Hernandez Law Firm, P.C.

The Hernandez Law Firm provides practical solutions for our clients legal problems.

The law firm has built its success by being responsive to client concerns and applying hard work with integrity to find creative legal solutions.


Happy Veterans Day from the Hernandez Law Firm! Today is a day we celebrate, honor, and remember those who have so bravely fought for us. We thank you. 🇺🇸

Photos from Hernandez Law Firm, P.C.'s post 11/03/2021

Please join us November 7th from 12-3:00pm at the Ryllies Fall Festival to benefit the Read by 3rd program. We will have plenty of food, music, games, and more! Read by 3rd is a community program founded by Mr. Daniel R. Hernandez to help parents by giving them the skill sets and resources necessary to develop an understanding of what it is they can do to help their children “Learn to Read” at grade level by the third grade so that each child can “Read to Learn” for the rest of their life. We hope to see you there!


Meet Daniel R. Hernandez, Hernandez Law Firm founding shareholder and practicing criminal and family attorney. Mr. Hernandez is a class of 1973 Aggie graduate who obtained his Juris Doctor Degree from Georgetown University. In the course of his career Mr. Hernandez has served as Chief of Litigation for the Texas A&M University System providing legal representation for the institutions legal matters across the state in federal and state courts. Mr. Hernandez has also served as the Associate Vice Chancellor for The Texas A&M University System, developing relationships between The System’s University and the communities they serve.

With decades of extensive legal experience, Mr. Hernandez has successfully represented clients regarding their family and criminal law matters. Every case receives his full dedication, and by hiring Mr. Hernandez as your attorney you can expect to receive transparency, communication, and expert legal solutions. Mr. Hernandez consistently delivers quality representation for his clients, while keeping them and their families’ best interest in mind.


Meet Daniel M.L. Hernandez, Hernandez Law Firm founding shareholder and practicing personal injury attorney. Mr. Hernandez is a class of 1998 Aggie graduate who attended Syracuse University for a joint Masters of Art in Foreign Relations and Juris Doctor degree. Upon graduation, Mr. Hernandez completed a clerkship with the Honorable Hilda G. Tagle, Federal Judge for the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas, then moved on to join SBC Southwestern Bell, L.P.’s Litigation Group in Dallas, Texas as in-house counsel. In 2002, Mr. Hernandez became a founding shareholder of the Hernandez Law Firm.

Throughout his legal career, he has represented and recovered millions of dollars for individuals and families injured in accidents and work injuries. Mr. Hernandez has tried several arbitrations and jury trials in North, Central and South Texas: Federal and State Court. Choosing Mr. Hernandez as your attorney means you will have someone fully invested in your case through every step of the way. Mr. Hernandez does not give up and aggressively represents all his clients to ensure they are getting the settlement they deserve.

Photos from Hernandez Law Firm, P.C.'s post 09/22/2021

The Hernandez Law Firm will prosecute lawsuits anywhere in the State of Texas. All lawyers are bilingual and provide personal customer service for each case. The Central Texas Office is located at 3091 University Drive E., Suite 310, Bryan, Texas 77802. The Hernandez Law Firm. As always, feel free to call us at (979) 822-6100 to schedule your consultation today or take a look at our website at hdzfirm.com for more information.


The Hernandez Law Firm is located at 3091 University Drive E., Suite 310, Bryan, Texas 77802. We focus our practice in Personal Injury Law including cases related to catastrophic Work Accidents, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Truck Accidents, Head Injuries, and more. Feel free to call us at (979) 822-6100 to schedule your FREE consultation today or take a look at our website at hdzfirm.com for more information.


A work-related injury does not need to be fatal or permanently debilitating for an employee to seek relief. In the United States, all employees have the right to pursue legal action after enduring a harmful accident during their time of work due to the carelessness or negligence of their employers. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2019 the three top causes of work-related injuries were overexertion, falls/trips/slips, and wounding contact with work equipment. While all of these injuries may seem small, they deserve to be followed by recompense.

In Texas, unlike most other states, employers are not required to have worker’s compensation covered, leaving many injured individuals without aid. In order to guarantee just treatment, some individuals have to rely on pursuing legal action. In these endeavors, you will want representation devoted to providing thorough, effective legal counsel you can depend on.

