Healthy Skin Spa

I am a skincare professional licensed by the Ohio State Board of Cosmetology since 2009. My approach is gentle, yet effective skin care.


INDIGO Vibrational Color + Gemstone Mist

INDIGO: Brings clairvoyance and psychic perceptions to help heighten our intuition. A lover of structure and order, indigo is a pioneering personality. It is said to be the strongest pain killer in the spectrum and soothes inflammation or swelling. Helps to sedate you and get your body ready for restful sleep. Good for contemplation, meditation, and visualization. Disperses bottled emotions and helps with mental agitation. Good color for issues, with the ear, eye and sinus. Companion of all spiritual pursuits. This color connects with our third eye chakra and our ability to see and envision our future. If out of balance it can indicate a sense of blind devotion, and a belief in anything we are told, in-balance it speaks to our self-mastery.

LAPIS LAZULI GEM ESSENCE: Promotes inner peace, calm and clears negative thoughts. Opens one’s third eye and helps facilitate access to our intuition. Great meditation companion and can help us recover past life memories and access our inner divinity.

The water in this spray is structured with 852hz which promotes inner strength, and helps awaken our intuition, creating a spiritual order, and enhancing our cellular health. A renowned German expert in Physics, Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig, proved that water could store frequency information. “All life processes are directly or indirectly connected with water; therefore, it entitles water to have a very high priority and positioning in the environmental situation,” according to Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig. Water molecules are constantly vibrating and inside the water molecule, the atoms contain a charge that emits electromagnetic signals to produce wide range frequencies. Sound travels 5 times faster in water than that of air which is why we have seen the phenomenal ability animals have to communicate under water and send messages from long ranges. There are many experts studying water memory phenomenon and experiments were also performed by Nobel Prize winner Professor Montagnier with his experiment proving water memory through DNA teleportation of HIV patients as well as other studies of emotions by Dr. Masaru Emoto. Water is a holographic mirror and utilizing the power of the solfeggio healing frequencies helps transfer the vibrational phenomena into water enhancing the power of this aura spray and the frequency around you.

INGREDIENTS: Water, juniper berry infused distilled grain alcohol, food grade colorant, indigo color essence, 852hz structured frequency, lapis lazuli gem essence and various essential oils.




VIOLET Vibrational Color + Gemstone Mist

This mist is to be used in assistance of visual color healing and meditation. The labels are made as a visual guide to help assist in bringing the color in though the eyes, and to help with color breathing, light therapy, working with the chakras or crystal healing. To emphasize this color you can, eat foods that are violet, bathing in this color, drinking solar charged water from a colored bottle or filter, wearing tinted glasses or clothing, gemstones, candles, or Jazz music which is said to be associated with Violet as well as the sound “OM.”

Violet corresponds to our crown chakra, and with the musical note, B. Violet is for highly evolved souls and isn’t commonly seen in the aura. It is an excellent meditation companion and induces sleep. It is said to help with headache relief, and also helps suppress our appetite (as well as blue). It is helpful to work on our clairvoyant and psychic abilities, dreamwork our counteracting curses or dark magic. It soothes emotional and mental stress and slows the heart rate. It improves the memory, and helps you connect to your spirit guides. It helps stimulate the immune system and accelerate the body’s natural healing abilities. This also directly connects with our crown chakra and ability to channel in our higher self. When out of balance, we can tend towards megalomania or bossiness, or be stuck in our past for fear of moving forward. Other indications can be insomnia, fogginess, headaches, and general disconnectedness.

AMETHYST GEM ESSENCE: Amethyst is protective, it is said to help curb addictions, and bring the body back to a tranquil state when over exerted. It helps us tap into our spiritual awareness, dreams and It opens our intuition. It also helps calm rage or heavy emotions and dealing with grief or loss. Excellent meditation companion to cleanse the aura for healing.

