AIM Leadership

More Focus. More Effective. More Fulfilled. AIM Leadership accelerates business results by imp


Join us today at Noon ET!

We will be going over what AIM Leadership Deep Dive Program offers you, and your team. We have an open-enrollment starting in September.

This is great for executive leaders who are ready to up-level their leadership - learning key concepts with actionable tools that to implement right away.

In this program, you'll broaden your network and learn alongside peers in a supportive environment designed to help you build these new skills. It’s not just about learning new strategies; it’s about putting them into practice!

Join us here:


When you are in the thick of it…

You might think you’re just tired, pushing through a rough patch, or that things will get better after one more big push… I have listened as many clients say this- they are just waiting for this one project to be complete...

But burnout often creeps up slowly, making it difficult to recognize until it’s too late.

This is because burnout isn't just a product of poor time management or lack of effort; it’s often the result of sustained exposure to stressors that outpace your ability to recover.

The pressure to perform, meet expectations, and keep up with the demands of modern life can push anyone beyond their limits, no matter how prepared or mindful they are.

→ Check-in with Your Body Regularly
→ Evaluate Your Emotional State
→ Set Boundaries and Prioritize Recovery

Remember, acknowledging the signs is not a sign of weakness—it's a step toward preserving your energy and reclaiming your vitality. How are you mitigating burnout?


New routines can offer a fresh perspective and the opportunity to think differently. Now is the perfect time to take advantage of this powerful reset. AIM’s open-enrollment Deep Dive program is here!

To learn more join us Thursday, August 29th at Noon ET.


Feeling as if you are doing everything, yet nothing seems to change?

Despite your best efforts, the constant demands and challenges of leadership may leave you feeling stuck and unable to make meaningful progress.

Without a roadmap forward, it’s easy to feel isolated in your position, lacking the thought partnership needed to navigate the dynamic landscape of executive leadership.

Through tailored one-on-one executive coaching, you'll gain the skills needed to overcome obstacles and drive meaningful progress.

We help you clarify your priorities, identify microshifts for consistent momentum, and empower you with the tools and strategies to handle any situation with confidence.

Interested to learn more? Connect with us today.

18 steps to increase your employees' creative health 08/22/2024

Creative flow happens when we understand how we and our team best operate within it.

Clarify deliverables and then empower individuals to leverage these insights, optimize their workspace schedule, and then see what they create. Great to collaborate on this article.

18 steps to increase your employees' creative health Is your team in a safe space to collaborate and share? Is your team in a safe space to collaborate and share?


Savor the summer by finding those little moments that bring joy—like time together in nature...

Embrace the warmth of connection, making memories that will last long after the season fades.

What brings you joy as the summer comes to an end?


These could be quietly eroding your team’s productivity and morale—

Trust and communication.

When trust is lacking, collaboration falters, and team dynamics start to unravel. The very foundation that holds your team together begins to weaken.

Without clear and open communication, misunderstandings multiply, decisions get delayed, and confusion spreads. The result is a team that struggles to move forward, bogged down by issues that could have been avoided.

Our Deep Dive program is specifically designed to address the underlying causes of challenges within teams. At AIM Leadership, we know that the right shifts at the right time can remove blockages and unlock clarity, alignment, and focus.
How do you build trust within your team?


This is my ideal creativity zone. Sitting with my computer, overlooking the water, watching the morning sunrise….

I am soaking in what it means to be still in nature, surrounded by love and loved ones.

May you find your creative spot that nurtures your soul and brings out the best inside of you.

Where is your go-to place?


Make things easier on yourself.

One microshift. That’s all. That’s it. One.

We often underestimate the power of microshifts—those small, intentional adjustments that can drive outsized impact. We tend to think that meaningful change requires big, sweeping efforts and long timeframes.

But by the second week, we often find ourselves stalled, overwhelmed by the enormity of the change.

Instead, consider the power of microshifts. Dedicate just 10 minutes of focused energy to one specific area of your life.

