

Holistic and heart centered approach to healing the mind, body & spirit.

Offering Reiki, chakra alignment, mediumship, Oracle card readings, certified nutritional health/life coaching, intuitive guidance & integral sound healing.


AHO 🙏♥️

♥️In Honor of World Menopause Day!♥️

Yes, there are hot flashes
down to your toes,
But this is your power surge
everyone knows.

Yes, there are aches and pains
sleeplessness too,
But these are all birthing
a powerful You.

Yes, there are times
when you feel you’ll explode,
But these are to teach you
to lighten your load.

Yes, there are mood swings,
and brain fog and sweats,
But these usher in
your most queenly days yet.

Once all your power
flowed out and away,
But now it flows inward
to strengthen and stay.

Once you felt pressured
to please and to serve,
Now you’ll feel freedom
and pleasure, and verve.

Once you felt fearful
of all the unknown.
But now you rejoice!
You are Matriarch, Crone!

~ Rebekah Myers, “Menopause Magick!”
copyright ©️ by Rebekah Myers, 10/18/22
Sacred Sisters Full Moon Circle

Art: Lisa Aisato


Had a lovely connection & deep conversation with some of my special soul tribe sisters last night .

We are so much more than we give ourselves credit for on this human plane. We ARE the cosmic egg - the divine feminine ♥️.
Repeat this as often as you feel moved to. EVERY WORD I SAY BECOMES A PRAYER. I AM THE AUTHOR OF MY OWN STORY. 🙏 What power are you bringing back to yourself? Much love & blessings of grace to you all. ♥️

If I’ve learned anything from life,
it’s that sometimes,
the darkest times can bring us
to the brightest places.
I’ve learned that the most
toxic people can teach us
the most important lessons;
that our most painful struggles
can grant us the most necessary growth; and that the most
heart-breaking losses of friendship
and love can make room for the
most wonderful people.
I’ve learned that what seems
like a curse in the moment
can actually be a blessing,
and that what seems like the
end of the road is actually just
the discovery that we are meant
to travel down a different path.
I’ve learned that no matter
how difficult things seem,
there is always hope.
And I’ve learned that no matter
how powerless we feel or
how horrible things seem,
we can’t give up.
We have to keep going.
Even when it’s scary,
even when all of our strength
seems gone,
we have to keep picking ourselves
back up and moving forward,
because whatever we’re battling
in the moment, it will pass,
and we will make it through.
We’ve made it this far.
We can make it through
whatever comes next.
✍️ Daniell Koepke
🎨 Monika Luniak


PERFECTLY SAID! It isn’t pretty or easy… 🙏

Awakening isn’t about joining an exclusive spiritual club, and problems are instantly solved.

Being awake, is not a badge of honor you wear, nor is it a trendy label to adopt.

It’s a profound shift in "perception" that exposes illusions woven by society, culture, and even our own egos, and even past lifetimes.

And while this clarity is enlightening, it can also be deeply isolating, making it difficult to communicate your newfound awareness without feeling like you’re speaking a language few understand.

Imagine living in two worlds simultaneously..the world as it appears to everyone else and the world as you’ve NOW come to see it.

In this heightened state of awareness, you see beyond the surface of things, noticing patterns, energies, and connections that most people are either unaware of or choose to ignore.

BUT as you try to share what you’ve seen, you quickly realise that not everyone is ready to receive it!

AND now you’re met with, skepticism, being misunderstood or even ridicule, this can feel exhausting at times. You feel alone.

To fit in, you simplify your words, you shut down your voice, you hold back your insights, make yourself small and pull down the intensity of your awareness so as not to sound too “out there.” sound familiar?

It’s like constantly having to water down your truth, going between the need to express yourself and the need to avoid alienating those around you.

This experience doesn’t make you superior to just makes you different..if you see it as superior this is called 'spiritual ego'..

Your journey has led you to see things from a "new perspective", but that very perspective often makes daily life feel like an exercise in restraint.