The water in this spray is structured with 963hz which is called reconnecting to the light source, and helps raise our vibration, promote positive energy, and awaken intuition and oneness. A renowned German expert in Physics, Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig, proved that water could store frequency information. “All life processes are directly or indirectly connected with water; therefore, it entitles water to have a very high priority and positioning in the environmental situation,” according to Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig. Water molecules are constantly vibrating and inside the water molecule, the atoms contain a charge that emits electromagnetic signals to produce wide range frequencies. Sound travels 5 times faster in water than that of air which is why we have seen the phenomenal ability animals have to communicate under water and send messages from long ranges. There are many experts studying water memory phenomenon and experiments were also performed by Nobel Prize winner Professor Montagnier with his experiment proving water memory through DNA teleportation of HIV patients as well as other studies of emotions by Dr. Masaru Emoto. Water is a holographic mirror and utilizing the power of the solfeggio healing frequencies helps transfer the vibrational phenomena into water enhancing the power of this aura spray and the frequency around you.

INGREDIENTS: Water, lavender and clove infused distilled grain alcohol, food grade colorant, violet color essence, 963hz structured frequency, amethyst gem essence, and various essential oils.




Blue Vibrational Color + Gemstone Mist

Sunlight is composed of energies transmitted in the form of electromagnetic waves or vibrational energies most of which cannot be seen by the naked eye, those which are visible on the spectrum are the colors we see from red to violet, and beyond that are the infrared and ultraviolet. Our eyes are the mirror to our emotional and physical well-being and are an extension of our brain which reflects our moods, emotions, and visions of the world. This mist is to be used in the assistance of visual color healing and meditation. The labels are made as a visual guide to help assist in bringing the color in through the eyes, and to help with color breathing, light therapy, working with the chakras or crystal healing.

BLUE is associated with the throat chakra, and is said to be a color of positive inspiration in the aura. Blue is all about how we express ourselves though speech and communication. It is tranquil and non-threatening. It is said to lower blood pressure and is cooling to the body as well as lowering fevers. It can calm arguments and bring pain relief. It is good for those with insomnia to help bring sleep and those who are exploring dreamwork and astral projection. It is said to be the door to the other side, and can help connect us to our spirit guides. It can help a sore throat, or stiff neck and it is associated with the thyroid. Emotionally blue is somewhat detached. It helps calm us, and let our energy flow. If out of balance, there is a tendency to overly caretake others to avoid facing yourself. There can also be indications of the throat, jaw, teeth or ears if out of balance.

ANGELITE: Assists us in receiving spiritual guidance and our channeling and intuitive powers. This stone is most known to connect you to your spirit guides and angel guardians. It is very gentle and helps us communicate our intuitive feelings without second guessing ourselves. It provides light and guidance to our emotions when we have lost our way. It is also said to regulate the appetite.

The water in this spray is structured with 741hz which promotes self-expression, and helps with problem solving as well as removing toxins and cleaning cells of radiation. A renowned German expert in Physics, Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig, proved that water could store frequency information. “All life processes are directly or indirectly connected with water; therefore, it entitles water to have a very high priority and positioning in the environmental situation,” according to Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig. Water molecules are constantly vibrating and inside the water molecule, the atoms contain a charge that emits electromagnetic signals to produce wide range frequencies. Sound travels 5 times faster in water than that of air which is why we have seen the phenomenal ability animals have to communicate under water and send messages from long ranges. There are many experts studying water memory phenomenon and experiments were also performed by Nobel Prize winner Professor Montagnier with his experiment proving water memory through DNA teleportation of HIV patients as well as other studies of emotions by Dr. Masaru Emoto. Water is a holographic mirror and utilizing the power of the solfeggio healing frequencies helps transfer the vibrational phenomena into water enhancing the power of this aura spray and the frequency around you.

INGREDIENTS: Water, frankincense infused distilled grain alcohol, food grade colorant, blue color essence, water structured at 741hz frequency, Angelite gem essence, & various essential oils.




MAGENTA Vibrational Color + Gemstone Mist

This mist is to be used in assistance of visual color healing and meditation. The labels are made as a visual guide to help assist in bringing the color in though the eyes, and to help with color breathing, light therapy, working with the chakras or crystal healing. To emphasize this color you can, eat foods that are magenta, bathing in this color, drinking solar charged water from a colored bottle or filter, wearing tinted glasses or clothing, gemstones, candles, make a color altar, eye mask, pillowcase or meditate while staring at this color.

