AIM Leadership, Cambridge, MA Videos

Videos by AIM Leadership in Cambridge. More Focus. More Effective. More Fulfilled. AIM Leadership accelerates business results by imp

Tomorrow's the day! Join us for the Lunch & Learn on deepening relationships, power dynamics, and influence. It’s not too late to register! Register here: Before the e

Tomorrow's the day! Join us for the Lunch & Learn on deepening relationships, power dynamics, and influence.

It’s not too late to register!

Register here:

Before the event, watch the video below to get a sneak peek into our Lunch & Learns and our topic tomorrow.

Get ready to supercharge your career knowledge! 💼 #LunchAndLearn #CareerDevelopment

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Other AIM Leadership videos

Tomorrow's the day! Join us for the Lunch & Learn on deepening relationships, power dynamics, and influence. It’s not too late to register! Register here: Before the e
Tomorrow's the day! Join us for the Lunch & Learn on deepening relationships, power dynamics, and influence. It’s not too late to register! Register here: Before the event, watch the video below to get a sneak peek into our Lunch & Learns and our topic tomorrow. Get ready to supercharge your career knowledge! 💼 #LunchAndLearn #CareerDevelopment

AIM WBV Edited Short - Understanding and Overcoming Energy Depletion copy
Burnout is both a clinical diagnosis and a popular term used to describe the overwhelm and exhaustion of surviving ongoing stress. As leaders, we need to mitigate burnout in ourselves and our teams. Follow these steps to understand and overcome energy depletion for yourself and your team members! To learn more about understanding and overcoming energy depletion, check out this video on YouTube: If you prefer a free PDF download, visit the link below:

What is your influence type AIM
Whether you are leading, following, and/or collaborating, chances are you need to influence others to be successful. Influence is most often defined as the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something. The ability to influence without resorting to power is contingent on leveraging a wide range of skills and insights. Discover how to better influence without authority in the AIM Leadership resource linked below: [ leadership, leadership coach, leadership coaching, leadership development, executive leadership, executive coach, business coach, business executive, leadership mindset, business psychology ]

What Kind of Power do you Possess AIM
The ability to engage others and sway their perspective without relying on positional power is the best way to achieve buy-in and cultivate greater engagement in the workplace. To discover more about Influencing Without Authority, visit the link below: [ leadership, leadership coach, leadership coaching, leadership development, executive leadership, executive coach, business coach, business executive, leadership mindset, business psychology ]

AIM Nugget Without Bandwidth
Maintaining ample bandwidth is essential to prevent falling into a lifestyle of crisis or chaos, mitigating the risk of burnout and adrenaline fatigue. It empowers us to see past impulsive reactivity and external influences, ensuring a strategic approach rather than succumbing to 'tactical tunnel vision.' To get more content like this delivered straight to your inbox, sign up for our newsletter at!

AIM LinkedIn WBV Short - Flying at the Right Altitude (1)
Great leaders cultivate the agility to engage and align people, priorities, and strategy. They do this by focusing on the right issues, at the right time, from the right perspective. At AIM Leadership, we call this Flying at the Right Altitude. And while it may sound simple, a surprising number of individuals struggle with consistently flying at the right altitude. Flying at the right altitude helps leaders make better decisions, enhance options and be more adaptable. To watch the full video on Flying at the Right Altitude, click the link below! Do you prefer downloading a free resource PDF? Click below!

AIM Nugget Bandwidth Management
Research reveals a glaring gap in intentional bandwidth management, with 73% of leaders reporting their teams lack effective management. As automation and AI reshape industries, cultivating awareness, reflecting on energy sources, building agility, and taking purposeful action are pivotal steps for leaders to navigate disruption and proactively prepare for the future.

AIM Leadership Nugget Preparation
Preparation is the cornerstone of achievement, as Abraham Lincoln's axe analogy illustrates. Learn seven essential strategies to create flow, prioritize impacts, and gain control, ultimately transforming work into a rewarding and energizing pursuit. Click the link below to learn more about reclaiming bandwidth through preparation.

AIM Influence Video
When people are sure that their opinions and contributions matter, they become more invested in the collective success of the team and those around them. Additionally, when individuals can influence others without relying on formal authority, they can foster a collaborative environment. This encourages teamwork, idea-sharing, and problem-solving among team members, leading to enhanced creativity and productivity. This requires a host of skills and insights, listed above, each of which have incredible and key benefits beyond influence. [ leadership, leadership coach, leadership coaching, leadership development, executive leadership, executive coach, business coach, business executive, leadership mindset, business psychology ]

AIM HorizontalVertical Growth Video
Discover how horizontal growth through traditional training enhances skill sets, while vertical growth cultivates a deeper perspective and capacity to manage complexity, especially relevant in remote and hybrid work settings. Transitioning from in-person feedback to self-driven growth, help your team take charge of its own development by proactively managing tasks, environments, and career progression. Empower your employees by providing support for skill and personal advancement, nurturing their capacity to excel.

