Communion with God

Providing simple, effective tools which train people to easily and daily hear God’s voice, see His


Daily Word - Generous
Are you generous? Generosity is a universally admired trait. Do you have a great deal of money to give away? If not, do you think this prevents you from being generous? This is one way to be generous, but there are many others. How many can you think of? One way to be generous is to give people the benefit of the doubt and assume that they are doing the best they are capable of even if you don’t know for sure. You can give of your time and your attention and bestow love and favor on everyone. Do you know people like this whether they have money or not? Are you one? Generosity of spirit is even greater than financial generosity.


New blog post by Mark Virkler

403 Forbidden


Daily Word - Personally?
Do you take insults personally? When someone seems to be overly sensitive do you tell them not to take it personally? If you are a person how else would you take it? Yet this is common terminology that is well understood even if the underlying principle is seldom articulated. How fragile is your identity? Is it externally based, dependent on the affirmation and approval of others, and therefore subject to rise and fall based on their whims? This is a weak sense of self. Or is it internally based, given by me, and therefore independent of external circumstances? If you know who you are you don’t need to take it personally.


Daily Word - Happy?
Do the founding documents of your country promise you the right to pursue happiness? This isn’t true for everyone, but this is an idea with universal appeal. Have you engaged in this pursuit? How successful have you been? Do you know how to go about it and what would make you happy? Most people think that unlimited self-indulgence is the best approach if they can implement it. Have you noticed that those do end up spoiled and disillusioned rather than happy? What other approaches are there? Do you understand that he who seeks to save his life will lose it, but he who loses his life for my sake will find it? Do this and happiness will find you.


Daily Word - Forgive
You know that you are to forgive others. This is a very strong theme in your faith. When you are faced with a situation that calls for forgiveness, do you try to find a good reason to do it? Do you come up with excuses or rationalizations on the part of the offending party that would explain their actions? Does this make it easier to grant forgiveness? Is this an expression of rigorous thinking? It probably isn’t when you do it on your own behalf, and even less so when you do it on behalf of another person, but if it makes it easier for you to practice forgiveness by all means keep it up. Is there a bad reason to do the right thing?


Daily Word - Flavor of Mercy
Do you like variety? Everyone likes ice cream, and there is a reason that it comes in so many flavors. Is there a spiritual counterpart to this? Do you understand that my mercies are new every morning? This implies that there is a fresh and unique quality to my mercy for each day. Have you experienced this yourself? Each day is different and has it’s own challenges and difficulties. You have my promise that I will craft a new version of mercy to meet the needs of each moment. You may not think of mercy and grace in terms of flavors, but it is an appropriate metaphor. What flavor of mercy and grace do you need today?

Fulfill Your Financial Destiny - Free Video Event 09/11/2024

Let's Come Together to Promote a Biblical Worldview

Everyone has a worldview, even if they don’t realize it and even if they have not carefully thought it out. Today there is a war on concerning what worldview will be adopted by citizens of each country.
There are various lists of common worldviews.

Below is one of those lists, from Universe Next Door (IVP Academic, 2020), James Sire:

Christian Theism: The triune God created all and restores us by grace through faith in Jesus.
Deism: God created the world but doesn’t intervene in it.
Naturalism: All that exists is the physical world.
Nihilism: There is no ultimate truth, meaning, or right and wrong.
Existentialism: We create our own truth and meaning.
Eastern Pantheistic Monism: We merge with the divine through meditative techniques learned from Eastern religions.
New Age-Spirituality: We combine elements of Eastern Pantheistic Monism (e.g., reincarnation and Eastern meditation) with popular psychology and occultic practices.
Postmodernism: The concept of absolute truth is a human construct used to get power, so we need to prioritize the stories of our own tribes and emphasize our own truth.
Islamic Theism: The singular God Allah created all and saves those who submit to him in obedience.

A worldview is simply one’s view of the world.

It is a framework for understanding reality and answering the big questions of life. These questions include:

Origin: Where do I come from?
Identity: Who am I?
Meaning: What is my purpose?
Morality: How should I live?
Destiny: What happens when I die?