While many are content to discuss "surface-level matters", your mind is on the deeper questions: the nature of consciousness, the connectedness of all life, the unseen forces that shape reality, the new paradigms.

Yet, you remain quiet, knowing that not everyone is ready or willing to confront their own truths. It’s not that they can’t see what you see, but that their time hasn’t come yet, and forcing the conversation won’t accelerate their awakening.

And so, you adapt to the environment.

You read the energy in the room, decide when to speak and when to remain silent.

You choose your words carefully, sharing only as much as feels safe, holding back when you sense the conversation isn’t ready for the full depth of your awareness.

Sometimes, you find yourself smiling and nodding in agreement, even though your mind is dancing, moving, shifting in a completely different place.

But then, there are those rare, precious moments when you meet someone who gets it.!!

Their eyes light up with recognition, and for a brief time, you feel like you can finally breathe, like you don’t have to hold back. But these moments are fleeting, and they don’t happen nearly as often as you’d like.

Awakening isn’t something you can force upon someone.
It’s a deeply personal journey, one that each soul must undertake in their own time, more of a 'contractual' nature.

No amount of explaining or convincing someone, will change that. So, you wait, realising you need to be patient...You live your truth quietly, patiently, and often alone, knowing that the majority of your conversations, your deep real thoughts will remain unspoken.

AND YET, despite its challenges, being awake is a gift! That needs to be made clear.

It’s an expanded awareness, a deeper connection to the universe, a knowing that transcends the intellectual. It’s an experience that changes you from the inside out, altering the way you move through the world and perceive your place within it.
But this gift comes with responsibility..the responsibility of living in a world that may not yet understand or appreciate your awareness.

It requires you to move the tension between wanting to share your truth and recognising when it’s best to hold it back.

Awakening also means embracing the solitude that often accompanies it.

While it can feel isolating at times, this solitude offers space for reflection, growth, and deeper alignment with your higher self. It’s a time to nourish your spirit, to build a relationship with the few souls who resonate with your frequency, and to ground yourself in the knowledge that you are part of something far greater than yourself. The world may not always understand you, but you are never truly alone.

So, no, being awake isn’t easy.

It’s not glamorous or fashionable. It’s a journey filled with challenges, loneliness, and the need for constant discernment. But it’s also a path of empowerment, of freedom, of connection to the greater web of life. It’s a journey worth walking, because it brings you closer to the truth of who you are and the infinite beauty of the universe.

Even though there are many difficulties, awakening is a profound and sacred journey that changes everything..and once you’ve begun, there’s no going back!

Always in the light with you
Jojo xx


I was chatting with a friend yesterday about our dads, our love, our loss and how grief really never leaves us but somehow we learn to live with it,in this plane, in this lifetime. How at times it comes out of nowhere and can take our breath away.…. Grief comes not only in the loss of a loved one but in the loss of what never was but could have been … it’s okay to grieve a loved one, a lost childhood, a relationship with a parent that should have been loving but wasn’t or was… Any relationship … Doesn’t matter. .. your grief is your own. Let every part of you feel it so you can then release it and let most of it go. There is no time frame on one’s grief. If once in awhile the grief comes out of nowhere and takes your breath away, try to hold yourself just a little tighter … 🙏❤️

Grief is unpredictable, it comes in stages,
in the blink of an eye, our whole world changes.
To deal with the loss, we search for a way,
to help us get through, each harrowing day.

Denial, the first stage, is one of disbelief,
we have no idea, how to deal with this grief.
Caught off guard and so unprepared, with no real plan, clearly in sight,
we must endeavour to stay strong and hold on tight.

Anger, comes next, the second stage,
the unfairness of it all, sends us into a rage.
The suffering the pain, it took its toll on you,
we really hoped, that you could have pulled through.

Bargaining, the third stage, could it have gone, another way?
If this was the case, you would still be here today.
What we would give, to change the outcome,
was there anything different, we could have done?

