Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center

24/7 Hotline: 706-602-2184


The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center would like to recognize our donors, who continuously support our center, by posting a "Donor of the Week" every Friday.

Thank you to St. Timothy's Episcopal Church for your monetary donation to our center!! It is with your generosity that we can continue providing the services we do to those who need us.

To find ways that you can donate to our center please visit our website at: www.gordoncac.org


Today is International Charity Day, which serves to increase and enhance social responsibility across the entire world, increasing our support for charitable causes and bringing everyone together in solidarity. This day presents you with a great opportunity to get involved in the charity events.

Every 68 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. And every 9 minutes, that victim is a child. Meanwhile, only 25 out of every 1,000 perpetrators will end up in prison. The mission of the Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center is to compassionately respond to child victims of abuse, physical abuse, and neglect as well as adult victims of sexual assault by helping them and their families heal through coordination and provision of comprehensive services. Members of the community like you can play a role in helping us provide these services to those who need us and help impact the future successes of our center by donating to our High Five Campaign.

To learn more about how you can donate to our five campaign please visit: https://www.gordoncac.org/high-five-campaign


The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center would like to introduce our current staff!

Monze is one of our dedicated Bilingual Client Advocates. In this role, Monze provides essential support to our clients, offering guidance and advocacy to help them navigate challenging systems and access the services they need. Fluent in both English and Spanish, Monze ensures that language is never a barrier to receiving the compassionate care and support our center is known for.

Outside of work, Monze loves spending quality time with family and exploring the beauty of nature through photography.

We are so thankful for our staff and we know our staff is our most valuable asset. We take care of them so they can take care of our clients. Please keep an eye out in the upcoming weeks as we introduce the rest of our team!


The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center would like to introduce our current staff!

Caricia is one of our Client Advocates and Forensic Interviewers. As a client advocate, she ensures
that the victims and their families that visit our center have a support system while going through certain processes. She ensures they are connected to any resources available to them, and provides emotional support. Caricia also helps to provide outreach to the community by spreading the word about the Gordon CAC/SAC so that the residents of Gordon county are aware of our center and the services we can provide. As a forensic interviewer, she conducts interviews following abuse allegations of minors.

Outside of work, Caricia enjoys reading, Dr. Pepper, and listening to Taylor Swift.

We are so thankful for our staff and we know our staff is our most valuable asset. We take care of them so they can take care of our clients. Please keep an eye out in the upcoming weeks as we introduce the rest of our team!


One year ago in September the Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center launched our website!

On our website you can explore who we are, what we do, how to get involved, and how to contact us. You can also donate to our High Five Campaign through our website to help us continue providing our services to the community.

Please visit our website at anytime at www.gordoncac.org


The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center would like to recognize our donors, who continuously support our center, by posting a "Donor of the Week" every Friday.

Thank you to Jennifer Cortes!! Jennifer hand made roses out of yarn to give to each one of our girls at our one year anniversary Teen Girls Outreach Group celebration!

To find ways that you can donate to our center please visit our website at: www.gordoncac.org

Photos from Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center's post 08/29/2024

For the month of August, the Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center hosted a One Year Anniversary Dinner for our monthly Teen Girls Outreach Group!

A year ago in August the Gordon County CAC/SAC worked together to create these outreach groups to provide continued support to our clients. These groups help continue fostering a healthy relationship between our victims and trusted adults.

If you are interested in learning more about our Teen Girls Outreach Group, please contact us through our website: www.gordoncac.org


Thanks to our new counselor Stephani Morss, the Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center is now offering Telehealth Counseling services!

These services are provided to our clients free of charge. This allows clients with transportation issues or proximity issues to have counseling sessions over a HIPPA compliant video call system.

If are interested in these services please call our center at: 706-602-2184


The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center would like to introduce our current staff!

Cristal is our Services Coordinator as well as one of our Forensic Interviewers and Advocates. As the services coordinator she ensures that all the services for all of our clients are being done in a timely and effective manner while coordinating with community partners. She also takes the responsibility of ensuring all of our data and systems are up to date. She also helps prepare and give training to community partners as well as the community. As a forensic interviewer, she conducts interviews in both English and Spanish following abuse allegations of minors. As an advocate, she meets with family members to provide compassionate and empathetic support as well as help them to navigate systems and assist in other services or referrals they may need.