My tribe's answers to the central issues of one's worldview:

The answers below appear to be good, biblical answers in my opinion. They have been copied from this link.

Where do we come from? We are created by God.
Who are we? We are the creatures God made in His image.
What is our purpose? God created us to know and follow Him as we fill the earth and reign over it as the managers He has put in charge.
What is our core problem? We fall short of God’s glory because we pridefully resist His authority as a threat to our well-being.
How is this problem solved? We turn from our self-centered ways and trust and give our allegiance to Jesus the Messiah as our Savior, Lord, and King, and He forgives us, fills us with His Spirit, and restores us to our original image.
How should we live? We should live according to the way of Jesus the Messiah, which can be summarized as loving God and loving people as He teaches.
What happens when we die? We are either with the Lord or apart from Him for eternity, based on our relationship with Jesus through faith in Him and His gospel.

What about the differences between various denominations?

Yes, Christians do have many denominations (sub-tribes) which disagree on many issues. I believe that if a denomination embraces the biblical answers in the above section, I am of the same tribe as they are and we should come together in lifting the standard that life is best when the culture is living under a Christian Worldview. It is self-defeating for us to fight with one another. Better to be lifting up Jesus Christ, the Bible and the Holy Spirit.

God is Lord over the nations - He sees and knows and He gets involved

"Righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a disgrace to any people." (Prov. 14:34)
"At one moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to uproot, to pull down, or to destroy it; if that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring on it. Or at another moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to build up or to plant it; if it does evil in My sight by not obeying My voice, then I will think better of the good with which I had promised to bless it. So now then, speak to the men of Judah and against the inhabitants of Jerusalem saying, 'Thus says the LORD, "Behold, I am fashioning calamity against you and devising a plan against you. Oh turn back, each of you from his evil way, and reform your ways and your deeds."' (Jer 18:7-11). See also Romans 1:18-32.

Action step - Hear from God

Lord, how do You want me to express Your worldview to the people whom I connect with?

Discover God’s View of Money & Fulfill Your Financial Destiny!
Free Video Event Going on Now: September 9-18, 2024
Register at:

Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media!

Related Resources: How to Hear God's Voice! How to Master Your Bible! How to Recognize Counterfeit

Fulfill Your Financial Destiny - Free Video Event Discover God's view of money, guaranteed!

What Is a Biblical Worldview? Definitions, Dilemmas, and Dangers 09/11/2024

Let's Come Together to Promote a Biblical Worldview

Everyone has a worldview, even if they don’t realize it and even if they have not carefully thought it out. Today there is a war on concerning what worldview will be adopted by citizens of each country.
There are various lists of common worldviews.

Below is one of those lists, from Universe Next Door (IVP Academic, 2020), James Sire:

Christian Theism: The triune God created all and restores us by grace through faith in Jesus.
Deism: God created the world but doesn’t intervene in it.
Naturalism: All that exists is the physical world.
Nihilism: There is no ultimate truth, meaning, or right and wrong.
Existentialism: We create our own truth and meaning.
Eastern Pantheistic Monism: We merge with the divine through meditative techniques learned from Eastern religions.
New Age-Spirituality: We combine elements of Eastern Pantheistic Monism (e.g., reincarnation and Eastern meditation) with popular psychology and occultic practices.
Postmodernism: The concept of absolute truth is a human construct used to get power, so we need to prioritize the stories of our own tribes and emphasize our own truth.
Islamic Theism: The singular God Allah created all and saves those who submit to him in obedience.

A worldview is simply one’s view of the world.

It is a framework for understanding reality and answering the big questions of life. These questions include:

Origin: Where do I come from?
Identity: Who am I?
Meaning: What is my purpose?
Morality: How should I live?
Destiny: What happens when I die?

My tribe's answers to the central issues of one's worldview:

The answers below appear to be good, biblical answers in my opinion. They have been copied from this link.

Where do we come from? We are created by God.
Who are we? We are the creatures God made in His image.
What is our purpose? God created us to know and follow Him as we fill the earth and reign over it as the managers He has put in charge.


