Clear It Calendula

Science and skin is where it begins! Message me to book a free consultation.


The massive difference that Rescue Balm makes for sunburns. It is a fantastic anti inflammatory and helps to keep skin hydrated, which is very important for sunburns.

I unfortunately had a lovely day yesterday, but didn’t have any sunscreen with me. I haven’t gotten a serious burn like this in over 6 years so this is quite a big deal. My back and shoulders are also this red! It’s not fun 😩


I struggled with acne the most in 2021. Stress was wreaking havoc on my body from the time that we were living in, and I was in a very abusive job environment.

A lot of people don’t realize the way stress can rear it’s ugly head on our bodies. There are studies to prove that it can lead to multiple autoimmune issues due to the body constantly being in an inflammatory state. Stress releases cortisol and androgens, a hormone that is very prone to causing breakouts. It is also a reason men are easier to clear than women, as women have menopause, their cycle, and pregnancy constantly messing with these hormones.

I always recommend clients to try and manage their stress as much as possible as we are in the clearing stage by exercising, meditation, or just doing hobbies and activities that make you calm and that you enjoy. A lot of clients (since I am in CO) will use ma*****na. Unfortunately, this causes hyperproliferation which contributes to acne. It is quite a big trigger so it is best to stay away from this.


As we head into the cooler months there will be some crucial things to keep in mind as our skincare will ultimately change with the new fall season coming up. 🍁 I’m pretty excited for October as I do love Halloween, but let’s not make things scary such as our skin.

❄️ You’re going to want to stock up on your sunscreen. Changing your sunscreen to something even more moisturizing is going to be beneficial. CO is still pretty sunny during our winter seasons, but it reflecting off of the snow is no joke!

❄️Changing your cleanser. If you’ve been using Roccoco’s Teen Acne Cleanser you’ll want to make the switch to either Soothing Cleansing Oil or Ruby Crystal Cleanser. This will ensure optimal hydration with it’s essential fatty acids to help the barrier remain in tact and keep inflammation away. It’s also perfect for eczema or rosacea prone skins that get worse in the cooler weather.

❄️Moisturizers. It’ll be vital for you to use a more heavy moisturizer at night as the TEWL out here gets more intense and you can end up with irritated, dry skin. My favorite is Rescue Balm as it has an anti-histamine like effect and is perfect to soothe irritated skins.


In the Clear It Calendula Facebook group, I talk all about clean skincare and what it actually means.

Join my Facebook group! Just search “Clear It Calendula” and it’ll take you into a world of science and skin. Here you can find all of my articles I write as well as special announcements!

Read it here ➡️


Remember to confirm your appointment!!


In my latest post in my private Facebook group, I talk about antibiotics, BPO, and retinoids for acne prone skin and why there’s better alternatives out there. Since instagram hates very long captions because I got on science rants, you can read it here. It will also be posted in a story on my profile pinned so you may access it at any time. It is a private group so you will have to join. 👉🏻


You got until June 9th before this sale is done! Message me for the link to purchase!


Oh how I love Rescue Balm! My poor boyfriend forgot sunscreen in the Colorado sun when he went golfing. First photo was at 9:08 PM and we just took the one on the right 10 minutes ago. Reduction in redness is incredible! Such a fantastic moisturizer for dryness and swelling. Perfect for Rosacea prone skins.


Happy 10 year Anniversary Roccoco Botanicals!! This is a HUGE sale and if you’ve wanted to get started on your skincare regime, now is the perfect time as we’re getting in to the Spring-Summer season! Skincare will look very different then your Winter months, and I want to help you achieve healthy skin!

As everyone’s regime will be different, I want to work with you 1:1 to help you. We’ll evaluate your health, diet, and lifestyle to best pick a skincare that’s going to suit your needs. Right now my virtual consultations are FREE, and will be till the end of this month, so hurry and get in before this special offer is over! I work with clients virtually to help bring the spa to you, from the comfort of your own home!