MAGENTA enhance our natural magnetism and attractiveness. It helps soothe our emotions and keep them balanced. It is said to help level our blood pressure and is a very balancing color similar to green which is its compliment. It stimulates the adrenals, kidneys and heart and circulatory system. Magenta is driven, and non-conforming, as it speeds up our desires and attractive powers. It aligns the mind and body and helps us towards pursuit of our goals and chosen path. It represents our superconsciousness and deep inner knowing. This is the ultimate free spirited, self-love color! It is directly connected to our Soul Star Chakra, which is the seat of our akashic records which is every memory, thought, or experience and helps us align to our soul path. Out of balance, can be indicated by jealously, meekness, conformity, not speaking up, and lacking self-confidence.

SELENITE GEM ESSENCE: Selenite is also linked to our soul star chakra which is typically magenta. It helps activated our third eye and communication with our higher self and guides. Selenite has the power to clear our auric field and energy so that we do not stand in our own way. Enhancing our ability to move forward on our path with vigor and confidence. Connecting us to our true spirit and divine direction.

The water in this spray is structured with 963hz which is called reconnecting to the light source, and helps raise our vibration, promote positive energy, and awaken intuition and oneness. A renowned German expert in Physics, Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig, proved that water could store frequency information. “All life processes are directly or indirectly connected with water; therefore, it entitles water to have a very high priority and positioning in the environmental situation,” according to Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig. Water molecules are constantly vibrating and inside the water molecule, the atoms contain a charge that emits electromagnetic signals to produce wide range frequencies. Sound travels 5 times faster in water than that of air which is why we have seen the phenomenal ability animals have to communicate under water and send messages from long ranges. There are many experts studying water memory phenomenon and experiments were also performed by Nobel Prize winner Professor Montagnier with his experiment proving water memory through DNA teleportation of HIV patients as well as other studies of emotions by Dr. Masaru Emoto. Water is a holographic mirror and utilizing the power of the solfeggio healing frequencies helps transfer the vibrational phenomena into water enhancing the power of this aura spray and the frequency around you.

Ingredients: lime peel infused distilled grain alcohol, water, food grade colorant, magenta color essence, 963h structured frequency, selenite gem essence, & various essential oils.



PINK Vibrational Color + Gemstone Mist

This mist is to be used in assistance of visual color healing and meditation. The labels are made as a visual guide to help assist in bringing the color in though the eyes, and to help with color breathing, light therapy, working with the chakras or crystal healing. To emphasize this color you can, eat foods that are pink, bathing in this color, drinking solar charged water from a colored bottle or filter, wearing tinted glasses or clothing, gemstones, candles, make a color altar, eye mask, pillow case or mediate while staring at the color pink.

PINK is actually used in some prisons as a uniform color to calm aggressive outbursts and emotions. It is nurturing and tender like the warmth of a mother. It is also the true color of love and attractiveness as it promotes youthfulness. It helps us build our self-esteem and our connection to universal all-lovingness and unconditional love. It gives us a fondness for living and a sense of euphoria of childhood. It can also help open us up to new love/ partnership and trust in the universe. It helps with sadness and depression and promotes human connection. Pink boosts the lymph and hormonal systems and soothes skin conditions. It is also directly connected with our heart seed or thymus chakra also known as the high heart which it shares with turquoise. This placement is said to be where the soul enters and leaves the body. The thymus is also where we build up T-Cells and our immunity. Often sickness or autoimmune issues can indicate an imbalance and the body attacking and betraying itself which can be linked to grief or sadness and not tending to our own needs and care. Pink can also be a great color for beautifying rituals and helping promote self-confidence.

