Avery Elementary School, Canton, GA Videos

Videos by Avery Elementary School in Canton. Avery Elementary School in Canton, GA was built in 2007

Other Avery Elementary School videos

We’re back!
“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and—snap!—the job’s a game!”#elevatetheexcellenceccsd

We’re back!
“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and—snap!—the job’s a game!”

We’re back!
“In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and—snap!—the job’s a game!”

Staff Kid Ambush! 🐻

Class of 2024
Class of 2024

Congratulations to all of the 2024 graduates! It was exciting to see so many of you this morning at the Avery Senior Walk! https://www.canva.com/design/DAGAh83U-2M/GKQarPxN-Ok-3GaFsQ7orw/edit?utm_content=DAGAh83U-2M&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton

Chef Damaris Phillips kicked off Derby Day (Avery’s Version)! You may have also seen her this morning on NBC’s Hoda & Jenna!
Chef Damaris Phillips kicked off Derby Day (Avery’s Version)! You may also have seen Chef Damaris this morning on NBC’s Hoda & Jenna! 🐎

The Kindergarten Eggs Are Hatching

Gratitude fills our hearts at Avery Elementary School! We thank our dear families and PTA for celebrating our teachers and staff during Teacher Appreciation Week. Together, we create the “You Are Loved” Avery journey. Avery Elementary School PTA

Kindergarteners had a 1980’s Day today and it was…..

We've had a couple of hot days recently, but was it hot enough to melt crayons??? What a fun and interesting collaborative experiment with Mrs. Wallace’s STEM and Mrs. Martin’s art classes!

Congrats to the Creekview graduates of 2023!

4th Graders performing "Follow the Drinking Gourd" with Mr. Boggs.

"See ya soon at Culver's, the best restaurant in Cherokee!"
A great turnout for Avery Share Night at Culver's!

2nd Grade students singing “Frere Jacques” in English AND French, in a 3 part round!

5th graders enjoyed their last field day at Avery today!