Lifegate Missions

Our mission is to lead others to Christ through disciples planting seeds in communities near and far

Our mission is to lead others to Christ through disciples planting seeds in communities near and far.


Forrest and I spent last week in Jamaica on a mission trip. We wanted to give an insider look on what we do.
While each trip is different our focus is always the same
- ministry and work projects that impact the communities we serve.
We'd love to have you join us on a mission trip and experience the joy of being the hands and feet of Jesus.


Matthew 28:19
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

This is the Great Commission. Every follower of Christ is called to fulfill this command, to be missionaries wherever they are. Maybe that’s in your hometown, your workplace, or your neighborhood. Maybe the Lord is calling you to go further, beyond your little corner of the world, to spread the Good News. Wherever He calls you, let your answer be yes and GO.


Why Missions?

It’s all about the people. Ministering to the lost. Loving on the faithful. Bridging the gap between communities and nations. Leaving an impact through serving and building up the locations we serve.

I was thinking this morning how no matter where we go, people are just people. They want to be seen, known, loved, cared for. We get to be a small part of that on every trip. We get to go and be the hands and feet of Jesus and follow His lead by loving each and every person we meet.

Want to experience life change in others AND yourself? Go on a mission trip and see what God will do.


Interested in going on our 2025 mission trip to Burundi? 🌍

Join us THIS SUNDAY at 12:30pm in the Lifekids auditorium for an interest meeting to learn all the details!


Wanna learn more about our 2025 Mission Trip to Africa? Join us next Sunday, June 30th at 12:30pm in the Lifekids room for a quick information meeting.

We’d love for YOU to be a part of the team! 🌎

Photos from Lifegate Missions's post 06/20/2024

In John 4, the Bible describes Jesus' interaction with a Samaritan woman who was gathering water from a well. At that time, Jews and Samaritans did not associate with each other. This particular Samaritan woman was going to the well at midday because she was seen as an outcast in Samaria due to her history of multiple marriages and her current living arrangement with a man who was not her husband. Jesus, however, saw beyond these societal labels and engaged in his longest recorded conversation in the Bible with her. He had a plan for the woman at the well.

Photos from Lifegate Missions's post 06/19/2024

Proud of this team!! Over the past few days they have done multiple work projects, homeless outreach, and part of the team went and ministered at a women’s home. It’s our last day in KC and they gave the last bit of their strength beautifying the Girls Challenge facility.

We ❤️ KC!!



Lifegate Missions is returning to Burundi in 2025!

We are so excited for the opportunity to return and continue the work that God placed on our hearts this year. Ready to join us? Here’s what’s next:

1. Pray
2. Fill out the quick form
3. Keep an eye out for our interest meeting details soon!

Wanna go on a mission trip but not sure about Burundi, Africa? Don’t worry! We will be offering a SECOND adult mission trip in the summer of 2025 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Photos from Lifegate Missions's post 06/05/2024

In 1 Kings 17 - 19, the Bible describes the journey of the prophet Elijah. Elijah was a faithful and obedient servant of God, performing many miracles in His name. He was fed by ravens, stopped the rain for years, and brought it back on God's command. He even resurrected the widow from Zarephath's son!

Despite these miracles, Elijah became scared, tired, and discouraged. In 1 Kings 19:4, Elijah tells God, "I have had enough, Lord, take my life; I am no better than my ancestors."

However, God wasn't finished with Elijah.

Photos from Lifegate Missions's post 05/29/2024

Over the years of leading missions we've had all different types of people who have been a part of our teams. One of the most common things I hear is "I'm not sure what I have to give on this trip, but my answer is yes." I remind them that if God called them to it, He will qualify them for it.

In 1 Samuel 16 David is anointed as king. His father Jesse, his brothers, and Samuel himself did not have David in mind, but God did. God tells Samuel that it's not about what's on the outside it's the heart of the person that matters. David's heart was for God and he was ready and willing in his "yes" to God. David, a simple shepherd boy, chosen and anointed as king.


He Qualifies The Called - Moses

Photos from Lifegate Missions's post 05/22/2024

We firmly believe that if God has called you to missions, it is for a reason - even if you don't know what it is yet. God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called. Over the next few weeks, we will highlight various examples from the Bible of when God has qualified the called.

In Exodus 4, Moses questions his ability to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. God repeatedly reminds Moses that it is through His power that Moses will be able to perform signs, speak eloquently, and lead the Israelites out of slavery.



Join Lifegate Missions at Jeremiah's THIS THURSDAY from 12-9pm!!
Show this flier or mention Lifegate Church and our teams will receive 20% of sales. All funds will support our Family missions team and Youth missions team this summer. ☀️

LifeGate Church


Stories We Tell - Part 8

Jessie shares how meaningful it was to have the opportunity to encourage women interested in joining the ministry. She describes how she felt her calling into missions was reaffirmed while we were in Burundi. Jessie loves seeing team members grow in their faith and become disciples throughout training and missions.

Jessie Taft

Photos from Lifegate Missions's post 05/03/2024

One of the best parts of mission trips is the friendships that form and strengthen during them.