Depression, another stage, full of sorrow and woe,
debilitating and overwhelming, a painful blow.
The fear and the anguish is a frightening ordeal,
which takes its toll, whether imagined or real.

Acceptance, the final stage, helps us bear, this heavy cross,
as we try to find meaning in our lives and make sense of the loss.
Life for us has changed and is not the same, without you,
but with acceptance now, we will try to push through.

There is no direct path, we each find our own way,
to navigate the pain and get through each day.
Some stages of grief, we will repeat,
stepping in and out of each, in this gigantic feat.

Through all these stages, we will continue to evolve,
searching for comfort and in time, some resolve.
'One day at a time' is all we can do,
as we try to endure, this life without you.

~ 'Navigating Grief' by Mary Anne Byrne Spirit of a Hippie

~ Art by Jeanie Tomanek



Hearts United

In the wake of nature's fury, our neighbors in western North Carolina and eastern Tennessee face unimaginable loss. As the remnants of a hurricane leave a path of devastation, countless lives hang in the balance. The death toll keeps rising, each number a heartbreaking reminder of lives cut short.

Though words feel inadequate, let our collective prayers rise like a lifeline of hope. May strength find the weary, comfort embrace the grieving, and help reach those in desperate need. In this dark hour, let us stand united in spirit with those who suffer. Every thought, every prayer, every act of kindness matters. Together, we can be the light that pierces through this storm.

Please share and pray for these people!


Oct 2nd, 2024 @ 2:49PM EST

Solar Eclipses occur during New Moons -
A time of introspection, rest, refocus, & reassess. Forcing us to make room for fresh starts & new beginnings. It’s the time of the month to set intentions & begin the manifestation process with our desires.

This is the first New Moon of Fall and it occurs in Libra. A sign of balance, harmony, & justice. This Sun/Moon potent air energy wants us to keep the peace -without- compromising our own integrity. The universe is encouraging us to dig deep & admit to ourselves if the relationships in our lives are meeting our needs: Can we be honest within our relationships? Or, do we continue to bite our tongues to avoid confrontation? This is an opportunity to speak our truth, to listen, & to let go of the stuff that doesn’t adhere to our personal values; all while remaining completely objective. This is how we reset bonds within our relationships & breathe a bit easier.

Ultimately, this is how we practice diplomacy & cooperation with others. We all want to voice our opinions & feelings. We all want to be heard. So how do we without passing judgement or hurting others? It’s definitely tricky. All we can do is just do the best we can in explaining our truths, with compassion. ~Emphasis on the word compassion~ Embody empathy, while being honest. It sounds like a risk, but Libra is the sign of Justice. So the outcome will always be fair & things will work out for the best in the end.

This lunation wants us to get things off our chest &/or begin on a new slate when it comes to our relationships & new goals.

Eclipses tend to bring unexpected shirts and revelations. Be open to changes that feel out of your control and trust the process. This eclipse might push you out of your comfort zone, but it's all part of a greater alignment. Surrender to what comes and let go of resistance to change. Practicing patience & mindfulness is at the heart of this New Moon Solar Eclipse. If at all possible, avoid making major decisions until the energy stabilizes. Instead focus on planning and reflecting.

*This is the fifth of six eclipses occuring in the Aries-Libra axis, April 20th, 2023 - March 29th, 2025.

Moon and Cactus


We had a surprise guest drummer 🪘 last night! Crystal Gray Yoga ‘s hubby Marty! He sounded awesome alongside Crystal’s harmonium and her beautiful voice! Along with EVERYONE singing! They all sounded amazing together!

It was purely magic in the woods/shala! ☮️ ❤️ 🧚‍♀️ 🌲 🎶 🐈‍⬛ 🌍

Photos from suzs_soul_speak's post 09/29/2024

Been meaning to post all day! Just a little glimpse into our event yesterday with Crystal Gray Yoga ~ a little Kirtan ~ a little yoga ~ a little sound healing ~ a little kitty named Luna ~ ( who loved it all) ~ a lotta Mother Nature and some wonderful, beautiful souls to share it all with. Thank you to everyone who joined! Grateful! 🙏❤️


In the hush of your solitude,
Notice those who break the silence.
The ones who reach out,
When your world grows still.

