Budo Zero Training

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New Look.
We are working on something that might actually turn you into a .
A good Ninjutsu student is always asking questions, not merely with his voice, but through experimentation.

Smart Ninjas ask great questions and take INTENTIONAL ACTION in order to deepen wisdom.


"The movements of ninpo are essentially not appealing to one’s vision. There always exist lots of movements that could not possibly be reproduced on video. It is not a matter of distance. No matter how close you are to your teacher when learning from him, no matter how many details he shows you, a great part of ninpo cannot be explained. Ninpo is indeed a deep art.” - Hatsumi

Hatsumi sensei reminds us of the complexity and depth of ninjutsu by emphasizing that the art form cannot be fully captured on video or explained in detail, even by a skilled teacher.

"Do you ever REALLY know a guy?"

This is worth study.

A person may observe you in action during everyday life, yet be unable to understand what you are up to unless he also knows your purpose or intentions.

Once intent is revealed, someone might know a lot about your situation and process even without seeing you.


Applied to

#1) Stand up straight with your shoulders back.

In Ninjutsu, Kamae or "stance" refers to the posture and body alignment essential for balance, power, and effective movement. Proper posture also cultivates a sense of confidence and presence.


One of the most important martial arts "secrets" of Ninjutsu is this:

Avoid being where your opponent can generate force against you.

Not only does this minimize the risk of injury by nullifying your opponents force, but it also puts you in an advantageous position to apply your own solution.

Mastering footwork, sensitivity, fundamental movement, doing a lot of reps and keeping a cool head are all crucial in achieving this.



Budo Zero Taijutsu Principles for Romance?

While these principles were developed for martial arts, they can also be applied to romantic relationships.

Keep in mind the presence of the hidden advantage: Always be aware of your partner's needs and desires, even if they don't express them explicitly. Surprise them with little gestures of love and appreciation.

Move so that your partner is incapable of generating force against you: Avoid power struggles and arguments. Listen to their point of view and try to find a common ground.

Cover their weapons: Anticipate potential sources of conflict, such as jealousy or insecurity, and address them before they become a problem.

Get your partner's back: Be supportive and encouraging. Help them overcome their fears and challenges.

Apply finishers from control, with minimal effort: Resolve conflicts in a peaceful and respectful way. Don't escalate the situation with unnecessary drama or aggression.


Ninjutsu emphasizes the importance of remaining calm under pressure, known as "heiki."

The kanji characters used to write "heiki" literally mean "calm mind". Having a calm mind is essential to deal with problems effectively.

The key is to remain calm and focused, even if the situation is uncomfortable or dangerous.

The character "平" means "calm" or "flat," while "気" means "mind" or "spirit." Together, they represent the idea of having a peaceful mind. It's interesting to note that in Japan, people use "heiki" to mean "okay" or "no problem," which emphasizes the importance of maintaining a calm and positive attitude in any situation.


Embarking on the journey of Ninjutsu is not just about mastering physical techniques, it's about discovering and fulfilling your potential. As the great Joseph Campbell said, 'Questing for [fulfillment] is not an ego trip; it is an adventure to bring into fulfillment your gift to the world, which is yourself.' In training with the right spirit, you are not just learning how to fight, you are discovering your personal myth and becoming a signal to others of what is possible. "


Shin Shin Shingan.the "Mind and Eyes of God"

It's a concept that emphasizes the importance of cultivating a clear and focused mind in order to perceive and respond to your surroundings with greater awareness and effectiveness. 'Shin' means heart, 'shin' also means truth or reality.

Shin also represents the internal aspect of a principle, the "heart of the matter."

Ninjutsu teaches that calming the mind, clearing away distractions, and focusing on the present moment takes practice, but its worth it.

To attain the "mind and eyes of God" means to let go of what we want to see, and be open to truth or reality, where you can have direct knowledge of the reality of the world you are in. A ninja works towards the manifestation of his will and spirit through physical movements, lead by this realization.

'Shin shin shingan' can be applied in many areas of life, whether it's martial arts, sports, or simply navigating everyday situations.

By cultivating a clear and focused mind, we can develop a heightened awareness of our surroundings and be better at enjoying life.


Kata is just the beginning 🥋 Remember, it's the application of these movements in combat that truly sets a martial artist apart. Master Motobu Choki, founder of Motobu-ryū Karate, reminds us to not overlook the importance of training for practical use. This is applicable to all arts that use kata.

"We must be careful not to overlook the fact that kata, and the body positions that comprise them, are just templates of a sort; it is their application in combat which needs to be mastered." -Motobu

By continuing to refine our technique, we can bring our kata to life in the dojo and beyond. 💪


Budo and Ninpo: Illiad and Odyssey

While both are Japanese warrior traditions, they have different philosophies and objectives that set them apart from each other in certain ways.