What Is a Biblical Worldview? Definitions, Dilemmas, and Dangers A biblical worldview is a view of the world which seeks to answer life’s biggest questions from the teachings of the Bible.

Cheryl McKay (Screenwriter/Book Author) 09/10/2024

Milestones with God by Cheryl McKay
Pictures here:

I’m so thankful that God opens doors that no one else can open. Dreams come true. Miracles happen. Mountains move. There are times when He restores, heals, helps, blesses us.

Those special moments in life are what I like to call Milestones with God. I keep a list of those big moments and dates when they happened. This was inspired by Psalm 77. The Psalmist was discouraged for the first half of that chapter. Then, to cheer himself up, he decided to chronicle all the good things God had done in the past to help him through a difficult time in the present.

I shall remember the deeds of the Lord;
Surely I will remember Your wonders of old.
I will meditate on all Your work
And muse on Your deeds.

(Ps. 77:11-12, NASB)
New TV series bringing God's heavenly hosts to our everyday lives

For me, being able to see my new, faith-based and faith-filled TV series, THESE STONES, come out for the public to see is one of those Milestone moments. I’ve worked in the film industry for almost three decades. There is usually a long wait and a lot of perseverance between the release of these kinds of projects.

My hope is everyone who watches THESE STONES will be touched by the series, want to grow in all the ways the characters do, and learn more about the six Bible characters who show up and work undercover to help people today.

I never want to just write something for the sake of entertainment. I always want it to serve a higher purpose as well. The director of all six episodes of THESE STONES, Susan Rohrer and I decided to write an accompanying devotional study guide to go with the series. One of our motives is not only in hopes the book will draw people together to talk through the show’s messages, but also the parts of the book that share activities we call Activations. Each episode sparks ideas of ways we can reach out to our community, to help people who may be hurting around us, or to share words of encouragement. If viewers will do some of the actions inspired by the series, my hope is there will be a lot of acts of kindness going on and a ripple effect that goes beyond our TV show.

You can read more about our series from last week’s blog:

We hope you will sign up to watch and also read the accompanying devotional, THESE STONES: Your Personal Devotional & Group Handbook for Season 1.
Here’s a reminder on how to watch - Begins Sept. 5th

If readers want to apply a 30% off coupon to their first month subscription, they can use our code STONES30.
What would be a tremendous HELP is people watching as each one unfolds from the beginning, which is why we are encouraging people to sign up by Sept. 5th. (After the six weeks, UP will still be streaming all 6 episodes.)
Go to:
Choose JOIN NOW.
Choose monthly and add coupon code STONES30 for 30% off your first month.
You can watch on smart TVs, iPhones, iPads, or anywhere you can install their app. You can stream on ROKU, Amazon Fire Stick, and other similar devices by downloading the UP Faith and Family app, or stream through the web address provided.

Also important: Let the network know through their social media pages, like Facebook and Instagram, that you want more shows like this. and

This is the kind of show we want to make for many years to come. While we get to know some wonderful Bible characters in season one like Sarah, Samuel, Jacob, and Rahab, there are so many more stories we’d love to dive into. We appreciate the support.

I also want to encourage anyone reading this blog to take the time to write your list of Milestones with God. Once you start, I think you’ll find like the Psalmist did that there are many times God shows up faithfully for us. Just like our series tagline, God makes sure you know You Are Never Alone.

Cheryl McKay

(Screenwriter of The Ultimate Gift, These Stones: The TV Series, Co-Writer Indivisible and Extraordinary, author of the 25 Dates with God devotional series, Finally Fearless, Finally the Bride, and co-author of Never the Bride.) or

Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media!



Daily Word - Stories
Do you like stories? Everyone does. Do you see them as harmless entertainment? You get to choose which stories you listen to, but you are influenced by them in turn, so you should take stories seriously, and be selective. Stories are so powerful that I used them to convey eternal truth. Stories teach you what to expect if you continue in a particular direction, and what to value. So the consequences of your stories are enormous and you should think of them as lessons rather than entertainment. You get to choose what course of study you will pursue in school. Choose your stories just as wisely.