We train and team build for weeks leading up to each trip to get to know each other and build trust within the team. During the trip to Burundi, we didn't solely work as a group of 8 - we became part of a team of over 50 people from churches all over the US. It was amazing how quickly we all got to know each other and worked seamlessly together. It was like we had all known each other for a long time!

We thank Jagen, Ruth, and the YWAM staff for showing us such wonderful Burundian hospitality. We felt love from everyone and formed friendships that will last a lifetime. Burundi will be in our hearts forever!


🌍Mission Team Highlight🌍

We could not wrap up this series without taking a moment to highlight Jessie Taft, the leader of the Lifegate adult missions team. Jessie doesn't just organize mission trips; she actively participates in them. During our trip to Burundi, we saw Jessie preaching, carrying cinder blocks and giant rocks, dancing with children during One Cup A Day, and worshiping with all her heart on stage.

One of Jessie's greatest gifts is her ability to encourage others. She was the first woman to be invited to speak at the Kingdom Conference to uplift women in ministry. During the unprecedented events that occurred on our trip to Burundi, Jessie's unshakeable faith kept us all calm and focused. She is always a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on when team members face difficult times.

We are grateful for Jessie's pioneering YES, which has led to numerous mission trips and countless changed lives. We love her contagious laughter and her healing hugs. Jessie is the heart of every mission team, and we are honored to serve alongside her.

- Ana

Jessie Taft

Photos from Lifegate Missions's post 04/26/2024

The experience of the trek up to the Mutambu village was truly unforgettable. No one could have predicted the adventure that awaited us on the trip to and from the mountain village.

Initially, the journey up the mountain was easy, with a few bumps along the way. The scenic views were breathtaking. The air grew cooler and foggier as we climbed higher and we eventually reached an area that had recently received rainfall, and our vehicles got stuck in the mud. We had to get out and walk up part of the mountain while our strongest team members pushed the vehicles out of the mud.

While we were in the village, it started raining, so we quickly got back into the vehicles and prepared ourselves for a bumpy trip down the mountain. Unfortunately, most of the cars got stuck at the first turn, and the rest eventually got stuck too. We were left walking down the mountain in the rain, with the sun starting to set and fewer people to dig the cars out of the mud. (Some of our caravan members stayed back in Mutambu) The idea of walking back to the YWAM base was daunting for some and exhilarating for others. We all knew that God's intervention was necessary to get us to our destination safely, so we prayed and worshipped as we walked. Those who were more physically, emotionally, and/or spiritually able lifted up those who were in need.

After walking about 4 miles from Mutambu, we witnessed an absolute miracle as the vehicles started showing up one by one. None of us had to walk 26 miles up and down several mountains to get back to Kabezi. We truly believe that God was with us, and He kept us safe in our time of need. All we had to do was trust in Him and His immeasurable power. The experience was a testament to the power of faith and perseverance.


🌍Mission Team Highlight🌍

2 years ago Ana came to Forrest and I and said, "I feel like God is telling me to go on the next Mission trip." Little did she know what that Yes would lead too. She didn't anticipate her first mission trip would be to Jamaica and that a few weeks later I would tell her we were going to Burundi in 2024.

That simple yes in obedience has opened up so many new things for my friend. I've seen her grow in confidence, make tough choices, and lean in to the Lord when it doesn't make sense. While we were in Burundi she was stretched beyond her comfort zone leading to increased faith. She overcame fears and unknowns which strengthened her resolve to stand firm in her yes. She is hard working, funny, kind, compassionate, and smart.

I'm incredibly thankful that the Lord spoke to Ana and put this passion for missions in her heart. I look forward to 2025 and new adventures with my friend Ana.

*Fun fact: Ana helps with our social media account as well. 50% of what you see is created by her.

Photos from Lifegate Missions's post 04/19/2024

During our trip to Burundi, the team visited the remote mountain village of Mutambu. This village was located miles and mountains away from any other village and lacked basic amenities like electricity and running water. All of the villagers lived in mud huts. However, the team's visit was significant as the first Home of Hope was dedicated and made ready for a family to move in.

YWAM staff regularly visits Mutambu to minister to the villagers. They provide the One Cup A Day program for children, and they recently started a lunch program to prevent malnutrition. Additionally, YWAM frequently provides villagers with clothing items like coats, as the mountaintop village is cooler and often receives rainfall.

The construction of a church in Mutambu is perhaps the biggest miracle happening there. Despite its remote location, God has made a way for construction materials to be transported up the mountainside to build a large church that can hold every villager in Mutambu. As soon as the construction is completed, church services will begin to share the gospel with this previously unreached population. During the team's visit, we had the opportunity to provide some children’s ministry.

During the dedication of the Home of Hope, Pastor Doug Reed and Jagen recited a prayer of salvation, and most of the gathered crowd repeated the prayer aloud, giving their lives to Jesus. God is so good!