We understand that when you are hurt on the job it can be scary and the road ahead is overwhelming. Hernandez Law Firm specializes in personal injury and has over 17 years of experience handling cases related to such incidents. We will fight to obtain the highest amount of compensation for unfairly injured workers so they do not have to worry about themselves or their families.

To obtain more information about the firm and its expertise in work-related injuries please visit https://hdzfirm.com or call us at (979) 822-6100.


Una lesión relacionada con el trabajo no necesita ser fatal o debilitante permanentemente para que empleado busque alivio. En los Estados Unidos, todos los empleados tienen derecho a emprender acciones legales después de sufrir un accidente doloroso durante su tiempo de trabajo debido al descuido o negligencia de sus empleadores. Según la Oficina de Estadísticas Laborales de los Estados Unidos, en 2019 las tres principales causas de lesiones relacionadas con el trabajo fueron el esfuerzo excesivo, las caídas/tropiezos/resbalones y el contacto de las heridas con el equipo de trabajo. Si bien todas estas lesiones pueden parecer pequeñas, se merecen una recompensa.

En Texas, a diferencia de la mayoría de los otros estados, los empleadores no están obligados a cubrir la compensación del trabajador, dejando a muchas personas heridas sin ayuda. Para garantizar un trato justo, algunas personas deben confiar en emprender acciones legales. En estos esfuerzos, usted deseara la representación dedicada a brindar asesoría legal completa y efectiva en la que pueda confiar.

Entendemos que cuando usted se lastima en el trabajo puede ser aterrado y el camino por delante estresante. El bufete de abogados Hernandez se especializa en lesiones personales y tiene mas de 17 anos de experiencia en el manejo de casos relacionados con tales incidentes. Lucharemos para obtener la mayor cantidad de compensación para los trabajadores heridos injustamente para que no tengan que preocuparse por ellos mismos o por sus familias.

Para obtener más información sobre la empresa y su experiencia en lesiones relaciones con el trabajo, visite: https://hdzfirm.com o llámenos (979) 822-6100.


On behalf of everyone at the Hernandez Law Firm, we express our sincere thanks and gratitude towards our veterans and their families on this day and every day. Thank you to the brave men and women who selflessly defend and serve their country. Our country is filled with hope for tomorrow because our history is shaped by our men and women in uniform. To our men and women in uniform, past, present, and future, thank you.


Meet Daniel M.L. Hernandez, Hernandez Law Firm founding shareholder and practicing personal injury attorney. Mr. Hernandez is a class of 1998 Aggie graduate who later attended Syracuse University for a joint Masters of Art in Foreign Relations and Juris Doctor degree. Upon graduation, Mr. Hernandez completed a clerkship with the Honorable Hilda G. Tagle, Federal Judge for the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas, then moved on to join SBC Southwestern Bell, L.P.’s Litigation Group in Dallas, Texas as in-house counsel. In 2003, Mr. Hernandez became a founding shareholder of the Hernandez Law Firm.

Throughout his legal career, he has represented and recovered millions of dollars for various individuals and families injured in accidents and work injuries. Mr. Hernandez has tried several arbitrations and jury trials in North, Central and South Texas: Federal and State Court.

With his extensive background, Mr. Hernandez brings a unique skillset to each and every legal matter he represents. Choosing Mr. Hernandez as your attorney means you will have someone by your side fighting for your interests every step of the way through your personal injury matter. Mr. Hernandez does not give up and will not settle for less than his clients deserve.


Daniel M.L. Hernandez, de la Hernandez Law Firm, es accionista fundador y abogado de lesiones personales. El Sr. Hernandez es un Texas A&M Aggie que se graduó en 1999 y sigio sus estudios en la Universidad de Syracuse para una Maestría conjunta en Relaciones Exteriores y Juris Doctor. El Sr. Hernandez fue un ayudante legal con la Honorable Hilda G. Tagle, Juez Federal del Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos, Distrito Sur de Texas. Al terminarse sus estudios de leyes, el Sr. Hernandez empesó como abogado con SBC Southwestern Bell, el Grupo de Litigios de L.P. en Dallas, Texas. En 2003, el Sr. Hernandez se convirtió en accionista fundador del Hernandez Law Firm.

Durante su carrera legal, ha representado y recuperado millones de dólares para varias personas y familias heridas en accidentes y lesiones laborales. El Sr. Hernandez ha representado a personas y negocios en varios arbitrajes y juicios con jurado en el norte, centro y sur de Texas en Tribunales Federal y del Estado.