Fulfill Your Financial Destiny - Free Video Event 09/10/2024

Introduction to Christian Leadership Coaching (CLC101)

We are excited to announce changes in our upcoming course, Introduction to Christian Life Coaching. This course will lay a foundation to Christian Life Coaching by teaching the fundamentals to being a Life Coach. This course will allow you to commune daily with the Lord and spend more time with Him through prayer and journaling. To accommodate your learning preferences, we’re offering two ways to participate:

Zoom Class (Interactive Sessions):
What’s Included? Engage in live, interactive sessions where you can ask questions, participate in group discussions, and receive real-time feedback. This format is perfect for those who enjoy a collaborative learning environment.
Schedule: Classes will be held via Zoom on Tuesday nights, 6:30-9:30 ET. Classes will be held from September 10 – December 13, 2024. 935-097-5492 Code: CLC101
Benefits: Direct interaction with the instructor, live Q&A, networking opportunities with peers.
Online-Only (Self-Paced Learning):
What’s Included? Access all course materials at your own pace, with assigned instructors, and assignments available online.
Schedule: Complete the course at your own pace within 12 – 15 weeks.
Benefits: This option is ideal for those who prefer flexibility and the ability to study on their own schedule.

You may purchase this course through Christian Leadership University’s normal online enrollment procedure or contact the CLU office directly at 716-681-4896 to get enrolled in this course.
Introduction to Christian Life Coaching - CLC101/501

What is Life Coaching? Who is a Christian Life Coach? What are the necessary tools you would need in order to become an effective Christian Life Coach? How do I coach others? Does Coaching come out of my life? What is my life’s purpose?

These are some of the questions that will be addressed in this course. This course will lay a foundation to Christian Life Coaching, by teaching you the fundamentals to being a Life Coach. You will commune daily with the Lord and spend time with Him through prayer and journaling. You will learn the skills of listening, using effective language, how to prepare your coaching sessions, and most importantly how to help your coaching clients identify their life’s purposes. You will learn the differences between coaching, counseling and other helping professions. You will learn how to depend on the Lord in your coaching practice or ministry. You will learn how to hand over your life’s journey to the Lord in order for Him to use them for His glory in others’ lives. You will learn how to set your goals, how to daily visualize your goals through the eyes of your spirit as guided by the Holy Spirit. You will learn how to take practical steps to achieve your goals.

Coaches are leaders. You will learn how to be an effective coach by following the example of the Lord Jesus as the Great Life Coach. As a coach, you will learn the fundamentals of how to encourage, direct, train and guide your coaching clients by helping them to get from where they are to where they want to be. You will be able to look deep into yourself to discover your gifts and talents and learn if you are living a balanced life. You will learn how to apply your coaching skills and niche within your church, workplace, ministry or business. (4 Credits) Course Syllabus
It's Fall. Should you be earning a degree from home?

College from home! It’s September. Ever think about going back to school and earning a degree built upon a Spirit-anointed curriculum that trained you in each weekly lesson how to live and move in the Spirit?

Barbara states: “Christian Leadership University courses have totally changed my life through learning to hear God's voice and listen to the Holy Spirit within. Every class I have taken has greatly grown me in Christ. I am nearing the completion of my doctorate degree and plan to continue taking even more classes afterward! This is how life-changing they have been for me!! Highly recommended!!!”

More testimonies:
Select from ten exciting concentrations. All courses are taken from home, at your own pace.

More at: or call to talk with Karen Tanner, who can help you discover your desires and select courses which will best serve your needs ([email protected]) or 1-800-466-6961.

Discover God’s View of Money & Fulfill Your Financial Destiny!
Free Video Event: September 9-18, 2024
Register at:

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Fulfill Your Financial Destiny - Free Video Event Discover God's view of money, guaranteed!


Daily Word - Precious
You refer to certain metals and stones as precious. They are valuable because they are rare. Can you apply the same logic to yourself? You are a unique creation and precious to me not only because there is just one of you, but also because of the love I have for you that doesn’t apply to inanimate objects, and you are made in my image where they are not. How should you respond? This knowledge shouldn’t make you arrogant, but humble, knowing that it is not based on your own accomplishments. Can you apply the same logic to everyone else, and take your place among all my precious children?

