawrence: Biden on his worst day is better than Trump on his best day
Volunteer + Donate + Help Get Out The Vote
xoearth .org/help-get-out-the-vote

Lawrence: Biden on his worst day is better than Trump on his best day MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell describes the “single most disqualifying thing” ever said by a presidential candidate: Donald Trump falsely affirming that Putin c...


Hello friends, If you are a Republican or a Democrat or Independent,
Dare someone on the other side everyday to join you on projects, on teams and in big actions that fight and stop the climate change monster that intensifies droughts, floods, crime, heatwaves, wars, inflation, poverty, wildfires, and extinction. xoearth .org


If you are a Palestinian or Israeli,
Make friends with someone
on the other side to fight the
climate change monster that
is intensifying wars, droughts,
heatwaves, floods, poverty,
starvation, violence, inflation
and extinction. If you are not a
Palestinian or Israeli, help facilitate
a friendship between two people
from the two groups.


If you are a Palestinian or Israeli,
Make friends with someone on the other side to fight the climate change monster that is intensifying wars, droughts, heatwaves, floods, poverty, starvation, violence, inflation and extinction. xoearth.org

Vegan vs Meat HEATED Oxford University 2024 Debate 01/26/2024

Vegan vs Meat HEATED Oxford University 2024 Debate https://youtu.be/r3WWtBUEi5U?si=XWuSCgNLGRMZLjHZ

XOEarth org/Vegan ??

Vegan vs Meat HEATED Oxford University 2024 Debate Debate: Would Oxford Union Go Vegan?Back in December 2023, a debate expressed its support for veganism, with a majority of Oxford Union members agreeing with...


Palestinians + Israelis : Unite to fight the climate change monster and its heatwaves, starvation, droughts, violence, floods, inflation and extinction.

EarthTime44: Dedicate 44% Of Your Time To Save Our Burning Biosphere [19.4 hours per week] use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth 12/21/2023

Please dedicate 44% of your time to save our sweet+crazy+dying Earth. http://XOEarth.org/EarthTime

For For

EarthTime44: Dedicate 44% Of Your Time To Save Our Burning Biosphere [19.4 hours per week] use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth Dedicate 44% of your time [19.4 hours per week] with an environmental team, community project, and/or climate activists who are fighting to save our sweet+fun+dying Earth. [EarthTime44] Every week that you meet your EarthTime44 goal you are standing with millions of other amazing and bold Earth hero...


Aloha Friends , Millions of Earth lovers are taking big climate actions every day to help slow down and stop the climate monster heatwaves, floods, wildfires, extinction, wars and other mega disasters that hurt our Earth home.
Some rad ways to join those Earth lovers to help save our planet are the EarthDare, EarthLover, EarthTime and EarthMoney.
Even if you are already taking big climate actions every day to help cool our Earth please add one of those big XOEarth actions too. And thank you soooo much if you are already taking big climate actions to keep this planet party going!!
By the way, those millions of people who have been taking big climate actions for the last 50 years have already helped keep the biosphere alive and helped prevent a total collapse that could have happened already.
If you are one of those who have helped keep our planet alive to this day please tell me so I can send you a thank you.
For love and life, Stele
Read on at XOEarth .org


Hello EarthLovers, Please invest 44%* of your net income in
climate crisis orgs, teams and projects
that are helping slow down the climate triggered monster heatwaves, wars, floods, wildfires, storms, inflation, crime and refugee migrations.
*sliding scale.
For love and life.


Fossil fuel companies, Get out of the
To help stop the fossil fuel companies & lobbyists at the UN Climate Action Summit [COP] from killing our Earth
I promise to:
+ Burn very little fossil fuels by buying little & use renewable energy as much as possible.
+ Only work for companies that help fight the climate change monster floods, heatwaves & storms.
+ Only fly for emergencies or when totally necessary & buy 10X carbon offsets when I do.
+ Bike, walk, rideshare & live close to work as much as possible.
+ Eat plant based to reduce greenhouse gases, stop the animal prisons & stay healthy.

Twitter / ? 11/30/2023

EarthLovers, Please dedicate 44% of your Time and 44% of your Net Income and/or Assets to an climate change fighting organization or team or project or activists that measurably helping cool down our fevered biosphere. XOEarth .org/EarthLover

Twitter / ?

