Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center, Calhoun, GA Videos

Videos by Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center in Calhoun. 24/7 Hotline: 706-602-2184

August 12th of every year is International Youth Day. On this day, youth is celebrated across the globe to honor the promising future in today's society. The day also brings worldwide awareness to issues youth face in their lives on a daily basis.

One of the issues that some children face is physical and/or sexual abuse. Children who experience abuse are more likely to develop anxiety, depression, and memory issues.

The mission of The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center is to compassionately respond to victims of sexual abuse, physical abuse, and neglect as well as adult victims of sexual assault by helping them and their families heal through the coordination and provision of comprehensive services.

To learn more about us and what we do please visit our website at www.gordoncac.org

#united4gordon #cac #sac #internationalyouthday #youthday #advocacy #gordoncounty

Other Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center videos

August 12th of every year is International Youth Day. On this day, youth is celebrated across the globe to honor the promising future in today's society. The day also brings worldwide awareness to issues youth face in their lives on a daily basis. One of the issues that some children face is physical and/or sexual abuse. Children who experience abuse are more likely to develop anxiety, depression, and memory issues. The mission of The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center is to compassionately respond to victims of sexual abuse, physical abuse, and neglect as well as adult victims of sexual assault by helping them and their families heal through the coordination and provision of comprehensive services. To learn more about us and what we do please visit our website at www.gordoncac.org #united4gordon #cac #sac #internationalyouthday #youthday #advocacy #gordoncounty

At the Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center, we find it important that adult victims of sexual assault know and understand their reporting options. Here is what you should know: 1. Understand that you have the right to have evidence collected at your request. 2. Understand that you do not have to participate or speak with law enforcement to have evidence collected. 3. Understand that if you choose to not participate with law enforcement but decide to have evidence collected, our agency is required by law to maintain the kit for one year. 4. Understand that you can have evidence collected and fully cooperate with law enforcement. 5. Understand that whether you have evidence collected or not, you will be offered a medical examination. 6. Understand that you can choose to report but have no evidence collected. If you have been a victim of sexual abuse please contact our 24/7 hotline to speak with an on-call advocate at: 706-602-2184 #united4gordon #reportabuse #reportingoptions #cac #sac #advocacy #gordoncounty

Upon summer coming to a close and the first days back to school approaching, it is important to the Child Advocacy Center and Sexual assault center that we educate our community on child abuse that is reported in school. Often times, a child may be abused by a person inside their home and the only trusted adult they feel comfortable to talk to is at their school. The vision of the Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center is to grow as a trusted community resource and safe space where victims of all ages can feel supported on their journey to healing after trauma and abuse. If you or someone you know is a victim of abuse please reach out to a trusted adult at your school or contact our 24/7 hotline to speak to an advocate: 706-602-2184 #united4gordon #sac #cac #gordoncounty

This week is National Forensic Interviewer Appreciation week! The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center is so thankful to have a team of three full-time Forensic Interviewers who are led by an assistant director and a director that all work together to provide the best interviewing services to the victims that attend our center. We are so thankful for our team of Forensic Interviewers and the services they provide to the clients of the Gordon County Child Advocacy and Sexual Assault Center. Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication!!! #united4gordon #forensicinterviewers #cac #sac #thankful #advocacy #gordoncounty

As we’re entering the second half of 2024, the Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center would like to remind everyone that we have a 24/7 Sexual Assault Hotline available for those in crisis and in need of support. 24/7 Sexual Assault Hotline: (706) 602-2184 This hotline is available where you can reach an on-call advocate for assistance 24/7. Please visit our website at www.gordoncac.org to get a closer look at what we do as a center and what to expect when you come visit. #united4gordon #hotline #advocacy #cac #sac #gordoncounty

At our open house, The Gordon County CAC/SAC offered a giveaway where if you signed up to join our mailing list, you had the chance to win a gift card. We have our Winner: Beatriz Alvarez If you are interested in signing up for our mailing list, please visit our website www.gordoncac.org. #united4gordon #giveaway #winner #cac #sac #calhoun #fairmount #oakman #plainville #ranger #resaca #sugarvalley #gordoncounty

Congratulations to Susan Pegueros! She is our gift card winner from the Fall Into Wellness event!

Great information about how we can help in preventing child abuse! Support thriving families! https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/preventing/preventionmonth/resources/conversation-guides/

GO WITH THE FLO - with Kaitlyn
Hi friends!!! We are currently raising money for a very special piece of equipment. Watch Kaitlyn Morrell below for more INFO! . You can donate via check, cash, or PAYPAL by searching @gordoncac