Outside of work, Cristal enjoys spending time with her family and friends, going for walks and hikes, shopping, craft making, and going to concerts.

We are so thankful for our staff and we know our staff is our most valuable asset. We take care of them so they can take care of our clients. Please keep an eye out in the upcoming weeks as we introduce the rest of our team!


The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center would like to introduce our current staff!

This is Whytnie Martin-Sackett, she is our SANE Program Director for the Gordon County Child Advocacy and Sexual Assault Center. SANE stands for Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners.

Whytnie's role is to conduct Forensic Medical Exams as well as develop policies and procedures to improve the treatment and patient care experience of sexual assault victims. She is also charged with the responsibility of of managing and being a positive role model to our team of sexual assault nurses as a compassionate, knowledgeable medical provider.

Outside of work, Whytnie enjoys being crafty by making amazingly detailed costumes.

We are so thankful for our staff and we know our staff is our most valuable asset. We take care of them so they can take care of our clients. Please keep an eye out in the upcoming weeks as we introduce the rest of our team!


The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center would like to introduce our current staff!

This is Brie Bishop, the Assistant Director at the Gordon County CAC/SAC. She is responsible for overseeing day to day operations as well as supervision and professional development of all staff members.

Outside of work Brie enjoys watching movies, hosting friends, and reading books.

We are so thankful for our staff and we know our staff is our most valuable asset. We take care of them so they can take care of our clients. Please keep an eye out in the upcoming weeks as we introduce the rest of our team!


The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center would like to introduce our current staff!

This is Jason Patty, the Executive Director at the Gordon County CAC/SAC. The Executive Director is charged with the responsibility of implementing the overall mission and policies of the Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center, through the administration of office personnel, financial management, interaction with partner agencies, and overseeing the coordination and case management of child abuse and sexual assault cases that come through the center. Jason is also responsible for assisting with families and team members during the forensic interview and forensic medical process.

Jason's hobbies outside of his work life include mixed martial arts, fly fishing, hunting, and running.

We are so thankful for our staff and we know our staff is our most valuable asset. We take care of them so they can take care of our clients. Please keep an eye out in the upcoming weeks as we introduce the rest of our team!


The mission of The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center is to compassionately respond to victims of sexual abuse, physical abuse, and neglect as well as adult victims of sexual assault by helping them and their families heal through the coordination and provision of comprehensive services.

Without fundraising, nonprofits are vulnerable to changes in funding sources. In order to be successful, we have to integrate sustainable ways to raise the resources we need to serve clients. That's where community members like YOU can come in and become a CHAMPION. Our champions play an integral role in the comprehensive services we offer AND the future success of our center.

To become a champion for children please visit: https://www.gordoncac.org/high-five-campaign


The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center would like to recognize our donors, who continuously support our center, by posting a "Donor of the Week" every Friday.

Thank you to Joe Tutelomondo for your monetary donation to our center!! It is with your generosity that we can continue providing the services we do to those who need us.

To find ways that you can donate to our center please visit our website at: www.gordoncac.org


The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center provides free Forensic Medical Exams to survivors of abuse. Forensic medical exams are conducted by nurses trained in evidence collection, documentation, preservation, and trauma-informed patient care. The Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) assesses for injury and other physical evidence during a thorough exam.

Medical exams are available for minors at the request of law enforcement and DFCS. Adult clients may self-refer for an exam and have the option if they would like to involve law enforcement or not. The center provides STD testing, treatment, referrals, and expert witness testimony.

To learn more about our center please visit our website at www.gordoncac.org


The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center finds it important that we educate our community on signs of abuse so that we can better work together to help the survivors of abuse.

Noticing signs of abuse is crucial because early detection can prevent further harm and facilitate timely intervention. Recognizing indicators of abuse—such as physical injuries, behavioral changes, or unexplained absences—allows individuals to provide support and seek help for the affected person before the situation escalates.

The mission of The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center is to compassionately respond to victims of sexual abuse, physical abuse, and neglect as well as adult victims of sexual assault by helping them and their families heal through the coordination and provision of comprehensive services.

If you or someone you know has been a victim to abuse please contact our 24/7 hotline at: 706-602-2184


August 12th of every year is International Youth Day. On this day, youth is celebrated across the globe to honor the promising future in today's society. The day also brings worldwide awareness to issues youth face in their lives on a daily basis.