EarthLover, Dedicate 44%* of Your Time + 44%* of Your Money to Save Your Fun+Rad+Crying Earth use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth 10/28/2023

To get an EarthLover88 score: dedicate 44% Time and 44% Net Inc to teams and projects that are cooling our burning planet Earth. XOEARTH.ORG/EarthLover

EarthLover, Dedicate 44%* of Your Time + 44%* of Your Money to Save Your Fun+Rad+Crying Earth use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth Earth Lover, Dedicate 44%* of your Time [19.4 hours/week] + 44%* of your Money [net income or apropos assets] to any teams+projects that are working hard to cool down the climate change monsters that are hurting me, your charming+wild+burning planet Earth. Yes, 44% may be more than your fair share.....


Unleash the full force of change by fearlessly daring and challenging 14 individuals each day to embrace the power of Big Climate Actions that you personally recommend. Fear no boundaries; EarthDare them in person at businesses, government offices, and public gatherings, or reach out through the dynamic channels of phone, social media, email, or mail. Let no one escape responsibility, not even your colleagues or bosses; EarthDare them to rise up and join the battle against the monstrous threat of climate change. XOEarth.org/EarthDare/

EarthLover, Dedicate 44%* of Your Time + 44%* of Your Money to Save Your Fun+Rad+Crying Earth use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth 07/24/2023

Everyone please dedicate 44% time and 44% net inc to save sweet+magical+dying Earth. XOEARTH.org/EarthLover88

EarthLover, Dedicate 44%* of Your Time + 44%* of Your Money to Save Your Fun+Rad+Crying Earth use art, dance, song, wit & sci to save dying Earth Earth Lover, Dedicate 44%* of your Time [19.4 hours/week] + 44%* of your Money [net income or apropos assets] to any teams+projects that are working hard to cool down the climate change monsters that are hurting me, your charming+wild+burning planet Earth. Yes, 44% may be more than your fair share.....


1. Support and watch Fracking the System, the Movie
2. Be inspired to join a Phase Out Fracking Team
with some cool people near you.
3. Get a community with cleaner air, cleaner water,
healthier land, better economy and good stable jobs.
4. Get a planet with less climate monster heatwaves, floods,
storms, wildfires, inflation, crime, and war.
350.org SafeAndHealthyColorado.org ClimateDefiance.org SunriseMovement.org


Hello Earth Peeps,
Gonna do an EarthFast, yes I am!!
I have decided to try and do a food fast for part of every day to help this awesome Earth get cooler again. I want to help slow down those pesky Climate Monster wildfires, heatwaves, floods and hurricanes that are killing our sweet+rad+failing biosphere.
Eating less will reduce the greenhouse gas emissions that my diet is putting out so this party planet can keep going.
I am calling it an EarthFast. If any want to join EarthFast with me that would be zummy yummy.
By the way, I will be aiming for a BMI of 20. Still within the 18.5—24.9 healthy weight range set by the CDC. My current BMI is about 23.3 on 1.28.2023.
For more about what I eat and the supplements I take check out the Go Vegan Please page.
For love and life, Stele
“Earth Fast to help it last.” ~se

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Videos (show all)

Possibly one year to save Earth from deadly climate tipping points. Fight for more love. Fight for more fun. XOEarth.org
Extend the Life of the Biosphere for more Art Song and Love.Dedicate 44%* time and net income to slow down the climate m...
Extend the Life of the Biosphere for more Art Song and Love
less fossil fuels > more stable weather >less monster disasters > more peaceful society >less wars & terrorism  > more w...
Biking in winter fluffy stuff. Every gallon of gas not burned saves 8 square meters of habitat potential. Love to yee wi...


3465 Stanford Avenue
Boulder, CO

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The Guide to Health and Healing The Guide to Health and Healing
Boulder, 80304

Share Health & Healing Information! Both- Holistic and Allopathic Information, Workshops, Articles, Products, Inquiries are WElCOME!

WILD Foundation WILD Foundation
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Since 1974, WILD has built new and innovative solutions for wilderness, wildlife, and people from the ground up.

Program in Jewish Studies, University of Colorado Boulder Program in Jewish Studies, University of Colorado Boulder
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Boulder, 80301

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PO Box 3093
Boulder, 80301

What works for your child is what makes the choice right.

Boulder County Arts Alliance Boulder County Arts Alliance
2400 28th Street Unit 103
Boulder, 80302

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2465 Central Avenue
Boulder, 80301

www.suzukiassociation.org We seek to create a learning community through Suzuki music education, which embraces excellence and nurtures the human spirit.

Geological Society of America Geological Society of America
3300 Penrose Place
Boulder, 80301

The Geological Society of America unites earth scientists from every corner of the globe.

All Roads All Roads
4869 Broadway Street
Boulder, 80304

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Frequent Flyers Aerial Dance Frequent Flyers Aerial Dance
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Share A Path. Find Your Power.