Trinity Holistic Wellness

Owner Trinity Holistic Wellness, Best -selling author, creator of “The LIVE Method” , and an Inspirational Christian Speaker.

Trinity Holistic Wellness is a holistic wellness practice located in the home of Dr. Carolyn Berghuis. 1037 Deer Lake Drive, Carmel, IN 46032

Founded by Carolyn Berghuis, MS, ND, CTN, Trinity Holistic Wellness provides the very best holistic services available in Central Indiana for both men and women of all ages. With a serene, relaxing environment our associates will help to harmonize your mind

😍 Learn the three key nutrients to optimal immune health! 😍 02/27/2024

😍 Learn the three key nutrients to optimal immune health! 😍 Want to make Lent special this year? Join Carolyn and listen to the wisdom of Fr. John Riccardo. ‌ Module 2: The Epic Adventure of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, and Zinc! Greetings, Immune Trailblazers! Welco

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Today, May 13th, is Julian of Norwich's feast day in the Catholic tradition. I like to imagine that Thomas Merton and Julian are dancing in heaven right now, with other lovers of God – celebrating as humanity experiences ever-increasing oneing with the Holy Trinity.


Julian of Norwich Novena | Day Nine

Dear Julian, After receiving your visions, at some point, you became an anchoress where you spent the rest of your life serving God and offering spiritual direction to those who sought your guidance. Some twenty years after your visions you penned the long version of your text where you shared your experience of God’s love for hurting souls. Today’s hurting people need this message too.

God revealed to you the medicine that heals every soul - the triple-wound; contrition, compassion, and true longing for God. Throughout your visions, the Holy Trinity, through Jesus Christ, brought you into his marvelous garden of love and you experienced this medicine. You came to understand that we are rooted and grounded in God’s transforming love. “…through this love he makes everything that happens of value to us, and in this love we find everlasting life.”

Please petition God on my behalf and ask him to draw me into his love forever more so that I can be a light in the world – like you, Julian. I especially ask that God continually draw Jennifer Schmidt into his healing love so that she expereince full healing from MS. I also pray for (fill in your petition here).


Please share your special petitions with our group if you wish so we can pray together.
The full novena is listed here:


Julian of Norwich Novena | Day Eight

Dear Julian, In your visions God revealed to you the beauty of the human soul, a wonderous creation he created to be his dwelling place. At the moment God breathed life into this marvelous creation mercy and grace began working inside of it, continually guiding us in a field of love.

Out of God’s great love and wisdom he gave us a two-part soul, sensual (where we carry our physical humanness) and essence (our spiritual nature). Both aspects are loved and held together in God. The sensual part of our soul carries the pains and joys of our human experience and our essence rests completely in God. Christ Jesus, fully human and fully God, meets us in a very unique way in our soul. He heals the pain we carry in our sensual soul by lifting us with his body. Our task is to seek and surrender to him.

Please petition God on my behalf and ask that he aid me in seeking and surrendering to Christ Jesus so my soul can heal. I especially ask that God guide Jennifer Schmidt so her soul can experience true bliss, especially in moments of suffering. I pray for full healing from MS for Jennifer. I also pray for (fill in your petition here).


Please share your special petitions with our group if you wish so we can pray together.


Julian of Norwich Novena | Day Seven

Dear Julian, God’s mercy and grace can sometimes elude us, our human consciousness cannot fully contemplate its depth and breadth. Yet, God revealed to you that through the power of his mercy and grace, we experience oneing with God. All we need to do is humbly pray for mercy and grace and we are already enveloped in it.

God drew you into his love and allowed you to be enfolded in his mercy and grace. You saw that his mercy is the sweetness that heals, protects, and transforms everything into good for us. It is an aspect of the tenderness of God that allows us to fall sometimes, so that we can rise in Christ Jesus. Grace is an aspect of God’s royal nature that lifts and helps us transcend beyond our human capacities. The Third Person of the Holy Trinity envelopes us in grace.

I desire mercy and grace so that I too, like you, can receive solace and live a holy life. Please petition God on my behalf and ask him to aid me in this quest. I especially ask you to petition God and ask that he grant Jennifer Schmidt an immersion in his mercy and grace so that she may receive the sweet reward God has for her. I pray for full healing from MS for Jennifer. I also pray for (fill in your petition here).


Please share your special petitions with our group if you wish so we can pray together.


Julian of Norwich Novena | Day Six

Dear Julian, Throughout your visions, Jesus continually revealed to you the healing love of God. You were blessed to share a oneness with this love many times over. An important understanding washed across your heart and soul during your encounters - God will raise his spiritual seekers to a higher state of bliss than we ever experienced before our falling. Oh, what a generous God.

Jesus revealed to you a parable that painted a picture of this truth, the parable of the Lord and Servant. Looking at the suffering servant, who stood for both humanity and Christ Jesus, God spoke to you. “Isn’t it my responsibility to give him (the servant) a gift that far surpasses what the goodness of his former health and well-being would have been? I would be ungracious otherwise.”

