Carmel FOP Lodge 185 Indiana, Carmel, IN Videos

Videos by Carmel FOP Lodge 185 Indiana in Carmel. The Fraternal Order of Police is the world's largest organization of sworn law enforcement officers, with more than 300,000 members.

The Chief is up! Come see us.

Other Carmel FOP Lodge 185 Indiana videos

The Chief is up! Come see us.

We will never forget them.

Yesterday, members of the FOP and dozens of volunteers gathered to help those in need. With the generous donations from the community were were able to pack 500 food boxes. We are still in need of donations to make this happen for Christmas. All donations are tax deductible.

The tent at Carmel Fest is open. Please come by to support the foundation. We are located on Carter Green.

Tonight, we light a candle to show support for the healthcare workers who are fighting on the frontline. Thank you. #thankshealthcareworkers #lettherebelight

This morning the delegates at the National Conference received a presention about the FOP Legal Defense Plan. The keynote speaker was Tulsa Officer Betty Shelby. Officer Shelby's criminal case alone cost $411,000. The FOP Legal Defense Plan covered every penny! All this at a cost of just $264/yr. Our lodge is proud to be a part of this plan and help protect our members. #FOP17

Indiana still morns

Christmas food basket preparation

Thanksgiving Food Basket News Story on Fox59

Thanksgiving Food Basket Story #2

Thanksgiving Food Basket News Story #3

Law Enforcement United arriving in DC.