AIM Influence without Authority Article Contribution
Building brand recognition and standing out in a crowded marketplace can be challenging. As a business owner starting out, attracting loyal clients and partnership deals is crucial. One key aspect that plays a pivotal role in achieving this objective is authenticity. Authenticity serves as the foundation upon which a business's brand identity is built. It involves aligning the company's values, mission, and actions in a coherent and genuine manner that resonates with customers and partners. Click the link below to hear what Fastcompany's board of executives has to say about strengthening brand identity and reputation!

July LnL Reminder (1)
We hope to see you tomorrow for our discussion on Embracing a Coaching Mindset! Leaders who are perceived to be great coaches have team that produce 30-50% greater results, and experience up to 40% lower turnover. JOIN US tomorrow at 12pm EDT for a free 30 minute discussion on how you can embrace a coaching mindset. Register at the link below: And download the free resource below!

Coaching Mindset detailed video
Embrace the power of a Coaching Mindset to unlock potential, accelerate learning, and empower individuals, ultimately gaining a competitive edge. Coaching cultivates happiness, engagement, and organizational success by transforming workplace culture and driving performance. Join us and experience the difference for yourself: teams led by great coaches achieve 30-50% greater results and enjoy up to 40% lower turnover rates. Register now for our free 30 - Minute Lunch & Learn on Embracing a Coaching mindset, 7/27 at 12 PM EST! #businesspsychologist #leadershiptraining #mindbodyhealth #leadershipcoaching #businesscoaching #leadershipdevelopment #leadershipgrowth #howtobealeader #businessleader #mentalhealthmatters #energyfocus #aimleadership

AIM Social Embracing a Coaching Mindset (Facebook Video) (1)
We are at our best when we feel engaged, focused, and able to tackle challenges. Coaching shifts your focus from managing people to developing your team’s capacity to be self-motivated. Coaching can accelerate your own performance and that of your team. Coaching is essential to driving engagement. Let AIM Leadership help bring coaching into your organization to realize your team’s full potential and amplify your impact. Reach out today!

July LnL Promo
A coaching mindset accelerates learning, empowers individuals, and gives leaders a competitive edge. It fosters engagement, efficiency, and organizational success. Engage your team and drive results by discovering the difference coaching makes: 30-50% greater team productivity and up to 40% lower turnover. Click the link below to sign up for our free 30-minute Lunch & Learn on July 27, 12 EST to learn how to Embrace a Coaching Mindset!

AIM Trust
Trust in business is on the rise, presenting new opportunities for leaders. As trust in other institutions declines, businesses are being seen as competent and trustworthy. This shift calls for leaders to forge trusting relationships with employees, clients, and stakeholders, creating a positive ripple effect for years to come. Trust supports retention and builds brand loyalty, offering a chance to build better workplaces and make a meaningful impact on society. It's time for leaders to embrace their role in shaping a better future. Follow us to learn more about developing a coaching mindset and up-leveling your leadership!

AIM Coaching Mindset
Leaders that are considered great coaches yield high-performing teams with lower turnover rates. Coaching focuses on building relationships, challenging individuals, and achieving different outcomes, enhancing capabilities and confidence. Unlike counseling or mentoring, coaching empowers individuals to address their own challenges. Adopting a coaching approach enables leaders to develop their team's capacity, drive engagement, and achieve improved performance. To learn more about the coaching mindset, like this post and follow AIM Leadership!

AIM Time management video
Investing in your most valuable resources (time, energy, and attention) enhances your capacity and enables you to embrace new challenges, seize opportunities, navigate intricate information, and gain valuable perspectives. By working and leading smarter, you'll achieve unprecedented results. Elevate your performance and achieve greater impact with these tips on strategic time and bandwidth management! To learn more about these strategies, click the link below!

AIM Purpose Video
Discovering purpose, the driving force behind our actions, lies at the core of what we do. Coaches guide clients on a journey to uncover their motivations, values, and goals, unveiling their true purpose. Once identified, purpose becomes a guiding light, infusing life decisions with focus and energy. We are lucky to have CEO of AIM Leadership Camille Preston honored as a Wisdom Weaver alongside so many incredible leaders! Learn more about the significance of purpose and meet other Wisdom Weavers at the link below!

June LnL Join tomorrow Reel
Ready to escape the perpetual cycle of burnout and exhaustion? Say goodbye to the culture of urgency and reclaim your energy and well-being. Join us for our upcoming lunch and learn session, where we'll unveil invaluable insights on staying ahead of the wave and breaking free from urgency's grip. Unlock practical strategies to regain control, master prioritization, and create a harmonious, fulfilling life. Don't miss out on this chance to thrive! Click the link below to reserve a spot in this month's Lunch and Learn on the Culture of Urgency!