Con su extensa experiencia, el Sr. Hernandez aplica su experiencia y conocimientos a cada uno de los asuntos legales que representa. A elegir al Sr. Hernandez como su abogado usted tendrá a alguien a su lado luchando por sus intereses en cada paso del caso a través de su asunto de lesiones personales. El Sr. Hernandez no se rinde y no se conforma con menos de lo que sus clientes merecen.


As a law firm that helps people injured at work and in trucking accidents, we often get asked “Do I really need to hire a personal injury attorney?”

The answer is “YES!”

While you aren’t required to hire a personal injury attorney to handle your personal injury claim, your chances of success are likely higher with an attorney to represent you and your case. Personal injury attorneys will not only take the burden off of you to represent your claim in court, but they also can walk you through the process of negotiations, mediations, depositions, settlements, etc.

Personal injury cases are complex, they may involve expert witnesses, a plethora of documents, depositions, and much more to prove your case. You also must follow complex procedures and rules in order to present your case to court, file motions, etc. Further, it is necessary to know how to leverage your case during negotiations with the insurance company in order to win the settlement you deserve.

It is likely you have never had to be involved in any of this while this is what insurance companies do every day. Bringing in a personal injury lawyer to handle all of these complex matters will likely increase your chances of success in court or mediation.

Personal injury attorneys fight for you to receive fair compensation for your personal injury matters and are essential to achieving just that.

*This is not legal advice but rather our opinion*

You can contact us at hdzfirm.com/contact-us/ or call us at (979) 822-6100 for a consultation about your legal needs.


Como un bufete de abogados que ayuda personas heridas en el trabajo y en accidents de camiones, a menudo se nos pregunta “¿Realmente necesito contratar a un abogado de lesiones personales?”

La respuesta es “¡SI!”

Si bien usted no está obligado a contratar a un abogado de lesiones personales para manejar su reclamo de lesiones personales, sus posibilidades de éxito son probablemente más altas con un abogado para representarlo a usted y a su caso. Abogados de lesiones personales no solo se harán cargo de usted para representar su reclamo en la corte, sino que también pueden guiarlo a través del proceso de negociaciones, mediaciones, deposiciones, resolución, y más.

Casos de lesiones personases son complejo, pueden involuvrar a testigos expertos, un gran cantidad de documentos, declaraciones, y mucho más para probar su caso. También debe seguir los procedimientos y las reglas complejos para presenter su caso a una corte, presenter mociones, y más. Además, es necesario saber cómo aprovechar su caso durante las negociación con la compañía de seguros con el fin de ganar la resolución que se merece.

Es probable que nunca haya tenido que estar involucrado en nada de esto mientras que esto es lo que hacen las compañías de seguros todos los días. Contrata a un abogado de lesiones personales para manejar todos estos asuntos complejos probablemente aumentará sus posibilidades de éxito en la corte o la mediación.

Abogados de lesiones personales luchan para que usted reciba compensación justa por su caso de lesiones personales y son esenciales para lograr precisamente eso.

*Esto no es asesoramiento legal, sino nuestra opinion*

Puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros en hdzfirm.com/contact-us/ o llamarnos al (979) 822-6100 para una consulta sobre sus necesidades legales.


The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly affected the legal industry immensely. With courts closing, trials postponed, and many depositions being held virtually, there can be a lot of confusion for clients wanting to get closure from their own or their loved one’s personal injury accident. At the Hernandez Law Firm, we strive to be client-oriented and always work to actively communicate with our clients to inform them of our progress throughout their case. While Texas may not be having jury trials until October, our attorneys are not at a stand-still. We are committed to continue to work diligently for our clients, always fighting for fair compensation and advancing our client’s interests, both in and out of the courts. Justice is never delayed, and we keep fighting for you to win!​


La pandemia de COVID-19 sin duda ha afectado enormemente a la industria legal. Con el cierre de las cortes, los juicios pospuestos, y muchas deposiciones que se llevan a cabo virtualmente, puede haber mucha confusión para clientes que decean obtener un cierre de su accidente de lesiones personales o el de sus seres queridos. En Hernandez Law Firm, nos esforzamos por estar orientados al cliente y siempre tabajamos para comunicarnos activamente con nuestros clientes para informarles de nuestro progreso a lo largo de su caso. Si bien es possible que Texas no tenga juicios con jurada hasa octubre, nuestros abogados no están parados. Estamos comprometidos a continuar trabajando diligentemente para nuestros clientes, siempre luchando por una compensación justa y promoviendo los intereses de nuestros clientes, tanto dentro como fuera de las cortes. La justicia nunca se retrasa, ¡y seguimos luchando para que usted gane!