This sale started MARCH 1ST and only goes for TWO WEEKS! Happy 10 year Anniversary !! This is the perfect time to stock up on those staples such as Eruption Emulsion, Rescue Balm, Pore Cleansing Oil, & Ruby Crystal Cleanser!

Message me if you want a full depth evaluation of your skin & health to get you on the perfect skincare regime.

Purchase using my link here or in my bio:


I’ve got a special limited time offer at the end of this post!! ✨

This is your reminder to not google something and think it knows everything, and go to the person who makes sure the information you have is the most accurate and correct.

Please do not mix coconut oil into your skincare… it is crazy high in oleic acid. Oleic acid will break down your barrier over time and has been known to cause atopic dermatitis. Inflammation is a no-go for acne since acne is already so inflamed in the first place.

Sure, coconut oil has got Lauric Acid which has antimicrobial properties. The structure of this oil though is very waxy and heavy, which will clog the hair follicle openings. A lack of oxygen is where cutibacterium acnes love to thrive, as well as other oxygen resistant bacteria.

I find that if you research one product, if it’s very popular, google will give you the most glamorous search result and the benefits of that ingredient. While that is to be true, there is so much more to an ingredient then meets the eye, and you really have to research into it to make sure you are getting the benefit and not something that could potentially trigger.

Everyone is different, some ingredients may very well not cause a reaction. This is why I work closely with clients to eliminate everything that is a potential trigger, and then we can slowly introduce things that have a low acneic profile.

Want to have a 1 on 1 with me? I’m offering FREE acne help, where you have access to me 24/7. While recommending products can be a start, without knowing your previous history it’s really hard for me to pinpoint what your skin needs. This is a great time to get started on your skin for the upcoming warmer seasons as skincare will change! Other benefits to doing this virtually include

🌸 Again, you are able to DM me at any time with questions that you may have! I do sleep however, so I won’t be available 24/7, but I do get back to you when I can!

🌸Saves some money from facials! Facials are great and I highly recommend them to get some pampering and for advanced treatments, but if the skincare at home is fantastic it’s not necessary to come in every month, putting more $$ in your pocket!

🌸 Expert advice that’s fun & open! I heavily research clinical trials and make sure that what I am educating you on is the most up to date. I am always open for questions and encourage you to do so in my private Facebook group. Building a little community has been so fun and everyone can benefit from great education!

This offer is a limited time only till March 23rd! After that consults will cost $30, so if you would like to have a first time access to me and my services, reply below with your email and legal name and I will get you hooked up!!


These are my all time faves for hydration in the winter months that can leave me feeling like an alligator. I am obsessed with Ruby Crystal Cleanser and did an experiment with it one time and didn't use any moisturizer and I felt hydrated for about 4 days. (I'm not saying you should skip moisturizer, this is for science) and it cleans so beautifully without stripping the skin.

The Michele Corley Cleanser is a fantastic alternative to Roccoco's Pore Cleansing Oil. It still uses that polar and non-polar technology to clean off any waxy residues from the skin leaving it hydrated and supple.

I cannot get enough of Eruption Emulsion for acne. It is insane how well this stuff works at expelling the deepest of lesions and leaving you hydrated at the same time. A lot of issue I find with clients is that they want to dry the skin out, and that's not what we want to do at all in the healing process. Your skin will turnover naturally if it is properly hydrated, eliminating the need for harsh acids that dry out the skin and cause an inflammatory response.

While I have not tried TIZO's sunscreen, I can say that Bare Skin is so hydrating and it's got a beautiful light tint. I am also disappointed the un-tinted version is no longer acne safe. Bare Skin Mineral Tint can be a tad mattifying so if it's too much I like to mix it in with a bit of moisturizer then apply.

All of these products are acne safe too!


When I say I am OBSESSED with the Ruby Crystal Cleanser, I mean it! 🤩

I have never had a cleanser that gets rid of inflammation overnight and can leave me hydrated up to 4 days without moisturizer in this Colorado weather. (I’m not kidding lol, I experimented)

This cleanser feels like someone else is giving you a facial massage. Melts into the skin so beautifully leaving it hydrated, yet clean.

Let’s quit with the cleansers that strip our skin and leave us dry. Let’s start building that barrier back up again!