Budo is the path of mastering martial arts as a means of overcoming an opponent, while Ninpo is the principle of survival through stealth, deception, and adaptability. One seeks to overcome evil through defeating it, while the other seeks to become immune to evil's effects on both body and mind.

In Western philosophy and history, these concepts can be seen in the works of Homer. The Illiad is considered to be the embodiment of Budo, as it is a story of warriors and their quests for glory, victory, and honor. The epic poem revolves around Achilles, a great warrior who is driven by his desire for fame and prestige, and his quest to defeat Hector.

In this story, we see the principles of Budo at work, as Achilles uses his martial prowess to overcome his enemies and establish himself as the greatest warrior of all time.

The Odyssey can likewise be seen as a reflection of Ninpo, as it is a story of a hero's journey, his trials, and tribulations, and his ultimate triumph over adversity. Odysseus, is a cunning and resourceful hero who uses his wit and cunning to survive in a world filled with danger. He must outsmart his enemies and overcome obstacles to reach his goal, demonstrating the principles of Ninpo through his ability to adapt, endure, and overcome.

In the history of Japan, the principles of Budo and Ninpo have been applied in various ways. For example, in the Sengoku period of Japanese history, the bushi who would later become the samurai warriors. They were guided by the principles of what would one day become Budo, as they sought to establish their dominance through martial prowess.

These warriors were known for their skill in the art of sword fighting and for their bravery in battle. On the other hand, the ninja, who were often viewed as the operating outside of convention, used the principles of Ninpo to survive and thrive in a world made dangerous by powerful rivals. The ninja were known for their stealth, deception, and adaptability, and were often hired to perform missions that required these skills.

Budo and Ninpo are deeply rooted in the traditions of Japanese martial arts and philosophy, and they continue to be relevant and inspiring to this day. Whether we look to the epic poems of Homer or to the historical examples of samurai and ninja, we can see the principles of Budo and Ninpo at work, inspiring us to strive for greatness, to endure and overcome adversity, and to live a life of purpose and meaning.


Could it be that the roots of ninjutsu stem from a holistic philosophy of life, focused on perseverance and stealth as the fundamental law of nature?

Let's strive towards a future where true peace prevails. While budo may teach us valuable lessons in conflict, let's use ninpo to live peacefully, even in the midst hard battles.


One is all it takes to make a difference.

In democracy, a single vote can determine the outcome. In a monarchy, everything rests on the shoulders of one man - the king. Human beings come from a single s***m and a single egg, becoming one unique person.

And in life, it only takes one person to understand the essence of budo and embody the warrior mindset.

Ninpo reminds us, the only warrior we need to conquer our obstacles is the one we see in the mirror every day.

By never giving up and training with focus, we can embody the words of the Buddha, "Alone in the world, I am exalted."

The power of one should never be underestimated. Embrace your inner warrior and make a difference in your own life and in the world.



Have you ever wondered about the connection between Japanese Ninjutsu and ancient Western Classical stories like the Illiad?

They are connected through the idea of Divine inspiration.

This is called (divine techniques) in Ninjutsu which involves spontaneous harmony in successful action.

How does this idea compare to the story of Paris killing Achilles with the help of Apollo in the ?

The aid of a higher power to overcome limitations and achieve success a universal concept. In Ninpo, the highest way of the Ninja, this is achieved through sincerity. Seeing Apollo as a symbol of unconcious competence might help us understand how Paris hit his legendary adversary's heel. If you strive for greatness, you will face an Achilles...or a Paris. Being the right kind of fool at the right time can save ones life.

Let's explore the connection between these ideas and discover their timeless appeal.


Unovering the secrets of Ninjutsu with 🥋💥 Hard training, or , is a crucial component of growth in the art of Budo. As stated in the philosophy book "Secrets of Togakure Ryu Ninpo," we can't grow into good humans without facing hardships. Let's embrace the challenge and find our own weakness, while also recognizing our strengths. This approach promotes a and helps us regain our 💪🏼 🕵️‍♂️💥


The artist and the soldier. Bunbu Ryodo, "the way of culture and martial arts, together."

Sword training with great people in perfect weather. 👺👍


Unleashing the Divine power of sincerity through martial arts is known as Kami Waza or "Divine Technique." 💪🏼 Embodying the spirit of the ninja and samurai.

Tadakatsu is often referred to as "The Warrior who surpassed Death itself" because he never once suffered a significant wound, despite being the veteran of over 57 battles by the end of his life, and because he was never defeated by another samurai. He wears antlers as a symbol of


The form may express the truth, but the form itself is not truth.

philosophy teaches us to look beyond appearances and delve deeper into the spiritual essence of things. Don't be fooled by illusions, seek the truth and deeper understanding of the world around us.