(https://www.law.com/texaslawyer/2020/08/06/no-jury-trials-in-texas-until-october-under-new-emergency-order/ #:~:text=The%20few%20jury%20trials%20that,proceedings%20while%20keeping%20everyone%20safe.)


Construction laborers face one of the highest fatality and injury rates of all labor industries in the US, with many laborers working from dangerous heights, through all weather conditions, and with dangerous machinery. Depending on the job, workers may experience injury from materials and tools, fatal falls from ladders and scaffolding, burns from chemicals or equipment, electrocution, and exposure to harmful materials, fumes, or life-threatening situations.

On average, nearly three construction workers die per day in the US, with much more being seriously injured. According to OSHA’s 2018 reports, an overwhelming 21.9% of worker fatalities are in the construction industry alone. Apart from its mortality rates, construction also sees non-fatal injury rates 71% higher than those of any other industry.

Texas, as of May 2019, has the highest number of construction workers than any other state. Additionally, the greater Houston area has one of the highest numbers of construction workers in the US, second only to the NYC Metropolitan area. Because of these statistics, Texas sees a high volume of construction-related injuries and even deaths.

The Hernandez Law Firm specializes in personal injury law and has extensive experience handling cases related to construction accidents and fatalities. We will fight to obtain fair compensation for our client’s loss to ensure our clients get justice and closure. Hiring the Hernandez Law Firm to handle your work-related injury or a loved one’s work-related fatality means you will receive aggressive, comprehensive representation of your interests following a personal injury accident.

You can contact us at hdzfirm.com/contact-us/ or call us at (979) 822-6100 for a consultation about your legal needs.


Obreros de la construcción afrontan una de las tasa de mortalidad y herida más altas de todas industrias laborales en los estados Unidos, con muchos obreros estan trabajando a alturas peligrosas, a través de todas las condiciones climáticas, y con maquinaria peligrosa. Dependiente en el trabajo, obreros pueden tener heridas de materiales y herramientas, caídas fatales escaleras y andamios, quemaduras de productos químicos o equipos, electrocusión, y exposición a materiales nocivos, humos, o situaciones potencialmente mortales.

De media, casi tres obreros de la construcción mueren cada día en los estados unidos, y mucho más están gravemente heridos. Según los informes de 2018 de OSHA, un abrumador 21.9% de mortalidad de los obreros están de la industria de construcción. Aparte de sus tasas de mortalidad, la construcción también tiene tasas de heridos no mortales a las 71% más altas que las de cualquier otra industria.

Texas, a partir de mayo 2019, tiene el mayor número de obreros de la construcción que qualquier otro estado. También, el área de Houston tiene uno de los mayores números de obreros de la construcción en los estados Unidos, solo superado por el área metropolitana de Nueva York. Debido a estas estadísticas, Texas ve un alto volume de heridos y muertes relacionadas con la construcción.

Los abogados Hernandez se especializa en ley de heridos personales y tiene una experiencia extensa en manejo casos relacionados con accidents y muertes de construcción. Vamos a luchar para obtener una compensación justa por nuestros clientes pérdidas para asegurar que nuestros clientes recibir la justicia y el cierre. Contratar a nosotros significa recibir una representación agresiva y complete de sus intereses después de un accidente de heridos personales.

Puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros por internet: hdzfirm.com/contact-us/ o llámenos a (979) 822-6100 para una consulta sobre sus necesidades legales. LOS ABOGADOS HABLAN ESPANOL.


(https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/oes472061.htm )


In uncertain and troubling times like these, the last thing you should be worried about is getting your treatment paid after a vehicular or work-related accident. At Hernandez Law Firm, we fight to get our clients just compensation. If you have been injured in a personal injury accident, trucking accident, 18-wheeler accident, or work-related accident, contact us to see if just compensation is awaiting you. Read our valued client, Johnny L.'s, testimonial about our services after his car accident to find out more.

You can contact us at hdzfirm.com/contact-us/ or call us at (979) 822-6100 for a consultation about your legal needs.