Everyday life becomes unbearable when almost everything seems to be a trigger for those of us with Rosacea prone skin.

The constant burning hot sensation and tightness akin to a bad sunburn is everything but comfortable. Not to mention the redness and inflammation that turns us into an object of judgement.

In search of relief most of us have tried product after product only for them to exacerbate our conditions or cause breakouts; a nightmare for most of us...
..and you can finally wake up from it all.

Unveiling the ultimate cleanser for your barrier impaired and Rosacea prone skin — Ruby Crystal Cleanser.

Winning the 2022 Alle Awards and praised as the most innovative product by esteemed chemists, this highly anti-inflammatory and soothing cleanser is designed to optimise the healing abilities of your skin; encouraging barrier repair.

Getting its rich red colour from the luxurious Ruby stone, this decadent cleanser evens out skin tone and diminishes any redness and discolouration in the skin. Boosting collagen and elastin production in the skin in the process while also replenishing any essential fatty acids in the skin to restore that natural glowing tone.

Make naturally glowing skin your reality with Ruby Crystal Cleanser.

Click the link below to buy it now.


I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas today and a very Happy Holidays! Thank you for choosing me as your esthetician and supporting my small business. Your progress in your skin goals is truly the best gift to me 🎁 ♥️


Exfoliating your skin is a good way to remove dead skin cells and get rid of excess oil. But, if you are over exfoliating, you might be doing more harm than good.
The skin constantly is renewing itself. As skin cells divide, they move up through the epidermis on a journey that is essential for a healthy skin. This process builds a healthy lipid layer to waterproof the skin and protect it from outside invaders. Over exfoliation removes this barrier and leaves the skin vulnerable to infection. It also can cause dryness which can lead to wrinkles or premature aging.

How do you know if you're over-exfoliating?

If you already have sensitive and flakey skin, exfoliation is the last thing you should do. I know it's tempting to get rid of those flakes, but your skin needs some hydration first! Constant flaking skin is an indicator something isn't right and your body is trying to correct the issue.

If you have been doing this for quite some time with harsh or abrasive scrubs, you may have removed more then surface-level skin cells.

Signs you're over doing it include:

❗️Apple peel look to the skin
❗️Skin tightness
❗️Redness and irritation

If your skin is in this state, I'm going to need you to put down the exfoliator, scrub, peel, microderm, retinol.

Luckily, there is a solution to this problem. We are going to focus on hydration.

Your skin has natural enzymes on it. This is known as your Biochemical Barrier, Foreign substances not trapped by the first barrier (the Stratum Corneum) can be biotransformed by enzymes of the viable epidermis and demris.

I'll spare you the gigantic scientific words, but basically an enzyme called Esterase is located in the keratinocytes of the skin, and they play an important role in skin metabolism.

If hydration in your skin is lacking, the process in which your skin renews it's cells in the dermis and for the skin to shed effectively (known as cellular turnover) cannot occur.

Products I love for barrier repair:

🌼Pore Cleansing Oil: Dermascope's & DaySpa 2020 winner

-Dislodges and prevents further congestion formation
-Replenishes essential fatty acids to the skin for a balanced barrier
-Perfect for oily and problematic skins

I have been using this forever now. It hydrates beautifully without leaving a thick, oily feel. It's a staple in my routine and I won't get rid of it.

🌼Globiotic Serum

-Blends pre and probiotics to enhance brightness and repair for optimal skin barrier function
-Boosts efficacy for all other products applied
-Balances microbiome

A highlight ingredient about this serum is lactobacillus. This is a great addition to anyone with irritated skin, it strengthens skin's natural defense against sensitivity, provides instant relief, and over time helps reduce redness.

🌼Rescue Balm

-Contains active botanicals to provide an antihistamine-like effect
-Reinforces the skins natural protective barrier
-Perfect for barrier impaired skins that suffer from dermatitis or eczema

I cannot get enough of Rescue Balm. It provides intense hydration without it feeling heavy on the skin. It is a powerhouse for anti-inflammtory properties and helps greatly with cystic acne. This is also a staple in my home and one I won't ever go without. I actually put this over my lips when I apply (because lips are skin too!) And with this crazy dry Colorado weather I don't have to put on chapstick for quite awhile. 🤓

Photos from Clear It Calendula's post 09/06/2022

Popping zits is my thing.