I desire to unite myself with Christ Jesus and allow him to conform me to himself so that I can receive the gifts God offers those who delight in his love. Please petition God on my behalf and ask him to aid me in this quest. I pray especially that Jennifer Schmidt experience oneness with God during moments of struggle and the outflow of bliss that follows this oneness. I pray for full healing from MS for Jennifer. I also pray for (fill in your petition here).


Please share your special petitions with our group if you wish so we can pray together.


Julian of Norwich Novena | Day Five

Dear Julian, In your visions you witnessed Jesus suffering his painful passion. During this experience, he spoke precious words to your soul. “In this way, the spirit of evil is overcome.” In these moments you had an experiential knowing that the power of Jesus’ passion is all humanity needs to overcome suffering.

Still, witnessing the transgressions humanity commits your heart remained conflicted. Yes, God’s love is vast and limitless, yet human transgressions cause so much pain. “How could all be well?” you asked. Our good Lord revealed to you that we will all miss the mark, and yet, God will keep you and your spiritual companions safe no matter what. We remain fully in the center of his love. “What is impossible for you is not impossible for me.”

Please petition God on my behalf so that I too, can do my best to avoid sin and trust that indeed, all matter of things shall be well. I pray especially that Jennifer Schmidt rest in God’s words that all shall be well, especially during moments of struggle. I pray for full healing from MS for Jennifer. I also pray for (fill in your petition here).

Please share your special petitions with our group if you wish so we can pray together.


Julian of Norwich Novena | Day Four

Dear Julian, Jesus revealed to you the all-consuming love of God, and you rested in this love. You saw that God is everything that soothes and helps us. Oh, what bliss you must have experienced.

Jesus placed a small, extremely fragile ball in your hands - something the size of a “hazelnut.” You became aware that this small thing stood for all of creation. In this “hazelnut,” you saw the creator, the lover, and the sustainer – the Holy Trinity and you realized that human beings will never experience deep peace or full joy until we are completely one with God. With this understanding, you became aware of the deepest human need; to enjoy oneing with God and dismiss all created things.

Please petition God on my behalf so that I too, can journey with you and someday enjoy full oneing with him. I pray especially that Jennifer Schmidt enjoy full oneing with God and the peace and joy that naturally outflow from this oneing. I pray for full healing from MS for Jennifer. I also pray for (fill in your petition here).Amen

Please share your special petitions with our group if you wish so we can pray together.


Julian of Norwich Novena | Day Three

Dear Julian, In your very first vision, as you experienced an immersion in the bliss of the Holy Trinity, Jesus revealed to you his mother, Saint Mary. You saw her as she was at the time she conceived Jesus. He showed you a portion of her beautiful soul, and you understood that she is indeed full of grace.

Please petition God and ask him to draw me deeper into the love Jesus shared with his mother, Saint Mary, so I can more fully become a vessel of comfort and love in the world like she is.

I pray especially for comfort for Jennifer Schmidt. I pray that she experience supernatural healing from MS so that she can enjoy the bliss you enjoyed when God healed you from your paralysis. I also pray for (fill in your petition here).



Julian of Norwich Novena | Day Two

Dear Julian, When Jesus appeared to you and revealed the ever-expanding power of love, your heart ached for your fellow spiritual seekers to join you on this journey. You wanted them also to experience a beautiful immersion into God’s love.

Please petition God and ask him to look with loving eyes upon the prayers and petitions of those who are praying this novena, your fellow spiritual seekers. Please pray that their requests be granted, if it be God’s will. Please pray that they also experience a taste of the healing love Jesus shared with you.

I pray especially for healing for Jennifer Schmidt. I pray that she be fully healed from MS so that she can enjoy the freedom of movement you enjoyed when God healed you from your paralysis. I also pray for (fill in your petition here).


Please share your special petitions with our group if you wish so we can pray together.


Julian of Norwich Novena | Day One

Dear Julian, As a young child, you prayed and asked for the gift of the triple wound - contrition, compassion, and true yearning for God. On what appeared to be your deathbed, Jesus showed you the power of his love, and you received this gift.

Out of this same love, please petition God on my behalf and ask him to grant my request. Today, I pray for healing. I pray especially for healing for Jennifer Schmidt. I pray that she be fully healed from MS so that she can enjoy the freedom of movement you enjoyed when God healed you from your paralysis. I also pray for (fill in your petition here).

Please share your special petitions with our group if you wish so we can pray together.

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Helping you LIVE Healthy, Happy, and Wholly

Trinity Holistic Wellness is a holistic wellness practice located in the home of Dr. Carolyn Berghuis. 1037 Deer Lake Drive, Carmel, IN 46032

Founded by Carolyn Berghuis, MA,. CTN, ND, MS, Trinity Holistic Wellness provides the very best holistic services available in Central Indiana for both men and women of all ages. With a serene, relaxing environment our associates will help to harmonize your mind, body and soul

"Through forgiveness and love we will recognize God in each other and we will come to know who we truly are, pure love. With this knowledge we will surrender to the knowing that we are all worthy children of God's great Love." - Carolyn Berghuis, MS, ND, CTN
Romans 13:10 "Love each other with brotherly affection and take delight in honoring each other."

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1037 Deer Lake Drive
Carmel, IN

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 4pm

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