Hairstylist & Author🇵🇷
Based in Tampa (Talo)
Traveling to Los Angeles (Chad) & Puerto Rico (Pau)

Photos from's post 08/11/2024

Let’s us take a moment to appreciate this masterpiece!😍💇🏻‍♀️✂️

Photos from's post 08/10/2024

After & Before Haircut 💇🏻‍♀️😍


I always strive to do my best!✂️✂️

Photos from's post 08/08/2024

A good image speaks louder than a thousand words!😍💇🏻‍♀️✂️

Photos from's post 08/05/2024

Yesterday was a day for the books!

I was super cool to work at the show with the amazing team . I got to see first hand the beautiful dynamic this team has!

I loved connecting with so many creatives, pioneers and leaders in our industry!

What an honor!

Thank you for allowing me to work with your team. To my Italian friend for having fun with us and creating art.

Thank you , and for pushing this vision forward, giving other creatives a safe space to express our craft!

And to all the amazing models that worked with us! You guys are true troopers! .gheesling


Which one you like more? Serious curly haircut or smiley curly haircut?

Photos from's post 08/01/2024

From the Workshop we did 07/30/24 at ✂️✂️💇🏻‍♀️ +


Mullet Era💇🏻


A curly haircut that announce its bounce!

Photos from's post 07/23/2024

Ever had one of those “aha” moments? A moment that made sense after understanding a truth you’ve processed for years?
It happened after discovering this!
A disturbing experiment was done in 1944 where 20 babies were provided only with basic physiological needs but no touch or physical affection. And 20 babies who were taken care of in an affectionate way while having all of their physiological needs met.
After four months, more than half of the babies not experiencing physical touch died for no physiological reason. Doctors couldn’t explain why since they were all physically healthy. But the other 20 babies were growing strong and healthy.
The studies showed that physical touch is vital for babies because babies who are not held, nuzzled, and hugged enough, will stop growing. And if the situation continues long enough, they’ll die, even though they receive the proper nutrition.
What’s the point?
The power of touch!
People always tell me that their hair grows fast after I cut it. For years I kept trying to figure out the reason behind this phenomenon, with no success. Now more than ever, I am convinced of the reason behind it is the touch behind the cut. A touch that comes from love, passion, and care!
If you go to a hairdresser driven by money and only sees you as a dollar bill, you will not experience the love and care needed for your hair to grow healthy and fast. And while the stylist might provide you with basic needs (cutting your hair), your hair will become stagnant.
Their touch.
If the haircut is not motivated by a caring, loving, or nurturing hairdresser; it will provide you with the basic needs without the proper touch because for hair to grow efficiently, it needs to have the right care, with the proper touch.
The right cut with the right touch equals beautiful growth. (Boom! drop the 🎤)
If you want your hair to grow at a good pace, find a passion-driven, care-given, skillful hairdresser. Then, pay them good money to let them cut your hair because they’ll give you the right cut, with the right touch! A touch motived by love!
My name is Roberto and I approve this message!😂😉

— Book Insert

Photos from's post 07/23/2024

The strikes again!💇🏻‍♀️✂️😎

Photos from's post 07/17/2024

I need a model for this haircut class in Orlando!💇🏻‍♀️💇🏻‍♀️

DM me please!🙏🏻

Photos from's post 07/14/2024

“‘You Need Money To Make The Dream Happen.’

Those were the words of a sincere life coach trying to give me advice on how to transition from Florida to California.

I was aware of our limited income and our lack of financial resources because of it, I became terrified to make the move.

It wasn’t until one day, after two years of trying so hard to save money with no success, my wife told me, “We just need to buy the plane tickets and let’s just get out of here.” I almost had a panic attack.

But we mustered the courage to do it. Two months before the move, we got a one-way ticket to California. After buying the tickets, we had only $143 in our savings account.

I will never forget the look on my sister’s face when I told her about our crazy decision and financial reality. We had made a crazy move. But we were determined to never look back.

Then the unthinkable took place...

People were inspired by our decision and got behind us, supporting us financially.

We had a small group of friends who gave us $500 one night. Others gave us $300. Others $200. And the story kept repeating itself all throughout those two months.

We received so much money we couldn’t believe it.

We learned a valuable lesson. Money is not the most important thing to have when you’re pursuing a dream.

When you’re pursuing your dreams, you need two things: courage and people.

Courage will move you to pursue the dream, while the right people will help you achieve it.

My family moved to Los Angeles because of those two things. We had the courage to do the impossible and the right people behind us in the pursuit of that dream.

If you will make an investment, invest in people. They’re a great resource.

Your life is full of gifts. Use them to benefit others.

Invest your life in others and have the courage to pursue your dreams. You will be amazed at the results!”

— Insert from


is an amazing fitness coach. But most importantly, she has a heart of gold! 💛


I’ll be in LOS ANGELES next month! August 16th and 17th.
Can’t wait to see my family!