If you would’ve told me back in highschool this is what I’d be obsessed with doing, I think I would’ve grimaced at you so hard my face would crack from how deep my muscles were working.

I’ve been doing this for almost 3 years now. I’ve had cystic acne since I first started wearing a training bra. Now, I’ve dedicated the last 3 years of my career to learning everything I can know about acne. Trust me, there’s still more for me to learn and the learning doesn’t stop there.

I received a certification through Rocky Mountain Laser college learning about IPL, alexandrite, and Nd:YAG lasers. I worked for a year in this side of the esthetics industry and then decided to go back to where products dominate my work with one question. “Why is it that I try all of these acne products only to continue getting it?”

This is because acne is multi-faceted and there’s just not one answer to it. I know, I wish there was. Not even accutane is the one stop solution. I could go on a rant here, but I’ll save that for my education posts in the future.

For now, follow along on my journey to giving clients top notch care! 🫶🏻


I’m going to be starting an education series of acne biofilms and how they’re playing a crucial role in the formulation of acne and ways to help get kill the biofilms so we can help reduce acne as well.

So, what ARE acne biofilms? First of all, a great example of a biofilm is plaque on your teeth.

The term bio film was first used in the 1970s. There are three essential components to the definition.

1. The microbial cells
2. A surface on to which these cells adhere (skin)
3. An extra cellular polymeric matrix, in which the cells are embedded and can form larger biofilm communities.

Biofilms have resistant genes. This means that once they find a surface to stick on to, they’re going to want to stay. They’re resistant to any anti-microbial therapies. (Tea tree oil, I’m looking at you!)

Think of biofilms like a colony. When bacteria is in a biofilm (think of the biofilm like an external skeleton) and it is protected, by this film, scientists have found they are 50-500x MORE RESISTANT to antibiotics. This is why we have an issue with MRSA being resistant to antibiotics. Otherwise known as Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.

This is why I, and so many of my clients have been put on antibiotics only to see acne come back 10x stronger once they’re off of the medication.


I loved the results I started getting from one of my teen clients.

The left photo we can see that he is extremely dry. Sammy came to me in hopes that something would work. His only other option in his mind was Accutane. A route I wish for no client to go through. Since he is still so young, there’s studies that have proven the growth of bones to be stunted, amongst other symptoms like dry eyes, joint pain and stiffness, bloody noses, headaches, etc.

This is a month inbetween using acne safe skincare!

Well you might be wondering, what does acne safe mean?

We have two different kinds of scales when it comes to cosmetic chemistry. First is non-comedogenic. Acne takes 3-6 months to form. If something is comedogenic, this is typically where we see that acne formation happening. Skin might be clear otherwise from product because it’s addressing issues that exacerbated acne like dryness or excessive oil, but acne still isn’t cleared. It’s underneath the surface or we’re still getting lesions even after years of using the skincare. Did you know most cosmetic chemists don’t even BELIEVE in a comedogenic scale? It’s not a term regulated by the FDA.

The second term is acneic. If we are using something on the skin that is acneic, this will happen almost instantaneously. Unfortunately when we have a case like acne, it’s difficult to know which one it is. This is why we need to use proper skincare, or we’ll go on a merry-go-round of using different product after different product in hopes something will work.

I’m booking free consultations to get you started, as I closely monitor the skin and give you 24/7 access to me.

Photos from Clear It Calendula's post 04/28/2022

Consistency is key!

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Videos (show all)

My two favorite products to eradicate this is Clarifying C, Mandelic + Fusion, and Eruption Emulsion. All of these toget...
Exfoliating your skin is a good way to remove dead skin cells and get rid of excess oil. But, if you are over exfoliatin...
Consistency is key!




103 Fourth Street SUITE 330
Castle Rock, CO

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