The Freedom Project 222

Our biggest mission is to show people that they hold the power within themselves to create whatever they want in their life.

We guide them in a process that is tested and successful to find their true selves and therefore their freedom!


Scientific proof that You are creating it all...


It seems like everyone has a magic pill for creating your dream life, right?

Well, I’m not offering you a magic pill or a miracle cure, but I can tell you that when you learn how to release stored energy and trauma, take radical responsibility for your happiness, and use your breath for both of these, you will see magical results in your life.

How would your life expand if you were to get rid of your limiting beliefs holding you back right now? If you were to release the stored, stuck, trapped, dense, energy in your lower chakra system. If you were able to truly embody the person you know you were always meant to be, living the life of your dreams.

That's what happened to me.

I went from living a very small life, having a 10 year secret pail pill addiction, living in a very dysfunctional and abusive marriage, giving all of myself away all the time, waking up every morning feeling like I knew something was missing, to literally living the life of my dreams. I manifested my DREAM partner, living in my DREAM location, and getting to do what I LOVE every day in my DREAM business. And I didn't do it by just hoping my life would change. I knew I had to create the change myself.

I went to workshop after workshop trying to find the "right" answer. Until I found​ my own answer.​

And breathwork was that missing piece for me. It started with meditation, which turned into breathwork which turned into a blueprint I created for myself that meant the work wouldn't just be in my meditations and breathwork would be in my waking day with my eyes open as well.

So what does all of this mean for you? It means you can do the same exact thing I did. I'm no different than you. I'm no more "special" or had any less to lose. I just made the decision that I wasn't willing to suffer or hold myself back anymore from a life I knew I should be living and the people I knew I was supposed to be helping.

This is not magic. You can do this. And I'm showing you exactly how in this free training.

You just have to show up!

When: Sunday, October 3rd
Where: Facebook and Youtube live! (hop on my personal page or on our youtube channel )


"Everybody's workin for the weekend..."

Have you made plans yet for this weekend!?

What about for your life?

What if you could make your life into one long weekend?

Can you imagine waking up on a Wednesday and having it feel like a Saturday? What would that look and feel like to you?

Can you imagine living your dream life in every way? Dream career (which perhaps is just earning passive income while you sit on the beach with your cocktail!), dream partner, dream location, dream health, and most importantly, living as your dream self!

I can because that's exactly what I have created in my life. I went from literally waking up every morning hating myself and my life, a secret pain pill addict, living in an abusive marriage and in a very small town with no support, and knowing there was supposed to be more to my life.

It was a never ending Monday.

Until I started the long journey of going inwards. Which eventually lead me to breathwork. Which probably saved my life!

Breathwork was the game changer because unlike other things I had tried, it truly allowed me to open up a channel within my physical and energetic body. Within my chakra system.

It helped me literally re-wire my brain, therefore re-wiring the beliefs I had held about myself most of my life, and it guided me to releasing years and years of stored, stuck, energy and trauma within body. You can do all the mindset changes you want, but if you aren't also working within your body, it will never work.

It may be why you are still stuck where you are today, after having read all the books, gone to all the workshops and retreats, and hired all the healers.

I will tell you this. I am not your healer. YOU are your healer. Your very own breath is your healer. All I do is guide you in the process.

So if you are ready to start making every day your weekend, and step into the person and life YOU always knew you were supposed to be living, click on the link below to set up a call. Let's have a chat to see if this is a right fit for you!


Another AMAZING Soma Awakening Breathwork Ceremony today!!!💥💥

Thank you to everyone who attended for adding their energy to the group🕉🌟

If you missed this one, no worries!! I do a FREE breathwork ceremony every third Sunday of the month!! Make sure you are on my email list so you can be notified of the upcoming ones!!

Or click on the link below to register for next month's!!

Soma Awakening Breathwork Ceremony 09/18/2021

Last day to sign up for my FREE SOMA Awakening Breathwork Ceremony tomorrow!!!

Come and experience the power of your own breath to energize, infuse, and ingnite the spark inside you!!!

Soma Awakening Breathwork Ceremony Awaken, Manifest, and Supercharge your mind and body!