One of the issues that some children face is physical and/or sexual abuse. Children who experience abuse are more likely to develop anxiety, depression, and memory issues.

The mission of The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center is to compassionately respond to victims of sexual abuse, physical abuse, and neglect as well as adult victims of sexual assault by helping them and their families heal through the coordination and provision of comprehensive services.

To learn more about us and what we do please visit our website at www.gordoncac.org


At the Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center, we find it important that adult victims of sexual assault know and understand their reporting options.

Here is what you should know:
1. Understand that you have the right to have evidence collected at your request.
2. Understand that you do not have to participate or speak with law enforcement to have evidence collected.
3. Understand that if you choose to not participate with law enforcement but decide to have evidence collected, our agency is required by law to maintain the kit for one year.
4. Understand that you can have evidence collected and fully cooperate with law enforcement.
5. Understand that whether you have evidence collected or not, you will be offered a medical examination.
6. Understand that you can choose to report but have no evidence collected.

If you have been a victim of sexual abuse please contact our 24/7 hotline to speak with an on-call advocate at: 706-602-2184


If you have been a victim of child abuse or know someone who has been a victim of child abuse, you may be asking the question; How do I report child abuse?

Reports of child abuse can be made to the Department of Family and Child Services (DFCS), which receives the report and then sends out a social worker to determine if there is cause for an investigation (DFCS 24/7 hotline: 1-855-422-4453). If the child is in immediate danger, report to law enforcement (911). You can also email CPS intake at dhs.ga.gov

Reporting child abuse is important because it can help protect children, prevent further abuse, and improve their chances of having a safe and successful life. Agencies such as the Gordon County District Attorney's Office, Gordon County Sheriff's Office, Calhoun Police Department, and Gordon County Division of Family and Children Services, came together to create the Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center in order to reduce trauma and better serve children.


The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault center wants to educate our community on the fact that Human Trafficking is not only a problem outside of the United States. It also happens within the borders of the U.S., in every state.

There are several signs you can spot to help identify human trafficking victims. These include lack of personal possessions or identification documents, signs of physical abuse, a malnourished appearance, or avoidance of law enforcement, eye contact, or social engagement.

If you notice any activity, that causes you to suspect human trafficking is occurring, you can help to launch an investigation into your observations by reporting them to the local authorities. Never attempt to confront a potential human trafficker or victim directly.

To contact the Human Trafficking Hotline call:


The Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center would like to recognize our donors, who continuously support our center, by posting a "Donor of the Week" every Friday!

Thank you to Shaw Floors!! Shaw donated dinner for our monthly teen girls outreach group and a variety of snacks we can provide to our clients. It is with your generosity that we can continue making our clients feel welcome in our center and continue providing the services we do to those who need us.

To find more ways you can donate to our center please visit our website at: www.gordoncac.org


Upon summer coming to a close and the first days back to school approaching, it is important to the Child Advocacy Center and Sexual assault center that we educate our community on child abuse that is reported in school.

Often times, a child may be abused by a person inside their home and the only trusted adult they feel comfortable to talk to is at their school. The vision of the Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center is to grow as a trusted community resource and safe space where victims of all ages can feel supported on their journey to healing after trauma and abuse.

If you or someone you know is a victim of abuse please reach out to a trusted adult at your school or contact our 24/7 hotline to speak to an advocate: 706-602-2184


The Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center wants to ensure that our community is educated on internet safety and the importance of staying safe online. Here are a few tips we recommend you follow to ensure your safety when using the internet.

1. Keep personal information professional and limited:
Only give access to your personal information to websites and people you trust.
2. Practice safe browsing:
If a website doesn't look right, it normally isn't, you wouldn't visit an area you thought looked dangerous, so why would you on line. Online hackers use information you are interested in as bait.
3. Avoid talking to strangers when using online gaming sites:
Talking to strangers on video games can be dangerous because cyberbullies, child predators, and human traffickers may try to talk to you through an online gaming site and could possibly manipulate you into sharing private information.
4. Be careful what you post:
What you post on line, stays on line. Any comment or image you post online may stay online forever because removing the original from a social media site, does not remove any copies that other people may of made.
5. Be careful who you meet online:
People online are constantly pretending to be someone they are not. Hackers, pedophiles, and human traffickers use this method in order to manipulate you into sharing private information. Be as cautious and sensible in your online social life as you are in your in-person social life.


