Dr. Aaron Ayala/Perform Better Chiropractic

Dr.Aaron Ayala is a Board Certified Chiropractor . Certified Provider-A.R.T., T.P.I., FMS, SFMA, FRC


Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

No time for downtime for throwing athletes. If you haven’t experienced PEMF and it’s amazing results, give us a call.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

Come experience the difference.
We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you or someone you love, live their best life . (805)384-8443

[email protected]

#2024 motivation 🙏


Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

Because Chiropractic is for everyone!

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

Come experience the difference.
We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you or someone you love, live their best life . (805)384-8443

[email protected]

#2024 motivation 🙏


Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

Neck pain is a common issue worldwide. According to various studies, about 10-20% of people suffer from neck pain at any given time. Additionally, up to 70% of people will experience neck pain at some point in their lives. The prevalence can vary based on factors such as age, gender, occupation, and lifestyle.

In our office we are no stranger to treating neck pain. Here are some of the ground breaking techniques and modalities we utilize to treat neck pain in our office.

1. Active Release Techniques to the neck and shoulder can help increase the range of motion and change the function of the soft tissue resulting in decreased pain and increased function.

2. Light Force Laser Therapy can help reduce swelling and pain.

3. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT): Is a non-invasive treatment using shock waves to stimulate healing in the affected area.

4. Pulses Electronic Magnetic Frequency can reduce pain and inflammation.

5. Rehab Exercises to strengthen the forearm muscles and improve flexibility.

6. Rock tape can help alleviate stress on the tendons.

7. Chiropractic allows for proper extremity movement and articulation.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

Come experience the difference.
We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you or someone you love, live their best life . (805)384-8443

[email protected]

#2024 motivation


Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

Active Release Techniques (ART) can be highly beneficial for sports recovery. ART is a manual therapy that targets soft tissue through movement-based treatment. Here are some of the key benefits of A.R.T. :

1. Improved Flexibility and Range of Motion
2. Enhanced Performance
3. Reduced Risk of Injury
4. Faster Injury Recovery
5. Pain Relief
6. Improved Muscle Balance and Function:
7. Better Posture and Alignment:
8. Stress Reduction and Relaxation:

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

Come experience the difference.
We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you or someone you love, live their best life . (805)384-8443

[email protected]

#2024 motivation 🙏


Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

Soft tissue treatment is crucial for various reasons, particularly in the fields of sports recovery and rehabilitation. Through proper treatment, you will see benefits such as:
- Pain Relief
- Improved Mobility and Flexibility:
- Enhanced Recovery
- Improved Circulation
- Prevention of Injuries
- Management of Chronic Conditions
- Scar Tissue Breakdown

In our office we take a functional approach to soft tissue treatment utilizing Active Release Techniques. Through this treatment we have found an effective approach for maintaining and improving musculoskeletal health, enhancing recovery, and promoting overall well-being.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

Come experience the difference.
We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you or someone you love, live their best life . (805)384-8443

[email protected]



Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

Hot does Hyperbaric Oxygen Work?

The Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber is filled with compressed ambient air from 2 to 4.5 pounds per square inch (1.3 ATA max). This is equivalent of 11 feet below sea level. The increased pressure allows the blood plasma and other liquids of the body to absorb additional oxygen thus greatly increasing oxygen uptake by the cells, tissues, glands, organs, brain, and fluids of the body. The resulting uptake of oxygen allows for increased circulation to areas with swelling or inflammation. At the same time, the increased pressure decreases swelling and inflammation. Oxygen is then utilized by the body for vital cell functions, and healthier cells equals healthier tissues, and organs.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

Come experience the difference.
We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you or someone you love, live their best life . (805)384-8443

[email protected]

#2024 motivation 🙏


Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

Active Release Techniques (ART) is a manual therapy designed to treat soft tissue injuries by breaking up adhesions and scar tissue. When applied to shoulder injuries, ART can help improve mobility, reduce pain, and speed up recovery.

Benefits of ART for shoulder injuries:

•Pain Reduction-ART can significantly reduce pain by addressing the root cause of the tendinitis.
•Improved Mobility-Increased flexibility and range of motion in the shoulder.
•Enhanced Healing-Improved blood flow and tissue function accelerate the healing process.
•Prevention-ART helps prevent recurrence by addressing muscular imbalances and promoting proper movement patterns.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

Come experience the difference.
We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you or someone you love, live their best life . (805)384-8443

[email protected]

#2024 motivation 🙏


Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

If the O2 you currently have in the body is just enough to have your bodies system perform at the level it’s currently at, imagine how much healing and performance can occur if you saturate your body with up to 200% O2.

A few Signs your mitochondria are shot and need mHBOT:
•Brain Fog
•Chronic illness/Autoimmune
•Weight Gain

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

Come experience the difference.
We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you or someone you love, live their best life . (805)384-8443

[email protected]

#2024 🙏


Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

Have Jumpers Knee or Patella Tendinitis? Try Active Release Techniques.