They are the anchors in your storm,
The lighthouses on your shore.
These souls who seek you in the quiet,
Are the family you've chosen, and more.

Cherish them, these guardians of your peace,
For in your silence, they hear your unspoken needs.
Their care echoes in the spaces between words,
Reminding you: you're never truly alone.

~ Etheric Echoes

~ Art by Karen Wilcox


This stage in our lives should be held with such love & grace & honored for all of this… ♥️


Sometimes there is no need to add any more words… 🙏❤️‍🩹♥️ 🌊


When life breaks you, it is because you are ready to be put back together differently.
Every piece of you that feels shattered is a piece that will find a new place, a new purpose, a new meaning. Trust that the cracks are where the light gets in.
And sometimes, in our brokenness, we find our greatest wholeness.
We find the courage to rebuild, to reimagine, to redefine what it means to be strong.
You are not broken; you are breaking through ..

Unknown ✨

Artist Credit : Kat Fedora


🌖 ♥️ 🌙 🙏


I don’t have crow’s feet,
I have happy happy memories of laughing with friends until the tears flowed.
I don’t have frown lines,
I have the marks of my frustration and confusion, which I battled through, smiling in the end.
I am not going grey,
I have shimmering highlights of wisdom, dashed throughout my silver hair.
I don’t have scars,
I have symbols of the strength I was able to find, when life got tough.
I don’t have stretch marks,
I have the marks of growth and the marks of motherhood. My womanly evolution.
I am not fat,
I bear the evidence of a life filled with abundance, blessings and good times.
I am not just forgetful,
I have a mind so full of stories, memories and moments there is scarce room to hold much else.
I am not old,
I am blessed, with a life of great length, something not everyone can say.
Don’t change the way you look my friend,
change the way you see,
change the way you see.
©Donna Ashworth
Art by the FABULOUS Lisa Aisato ❤️
The word ‘vakkar’ means beautiful 🤩


Just a lil’ reminder 💕


We are more powerful than we really believe!

Collectively we can elevate this power
exponentially by holding & believing in our hearts the same loving vision of peace we want for our planet! 🙏❤️ 🌎 ☮️


Yes it is…. 🙏


Well, we can - some do ( they may feel they don’t have healing to do) … that’s their path and they will find it when ready & meant to.

We may have a clear awareness we have the wounds but until we do the work to heal them, holding ourselves with love, kindness & grace throughout ( continual process) they will lay open inside us burrowing deeper into our cellular and emotional being. ( some may disagree with this and that’s okay… it’s my humble opinion based on what I have learned though many years of my own deep shadow work and from my spiritual mentors.

When we are challenged and triggered emotionally and feel that parts of us are broken - those cracks are where the light gets through and shines in those dark crevices of our past trauma and wounds so we can see it and bring unconditional love there to heal.

Much love to all ❤️


Yes I do 🙏 ♥️

“I pray for peace to descend upon this planet. I pray for understanding and awakening. I pray for balance to be restored to all the layers of this planet. I pray for the cleansing of all the waters of the earth, the oceans, the lakes, the rivers, the glaciers. I pray for all her people, the stone people, the plant people, the four-leggeds, the two-leggeds, the winged, the finned, the furred, the creepy-crawlies. May we all grow in love and compassion. Amen
Please feel free to add your prayers here..."

Art by Rob Schouten


Women… 🥹 🙏 ♥️ ✨ 🌎 ❤️‍🩹

Read until the end sisters
“It was not witches who burned.
It was women.
Women who were seen as
Too beautiful
Too outspoken
Had too much water in the well (yes, seriously)
Who had a birthmark
Women who were too skilled with herbal medicine
Too loud
Too quiet
Too much red in her hair
Women who had a strong nature connection
Women who danced
Women who sung
or anything else.
Sisters testified and turned on each other when their babies were held under the ice.
Children were tortured to confess their experiences with “witches” by being fake executed in ovens.
Women were held under water and if they float, they were guilty and executed.
If they sunk and drowned they were innocent.
Women were thrown off cliffs.
Women were put in deep holes in the ground.