This past Saturday, the Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center attended the 8th Annual Back to School Event hosted by World Harvest Baptist.

At this outreach event, our center gave resource flyers to parents and fidget toys to the children. Fidget toys can be used to alleviate anxiety, and are often given out to the clients at our center.

Back to school can be a stressful time for children, and the center wanted to provide a way for children to have a healthy way to deal with their anxiety. The vision of our center is to grow as a trusted community resource and safe space where victims of all ages can feel supported on their journey to healing.

To learn more about our center please visit our website at www.gordoncac.org


The Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center would like to recognize our donors, who continuously support our center, by posting a "Donor of the Week" every Friday!

Thank you to Maria Zamora!! Maria donated to our High Five Campaign, becoming a Champion for Children. She also donated her time to the center by helping us set up our center when we moved locations in February. It is with your generosity that we are able to continue providing the services we do to those who need us.

To find ways that you can donate to our center please visit our website at: www.gordoncac.org


The mission of The Gordon County CAC/SAC is to compassionately respond to victims of sexual abuse, physical abuse, and neglect as well as adult victims of sexual assault by helping them and their families heal through the coordination and provision of comprehensive services.

The Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center finds it very important to educate others on the statistical facts of sexual assault. It is very likely that someone you know has been a victim of sexual assault.

If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual assault and are in need of services, call our 24/7 hotline to speak with an advocate at:


In 2022, the Gordon County Child Advocacy Center became a sexual assault center. Making us now the Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center, serving across the lifespan and offering a 24 hour hotline.​

​It is our goal to provide a safe, comfortable, and trauma-informed environment for victims of all ages --and their famlies-- when allegations of abuse arise.

If you are interested in learning more about our center please visit our website at www.gordoncac.org


Nearly 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 13 boys experience child sexual abuse during their childhood and approximately 91% of child sexual abuse is perpetrated by someone the child or the child's family knows. Only 3% of abusers were a stranger to the child in a survey of 15-17 year old's.

The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center finds it very important to educate our community on the statistical facts of child abuse. We are passionate in our pursuit of healing, justice and abuse prevention. The voices of survivors are heard at our center, and we recognize our responsibility and duty to amplify them.

If you or someone you know is a victim of child abuse please contact our 24/7 hotline to speak with an advocate: 706-602-2184


The goal of all accredited Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) is to ensure that children disclosing abuse are not further victimized by the intervention systems designed to protect them. The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center was created in 2014 to serve child victims and their non-offending caregivers with forensic interviews and advocacy. It is also where children and their non-offending family can receive support, crisis intervention, and referrals for mental health and medical treatment.

The vision of the Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center is to grow as a trusted community resource and safe space where victims of all ages can feel supported on their journey to healing after trauma and abuse.

If you are interested in learning more about who we are as a center please visit our website at www.gordoncac.org


This coming Sunday, July 21st, is National Be Someone Day. National Be Someone Day challenges each of us to take ten seconds to make a difference in a child's life.

What can you do in ten seconds to change a child's life? You can commit to reporting child abuse. Be someone prepared to report when a child trusts you enough and tells you they are experiencing abuse. Ten seconds can change a child's life.

Another way you can make a difference in a child's life in ten seconds is becoming a Champion for Children by donating to our High Five Campaign at https://www.gordoncac.org/high-five-campaign

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Videos (show all)

August 12th of every year is International Youth Day. On this day, youth is celebrated across the globe to honor the pro...
At the Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center, we find it important that adult victims of sexual ...
Upon summer coming to a close and the first days back to school approaching, it is important to the Child Advocacy Cente...
This week is National Forensic Interviewer Appreciation week! The Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault...
As we’re entering the second half of 2024, the Gordon County Child Advocacy Center and Sexual Assault Center would like ...
At our open house, The Gordon County CAC/SAC offered a giveaway where if you signed up to join our mailing list, you had...
Great information about how we can help in preventing child abuse!  Support thriving families!https://www.childwelfare.g...
GO WITH THE FLO - with Kaitlyn




P. O. Box 813
Calhoun, GA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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