Active Release Techniques (ART) is a patented, state-of-the-art soft tissue system/movement-based technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. It can be particularly beneficial for treating patella tendinitis, also known as jumper’s knee.

Benefits of ART for Patella Tendinitis

•Pain Reduction-ART can significantly reduce pain by addressing the root cause of the tendinitis.
•Improved Mobility-Increased flexibility and range of motion in the knee joint.
•Enhanced Healing-Improved blood flow and tissue function accelerate the healing process.
•Prevention-ART helps prevent recurrence by addressing muscular imbalances and promoting proper movement patterns.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

Come experience the difference.
We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you or someone you love, live their best life . (805)384-8443

[email protected]

#2024 motivation 🙏


Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

Piriformis syndrome is a neuromuscular condition characterized by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle, which is located in the buttock region. While the Sciatic nerve is affected, this is not sciatica. The piriformis muscle helps with hip rotation and stabilization. When this muscle becomes tight, inflamed, or spasms, it can impinge on the sciatic nerve, leading to symptoms. What are the symptoms?

- Pain in the buttock
- Radiating pain. This may extend down the back of the thigh, calf, and foot, similar to sciatica.
- Numbness and tingling.
- Worsening pain with prolonged sitting. Activities like running, climbing stairs, or sitting for long periods can exacerbate the symptoms.

In our office we take a functional approach to treating this tissue. We examine with orthopedic testing and movement testing to figure out the root cause. We then treat the affected tissue with Active Release Techniques, PEMF , Deep Laser Therapy, and Chiropractic.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you live the best you. (805)384-8443

[email protected]



Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

Active Release Techniques (ART) can be highly beneficial for runners. ART is a manual therapy that targets soft tissue through movement-based treatment. Here are some of the key benefits for runners:

1. Improved Flexibility and Range of Motion
2. Enhanced Performance
3. Reduced Risk of Injury
4. Faster Injury Recovery
5. Pain Relief
6. Improved Muscle Balance and Function:
7. Better Posture and Alignment:
8. Stress Reduction and Relaxation:

Overall, incorporating Active Release Techniques into a runner’s routine can lead to improved performance, decreased injury risk, and enhanced overall musculoskeletal health.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

Come experience the difference.
We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you or someone you love, live their best life . (805)384-8443

[email protected]

#2024 motivation 🙏


Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

The iliacus muscle is one of the muscles that comprise the iliopsoas group, along with the psoas major and psoas minor muscles. This muscle is very involved in hip flexion and under constant tension in both seated and standing position.

The iliacus muscle is innervated by the femoral nerve (L2-L4) so Injury, Strains, or tightness in the iliacus muscle can contribute to not only lower back pain, and hip pain, but also nerve pain similar to sciatica.

In our office we take a functional approach to treating this tissue. We examine with orthopedic testing and movement testing to figure out the root cause. From there we treat the affected tissue with Active Release Techniques, PEMF , Deep Laser Therapy, and Chiropractic.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you live the best you. (805)384-8443

[email protected]



Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

A rotator cuff strain is an injury to the group of muscles( Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus,, Subscapularis, Teres Minor) and tendons that surround the shoulder joint, providing it with stability and facilitating its wide range of motion. Other tissue supporting the rotator cuff include the Lats, Teres Major, Biceps, Triceps, and Pectoral Muscles. Any injury to any of these tissue can result in chronic pain with movement of the shoulder and can cause problems down the kinetic chain into the elbow. When an injury occurs to the shoulder, depending on the severity, some form of treatment and rehab should begin right away.

In our office we take a functional approach to treating a shoulder. We examine with orthopedic and movement testing to figure out the root cause, and treat with Active Release Techniques, PEMF , Deep Laser Therapy, and Chiropractic.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you live the best you. (805)384-8443

[email protected]



Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition characterized by pain and tenderness on the outside of the elbow. It is typically caused by overuse or repetitive motion of the forearm muscles and tendons, which can lead to inflammation and small tears in the tendons that attach to the lateral epicondyle of the humerus (the outer part of the elbow). This inflammation and micro-tears results in a cumulative injury cycle, resulting in chronic pain regardless of the type of use with the elbow.

In our office and a well known way to treat this injury is through Active Release Techniques and manipulation of the joints of the upper extremity. We have helped many individuals get out of and stay out of pain.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

Come experience the difference.
We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you or someone you love, live their best life . (805)384-8443

[email protected]

#2024 motivation 🙏


Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

Sports performance starts at the feet. The power generated through the feet transfers to the rest of the body. Good joint articulation is a must.

Have a great weekend.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you live the best you. (805)384-8443

[email protected]



Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

Ankle dorsiflexion, the action of pulling the toes up toward the shin, is a commonly missed range of motion leading to many knee, hip and low back injuries. This motion is important for several reasons:

1. Sports, Walking, and Running Mechanic
Proper dorsiflexion allows for efficient movement during the gait cycle. It helps in clearing the foot off the ground, reducing the risk of tripping, and ensures a smooth heel-to-toe transition.