The start of this madness was years of famine, the war between religions, and lots of fear. The churches said that witches, demons and the devil did exist and women were nothing but trouble. As we see even today, there is often a scapegoat created, and the chaos escalated in Sweden when the Bible became law and everything that did not line up with what the church said became lethal. The Bible fanaticism killed thousands of women. Everything connected to women became feared, especially her sexuality. It became labeled as dark and dangerous and was the core of the witch trials throughout the world.

Why do I write this?
Because I think the usage of words is important, especially when we are doing the work to pull these murky, repressed, and forgotten stories to the surface. Because knowing our history is important when we are building a new world. When we are doing the healing work of our lineages and as women. To give the women who have been slaughtered a voice, to give them redress and a chance of peace.
It was not witches who burned.
It was women."~

~Fia Forsström


I used to think that friends were the people who unconditionally comforted you when you felt wronged, showed up for you when you needed them, and joined you in righteous indignation when you felt hurt. I thought friends would be unconditional cheerleaders, and you would always feel better after being with a friend. But lately, I've realized that my most valuable friends are the ones you stand for my soul, even when that means saying something my ego doesn't want to hear.

When a friend stands for your soul, she holds you accountable to your highest potential and expects you to do the same for her. When a friend stands for your soul, she understands how your ego operates- and loves and accepts you in spite of- even because of- what he knows. But she doesn't sit by complacently when she watches you create your own suffering. She calls you on it lovingly and pushes you in the direction of your highest self.

When a friend stands for your soul, she holds you and comforts you when you feel wronged, but she doesn't engage in story fondling with you. As soon as you feel strong enough, she reminds you that it's time to end your pity party and be in the solution. She even helps you find meaning in whatever left you feeling hurt or angry because she knows even tragedies aren't random, that life is purposeful, even when it's hard.

When a friend stands for your soul, she's willing to say what others won't, the things people might be whispering behind your back because they don't love you enough to say it to your face. But she never intends to be critical, and she's never, ever mean. She is wind beneath your wings, helping to lift you higher, and she trusts that you will give her the same gift.

When a friends stands for your soul, she might even leave the relationship, because she has been patient as she watches you choose your small self over your larger self- again and again. At some point, she can't be true to her own soul unless you share the same commitment to trying to live in alignment with yours. Standing for your soul might require tough love. But the invitation is always there. She will be steadfast in standing for your soul, even as you stray off your path. She will still be there for you when you're finally ready to accept the invitation to come home to Who You Really Are.

Standing for the soul of a friend isn't easy. It requires uncomfortable conversations. It would be easier to just say yes to your friend's ego. But when a friend unconditionally loves you and stands for your soul, it takes courage. It can be disruptive. There might be tears and hurt feelings. But a friend stands for your soul with great love and gentleness, even as she says what you don't want to hear. Real friends don't judge. They elevate you while they illuminate the parts of you that you hoped they'd never discover.

It's all worth it though, because these soul friends help you grow, and they invite you to grow with them. They are your guiding lights during dark nights of the soul, taking you by the hand and returning you to yourself. They cheer with you when you make difficult choices while standing for your own soul. These relationships are dynamic, ever-changing, ever-upleveling, ever-celebrating the magnificence of who you are becoming on your spiritual path. These friends are the guideposts leading you to freedom, and they enjoy the journey with you. They laugh with you, dance with you, gaze at the heavens with you, and revel in sunsets with you. They get quiet with you. They listen to your vulnerable stories and tell you theirs. They keep the heart open with you, and in the communion of two open hearts, you find connection, belonging, vitality, and joy. If you're lucky, they even bring chocolate

Do you have friends brave enough to stand for your soul? Do you stand for the souls of your friends ?