Here's where I see a lot of people struggle. They intellectually understand energy and frequency. They have read all the books, gone to all the workshops, and done all the practices as a good student would. But they remain stuck in their mind, doing it as an analytical practice rather than an embodiment of the information.

They can't turn their information into transformation.

That's where I come in!! I show you how to balance the 3D and 5D so that you can actually embody the most Empowered Version of yourself!


Check out this amazing testimonial from our last in person Day of Breath event from one of our participants that joined via livestream! If you are thinking it won't be as powerful, check out what Angela had to say!!

"I attended the Day of Breath Livestream event. I’m not at all a novice to meditation/basic breathwork, so I already knew much of the science around it. Though I wasn’t sure exactly what else to expect, I signed up anyway because I was feeling such a strong pull to do so. Em’s teaching style was perfect to relax me; I felt totally at ease going into the breathwork. But the BREATHWORK! OMG this BREATHWORK!!!! It was truly like nothing I’ve ever experienced - and I have gone deep into some amazing meditations before. I felt tremendous energy moving through my body. There was a palpable sense that I was releasing exactly what needed to be cleared without any conscious thought/effort at all. This was in the very first session! When I fully surrendered to the force moving within, through, and all around me, I actually FELT my empowered self (as I’m now calling her) come in and expand throughout the energetic space!

I could go on and on about the incredible results and insights I took away from this event...there’s so much more I can’t possibly share it all in this testimonial! What I CAN say is: if you’re considering attending one of Em’s events, or you’re on the fence about it and you feel drawn to it, there’s a reason. Something inside of you is ready to be let go, so that something new can be created in your life. PLEASE GO FOR IT - it’s beyond worthwhile!! Em, Scott and their entire team held such a safe space for this transformation. It allowed me - even on a livestream!

My experience of myself and what I know to be possible for me was changed in this one event, and I can’t wait to see what comes next! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU Em - truly life-changing!" -
-Angela Bargerstock"

Have you registered yet!? -In person - livestream


Sunshine and water are my GO TO therapies!!!

What we you doing this weekend to fill yourself up!?


Ok guys.....only a week and a half left!!

Who's ready to experience true awakening!?

Who's ready to experience embodiment of truth!?

Who's ready to realize and step into the most Empowered Version of you!?

Who's ready to experience transformation on a physical, emotional, and spiritual level!?

Who's ready to experience the true power of your own breath!!??

Give yourself this day to find out what is really possible when you let go of all the fear, doubt, worry, stress, beliefs, and blockages....

And join me, in person or live stream to experience it for yourself!!


It's about embodiment.

It's about implementation.

It's about ascending the lower, super dense energies/emotions/beliefs we have stored in our lower 3 chakras.

It's about bringing down the super mystical moments into our bodies. It's about feeling SAFE to be in our bodies.

It's about BALANCE.

That's where a magical life is formed. That's where a magical YOU is born.

When you aren't stuck in such extreme sways from the "3D" to the "5D".

When you aren't being stuck in knowledge (the mind) or chasing the mystical to get out of your mind....and your body.

That's when embodiment happens.

When you and your life fundamentally shift and change.

That's why I DO these workshops.

Because I've done it. I know what it takes to get there. And I've also watched so many people not be able to do it. I've watched so many people stay stuck and not being able to make that big breakthrough.

Your breath is the vehicle and the tool we use to Embody the most Empowered Version of you.

And I invite you to take a ride with me on the 31st to find out for yourself the power your breath has in transforming your life!


Don't forget!!!

It's that time again!!! The third Sunday of the month!!!

A FREE SOMA Breathwork Awakening ceremony!!!

Bring a friend or family member!! And let me know on the comments below who you are going to bring🦋🧘‍♀️🧘


You only have the capacity to love another at the capacity to which you give love to yourself.

So if you are one of those people that says, "I just have so much love to give" but don't know how to turn that love inward, you aren't giving are giving expectation.

Photos from The Freedom Project 222's post 07/08/2021

Hey guys!!

Do you know a big secret to help speed up your manifestations?