Remember that physical practices are just forms, true growth lies in the understanding of their deeper meaning.

Embrace the and cultivate through and .


Budo Zero Taijutsu 5 Keys & 3 Phases

5 Keys of Budo
1) Always keep in mind the presence of the hidden advantage.
2) Move so that your opponent is incapable of generating force against you either by pushing or pulling.
3) Cover his weapons.
4) Get the opponent's back.
5) Apply finishers from control, with minimal effort (economy).

3 Phases
1) Escape to Enter
2) Corral to Control
3) Funnel to Finish



The form expresses the truth, yet the form itself is untrue.

Ninpo as a philosophical teaching suggests that the physical form or appearances of things can reveal certain truths, but that the form itself is not the ultimate truth. The space between appearance and actuality is where Ninpo operates.

It is based on the idea that our perception of the physical world is faulty, sometimes working like an illusion, or maya, and that the ultimate reality is something that cannot be perceived by the senses directly.

In this teaching, the form represents the material, physical aspect of things, while the truth is the spiritual essence or reality that lies beneath the form. The idea is that the form can give us clues or insights into the truth, but that the truth itself is not limited or defined by the form.

This teaching can also be interpreted as a reminder to not get too attached to the physical appearance of things and to look deeper for the underlying truth. It encourages the individual to look beyond the surface, to not be fooled by appearances and to always seek the deeper meaning and understanding of the things that surrounds us.

It can also apply to the idea that the physical practices such as rituals, postures, etc are only forms and true growth is only achieved by understanding the deeper meaning behind the forms.


The Ninpo of Hatsumi sensei (the spooky kind of situational dexterity that represents the highest ideals of Ninjutsu) as distinct from Budo Taijutsu (the martial way of body movement) seems to have been taught mostly by using a mythological framework to generate a physical socratic dialectic.

This is the "story range" of martial arts, a dimension of conflict just like striking or grappling.

Nowadays, it is rarely articulated or distinguished as it's own range. In the past, however, this was well understood, as Sun Tzu uses this same principle when discussing "moral law" in the Art of War.

Practicing in this range still requires physical skills, but the emphasis is on controlling and guiding perception, intent, and motivation.


Continual development and evolution of fundamentals will keep a practice fresh. Desire for "advanced" techniques is usually a mask for lack of motivation to work intelligently and learn through direct experience.

Takanoyama Shuntarō's Best Finishes - Technique Breakdown 12/18/2022

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From Munenori...
Sometimes what's holding a person back is that he is enchanted with the gate, the boundary, or the knowledge itself. The man who applies what he has learned without too much effort or thinking has entered the house.


Ninja Thanksgiving was different bitd.


Lighting a candle is preferable to cursing the darkness.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Catch you on the flip side.


Nothing beats the back: in a game where talented opponents can finish you in a heartbeat with strangles out of front head and guillotine positions or sprawl so heavily on top of you that wish you’d never shot on them in the first place, there’s a lot to be said to first getting behind an opponent and taking him down from dominant chest to back positions where you don’t have to worry about those strangles and sprawls. At the top levels takedowns are never EASY per se, but they certainly be EASIER, and that’s all you ask for. Keep your eye open for the opportunity to get behind opponents at all times in standing position and you’ll find the subsequent takedowns are generally a lot less stressful.


Sharing info and skills with the late GM Wilson Vinyas. He came to our group in Wellington to visit and was extremely humble. While I never trained extensively with him (only a few one on ones and some social time focusing on the future of his family system of Vinyas Arnis), I did pick up some unique ways of handling the stick from our sessions and considered him a friend.


Budo Zero Compass Concepts
1) Always assume the presence of the hidden weapon.
2) Avoid being where the opponent can push you.
3) Keep your hands above his.
4) Take his back.
5) Control and finish from his spine, using just enough pressure.

Photos from Budo Zero Training's post 11/19/2022

Teaching and training with Abundio Baet and Garimot crew at the annual Katipunan summit. His group is full of skilled martial artists, especial when it comes to the long range work.

Photos from Budo Zero Training's post 11/19/2022

With my big brothers Sifu Nacho Baez and Sifu Pete Ruvolu at my old Falcon dojo. Also pics training with the late GM Richard Bustillo. JKD, bjj, may thai, boxing, and doce pares eskrima at Sifu Tim Motter's place.


With my Taijutsu instructor, Zeropoint Budo founder and Bujinkan Dai Shihan Robert Renner.


Hey guys this will be our FB headquarters for Budo Zero Training. I'll be posting videos, tutorials, and live streaming here. If there's something specific you'd like to see me cover, please let me know. Welcome!

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