Photos from's post 07/12/2024

“When we think we’re too big to do small things, we might be too small to do big things.

Big things result from small steps, done repeatedly, to create momentum that amounts to success. We can describe success as something that has been done repeatedly, in a persistent way.

Life is all about details! Thinking you’re too big to do small things may be why you can’t do big things.

If you think most times: “That’s not my problem. Someone else should work on that. That’s a small or insignificant thing to do.” Maybe greatness is beyond you since excellence is beneath you.

The opposite is also true!

When we serve others, even in the small details of life, life will give us more opportunities to do it on a bigger scale.

The truth is: repetition builds reputation. And a good reputation is what opens doors of opportunities! When you live to serve others consistently, your role will grow to something bigger. But make no mistake, it always begins with something small.

When we live to give, we generate more because generosity always generates. Generosity equals productivity. If you think about it, we either live to give or we live to take. We can’t do both.

We either serve others and our world gets bigger and greater or we live to serve ourselves and our world stays small and shallow. The choice is ours.

What’s that small thing you can do today that will greatly affect your life tomorrow?

Never despise small beginnings. They’re the platform for big results.

Start small.

Start now.

Live life to the fullest! Serve others and watch your world grow!”

— Insert from


No extensions! Just her hair!😍

Photos from's post 07/08/2024

“I am a haircutting specialist doing hair for more than 20 years. Every time I tell people (about my long career), I get asked this question:

“How old are you?”

I worked in a barbershop at 16. And even though I was only part-time, a year after working there, I made more money than some of the full-time employees. It was at that point I considered doing hair as a vocation.

Doing hair is an art. But even though I started because of the art, the connection with the people was what kept me going in my career.

The drive behind my work is always people.

I’m naturally driven. So when I work on a project, if it demands too much of me, you know, with a big “to do” list and lots of details that require a lot of focus… I have low empathy levels. Making me a lot more task-oriented and not too friendly.🤷🏼

But somehow, when I’m working behind the chair, the person in my chair becomes the focus. Ironically, working behind the chair makes me very relational!

The deep conversations. The heart-to-heart connection. The opportunity to see life from a broader perspective. I freaking love it!

When I work behind the chair, the person’s soul is the focus, and their hair is the canvas to express my art.

For me, the full experience takes place when I can inspire and make people beautiful internally and externally. That is and will always be the goal!

Like I said: People are my passion, hair is my craft.” — insert from my book


Just your normal everyday hair flex 💪🏻💇🏻‍♀️✂️😂

Photos from's post 06/28/2024

For those without a vision, distractions will look like opportunities.

On October 1, 1971, five years after the great Walt Disney passed away; Disney World had its grand opening. During the dedication ceremony, someone turned to Mrs. Walt Disney and said, “Isn’t it a shame that Walt didn’t live to see this?” Mrs. Disney replied, “He did see it, that’s why it’s here.”

What do you see?

What’s your vision?

Someone asked Helen Keller: “What can be worse than being blind?” She said: “The only thing worse than being blind is having sight and no vision.”

The truth is vision inspires. It compels. It directs and moves us in a specific direction. Vision builds because it moves us from within. It gives us something to live for. And it centers our attention on the things that matter most.

Over the years I have learned this: Vision creates focus. Focus creates passion. And passion…passion creates results. But it all starts with what we see!

Airplanes were created because the Wright brothers had a vision of living in a world where humans could fly. The light bulb was created because Warren de La Rue, Joseph Swan, and Thomas Edison worked hard to see a time when people could use light and electricity more practically. The radio was invented because Nikola Tesla and Guglielmo Marconi saw a possible future where everyone could communicate through radio waves.

We all see something. And what we see has the potential to create.

So, let me ask you again…

What’s your vision?

The beauty of our vision is that it has to do with what we see today, but also with the world we want to create tomorrow.

When we see beauty, growth and opportunities, and life through the lenses of hope, we can create a brighter and more powerful future!

So let me encourage you…open your eyes.

Find a vision worth living for, and work to see it come to life! Leave a mark and make the world a better place.

— book entry


Fresh cut changes everything 💆🏻‍♀️💇🏻‍♀️✂️

Photos from's post 06/27/2024

A while ago, I had a dream that I died. So in the morning, I woke up thinking about it.
I do not dream a lot, but I pay attention to them when I do because sometimes dreams are heavenly messages trying to tell me something.
As I was processing it, this question came to mind: How would you live if you had only months to live?
Now, I hate when people use that question to manipulate me about something or use it to point out something I’m not doing for them. That’s not my intention here.
I intend to bring a mindset or to create a sense of awareness. Not to create paranoia.
As Janice and I processed through that question in the morning, we were both shocked by our answers.
The reason is that things come in a different perspective when faced with such reality.
How would you live if you had only months to live? What would you do?
I’m not asking to make you fearful. I’m saying…would you live, love, and do things the way you are doing them now?
Death has a way of shaking up irrelevant things. Death has a way of elevating the value of time. Death has a way of helping us prioritize our choices. Death has a way of bringing our true longings and desires to the surface.
Because of everything you’re doing, how many of those things would you be doing if you knew you had only months to live?
What kind of relationships would you choose? What kind of conversations would you have? What aspirations would you pursue? How would you want others to remember you?
We don’t ask ourselves these questions because we think we have all the time in the world...and we might. But I’m not talking about time. I’m talking about urgency. About priorities. About living on and for purpose.
I love how Erwin McManus says it: “The evidence of life after death is life before death.”
So many times, we get caught up in meaningless fights, meaningless protocols, meaningless tasks. We chase things below our highest potential because we DON’T have the COURAGE to step up to our true longings.
We settle for other people’s agendas and forget what’s important, right here, right now.