( ✍️ Lissa Rankin )

Art : Katia Honour


From someone who did not have a loving, nurturing or kind mother THIS… could not resonate any deeper - Had it not started with my gram …
Continuing over the years with so many deep, nurturing friendships and spiritual guidance from my mentors…
I am not sure I would have survived in a way that did not completely leave my heart closed off to everyone - myself included.
I am grateful beyond any words I could scour in the English language. None seem worthy enough of the light and love each and every one of you has shown me.

I know I am not the only one with this story…

Thank you from the bottom of my very open, and trusting heart ♥️ 🙏

To all those who have mothered us ~

To those who have really seen us, and mirrored back what is true and beautiful about ourselves. So we might know our brilliance, our gifts, our hearts, so we might live them fully into the world. So we might know and become who we truly are.

To those who have reflected back to us our hidden wounds, our insecurities, our limitations - not to make us smaller, but so we might become more whole and more real. So we might see what needs our acceptance, our care, our healing.

To those who have loved us, not in spite of, but because of our vulnerabilities. Who see and honor both what is holy and what is human in us. What is fragile and eternal.

To those who value us for simply being ourselves, not for what we offer them or what we do, not for the advice we give or the work we perform, but for simply being the soul that we are.

To those who saw the seeds of potential in us, and helped water and care for them, so they might blossom and flourish. Who helped us let go of what needed to die. Who helped us to know things we already deep-down knew.

For those who helped contain our grief when we thought it might drown us, or our anger when it was sure to overcome us, or our pain when it seemed it would never end. Who somehow could reassure us that we ourselves might be okay, even when nothing was okay, and might never be.

To those who have been able to love and value our truth, even when it seemed to oppose theirs, even when they themselves were hurt or angry.

To those who, in their company, we learned how to better be alone with ourselves. Who helped us become better mothers to ourselves and to others. Who taught us how to love more and deeper.

Whether this was our actual mother, or a friend, a partner, a stranger, a lover, a mentor, a teacher, a man or a woman, or our very own selves…
Thank you.

~ Leyla Aylin ~

Artist Rabia Naaz


This speaks for itself… I need add nothing more. 🙏 ❤️


This really hit at my core today in the most magical and sacred way…. We shared in another beautiful and healing community mediation this morning with Sacred Healing Journey and all the beautiful souls that come together each month both online and in person. The in person group stayed for quite awhile sharing - we briefly talked about intimacy and how it’s not just a sexual thing. It’s a complete and trusting opening of oneself in all its beautiful vulnerability. To connect with like minded souls at this level is something I feel so incredibly and deeply grateful for. We missed the shares of the online group but definitely were soulfully connected and holding space for the collective. 🙏❤️ Much love to each and everyone of you. Thank you for sharing yourselves in this way. “Furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality IMPOSSIBLE to describe.” Is so true!

There is almost a sensual longing for communion with others who have a large vision.
The immense fulfillment of the friendship between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality impossible to describe."

( ✍️ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin )

Art : Debbie Arnold


And I know a TON of you!! So.. It should say A TON of you…

We all should try to breathe into our heart spaces a little more, where our souls reside and remember who we really are!

I see all y’all’s luminous & beaming lights! You try to see it too please! Too many of you beauts to tag!

Videos (show all)

We had a surprise guest drummer 🪘 last night! Crystal Gray Yoga ‘s hubby Marty!  He sounded awesome alongside Crystal’s ...
Much Love 💕
Just a little reminder to clear your mind, put your hand on your heart ❤️ and take a deep cleansing breath inward.. brea...


201 Park Place, Suite 11
Bourbonnais, IL
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✨QHHT Hypnotherapist Level 2 ✨Reiki Master/Practitioner ✨Sound and Vibration Healer

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1230 N. Convent Street Suite B
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1600 IL-50
Bourbonnais, 60914

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