En tiempos incierto y alarmante como estos, lo último que usted tiene preocuparse es conseguir que su tratamiento pagadas después de un accidente relacionado con el vehículo o el trabajo. En el Hernández Law Firm, nosotros luchamos para conseguir la compensación justo de nuestros clientes. Si ha sido lesionado en un accidente de lesiones personales, accidente relacionado con el vehículo, accidente transporte por carretera, o un accidente relacionado con el trabajo, contáctenos para ver si la compensación justo le está esperando. Lee nuestro cliente valorado, Johnny L., recomendación sobre nuestros servicios después de su accidente vehicular para obtener más información.

Puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros en hdzfirm.com/contact-us/ o llámenos a (979) 822-6100 para una consulta sobre sus necesidades legales.


If you have been been seriously injured or have a loved one who has been killed in the oil field, it is important to have your own investigation into the cause of the incident.

We will act immediately to secure evidence before it gets destroyed and talk to key witnesses.

Almost always an injury or death is caused by a failure of personnel or equipment. Common causes include failure to shut down a well, failure to follow safety procedures and regulations, failure to guard dangerous conditions of equipment, explosions and fires, fall and crush injuries, and vehicular related accidents.

Hiring the Hernandez Law Firm, PC is important to get the results you deserve.

You can contact us at hdzfirm.com/contact-us/ or call us at (979) 822-6100 for a consultation about your legal needs.


Si usted ha sido gravemente herido o si usted tiene un ser querido que ha sido matado en un yacimiento petrolífero, es muy importante para obtener su propia investigación sobre la causa del accidente.

Nosotros actuaremos inmediatamente para asegurar la evidencia antes de que sea destruido y hablamos con testigos claves.

Casi siempre una herida o la muerte es causada por un fallo del personal o el equipo. Causas comunes incluyen la falta de cierre el pozo, la falta de seguimiento de los procedimientos y regulaciones de seguridades, la falta de protección contra de las condiciones peligrosas del equipo, explosiones e incendios, lesiones por
caídas y aplastamientos, y accidentes relacionados con el vehículo.

Contratar el Hernández Law Firm, PC, es importante para obtener los resultados que se merece.

Puede ponerse en contacto con nosotros en hdzfirm.com/contact-us/ o llámenos a (979) 822-6100 para una consulta sobre sus necesidades legales."

Home - Hernandez Law Firm - Texas Personal Injury Lawyers in Bryan, San Antonio, Edinburg and Monterrey 04/08/2020

As we continue to shelter in place across Texas, we’ve all had to adapt to the rapidly changing social landscape. Hernandez Law Firm, PC offices in Central Texas and South Texas​ are still open and we’re maintaining strict social distancing guidelines while allowing staff to work as needed.

It’s certainly a departure from tradition, but thanks to our investment in technology over the last decade, we’ve been able to seamlessly transition to Zoom meetings, video conferencing and conference calls without missing a beat. In fact, the Texas Supreme Court issued an emergency order, which means that trials and most other in-person court proceedings are on hold for just a little bit longer.

As such, and to adhere to the issue of public safety, our attorneys at Hernandez Law Firm, PC are now conducting motions, non-jury court proceedings, and some hearings remotely, over our video and phone conferencing technologies.

Daniel M.L. Hernandez and Daniel R. Hernandez are currently available to conduct virtual client appointments via ZOOM, FACETIME, VIDEO CONFERENCING at the firm’s locations, and its investigators are still visiting accident scenes and making house calls as needed while maintaining proper social distancing. The firm’s investment in technology has permitted them to shift into a virtual configuration as needed allowing the firm’s with the same efficiency that they do from in person client meetings.

New case sign-ups have also shifted online for prospective clients that would prefer a virtual meeting versus an in-person consultation given the current situation. Video conferencing still allows our attorneys to meet “face-to-face,” and information and new sign-up forms can be shared confidentially between our firm and prospective clients. We also have systems in place that allow clients to sign documents electronically, which need to be filed with the court or with other various authorities. Furthermore, we can also conference with investigators that are working cases and present visual materials that can determine the settlement amounts.

Based on the current scientific and medical data, everyone across the legal community needs to strike the proper balance of maintaining the public’s safety and its access to the courts. As we all adjust to the “new normal” and do our part to flatten the curve and reduce the spread of COVID-19, rest assured our team at Hernandez Law Firm, PC continues to practice its hard-nosed, aggressive style of legal representation that combines personalized attention with a deep understanding of the law. If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident, medical malpractice, product liability, premise liability or any other personal injury matter, contact our Central Texas or South Texas personal injury attorneys at Hernandez Law Firm, PC at 956.369.4480 or 979.822.6100 or go to our website at www.hdzfirm.com to to set up a completely free and confidential video consultation to learn more about your options.