The water in this spray is structured with 432hz which helps lower anxieties and heart rate, it is the frequency of nature consciousness and helps us remove blockages in our energy field as well as promoting calm and relaxation. A renowned German expert in Physics, Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig, proved that water could store frequency information. “All life processes are directly or indirectly connected with water; therefore, it entitles water to have a very high priority and positioning in the environmental situation,” according to Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig. Water molecules are constantly vibrating and inside the water molecule, the atoms contain a charge that emits electromagnetic signals to produce wide range frequencies. Sound travels 5 times faster in water than that of air which is why we have seen the phenomenal ability animals have to communicate under water and send messages from long ranges. There are many experts studying water memory phenomenon and experiments were also performed by Nobel Prize winner Professor Montagnier with his experiment proving water memory through DNA teleportation of HIV patients as well as other studies of emotions by Dr. Masaru Emoto. Water is a holographic mirror and utilizing the power of the solfeggio healing frequencies helps transfer the vibrational phenomena into water enhancing the power of this aura spray and the frequency around you.

ROSE QUARTZ GEM ESSENCE will help attract harmonious relationships. It will boost the heart chakra and allow you to feel and express your feelings as the pink chakra is located at the thymus between the heart and throat which I think of as connecting the two. Enhances love of all kinds for self, lover and neighbor alike to bring harmony in our relationships.

Ingredients: Water, rose petal infused distilled grain alcohol, food grade colorant, rose quartz gem essence, pink color essence water, water structured with 432hz & various essential oils.



ORANGE Vibrational Color + Gemstone Mist

This mist is to be used in assistance of visual color healing and meditation. The labels are made as a visual guide to help assist in bringing the color in though the eyes, and to help with color breathing, light therapy, working with the chakras or crystal healing. To emphasize this color you can, eat foods that are orange, bathing in this color, drinking solar charged water from a colored bottle or filter, wearing tinted glasses or clothing, gemstones, candles, or the sound of a harp or the music note D

ORANGE: is the color of happiness, and creative energy. It helps drive success in our lives and brings a sense of joy. It is the color of good luck. It is a great color for feminine energy as it is uplifting, boosting our self-esteem while it also can help produce the flow of mothers milk while also soothing menstrual cramps. Orange is also said to help the respiratory system for congestion in the lungs or to help kick a cold. Aids those with writers block and can help bring whims of inspiration and inspires creative thinking. Those with grief or depression will find orange to be a helpful companion as it helps give us purpose and cheer the spirit. It is said to help the body detox heavy metals can activate and eliminate localized fat. Helps the mind refocus and inspires new possibilities. It is also excellent color for those needing to take risks or be more social, as in drives us towards community and getting out there. This color is also connected with the sacral chakra which can be where we store emotional blockages or sexual trauma and uncried tears. It can be directly related to issues with partnership and trust as well as our self-worth. Digestive issues can also indicate imbalances here. (To learn more find my book)

ORANGE CALCITE GEM ESSENCE: Creativity and innovation, to help solve problems and remove blocked energy. Helps with emotional or sexual trauma healing around shame. Brings a sense of confidence and incites a playful demeanor. Warmth, circulation, digestion, metabolism, and lethargy. Helps with shyness or social phobias. Promotes action towards our goals and creative endeavors.

The water in this spray is structured with 417hz which helps with undoing, removing emotional blockages and healing emotional trauma to promote change and get out of negative patterns of thought. A renowned German expert in Physics, Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig, proved that water could store frequency information. “All life processes are directly or indirectly connected with water; therefore, it entitles water to have a very high priority and positioning in the environmental situation,” according to Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig. Water molecules are constantly vibrating and inside the water molecule, the atoms contain a charge that emits electromagnetic signals to produce wide range frequencies. Sound travels 5 times faster in water than that of air which is why we have seen the phenomenal ability animals have to communicate under water and send messages from long ranges. There are many experts studying water memory phenomenon and experiments were also performed by Nobel Prize winner Professor Montagnier with his experiment proving water memory through DNA teleportation of HIV patients as well as other studies of emotions by Dr. Masaru Emoto. Water is a holographic mirror and utilizing the power of the solfeggio healing frequencies helps transfer the vibrational phenomena into water enhancing the power of this aura spray and the frequency around you.

INGREDIENTS: Water, ginger infused distilled grain alcohol, orange color essence, food grade colorant, structured with 417hz frequency, Orange calcite gem essence and various essential oils.




