Harbar LLC Tortilla

Harbar LLC Tortilla

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Harbar LLC is an experienced manufacturer and marketer of tortillas and specialty flatbreads for the food service, CPG and retail markets.

Its operations are headquartered in Canton , Massachusetts. The company was originally founded in 1986 by Mexican im Our tortillas can be found in major natural, organic and gluten free specialty stores, as well as independent and conventional grocery stores throughout the US and Europe.


At Harbar we celebrate our hispanic heritage. We truly believe in the power of cultural diversity to empower our global societies.

Timeline photos 04/18/2022

We are so excited to come back to Dot Innovations Show and share with you our diverse tortilla portfolio while you have a taste of authentic Mexican quesadillas on our wholesome and delicious Almond Keto Tortillas!

See you soon!

[email protected]


Convidamos você a trabalhar para uma grande empresa dedicada a produzir tortilhas deliciosas e nutritivas.

Empacotador de produção

Responsabilidades principais:

• Responsável por apontar e participar para obter eficiências / melhorias de qualidade e segurança do produto.
• Verifique a função e limpeza dos seladores de bolsas.
• Sanitize todo o equipamento (empilhador de contagem, ensacador, mesa de acumulação, descarga do transportador de resfriamento).
• Configure as mensagens corretas para as sacolas, verifique se a sacola correta está sendo usada, configure a impressora da caixa, escolha a mensagem correta da caixa para o produto.
• Prepare os paletes de acordo com a configuração do palete e etiquete os paletes conforme necessário, levante até 50-60 libras.
Mantenha a área limpa e livre de perigos de acordo com os padrões 5S.

Nós oferecemos:

* Salários competitivos
* Transporte
* Lugares em tempo integral
* Renda opcional para horas extras
* Seguro para despesas médicas e odontológicas
* Férias pagas
* Plano de economia de 401K
* Oportunidades de crescimento
* Excelente ambiente de trabalho

Entre em contato para agendar uma entrevista!
Yoselin Perez (781) 364-0742
Jazmin Soto (781) 399-5357


We invite you to work for a great company dedicated to make wholesome and delicious tortillas.

Production Packer

Main Responsibilities:

•Responsible to point out and participate to obtain efficiencies/product quality and safety improvements.

•Check Bag Sealers for function and cleanliness.

•Sanitize all the Equipment (Count Stacker, Bagger, Accumulation table, Cooling Conveyor Discharge).

•Set up the Correct Messages for the bags, Check the correct bag is being used, set up the box printer, Choose the correct box message for the product.

•Prepare pallets according to pallet configuration and tag pallets as needed, lift up to 50-60lbs.

•Maintain area clean and clear of Hazards following the 5S Standards.

* Competitive salaries
* Transportation
* Full time positions
* Optional income for overtime
* Medical and dental insurance benefits
* Paid vacations
* 401K savings plan
* Growth opportunities
* Excellent working environment

Contact us to set up an interview!
Yoselin Perez (781) 364-0742
[Email hidden]
Jazmin Soto (781) 399-5357


Te invitamos a trabajar para una gran compañía dedicada a producir deliciosas y nutritivas tortillas.

Empacadores de Producción


• Responsable de señalar y participar para obtener eficiencias / mejoras en la calidad y seguridad del producto.

• Verifique el funcionamiento y limpieza de los selladores de bolsas.

• Desinfectar todo el equipo (apilador de conteo, ensacadora, mesa de acumulación, descarga del transportador de enfriamiento).

• Configure los mensajes correctos para las bolsas, compruebe que se está utilizando la bolsa correcta, configure la impresora de cajas, elija el mensaje de caja correcto para el producto.

• Prepare las tarimas de acuerdo con la configuración de la tarima y etiquete las tarimas según sea necesario, levante hasta 50-60 libras.

• Mantenga el área limpia y libre de peligros siguiendo los estándares 5S.


* Salarios competitivos
* Transportación
* Plazas de tiempo completo
* Ingreso opcional por overtime
* Seguro de gastos médicos y dentales
* Vacaciones pagadas
* Plan de ahorro 401K
* Oportunidades de crecimiento
* Excelente ambiente de trabajo

Contáctanos para agendar una entrevista!
Yoselin Perez (781) 364-0742
Jazmin Soto (781) 399-5357


We invite you to work for a great company dedicated to make wholesome and delicious tortillas as a machine operator night shift.