2. Balance and Stability
Adequate dorsiflexion contributes to better balance and stability, especially when standing or moving on uneven surfaces. It plays a crucial role in maintaining proper alignment through the kinetic chain and preventing falls.

3. Sports Performance
In many sports, dorsiflexion is critical for activities like jumping, squatting, sprinting, and cutting. It allows athletes to achieve optimal angles for force production and reduces the risk of injury.

4. Injury Prevention
Limited dorsiflexion can lead to compensatory movements in other parts of the body, increasing the risk of injuries such as shin splints, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinitis, and knee pain.

Overall, maintaining and improving ankle dorsiflexion is crucial for overall function, mobility, and preventing injuries. In our office we specialize in movement and mobility through Active Release Techniques and Extremity Manipulation, allowing us to properly treat ankle dysfunction. Through these treatments we have helped and continue to help everyday people facing chronic pain.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you live the best you. (805)384-8443

[email protected]


Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

Good Movement = Less Pain

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

Come experience the difference.
We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you or someone you love, live their best life . (805)384-8443

[email protected]

#2024 motivation 🙏


Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

Identifying where to treat when manipulating a joint is very important, we identify this restricted area through Motion Palpation.

Motion palpation is a diagnostic technique used primarily by chiropractors to assess joint function and mobility. It involves the practitioner using their hands to feel the movement of joints and surrounding soft tissues as the patient moves or as the practitioner moves the joints passively. This technique helps identify areas of restricted movement, abnormal joint function, or pain, which can indicate potential issues that may require treatment. Motion palpation is often used in the spine but can be applied to other joints as well.

Have a great weekend.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you live the best you. (805)384-8443

[email protected]



Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

In our office, we love utilizing Active Release Techniques. So what is ART?

Active Release Techniques (ART) is a manual therapy method designed to treat soft tissue disorders and injuries, particularly those involving muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, and nerves. Here are some key aspects of ART:

1. **Diagnosis and Treatment**: ART practitioners use their hands to evaluate the texture, tightness, and movement of soft tissues. They identify areas of scar tissue, adhesions, and muscle tightness that can cause pain and restrict movement.

2. **Manual Manipulation**: The practitioner uses precise, targeted pressure and movement to break up adhesions and scar tissue, improve blood flow, and enhance the function of the affected tissues. This process involves the patient actively moving the affected area while the practitioner applies pressure.

3. **Conditions Treated**: ART is commonly used to treat conditions like repetitive strain injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, shin splints, plantar fasciitis, sciatica, and chronic tension headaches, among others.

4. **Customization**: Each ART session is tailored to the specific needs of the patient. The treatment approach may vary based on the location and severity of the soft tissue issue.

5. **Benefits**: Patients often experience improved range of motion, reduced pain, and enhanced athletic performance. It is particularly popular among athletes for its effectiveness in addressing sports-related injuries.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you live the best you. (805)384-8443

[email protected]

#2024 🙏


Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

Be proactive to pain, not reactive. Stay moving.

Happy Monday!

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

Come experience the difference.
We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you or someone you love, live their best life . (805)384-8443

[email protected]

#2024 motivation 🙏


Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better

To resolve Elbow pain, proper gliding of tissue of the forearm is a necessity. In our office we address this dysfunction with .

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic pain, with little to no help from traditional treatment, give us a call.

Come experience the difference.
We are more than Chiropractic, We are Movement

Call us today for a consultation to see how we can help you or someone you love, live their best life . (805)384-8443

[email protected]

#2024 motivation 🙏

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Videos (show all)

Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better•No time for downtime for throwing athletes. If you haven’t experienced PEMF and...
Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better•Because Chiropractic is for everyone!If you or someone you know suffers from ch...
Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better•Neck pain is a common issue worldwide. According to various studies, about 10-2...
Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better•Active Release Techniques (ART) can be highly beneficial for sports recovery. A...
Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better•Soft tissue treatment is crucial for various reasons, particularly in the field...
Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better•Hot does Hyperbaric Oxygen Work?The Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber is filled wi...
Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better•Active Release Techniques (ART) is a manual therapy designed to treat soft tiss...
Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better•Have Jumpers Knee or Patella Tendinitis? Try Active Release Techniques.Active R...
Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better•Piriformis syndrome is a neuromuscular condition characterized by irritation or...
Better |Feel Better| Perform Better•Active Release Techniques (ART) can be highly beneficial for runners. ART is a manua...
Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better•The iliacus muscle is one of the muscles that comprise the iliopsoas group, alo...
Move Better |Feel Better| Perform Better•A rotator cuff strain is an injury to the group of muscles( Supraspinatus, Infr...




370 N. Lantana Street Suite H017
Camarillo, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 2pm - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 10am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 2pm

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