YELLOW Vibrational Color + Gemstone Mist

This mist is to be used in assistance of visual color healing and meditation. The labels are made as a visual guide to help assist in bringing the color in though the eyes, and to help with color breathing, light therapy, working with the chakras or crystal healing. To emphasize this color you can, eat foods that are yellow, bathing in this color, drinking solar charged water from a colored bottle or filter, wearing tinted glasses or clothing, gemstones, candles, or the sound of wooden flute or the music note E

YELLOW: All things knowledge, learned, memory, mental, intellectual, speaking, writing. It helps open our mental faculties. With its connection to the stomach it is a digestive aid and diuretic as well as helping with nerve conditions and nerve pain. The stomach is also our psychic center or gut brain and helps us sort between knowledge and thought as well as our gut feelings, or intuition. It can help with depression or melancholy as well as psychic burnout. Excellent for writers, students and scholars. This helps us clear our mind to sort and process all the information we are bombarded by on our phones. It is the assimilation between judgement and clarity. This is also directly connected to the solar plexus chakra which is our power center for self-confidence, and our ability to digests life. if out of balance this can be indicated by addictive or repetitive behaviors or unhealthy gut microbiome which can lead to many health complications. The stomach is also associated with the mother.

The water in this spray is structured with 528hz which is a powerful frequency of miracles and DNA repair, it promotes a deep sense of transformation in our lives and releases stress to build a strong sense of self-confidence. A renowned German expert in Physics, Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig, proved that water could store frequency information. “All life processes are directly or indirectly connected with water; therefore, it entitles water to have a very high priority and positioning in the environmental situation,” according to Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig. Water molecules are constantly vibrating and inside the water molecule, the atoms contain a charge that emits electromagnetic signals to produce wide range frequencies. Sound travels 5 times faster in water than that of air which is why we have seen the phenomenal ability animals have to communicate under water and send messages from long ranges. There are many experts studying water memory phenomenon and experiments were also performed by Nobel Prize winner Professor Montagnier with his experiment proving water memory through DNA teleportation of HIV patients as well as other studies of emotions by Dr. Masaru Emoto. Water is a holographic mirror and utilizing the power of the solfeggio healing frequencies helps transfer the vibrational phenomena into water enhancing the power of this aura spray and the frequency around you.

CITRINE GEM ESSENCE: Excellent manifestation and creative stone, which also helps aid us in mental clarity. Boosts imagination and inner visions to help bring our will and creative powers into true form to actualize our dreams.

INGREDIENTS: Water, lemongrass and lemon peel distilled grain alcohol, yellow color essence water, structured 528hz frequency, Citrine gem essence and various essential oils.




GREEN Vibrational Color + Gemstone Mist

This mist is to be used in assistance of visual color healing and meditation. The labels are made as a visual guide to help assist in bringing the color in though the eyes, and to help with color breathing, light therapy, working with the chakras or crystal healing. To emphasize this color you can, eat foods that are green, bathing in this color, drinking solar charged water from a colored bottle or filter, wearing tinted glasses or clothing, gemstones, candles, or the sound of bells/ drums and the musical note F.

GREEN corresponds to the heart chakra and the musical note C. It is the neutral zone, or middle point in the spectrum and is known as the master healer. Green is all about space, as it simulates nature and helps with claustrophobia. Green walls can make a small room appear larger. It is a color of growth, birth, rebirth and transformation. It is a non domineering color in its neutral nature. It is an antiseptic color, and strengthens the nervous system, bringing about a sense of peace and rejuvenation. It helps us release past trauma for healing and stimulates growth. It heals the heart, and developing our relationships. Green helps with swelling and promotes the strengthening of bones. It is known to be the color of abundance and prosperity. Green is directly connected with the heart chakra and our ability to relate and connect with others. This can be where we shut down emotionally or don’t let people get close to us if out of balance. We also can be prone towards materialism or superficial relationships to avoid depth. It can also be indicated by a lack of joy or spontaneity.