🌍Mission Team Highlight🌍

This man right here is like the multi-tool of mission trips. I know that he will appreciate that term because it's one thing he never leaves home without. 😊

Forrest is one of those people who finds his place no matter where he is. He is always willing to try new things, get out of his comfort zone, and serve wherever he is needed. He has such a servants heart and is constantly looking for how he can honor others, including myself (Jessie). While he got to use his gifting in construction and Childrens ministry, he also went out of his way to serve our entire team. He was the one that made sure we were ok, told us to take breaks, and did the heavy lifting when we could not. He made connections only he could with those in Burundi and on the teams we were with. He lives day to day being the hands and feet of Jesus and I am so proud to be his wife.

I'm so thankful that several years ago he said yes to missions with me and that we get to lead teams year after year together.

Photos from Lifegate Missions's post 04/12/2024

Jesus gave the 11 disciples instructions before he ascended into heaven, “Go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” As Christians, our mission is still the same today.

While in Burundi, the team had the opportunity to share the gospel daily in many ways. Every morning we would participate in a devotional led by one of the many pastors who joined us on the trip. It is important that we are poured into before we go to pour out into others. We taught children about the love of Jesus during children’s ministry. We shared our testimonies with our fellow missionaries from the US as well as the YWAM staff and the Burundian pastors who attended the Kingdom Conference. We prayed over each other during difficult moments of the trip and last but not least, we wholeheartedly sang praises to God every chance we got.

Our very own, Pastor Jessie Taft, spoke into the women who attended the Kingdom Conference and encouraged them in their walk with God. She said that if these women felt called into ministry it was because God had appointed and anointed them to do so. It was a very powerful moment during a conference where the presence of the Holy Spirit was palpable.

On Sunday, the team of around 60 people split up and went to several churches to preach in the local village of Kabezi and in the capital city of Bujumbura. The Lifegate team attended the beautiful Shameza Worship Temple in Bujumbura. Pastor Jessie preached about James 2:14-26 describing how our faith must be accompanied by action.


🌍Mission Team Highlight🌍

There's so many things I could say about Becky, but the one thing I want to highlight is her observation.

During our entire time in Burundi Becky observed all things, people, and experiences around her. In fact, Becky saw things that only she could see. One of my favorites things about having her on our team was how she spoke over every single person. It was never an afterthought, it was always specific to something she noticed and what the Holy Spirit was speaking to her. On our last debrief we always go around the room and have one person we speak over. Usually at the end of the night, Forrest and I spend time speaking over each of our teammates to close the night. But in Burundi we decided Becky should do it instead. As she went around the room speaking over each of her teammates we all felt seen, known, and encouraged. That's what Becky does!

We are so thankful for Becky's YES to missions. Having her with us gave us fresh vision and a new way of looking at things. We love Becky 💚


Lifegate Missions is proud to announce our FIRST EVER FAMILY MISSION TRIP! 🎉

This summer we are inviting students 10 & up plus a parent to join us in Kansas City, Mo. We will be having a quick information meeting THIS SUNDAY, April 14 during the 10:40 service in the conference room. Attend the 9am service and then join us after to hear more about this exciting opportunity.

LifeGate Church Lifegate Lifekids

Photos from Lifegate Missions's post 04/05/2024

Each member of every Lifegate mission team has been given unique gifts by God and we all use our gifts for the same purpose – sharing the love of Christ by serving others.

In Burundi, the team served others through hospitality by preparing meals, washing dishes, and greeting and serving over 500 pastors who participated in the Kingdom Conference hosted by YWAM Burundi. Two members of our team, Eternity and Becky, who are registered nurses even had the opportunity to visit a local clinic and use their gifts of healing and teaching within the community.

While some team members know what their spiritual gifts are long before going on a trip, one of the beautiful things about the experience is that you may discover your gift(s) while on the mission!

Photos from YWAM Burundi's post 04/03/2024

Exciting news! Celebrating with YWAM Burundi and praising God for what He is doing there. This is a beautiful example of being the hands and feet of Jesus. 💚


Stories we Tell - part 3

Miranda Tatum shares how when she said yes to our Africa mission trip, God showed up in BIG ways! As we were in Africa He continued to speak to her and gave her new revelations. I love getting to be a part of th se stories with our Lifegate Missions team. 💚


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Videos (show all)

Forrest and Jessie on the mission field
Let’s got to Burundi in 2025. Now’s the time to join the team. #lifegatemissions #lifegateburleson #letsgo #missions #Bu...
He Qualifies The Called - The Samaritan Woman#lifegateburleson #lifegatemissions #womanatthewell #jesus #qualifiesthecal...
Tell it like it is 💭
ANNOUNCEMENT📣Lifegate Missions is returning to Burundi in 2025! We are so excited for the opportunity to return and cont...
He Qualifies The Called - Elijah#lifegateburleson #lifegatemissions #elijah #prophetelijah #miracles #oldtestament #qual...
God qualifies the Called - David
He Qualifies The Called - Moses#lifegateburleson #lifegatemissions #globalmissions #moses #testimony #devotional #HeQual...
Stories We Tell - Part  8
Family Missions Trip 2024
Stories we Tell - part 3
Stories we’ll tell - part 1



601 SW Thomas Street
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