Communion With God Ministries 09/09/2024

I Speak the Name of Jesus Over Me - Journaling Prayer by LaWanda

LaWanda - Jesus, precious Lord. I speak the name of Jesus over ME. What a beautiful thought, Lord. O cover me today in all of who you are!

Today I see your name over me. I see it flowing down from above my head and then to my heart all the way down to my feet. I am safe, Lord. I am holy. I am pure. Even as it sinks into me, Lord, I am at peace. As it covers and permeates my brain, my eyes, Lord, my heart and everything in between, I am truly yours. In this moment I am truly yours and all you would have me to be. Thank you, Lord.

Jesus - This is your state, LaWanda, my dear one. This is who you are in me. The perfection of one who has been perfected in MY love.

Remember this today. Let My name cover your tongue. Let it cover your heart with compassion and love for all you meet. Yes, LaWanda, ALL of them. Every single one of them needs it. What you have received, freely give and you will be blessed. You WILL be blessed. It can be no other way.

Discover God’s View of Money & Fulfill Your Financial Destiny!
Free Video Event: September 9-18, 2024
Register at:

Fan the flames of revival by sharing this blog with your friends on social media!

Related Resources: How to Hear God's Voice!

Communion With God Ministries Have you ever wished you could just sit down and have a long talk with the Lord? Wouldn't it be wonderful to move beyond having a theology that states that God loves you to actually hearing Him whisper words of love into your heart? When you're worried or confused, wouldn't you love to see the situa...


Daily Word - Charmed Life
Do you lead a charmed life in an enchanted world? Do you think everyone does? You may think that this applies only to believers, but I send sun and rain on the just and on the unjust alike. Do you know anyone whose life can be explained by random chaos? My favor and blessing are over all. Yet not everyone is aware of this. Even those who walk in darkness are the beneficiaries of my blessings, even as they do not acknowledge them. Blessed are you who know the source of the benevolence bestowed upon you, for you walk in the light and can have peace and confidence in knowing this.

Christian Leadership University Online Bible College, Online Christian Colleges, and Christian Theology Seminaries 09/06/2024

Inspiring News For September

Wow! September? It's hard to believe how fast this year is going.
Here is a ton of great news for you to enjoy.

A new Christian TV series is airing in September, which has been written by a CLU graduate, Cheryl McKay.

I have a new video available, “The Power of Pictures” (a picture is worth a million words!), and an accompanying blog detailing how gazing upon pictures of the gifts Jesus has produced in our lives through the traumas we have experienced provides a continuous healing light to shine within us.

ElijahForce interviewed me on the 4 Keys.

We have a new informative referral guide, so if you or your friends need specialized ministry, you can find outstanding Spirit-led counseling resources online.

A blog on great news happening around the nation.

Then we turn to elections: Be sure you are registered to vote and then listen to live interviews by the candidates (rather than slanted summaries about them). Let the candidates speak for themselves while you listen with your head and your heart.

We also address name-calling, and how to not get angry as you interact with people very different from you.

I did some journaling on how to not get angry with those who disagree with me:

Discover the steps for an effective brainstorming session, so you can generate ideas as to how to best move forward.

Here is an excellent example of a man presenting both party platforms with honor and respect (60 minutes). Be informed. Listen. Hear.

Finally, a blog that connects with this month’s worldwide video event, which is Fulfill Your Financial Destiny. The blog is titled "3 Keys to the Anointing - Faith Energized by Love." This was a wonderful revelation God gave to me during the last six months. For faith to become a powerful magnet that attracts God’s blessing to me, it needs to be energized by the Holy Spirit, and this energizing rides on the carrier wave of love. The bottom line is, “Anything I don’t have a love for, I will not have an anointing for.”
If we apply the three keys to the anointing to the topic of money, we ask, “What emotion am I to connect to money so that I will effectively energize God’s promises to me in this area?” I could connect hate, fear, disregard, neutrality, or love to name a few possibilities. Only one of these emotions is one of the three keys to the anointing. Hmmm. Well, I’m not sure I want to connect love to money because there are verses in the Bible about that being evil.
So I looked up all these verses and discovered the accurate translation is greed rather than love. Well, I agree that attaching greed to money is a sin. Then I journaled about attaching love to money. For example, I love lots of things: my wife, my family, CWG Ministries, researching, writing, teaching, eating healthy, and the list goes on.