AVENTURINE GEM ESSENCE: Excellent for combating life’s challenges and helpful with change in our lives. Gives us confidence to enter into new situations and the growth stages those changes bring. It is also known as a stone for good luck and can help enhance prosperity. Good manifestation stone. Also, helpful with heartache or emotions and is said to regulate the heart and circulatory system.

The water in this spray is structured with 639hz which promotes heart healing, relationships, reconnection, and enhancing tolerance, love and understanding. A renowned German expert in Physics, Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig, proved that water could store frequency information. “All life processes are directly or indirectly connected with water; therefore, it entitles water to have a very high priority and positioning in the environmental situation,” according to Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig. Water molecules are constantly vibrating and inside the water molecule, the atoms contain a charge that emits electromagnetic signals to produce wide range frequencies. Sound travels 5 times faster in water than that of air which is why we have seen the phenomenal ability animals have to communicate under water and send messages from long ranges. There are many experts studying water memory phenomenon and experiments were also performed by Nobel Prize winner Professor Montagnier with his experiment proving water memory through DNA teleportation of HIV patients as well as other studies of emotions by Dr. Masaru Emoto. Water is a holographic mirror and utilizing the power of the solfeggio healing frequencies helps transfer the vibrational phenomena into water enhancing the power of this aura spray and the frequency around you.

INGREDIENTS: Water, cedar distilled grain alcohol, green food grade colorant, green color essence, structured 639hz frequency water, Aventurine gem essence, and various essential oils.




TURQUOISE Vibrational Color + Gemstone Mist

✨This mist is to be used in assistance of visual color healing and meditation. The labels are made as a visual guide to help assist in bringing the color in though the eyes, and to help with color breathing, light therapy, working with the chakras or crystal healing. To emphasize this color you can, eat foods that are turquoise, bathing in this color, drinking solar charged water from a colored bottle or filter, wearing tinted glasses or clothing, gemstones, candles, or ocean waves and the musical note C #.

✨Turquoise is associated with the thymus chakra which it shares with pink, and is said to be a color of originality and owning your unique individual qualities. It is also a color of connectivity and our universal connection and oneness. It is cooling and is said to help nourish and repair our cells. It is calming and can soothe burns as well as help us cool down our body. It is also said to be a color that helps build the skin and repair our skin cells. Turquoise is all about invention and for those who feel they don’t belong, it is a color of self acceptance and peace to bring us into a unity consciousness of belonging and finding our place in the world. It is also very good at helping heighten our intuition and trust our instincts. Excellent for those working on elevating and growing spiritually. This is the energy of deep self-acceptance, awareness and belonging especially in matters of creation and expression. This is an excellent color for helping us express our emotions and can indicate a suppression of voice or standing up for yourself or your needs if out of balance.

✨CHORSYCHOLLA: Tranquil stone, helps us adapt to changing situations and circumstances with grace and calm. Reverses emotional programming and feelings into positive ones. Enhances earth energies and grounds while also enhancing our intuition. Helps with mental stress and working through phobias.

✨The water in this spray is structured with 639hz which promotes heart healing, relationships, reconnection, and enhancing tolerance, love and understanding. A renowned German expert in Physics, Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig, proved that water could store frequency information. “All life processes are directly or indirectly connected with water; therefore, it entitles water to have a very high priority and positioning in the environmental situation,” according to Dr. Wolfgang Ludwig. Water molecules are constantly vibrating and inside the water molecule, the atoms contain a charge that emits electromagnetic signals to produce wide range frequencies. Sound travels 5 times faster in water than that of air which is why we have seen the phenomenal ability animals have to communicate under water and send messages from long ranges. There are many experts studying water memory phenomenon and experiments were also performed by Nobel Prize winner Professor Montagnier with his experiment proving water memory through DNA teleportation of HIV patients as well as other studies of emotions by Dr. Masaru Emoto. Water is a holographic mirror and utilizing the power of the solfeggio healing frequencies helps transfer the vibrational phenomena into water enhancing the power of this aura spray and the frequency around you.

✨INGREDIENTS: Water, clary sage distilled grain alcohol, turquoise color essence, food grade colorant, 639hz structured frequency, Chrysocolla gem essence, & various essential oils.



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