These small, consistent efforts can create significant momentum over time. As you build this habit, gradually increase your investment—perhaps by adding an extra 5 minutes in subsequent sessions.

Where can you make a microshift today?


Delegation - it's a concept that carries both promise and challenge.

While the notion seems straightforward—assigning tasks to others to lighten the workload—the reality is often far more nuanced.

One of the primary challenges you face when it comes to delegation is TRUST.

Doubts flood your mind... and it’s easy to spiral into thinking,→ → “I’ll just do this myself.”

Start by asking yourself:
→ Are you providing clear instructions, outlining expectations, and setting realistic deadlines?
→ Are there any past experiences or biases influencing your approach?
→ Are there opportunities for training, mentorship, or professional development?

At AIM leadership, we know the right shifts at the right time unlock clarity, alignment, and focus. Connect with us today to learn more about how we can help your team.

17 steps to align biz marketing strategies with company core values 08/08/2024

It can be easy to get lost in "what needs to happen" within marketing instead of leading from your core values.

Marketing can be one of the most challenging aspects for any business. Stay focused on what your client needs and come back to review your values often. As always, great to collaborate with other great minds on this article.

17 steps to align biz marketing strategies with company core values Employee buy-in is key to delivering the right message to current and potential customers. Employee buy-in is key to delivering the right message to current and potential customers.


Achieving cohesive, high-performing teams is more critical than ever. We are seeing the need every day.

From the unexpected changes in business to massive burnout- leaders need support. We know firsthand how the right coaching and tools can transform lives.

Apply to join our proven, focused peer group where you'll create a compelling plan for what you want and how to achieve it.

Who Should Join:
Executives and senior leaders looking to elevate their leadership abilities.
Leaders committed to growth.
Individuals seeking to expand their network with like-minded professionals.
Those ready to embrace change and drive innovation within their organizations.

Apply to join our next open-enrollment Deep Dive here.


Always putting out fires at work? Struggling to find the time for strategic planning and big-picture thinking? This constant state of urgency can leave you exhausted and unable to focus on long-term goals.

With AIM Leadership, learn how to handle daily demands effectively without slipping into crisis mode. We will equip you with a comprehensive set of tools and strategies.

Learn how to better manage your workload, delegate tasks to the right people, and maintain a clear vision for your team.

Curious to learn more? Connect with AIM Leadership today.


Throughout my career journey, I've learned that authentic leadership isn't about adopting a rigid persona but rather embracing one's unique qualities and connecting with others on a personal level.

By being approachable and genuinely interested in the well-being of others, we can inspire them to excel and grow. Whether it's lending an empathetic ear during tough times or celebrating their successes, fostering genuine connections is key to creating a supportive and inclusive workplace environment.

How are you embracing authenticity at work?


Have you ever wondered what sets exceptional leaders apart? One key factor is their ability to build strong rapport with their teams.

Rapport significantly enhances leadership effectiveness and creates a thriving organizational culture.

Rapport is more than just an emotional alignment; it makes people feel seen, heard, and valued. When leaders build rapport, they create an environment where team members are more engaged, communicative, and collaborative.

This not only improves efficiency but also brings more joy to daily interactions. What's one microshift you could make today to build better rapport?

Context Matters: A Powerful Question That Helps Us Better Serve Others 07/26/2024

Asking the right questions can be powerful. By asking, we create a deep pause.

We slow down to better understand and it demonstrates our curiosity, our intention to serve, and our desire to meet them where they are. Read further to learn how context matters while in conversations

Context Matters: A Powerful Question That Helps Us Better Serve Others Discover the power of one transformative question that can deepen connections, foster empathy, and enhance understanding in all your relationships.

Beyond urgency riding the wave: A metaphor for executive leadership 07/24/2024

Ever wonder why some organizations seem to thrive almost effortlessly while others are in a perpetual state of crisis management, struggling to survive?

The answer lies in their respective workplace cultures and leadership styles.
I would love to hear your takeaways.