* Competitive salaries
* Sign up Bonus
* Transportation
* Full time positions
* Optional income for overtime
* Medical and dental insurance benefits
* Paid vacations
* 401K savings plan
* Growth opportunities
* Excellent working environment

Main Responsibilities:

o Verify Safety sensors for proper operations
o Use of lock-out-Tag-out as per safety policy and cardinal rules
o Responsible to verify that all they machines are cleared of any hazards before starting up the machines.
o Monitor build up on oven catch pan to request maintenance or sanitation as needed o Turn on the power to all of the Equipment and verify that the Gas valve’s from the ovens are turned on before igniting the Ovens.

* Line Operation
o Responsible to point out and participate to obtain efficiencies /product quality and safety improvements.
o Verify condition of Press Belts and patch as needed.
o Check for correct assembly on the Dividers.
o Maintain Production Lines running during the shift and communicate any kind of
problems immediately to your Supervisor.
o Check the dough ball weight and adjust based on SPC feedback loop
o Fill out Daily Dough Waste Report
o Check the Production Schedule
o Check the appearance of the tortilla
o Collaborate with Mixer and Mixing room crew to maintain proper flow of dough and effective change overs
o Fulfill SQF protocols (utensils,

* Sanitation and Housekeeping
o Perform weekly dry sanitation protocols
o Maintain area clean and clear of Hazards following the 5S Standards.

* Cross Training
o Rotating base and any other duties following the instruction of your Supervisor. o Cover Senior vacations (based on experience)

Education and skills required:
* HACCP training
* Bilingual (Spanish/English) preferred
* Read/write and proven math skills
* Excellent communication skills

Position Requirements:
* Standing 100% of the time.
Repetitive motion to keep up with production line Continuously lifting cases and ingredients of up to 80lbs
* Walk to different production positions as per rotation schedule

Experience required:
*Machine Operating Experience preferred.

* Able to work with minimum supervision
* Able to interact politely with work colleagues Able to rotate shifts as needed

Contact us to set up an interview!
Yoselin Perez (781) 364-0742
Jazmin Soto (781) 399-5357


Descripción del empleo:

Te invitamos a trabajar para una gran compañía dedicada a producir deliciosas y nutritivas tortillas.

Operador de maquinaria
Turno nocturno de 11:00 pm a 7:00 am

* Responsable de verificar que todas las máquinas estén libres de cualquier peligro antes de ponerlas en marcha.
* Mantener las Líneas de Producción en funcionamiento durante el turno y comunicar cualquier tipo de problema de forma inmediata al Supervisor.
* El operador de la máquina es responsable del estado y funcionamiento seguro de los divisores, prensas, hornos y transportadores de refrigeración.
* Mantenga el área limpia y libre de peligros siguiendo los estándares 5S.
Verifique el peso de la bola de masa
* Revisa la apariencia de la tortilla.
* Verifique el cronograma de producción


* Salarios competitivos
* Bono inicial
* Transportación
* Plazas de tiempo completo
* Ingreso opcional por overtime
* Seguro de gastos médicos y dentales
* Vacaciones pagadas
* Plan de ahorro 401K
* Oportunidades de crecimiento
* Excelente ambiente de trabajo

Contáctanos para agendar una entrevista!
Yoselin Perez (781) 364-0742
Jazmin Soto (781) 399-5357


Let's celebrate with some delicious and authentic Mexican tacos! Que viva Mexico!


Maria and Ricardos present at Dot Innovations Food Show!

We are super excited and happy to see you (face to face again) in Dot Food's show!!!

Join us for gluten free quesadillas at booth 561! Can't wait to see you!


Te invitamos a trabajar para una gran compañía dedicada a producir deliciosas y nutritivas tortillas.

Operador de montacargas de almacén Segundo turno de 3pm-11pm


● Responsable de participar en un esfuerzo de equipo. Obtener un flujo de producto eficiente desde la producción hasta el almacén y el cliente.
● Preparar y completar pedidos para entrega o recolección de acuerdo al cronograma (Cargar, Empacar, Envolver, Etiquetar, Enviar).
● Operar y mantener vehículos y equipos de almacén (montacargas, transpaletas, elevadores de tijera, etc.)