Check out this week's YouTube episode where we share just that with you all!!!

Happy manifesting!!!


I remember when my daughter was really young and I was still stuck in the mentality of needing to conform, of needing to have things look perfect on the outside, while the inside is a mess, of feeling like if my child looks good and is liked, then I will be too.

So when she wanted to wear dresses with tennis shoes, I wouldn't let her. It didn't "go together". Or when she wanted to wear something that didn't match, I wouldn't let her.

Well, my daughter is even more strong willed than I am, so at age 4, she stopped letting me pick out her clothes.

She was trying to tell me, even from that age, it's ok, mommy, you don't have to conform.

It took me a long time to not only hear that message, but to actually listen.

Now, I celebrate days like today where nothing I am wearing goes together or "matches" and I can have so much fun with it!! I don't have to worry about what others may think or not looking "normal" or put together. I'm just playful me and that's enough!!

Thank you Iz, once again for being my teacher. I know I'm stubborn sometimes and it takes me awhile to hear the message, but the good news is, you have always had a will stronger than mine!!😂😂😂

What are you wearing today that shows your own unique personality!?


Just 3 kids having fun in their sandbox🥂🌞💃🕺🏖

Photos from The Freedom Project 222's post 07/03/2021

Have you been wondering what is an easy way to slip into a great morning breathwork practice?

Well I have your solution!!!

In this week's episode I share a morning meditation that you can do, even as a beginner, every morning!!!

So be sure to go check it out, and more importantly, PRACTICE IT!!!!



Use fear to push you instead of holding you back in becoming the most Empowered Version of you!!!

Are you proud of the person you are in this moment? 06/29/2021

Are you proud of the person you are in this moment? -

Are you proud of the person you are in this moment? Let me ask you an important question…. If your time was up tomorrow, would you die being proud of the person you are in this moment? Proud of the impact you left on your kids, your family, your community, the world? I asked myself this same question over 4 years ago and it was a moment I will neve...


Did you guys know that holding your breath on your exhale can actually help you to live longer!?

That's right!!

Why do you think the yogis and monks live high up on the mountains where CO2 levels are much higher!?

It's because their bodies have grown tolerant to higher levels of CO2 levels which means they breath less.

Taking less breaths per minute lessens the wear and tear on your body.

Most people over breath, unconsciously which leads to erratic breaths. Erratic breathing leads to erratic thoughts. Which triggers even more of a sympathetic response which means your body is getting prepared to fight, flight, or freeze.

Leaving no time for rest and digest....which is where your body should be 95% of the time to allow everything to properly function.

Now your breath is working against you, instead of for you.

You can reverse all of this, allowing you to live a much longer and more importantly, healthier life!

One way this is accomplished is a breath retention practice, specifically Intermittent Hypoxia....which is one of my most FAVORITE breathwork practices!!

Want to find out for yourself how you feel after doing this for only 14 days!?

Then join me for my 14 Day Exhale Challenge!! Where you will get to experience the amazing benefits first hand!!! And you will have a group of breathers along with you doing the same thing!!!

Click on the link below to find out more info and how you can join today!!!


You won't want to miss this week's episode!!!

Tune in Wednesday at 6 pm for a special breathwork meditationfrom yours truly!!!

YouTube link in bio!! Make sure you are subscribed to our channel to get notified of our weekly content!!

Soma Awakening Breathwork Ceremony 06/19/2021

Did you guys know of the key elements of conscious manifestation is raising your L.O.V.E.....which is your Level Of Vibrational Energy!!

We will be doing exactly that tomorrow during my FREE Soma Awakening Ceremony at 10:00 AM EST!!!

Last chance to register and join me tomorrow as you discover the amazing power of your breath!!!

Soma Awakening Breathwork Ceremony Awaken, Manifest, and Supercharge your mind and body!

Photos from The Freedom Project 222's post 06/19/2021

Did you guys catch this week's YouTube episode!?

If not be sure to click on the link in our bio where I discuss all things Dr.Joe Dispenza workshops and everything I've learned along the way!!


What makes you feel creative!?