What are you going to do?
It’s time for you to live to the fullest!


Layers + Texture = Beauty 😍🤩

Photos from's post 06/25/2024

Maybe, What Feels Like A Set-Back Is Actually A Set-Up

Your SET-BACK could be a SET-UP!

I don’t know about you, but for me, when something tries to hold me back, it becomes a threat to my life. And if I’m not careful, it will remove all of my energy and focus, discouraging me greatly. So I understand if you feel that way today.

But...what if your setback is a setup?

What if everything that’s keeping you from moving forward is the very thing that will take you higher? What if you’re not meant to move forward because you’re not meant to go in that direction?

I’ve seen this happen in my life so many times:

✅ I get fired from a job I wasn’t meant to be working at.
✅Someone rejects me and pushes me away, leading me to the people who value me the way I deserve.
✅Opportunities for work, housing, etc., are shut in a city or a country because my time there is done and it’s time to move to my next destination.

Sometimes, we lose too much time thinking about what’s keeping us from moving forward because our vision is horizontal when it should be vertical. Sometimes, we can’t see the way out because we’re to find the way up.

Maybe what you are looking for is not behind you nor in front of you…it’s above you.

Sometimes, our next opportunity is above us, not beneath us. So for us to see it, we need to look up, not down.

The truth is: a closed door is not REJECTION, it’s simply REDIRECTION.

Therefore, stop focusing on what’s around you and focus on what’s above you. You’re not meant to walk at the same level. You’re meant to go higher!

Look up! Your promotion is coming! It’s time to rise above! — entry from my book (link in bio)


‼️To all the hairdressers
in the Brandon, Tampa, Riverview, Valrico, Plant City and Lakeland area‼️

I want to help you take your haircutting skills to another level!💇‍♀️💇‍♀️

If you feel stuck or need to perfect your haircutting techniques, I would love to work alongside you and guide you in this specific area.

For that reason, I'm now offering hands-on private sessions in an environment with no more than 3 or 4 hairdressers at the time.

That way you get my full attention in an intimate setting where we can work together to help elevate your craft.✨

And...l'm doing it at a very low price—a price l've never done before.💵💸

If you're interested, send me a DM and I'll give you all the details!🤜🏻🤛🏻

Photos from's post 06/24/2024

A few nuggets of wisdom…swipe 🫶🏻😍

Side note: I dedicated that song to her in Puerto Rico, when we were dating, almost 18yrs ago!😅🥹

Time flies 🪰🪰

Photos from's post 06/23/2024

Todavía tengo dos espacios disponibles para recortes en Puerto Rico! 🇵🇷🇵🇷



Color + haircut 😍💇🏻‍♀️✂️


Puerto Rico, voy para allá a trabajar el 2 de julio!

Todavía tengo disponibilidad. Escríbeme si te interesa!


Photos from's post 06/17/2024

is a power house! She’s a strong and fun woman, entrepreneur and an amazing client!🖤🤩

I always love doing her hair.💇🏻‍♀️

We always have a lot of fun.😍😁

Also, I did that lived-in color last Christmas and it still looks amazing!😎🎉

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Videos (show all)

Watch how I create beachy waves with a 1.5-inch curling iron! 🌊✨ 1️⃣ Use a 1.5-inch curling barrel for those loose, natu...
I get to travel, do hair and vacation at the same time. I’m truly blessed! #puertorico #hairstylist
‼️To all the hairdressersin the Brandon, Tampa, Riverview, Valrico, Plant City and Lakeland area‼️I want to help you tak...
Big MAKEOVER!!💇🏻‍♀️✂️✂️ It was truly painful to cut her hair at the same time it made me so happy to change her look!🤩😎
Huge CHOP!! 💇🏻‍♀️✂️✂️ I literally had so much pain cutting it but, I was also excited to change her image!Can’t wait to ...
Bangs + Short Face Framing to create volume and movement.💇🏼‍♀️____Pollina/Capul/Capote/Cerquillo (dependiendo de que nac...
I don’t care how good of a hair cutting specialist you are…if all you do is create “YOUR VISION” without working in part...




Brandon, FL

Opening Hours

Tuesday 12pm - 6pm
Thursday 11pm - 7pm
Friday 10am - 8pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm

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