* Salarios competitivos
* Transportación
* Plazas de tiempo completo
* Ingreso opcional por overtime
* Seguro de gastos médicos y dentales
* Vacaciones pagadas
* Plan de ahorro 401K
* Oportunidades de crecimiento
* Excelente ambiente de trabajo

Contáctanos para agendar una entrevista!
Yoselin Perez (781) 364-0742
Jazmin Soto (781) 399-5357


We invite you to work for a great company dedicated to make wholesome and delicious tortillas.

Job Description:
Warehouse Forklift Operator
Second Shift 3pm-11pm

Main Responsibilities:
● Responsible for engaging in a team effort obtaining efficient product flow from Production to warehouse and to the customer.
● Preparing and completing orders for delivery or pickup according to schedule (Load, Pack, Wrap, Label, Ship).
● Operate and maintain warehouse vehicles and equipment (forklift, pallet jacks,Scissor Lift, etc)

* Competitive salaries
* Transportation
* Full time positions
* Optional income for overtime
* Medical and dental insurance benefits
* Paid vacations
* 401K savings plan
* Growth opportunities
* Excellent working environment

Contact us to set up an interview!
Yoselin Perez (781) 364-0742
Jazmin Soto (781) 399-5357


Job Description
We invite you to work for a great company dedicated to make wholesome and delicious tortillas.


* Responsible for verifying that all the machines are cleared of any hazards before starting up the machines.

* Maintain Production Lines running during the shift and communicate any kind of problems immediately to the Supervisor.

* The Machine Operator is responsible for the condition and safe operations of the Dividers, Presses, Ovens and Cooling Conveyors.

* Shift from 11 pm - 7am

* Maintain area clean and clear of Hazards following the 5S Standards.

* Check the dough ball weight

* Check the appearance of the tortilla

* Check the Production Schedule

* Competitive salaries $18.50 / hr
* $500 sign up bonus
* Transportation
* Full time positions
* Optional income for overtime
* Medical and dental insurance benefits
* Paid vacations
* 401K savings plan
* Growth opportunities
* Excellent working environment

Contact us to set up an interview!
Yoselin Perez (781) 364-0742
Jazmin Soto (781) 399-5357


Descripción del empleo:

Te invitamos a trabajar para una gran compañía dedicada a producir deliciosas y nutritivas tortillas.

Operador de maquinaria - Turno nocturno de 11:00 pm a 7:00 am

* Responsable de verificar que todas las máquinas estén libres de cualquier peligro antes de ponerlas en marcha.
* Mantener las Líneas de Producción en funcionamiento durante el turno y comunicar cualquier tipo de problema de forma inmediata al Supervisor.
* El operador de la máquina es responsable del estado y funcionamiento seguro de los divisores, prensas, hornos y transportadores de refrigeración.
* Mantenga el área limpia y libre de peligros siguiendo los estándares 5S.
Verifique el peso de la bola de masa
* Revisa la apariencia de la tortilla.
* Verifique el cronograma de producción


* Salarios competitivos $18.50 usd/ hr
* Bono inicial de $500 usd
* Transportación
* Plazas de tiempo completo
* Ingreso opcional por overtime
* Seguro de gastos médicos y dentales
* Vacaciones pagadas
* Plan de ahorro 401K
* Oportunidades de crecimiento
* Excelente ambiente de trabajo

Contáctanos para agendar una entrevista!
Yoselin Perez (781) 364-0742
Jazmin Soto (781) 399-5357


Convidamos você a trabalhar para uma grande empresa dedicada a produzir tortilhas deliciosas e nutritivas.

Operador de máquinas

* Responsável por verificar se todas as máquinas estão livres de qualquer perigo antes de ligá-las.

* Manter as Linhas de Produção funcionando durante o turno e comunicar qualquer tipo de problema imediatamente ao Supervisor.

* O Operador da Máquina é responsável pela condição e operação segura dos Divisores, Prensas, Fornos e Esteiras

* Transportadoras de Resfriamento.
Mantenha a área limpa e livre de perigos de acordo com os padrões 5S.

* Verifique o peso da bola de massa

* Verifique a aparência da tortilha

* Verifique o cronograma de produção

Nós oferecemos:

* Salários competitivos
* Transporte
* Lugares em tempo integral
* Renda opcional para horas extras
* Seguro para despesas médicas e odontológicas
* Férias pagas
* Plano de economia de 401K
* Oportunidades de crescimento
* Excelente ambiente de trabalho

Entre em contato para agendar uma entrevista!
Yoselin Perez (781) 364-0742
Jazmin Soto (781) 399-5357


We invite you to work for a great company dedicated to make wholesome and delicious tortillas as a machine operator.