When you are in the energy of creation, you are in flow. And when you are in flow you are connecting to some thing greater than you..... greater than just the small human side of you. And when you are in that connection, remembering who you really are, it's impossible to feel anything but love for yourself!!💗💗💗

Photos from The Freedom Project 222's post 06/04/2021

Be sure to check out this week's episode where I discuss a topic that comes up a lot not only in our Beyond Limits Mastermind, but when anyone in a relationship is making changes and inner growth and the other is not.

I not only share my story with how I navigated this in my own journey, but how you can do the same!


Did you know you having a specific breathing pattern for the different emotions you experience on a day to day basis? And for the vast majority of people that don't have healthy, conscious breathing habits, these most likely are destructive breathing patterns.

If you aren't consciously using your breath to work for you, it's most likely working against you.

To switch this habit and begin changing many aspects of your life by changing your breath, take my online, self peace, Breathwork 101 Mini Series! And start experiencing the shifts right away!


This week's episode is all about something I know you think and talk about a lot.....a lack mindset!! We had a question come up about this recently and I know it's a very common question amongst many that are wanting to create wealth in their lives, but not being able to move forward with it.

So be sure to tune in this Wednesday at 6pm EST to find out how you can start creating a wealth mindset in every area of your life!


Hey Guys!!!

Who wants to join me for a free Soma Awakening Breathwork Ceremony this Sunday!!!???

Get a taste of what your breath can do for you!!

Oh and I forgot to mention......this ceremony is a manifestation supercharge!!!! So come with an intention of something you want to create in your life💗💗

Invite your friends and family and let them experience the amazing power of your own breath!!!!

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Believing in something more....

“You’ve always had the power my dear, you just had to learn it for yourself.” -The Wizard of Oz

Are you in a place where you have started asking yourself questions about your life? Questions like, Is this really all there is to life? Am I supposed to do something more, IS there more? This is not where I thought I would be at my age. Why do I let others control my life? Why am I always searching for something to “fix me” when nothing seems to fill that void? Will I ever be truly happy? I did. At 33 I “woke up” and started asking myself these very questions. I knew I wasn’t living the life I was meant to and most definitely not a person I was proud to be. On the outside, it seemed as though it was a great life. Doing exactly what we are raised to do. Start a family, buy a house, get a good job with good benefits, have some toys, a couple dogs and maybe some property. All wrapped up in a neat box. But I was never a box kind of person. On the inside, I was slowly dying. I had a 10-year hefty pain pill addiction, I lived in a constant state of anxiety, survival, and fear. My marriage was extremely dysfunctional, and worst of all, I knew I wasn’t the person I was meant to be. I knew in my soul I was way off course. And I knew if I didn’t change something soon, my body would begin to give out.

So, I began the journey of self-discovery, having no idea where it would lead me, but knowing in my heart it was more painful to continue the way I was than to jump into the unknown. Well jump I did, and as soon as I took that leap, the miraculous showed up. I quit the pain pills, cold turkey, I left my marriage, cleaned up emotionally, and in walked true love into my life. Everything I had always dreamt of in a partner but never thought possible. But it didn’t end there. On his own journey of self-discovery after watching his best friend drown right in front of his eyes and coming to terms with how he really looked at life….and death….he had taken the leap as well. We began creating our new selves and new lives together. A little less than a year later, while attending a meditation retreat, a man sitting at the pool bar struck up a conversation with us. He, too, was there for the retreat with his wife who had been diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. They were on their own journey of self-discovery together. That day we met changed the course of all of our lives forever. After 4 grueling years of fighting cancer, Simon’s wife passed away only months later. And she did it on her terms. In a state of grace and beauty. The 3 of us forged a connection that fateful day that couldn’t be broken. We all knew in our heart of hearts that our own journeys had brought us together to help others down the same path we had been on. And that we now had a responsibility to wake others up to their own true potential. Fast forward another year later and The Freedom Project was born. We knew we all 3 shared a magic and energy that people wanted to be a part of. AND we knew with each of our specialties, we could blend those modalities together to help people create LASTING change in their lives. More importantly, we could give them the exact same formula we ourselves did to live the freedom we do now.

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