A medida que continuamos refugiándonos en el lugar en todo Texas, todos tuvimos que adaptarnos al cambiante panorama social. Hernandez Law Firm, las oficinas de PC en el centro de Texas y el sur de Texas todavía están abiertas y mantenemos estrictas pautas de distanciamiento social mientras permitimos que el personal trabaje según sea necesario.

Sin duda, es un alejamiento de la tradición, pero gracias a nuestra inversión en tecnología durante la última década, hemos podido realizar una transición sin problemas a las reuniones de Zoom, las videoconferencias y las llamadas de conferencia sin perder el ritmo. De hecho, la Corte Suprema de Texas emitió una orden de emergencia, lo que significa que los juicios y la mayoría de los procedimientos judiciales en persona están en espera por un poco más de tiempo.

Como tal, y para adherirnos al tema de la seguridad pública, nuestros abogados de Hernandez Law Firm, PC ahora están llevando a cabo mociones, procedimientos judiciales sin jurado y algunas audiencias a distancia, sobre nuestras tecnologías de video y conferencias telefónicas.

Daniel M.L. Hernández y Daniel R. Hernández están actualmente disponibles para realizar citas virtuales con los clientes a través de ZOOM, FACETIME, VIDEO CONFERENCING en las ubicaciones de la empresa, y sus investigadores aún visitan escenas de accidentes y hacen visitas a domicilio según sea necesario mientras mantienen un distanciamiento social adecuado. La inversión de la empresa en tecnología les ha permitido cambiar a una configuración virtual según sea necesario, lo que les permite a la empresa con la misma eficiencia que lo hacen en las reuniones de clientes en persona.

Los nuevos registros de casos también han cambiado en línea para clientes potenciales que preferirían una reunión virtual en lugar de una consulta en persona dada la situación actual. La videoconferencia aún permite que nuestros abogados se reúnan "cara a cara", y la información y los nuevos formularios de inscripción se pueden compartir de manera confidencial entre nuestra firma y nuestros posibles clientes. También contamos con sistemas que permiten a los clientes firmar documentos electrónicamente, que deben presentarse ante el tribunal o ante otras autoridades. Además, también podemos comunicarnos con investigadores que están trabajando casos y presentan materiales visuales que pueden determinar los montos de liquidación.

Con base en los datos científicos y médicos actuales, todos en la comunidad legal deben encontrar el equilibrio adecuado para mantener la seguridad del público y su acceso a los tribunales. A medida que todos nos ajustamos a la "nueva normalidad" y hacemos nuestra parte para aplanar la curva y reducir la propagación de COVID-19, tenga la seguridad de que nuestro equipo en el bufete de abogados Hernández, PC continúa practicando su estilo agresivo de representación legal agresivo que combina atención personalizada con un profundo conocimiento de la ley. Si usted o un ser querido ha estado involucrado en un accidente, negligencia médica, responsabilidad del producto, responsabilidad del establecimiento o cualquier otro asunto de lesiones personales, comuníquese con nuestros abogados de lesiones personales en el centro de Texas o el sur de Texas en Hernandez Law Firm, PC al 956.369.4480 o 979.822 .6100 o visite nuestro sitio web en www.hdzfirm.com para configurar una consulta de video completamente gratuita y confidencial para obtener más información sobre sus opciones.

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Home - Hernandez Law Firm - Texas Personal Injury Lawyers in Bryan, San Antonio, Edinburg and Monterrey

Coronavirus (COVID-19) 04/01/2020

Many of you have seen the Shelter In Place Order by now. Professional services, such as legal services, are considered essential and we will continue to deliver high quality service while protecting the health and safety of our clients and our team.

As of now, we will be keeping regular business hours and no major disruption is expected in our operations.

We wish you and your family health and many blessings happiness during this time.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) The City of Bryan is closely monitoring information from local, state and national health authorities about the coronavirus (COVID-19). Information regarding the city’s response will be posted here.

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3091 University Drive, Unit 310
Bryan, TX

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For a free personal injury consultation, contact us today at (979) 823-5555. We look forward to help