Well, if I believe money is one of the blessings Jesus provided me at Calvary (2 Cor. 8:9), is it acceptable, and even necessary, to love money if I want my faith to be activated and energized by the Holy Spirit? How about you also journal about this and see what you get?
Charity, my daughter and I will be hosting a 90-minute Zoom session on how you can experience a supplemental income stream by sharing a wonderful new health product we have discovered.

Finally, Ask God if it is time for you to get some additional spirit-anointed training and perhaps degrees from our Christian Leadership University with over 100 courses available. Join students in 120+ nations. Learn from home while being assigned a personal instructor to connect with as you work through each course.

Christian Leadership University Online Bible College, Online Christian Colleges, and Christian Theology Seminaries Our Christian University offers courses in Christian Theology, Christian Counseling and more. Unlike other online Christian Colleges, Seminaries and Bible colleges, CLU offers a wide variety of Spirit-anointed degree programs.


Daily Word - Are You the Problem?
When a relationship breaks up, the person initiating the separation may say, ‘it isn’t you, it’s me’. Is this credible? Who thinks that they are the one at fault? If you get in a dispute and tell your friends about it, are they likely to side with you? The probably are, since they are already biased in your favor since they are your friends, and they are only hearing your side of the story. The law of probability would suggest that you are occasionally at fault, but fear and insecurity prevent people from recognizing this. Are you secure enough to realize when the problem is you? This is the only way problems like this can be solved.

Fulfill Your Financial Destiny - Free Video Event 09/05/2024

Einstein Quote Plus a Discussion on "Why did God create evil?"

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school." — Albert Einstein

That quote above IS from Einstein, however the dialogue below likely is not from Einstein (even though some have attributed it to him). It is still excellent though, and definitely worth reading. Enjoy!

"Why did God create evil?"

A university professor challenged his students with this question. Did God create everything that exists? A student bravely replied, "Yes, he did!"

"God created everything? The professor asked.

"Yes sir", the student replied.

The professor answered, "If God created everything, then God created evil since evil exists, and according to the principal that our works define who we are then God is evil". The student became quiet before such an answer. The professor was quite pleased with himself and boasted to the students that he had proven once more that the Christian faith was a myth.

Another student raised his hand and said, "Can I ask you a question professor?"

"Of course", replied the professor.

The student stood up and asked, "Professor, does cold exist?"

"What kind of question is this? Of course it exists. Have you never been cold?" The students snickered at the young man's question.

The young man replied, "In fact sir, cold does not exist. According to the laws of physics, what we consider cold is in reality the absence of heat. Every body or object is susceptible to study when it has or transmits energy, and heat is what makes a body or matter have or transmit energy. Absolute zero (-460 degrees F) is the total absence of heat; all matter becomes inert and incapable of reaction at that temperature. Cold does not exist. We have created this word to describe how we feel if we have no heat."

The student continued, "Professor, does darkness exist?"

The professor responded, "Of course it does."

The student replied, "Once again you are wrong sir, darkness does not exist either. Darkness is in reality the absence of light. Light we can study, but not darkness. In fact we can use Newton's prism to break white light into many colors and study the various wavelengths of each color. You cannot measure darkness. A simple ray of light can break into a world of darkness and illuminate it. How can you know how dark a certain space is? You measure the amount of light present. Isn't this correct? Darkness is a term used by man to describe what happens when there is no light present."

Finally the young man asked the professor, "Sir, does evil exist?"

Now uncertain, the professor responded, "Of course as I have already said. We see it every day. It is in the daily example of man's inhumanity to man. It is in the multitude of crime and violence everywhere in the world. These manifestations are nothing else but evil."

