earth body yoga, Bourbonnais, IL Videos

Videos by earth body yoga in Bourbonnais. Yoga life practices to honor the shifting rhythms of our inner and outer landscapes Ayurveda practitioner, Yoga teacher, Energy worker, Sound healer

August! Wrapping up Summer classes and offerings from the heart. I’ve truly loved every moment spent with folks and being part of each other’s journey. Working to stay grounded in these last weeks of summer and not spring off into autumn just yet.Weekly classes Mondays and Saturdays 8:30amAt Limber Tuesdays 5:30pmAt Fitness PremierMonthly offeringsAugust 5, 7pm - Yin, Yoga Nidra, Sound Bath August 7, 6pm - Yoga for Pelvic HealthAugust 14, 6pm - Meditation, Pranayama, Sound BathAugust 19, 6pm - Ayurveda + Yoga for Women’s Health

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August! Wrapping up Summer classes and offerings from the heart. I’ve truly loved every moment spent with folks and being part of each other’s journey. Working to stay grounded in these last weeks of summer and not spring off into autumn just yet.Weekly classes Mondays and Saturdays 8:30amAt Limber Tuesdays 5:30pmAt Fitness PremierMonthly offeringsAugust 5, 7pm - Yin, Yoga Nidra, Sound Bath August 7, 6pm - Yoga for Pelvic HealthAugust 14, 6pm - Meditation, Pranayama, Sound BathAugust 19, 6pm - Ayurveda + Yoga for Women’s Health