* Competitive salaries
* Transportation
* Full time positions
* Optional income for overtime
* Medical and dental insurance benefits
* Paid vacations
* 401K savings plan
* Growth opportunities
* Excellent working environment

Main Responsibilities:
* Safety
o Verify Safety sensors for proper operations
o Use of lock-out-Tag-out as per safety policy and cardinal rules
o Responsible to verify that all they machines are cleared of any hazards before starting up the machines.
o Monitor build up on oven catch pan to request maintenance or sanitation as needed o Turn on the power to all of the Equipment and verify that the Gas valve’s from the ovens are turned on before igniting the Ovens.

* Line Operation
o Responsible to point out and participate to obtain efficiencies /product quality and safety improvements.
o Verify condition of Press Belts and patch as needed.
o Check for correct assembly on the Dividers.
o Maintain Production Lines running during the shift and communicate any kind of
problems immediately to your Supervisor.
o Check the dough ball weight and adjust based on SPC feedback loop
o Fill out Daily Dough Waste Report
o Check the Production Schedule
o Check the appearance of the tortilla
o Collaborate with Mixer and Mixing room crew to maintain proper flow of dough and effective change overs
o Fulfill SQF protocols (utensils,

* Sanitation and Housekeeping
o Perform weekly dry sanitation protocols
o Maintain area clean and clear of Hazards following the 5S Standards.

* Cross Training
o Rotating base and any other duties following the instruction of your Supervisor. o Cover Senior vacations (based on experience)

Education and skills required:
* HACCP training
* Bilingual (Spanish/English) preferred
* Read/write and proven math skills
* Excellent communication skills

Position Requirements:
* Standing 100% of the time.
Repetitive motion to keep up with production line Continuously lifting cases and ingredients of up to 80lbs
* Walk to different production positions as per rotation schedule

Experience required:
*Machine Operating Experience preferred.

* Able to work with minimum supervision
* Able to interact politely with work colleagues Able to rotate shifts as needed

Contact us to set up an interview!
Yoselin Perez (781) 364-0742
Jazmin Soto (781) 399-5357

Timeline photos 05/11/2021

At Maria & Ricardo’s, we are inspired by food moments that bring people together.

Timeline photos 05/06/2021

Being a Mexican family owned company, we not only achieve true Mexican flavor in our products, but are constantly in touch with Hispanic food trends.

Timeline photos 05/04/2021

Premium quality healthy tortilla products that our clients can trust to create their best recipes all the time.

Timeline photos 04/29/2021

Our tortillas can be found in major natural, organic and gluten free specialty stores, as well as independent and conventional grocery stores throughout the US and Europe.

Timeline photos 04/27/2021

Kosher Certified Tortillas
Harbar's products are Certified Star K. Our products are Kosher Pareve. We ensure our ingredients and processes meet the Star K standards. www.stark.org

Timeline photos 04/22/2021

We strive to create tortillas that are of the highest quality and are less processed.

Timeline photos 04/20/2021

Within our Maria & Ricardo's brand we offer an extensive organic tortilla product line that meets the Organic requirements to be USDA Certified Organic.

Timeline photos 04/15/2021

Passionate about our food and our Mexican culture, we have a commitment to fine, simple and wholesome ingredients.

Timeline photos 04/13/2021

Gluten-Free Certified Tortillas
Within our Maria & Ricardo’s tortilla line, we have certified gluten-free tortilla offering.

Timeline photos 04/09/2021

Maria and Ricardo’s products. From Corn and Flour Tortillas to Gluten Free Tortillas, every one of our products has Mucho Goodness in every bite.

Timeline photos 04/07/2021

Our Soft Corn Tortilla is a blend of corn and wheat (and therefore is not gluten-free).

Timeline photos 03/31/2021

In Mexico, Taco Day is celebrated every March 31st, since the year 2004.

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Videos (show all)

At Harbar we celebrate our hispanic heritage. We truly believe in the power of cultural diversity to empower our global ...




320 Turnpike Street
Canton, MA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm

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