To this the student replied, "Evil does not exist sir, or at least it does not exist unto itself. Evil is simply the absence of God. It is just like darkness and cold, a word that man has created to describe the absence of God. God did not create evil. Evil is not like faith, or love that exist just as does light and heat. Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light."

The professor sat down.

Discover God’s View of Money & Fulfill Your Financial Destiny!
Free Video Event: September 9-18, 2024
Register at:

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Fulfill Your Financial Destiny - Free Video Event Discover God's view of money, guaranteed!

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You Can Hear God’s Voice and See His Visions Daily

Discover practical, biblical training, empowering you to consistently live and walk in the Spirit.

We are the bridge between conservative traditionalists who anchor their Christian life on a solid biblical foundation and those who easily experience the supernatural essence of Christianity, effortlessly seeing and living in the Spirit. If you have a passion to live and walk by the Spirit (Gal. 5:25), and do not have sufficient understanding of how you can do so, let us help you. Our ministry has been privileged to train over a million people how to hear God's voice, interpret dreams, encounter angels, see visions, and move in the healing power of the Holy Spirit - all from a bedrock of undiluted affirmation of the Scriptures.

Experience daily talks with God in the cool of the day and usher in spiritual transformation and reformation.

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Videos (show all)

Thank you for the amazing reviews!
Spirit Life Circles
God HAS Filled You With The Spirit To Succeed In The Home And Marketplace!
Your Extraordinary Life - Intro
Tongues Are Like Sniper Guns
I Have the Timing for Every Moment of Your Life - Mike Bastien
Prophetic Prayer Releases Kingdom Promises
Suicide Averted Through a Vision, Compassion and Intercessory Prayer
Can Non-Christians Receive God's Creative Flow?


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Buffalo, NY

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Thursday 9am - 5pm
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Other Religious Organizations in Buffalo (show all)
Lafayette Ave. Presbyterian Church Lafayette Ave. Presbyterian Church
875 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, 14222

Open. Attentive. Fun.

716 Ministries 716 Ministries
301 14th Street
Buffalo, 14213

Buffalo nonprofit focused on facility management, work readiness, volunteer deployment, and housing rehabilitation.

FellowshipWorld FellowshipWorld
878 Humboldt Pkwy
Buffalo, 14211

The Worship & Media Ministry of John H Young, Sr.

Diocese of Buffalo Diocese of Buffalo
795 Main Street
Buffalo, 14203

Official Page of the Catholic Diocese of Buffalo. Home to approximately 557,000 Catholics.

Jewish Student Organization of Buffalo State College Jewish Student Organization of Buffalo State College
1300 Elmwood Avenue
Buffalo, 14222

We are Jews. We are Students. We are Organized. Join Us:

Corpus Christi Church Buffalo Corpus Christi Church Buffalo
199 Clark Street
Buffalo, 14212

First Shiloh Baptist Church First Shiloh Baptist Church
15 Pine Street
Buffalo, 14204

St. Martin de Porres RC Church Buffalo St. Martin de Porres RC Church Buffalo
555 Northampton Street
Buffalo, 14208

St. Martin de Porres Roman Catholic Church, located in Buffalo, NY.

Centennial AME Zion Church, Buffalo Centennial AME Zion Church, Buffalo
127 Doat Street
Buffalo, 14211

127 Doat St. Buffalo, NY 14211 Reverend Patricia A. Bufford, Pastor

Greater Emmanuel Temple, "The Church of Champions" Greater Emmanuel Temple, "The Church of Champions"
3189 Main Street
Buffalo, 14214

Greater Emmanuel Temple Church, "The Church of Champions" is a progressive ministry in Buffalo New York. Loving God, loving people and changing the world.

Urban Christian Ministries Urban Christian Ministries
967 Jefferson Avenue
Buffalo, 14204

We're Out There Making A Difference - Committed to young people in the City of Buffalo

Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church - Buffalo, NY Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church - Buffalo, NY
146 W Utica Street
Buffalo, 14222

Sunday Services: Orthos (Matins): 9 am Divine Liturgy: 10 am Sunday School: begins at 10 am classroom instruction begins after Communion