Fast Company

Beyond urgency riding the wave: A metaphor for executive leadership Organizational culture plays a pivotal role in determining success or failure.


Is your corporate team grappling with communication breakdowns, ineffective delegation, or a lack of trust? These issues can hinder productivity, morale, and overall success, making it challenging to achieve your organization's goals.

Addressing these challenges is essential to fostering a thriving, collaborative, and efficient work environment.

Our interactive training sessions, available both in-person and virtually, are designed to tackle these problems head-on.

Tailored to meet your team’s specific needs, our workshops provide practical strategies that can be implemented immediately to foster a more cohesive and effective team.

Empower your leadership to navigate complexities and drive success within your organization.

Connect with us today.


It’s easy to become disconnected from the work you once loved.

You’re juggling multiple projects, dealing with competing demands, and receiving mixed messages from your team.

Constant pressure can leave you second-guessing decisions and questioning your capabilities. It shouldn’t feel this way.

With the right support in place, you can build the habits needed to drive results.

At AIM Leadership, we understand the complexities you face. Many high achievers encounter obstacles that prevent them from reaching their full potential.

With over 20 years of executive coaching experience, we’ve identified recurring patterns that stall progress. Our approach combines the latest brain science with practical strategies to enhance your leadership skills.

Connect with AIM Leadership today to learn how we can serve you.


Balancing in-person and remote interactions requires a new level of agility and intentionality.

When we engage with colleagues across different platforms, the lack of physical presence can lead to misunderstandings and a sense of disconnection.

However, by focusing on building rapport, we can overcome these challenges and create a more cohesive and collaborative team.

Why rapport matters even more now:
In-person interactions offer more data through nonverbal cues and shared physical context, making it easier to build rapport.

Remote interactions require greater effort and attention to pick up on subtleties and maintain connections.

Hybrid environments demand flexibility and the ability to toggle between different forms of communication.

To thrive we need to be more intentional in our interactions. How are you building rapport within your teams?


Imagine a life where every challenge, every discomfort, becomes a stepping stone towards your growth.

Tension, often seen as a source of stress, can be a powerful catalyst for personal and professional development.

In a world overflowing with stimuli, distractions, and opportunities, mastering the art of being present with tension is more crucial than ever.

Microshifts in how we approach discomfort can lead to significant changes in our ability to navigate complexity and uncertainty.

As a leader, you have an opportunity to create an environment that encourages growth and innovation.

Join us TODAY at Noon ET as we discuss How Tension Creates Consciousness.


Tension is simply dis-ease, the feeling of discomfort when faced with the unfamiliar, the challenging, or the uncertain.

It comes in various forms and is experienced differently by everyone—through our thoughts, emotions, bodies, and intuitions. Tension arises when we step out of our comfort zones, confront incongruences between our values and actions, or when results don’t meet our expectations.

The real magic happens when we learn to be present with this tension. Instead of resisting, we can harness it to propel us forward.

By staying present, open, and centered in the face of discomfort, we unlock new opportunities for learning and growth.

This conscious engagement with tension not only fosters personal awareness but also creates a continuous cycle of development.

Join us Tomorrow, July 18th at Noon ET as we discuss How Tension Creates Consciousness.


Have you ever wondered why some people seem to navigate life’s challenges with ease and grace, while others struggle?

The difference often lies in their level of consciousness. Consciousness, in its simplest form, is about bringing awareness to every aspect of our lives—knowing, seeing, and doing with intention.

By learning to sit still and be present with our discomfort, we can unlock profound insights and new ways of thinking.

This process allows us to unhook from old stories and assumptions, seeing our experiences with fresh eyes and gaining new perspectives.

Join us this Thursday, July 18th at Noon ET as we discuss how Tension Creates Consciousness.

Microshifts Matter: How This One Shift Transforms Meetings 07/11/2024

Microshifts Matter: How This One Shift Transforms Meetings

Key Takeaways:
Ensure more focused, purpose-driven discussions, reducing time spent in unproductive meetings.

Keep meetings on track, maximizing engagement and clarity for all participants.

The ripple effect creates a culture prioritizing efficiency, well-being, and collaboration.

Read more:

Microshifts Matter: How This One Shift Transforms Meetings Are meetings consuming too much of your time? Learn how a simple microshift can boost productivity and transform your work environment.

Camps, resilience, and what we can learn from our kids 07/11/2024

As you go to pick up your kids from camp, here is something to consider...
Also, may this remind us all to thank our camp counselors :)

Camps, resilience, and what we can learn from our kids The sprint into summer can feel intense. First, there's the weekly "camp calendar Tetris" – getting the right kids to the right camp at the right time, with the right gear and the right forms.


Being present with tension means observing it with curiosity, rather than judgment.

It involves small, manageable actions that reduce anxiety and create a sense of control. By naming and acknowledging our tension, we can interrupt its hold on us. Techniques like box breathing can help us stay centered and calm amid stress.

Consciousness, on the other hand, involves a deep awareness of our experiences and surroundings.

It’s about unhooking from old patterns, seeing with fresh eyes, and creating new meanings. By fostering consciousness, we can respond to life’s challenges with resilience and grace, rather than reacting out of habit.

Join us for our Lunch and Learn on July 18th at Noon ET as we discuss How Tension Creates Consciousness.

Tension Creates Consciousness and Consciousness Creates Tension 07/09/2024

Just as pearls form from grit and diamonds emerge under immense pressure, our greatest growth often happens during times of tension and discomfort.

By learning to sit with the discomfort of not knowing and staying curious we can gather valuable data about ourselves and the world around us.

Read more: Tension Creates Consciousness and Consciousness Creates Tension:

Tension Creates Consciousness and Consciousness Creates Tension Psychology is vital to business and leadership. Thought-provoking ideas, practical tips, and resources, 20+ yrs of wisdom, distilled into accessible microshifts.

Microshifts Matter: How This One Shift Transforms Meetings 07/08/2024

The ripple effect of this microshift extended beyond efficiency; it signaled a cultural shift towards prioritizing effectiveness and well-being in the workplace.

Read further to learn how this one shift can make an exponential impact on your organization.

Microshifts Matter: How This One Shift Transforms Meetings

Microshifts Matter: How This One Shift Transforms Meetings Are meetings consuming too much of your time? Learn how a simple microshift can boost productivity and transform your work environment.


Feeling as if you are doing everything, yet nothing seems to change?

Despite your best efforts, the constant demands and challenges of leadership may leave you feeling stuck and unable to make meaningful progress.

If this resonates with you, it's time to consider a new approach.

Without a roadmap forward, it’s easy to feel isolated in your position, lacking the thought partnership needed to navigate the dynamic landscape of executive leadership.

Through tailored one-on-one executive coaching, you'll gain the skills needed to overcome obstacles and drive meaningful progress.

We help you clarify your priorities, identify Microshifts for consistent momentum, and empower you with the tools and strategies to handle any situation with confidence.

Interested to learn more? Connect with us today.

Flying at the Right Altitude: Adapting to Different Altitudes for Leadership Success 07/05/2024

As an executive leader, it’s easy to feel as if you are constantly firefighting instead of focusing on strategic initiatives.

Understanding and mastering your operational "altitude" can transform everything. Knowing when to zoom out for a broader, strategic perspective and when to dive into the details can significantly enhance your effectiveness as a leader.

Operating at the right altitude allows you to anticipate challenges, allocate resources more efficiently, and maintain a clear vision while also ensuring that essential tasks are executed properly.

This balanced approach not only helps in resolving immediate issues but also in fostering a proactive and resilient team.

How has changing your perspective helped you recently?

Flying at the Right Altitude: Adapting to Different Altitudes for Leadership Success Unlock Your Leadership Potential with AIM Leadership's Exclusive Resources: advantage of more Executive Leadership R...

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