Rise Up

Education and advice on/ about Trauma ❤️‍🩹and healing ❤️‍🩹

Join group chat on Telegram 09/05/2023

Did you know that ? Did you know that the same cannabinoids that make up Cbd and th* are found in breast milk ? Look 👀 it up it’s scientific 🧪 fact that our bodies are meant for Cbd . We feel like crap 💩 when we are deficient y’all. You need the extra to balance your body out. To regulate temperature, pain , digestion, mood , sleep 😴. I now have a telegram page you can just click on the link if you need something stronger to help you, I’m here for you and endocannabinoids are here for us - To Thrive Y’all ♥️

Join group chat on Telegram

Join group chat on Telegram 09/05/2023

Got some great things going on in my telegram group if you’re interested here is the link

Join group chat on Telegram


You are amazing 🥲, you always have been you just didn’t notice 👀 you deserve so much kindness and goodness in this life and love 💕, you deserve more joy 🥹 and love 💕 than you’re heart can hold and strength. You got strength for days and you’re stronger than you even know yet because your journey isn’t over - it’s beginning a new chapter- read it well ♥️


I know people are always oooh 😮 alone time , but my buddies have been running errands for 3 hours and I’m not a wuss but I miss em … banging all around Jaxon asking questions, Brian going in and out the house 🏡- my family noises - that’s what I miss the most when they are gone just the goofiness we all share and the way our family runs …. It’s just perfectly alright


I get to go almost 😅 alone with my hunny . It’s his aunt’s birthday 🥳 so we’re going to marksville tomorrow to the casino 🎰. We’re just going for the night but as much as I love 💕 my kid 👦 sometimes you Need To Get Away!
He’s spending one night with his maw maw so he’ll be fine and we get to have adult talks and conversations- yay 😁 me !
It’s these little trips that reset me . It aligns with my energy to travel 🧭 more .
I’ll get there I’m just not ready yet !🎰🎰🎰♥️


Today for some reason I felt like resting 🥱, so I rested. How often are we listening 👂 to our bodies to see what they need , and then doing it.😊☺️.
I know it’s hard if you have littles at home 🏡, but you can carve some time out of your day somewhere. Remember, your cup needs to be filled before you can pour into someone else’s cup. Self care isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessary time that we should be adding to our lives.
It doesn’t matter if you have to schedule it in, take some time. It will go a long way when dealing with depression and anxiety 😥. With a schedule you won’t feel so rushed . Like everything is busy busy.
Create routines for you and your family, so it’s better structured so that you get to thrive too!
That’s all I want is for people to recognize that they are worthy, they are capable of thriving and having joy 🥹.
This is just one ☝️ of the ways to a better you , a more relaxed 😌, loving 🥰 yourself type of you .
You just need to know what you’re doing with your time first, and then you can tweak it to fit everyone’s needs, including your own .
Have a beautiful day 🥰🥰🥰♥️♥️♥️


🌟 Busting the Myths of Manifestation! 🚫💭

🔍 Misconception 1: "Manifestation is just wishful thinking." 🌟
Many believe that manifestation is merely daydreaming about our desires without taking any action. In reality, manifestation involves more than wishful thinking. It's about setting clear intentions, aligning our thoughts with our goals, and taking inspired action towards making our dreams a reality. It's a powerful combination of focus, belief, and effort that can lead to transformative results.

🔍 Misconception 2: "Manifestation is all about instant gratification." 🚀💫
Some might think that manifestation guarantees immediate results or instant fixes. While the process can work wonders, it's essential to remember that it's not a magic wand for instant gratification. Patience and perseverance play a vital role in manifestation, as we align ourselves with the flow of the universe and take consistent steps towards our objectives.

🔍 Misconception 3: "Manifestation requires no effort; things will just 'fall into place.'" 🌌🧩
Manifestation does involve tapping into the natural flow of the universe, but that doesn't mean we sit back and wait for things to happen on their own. It's about combining our intentions with purposeful actions. The universe responds to our efforts and determination, and by staying committed to our goals, we create the momentum needed for manifestation to work its magic.

🔍 Misconception 4: "Manifestation is only for the 'lucky' few." 🍀🌠
Manifestation is not reserved for a select group of people. It's a universal principle that anyone can harness. While some may seem to have a more innate ability to manifest, everyone has the potential to tap into this power. It's about cultivating a positive mindset, letting go of limiting beliefs, and trusting in our ability to shape our reality.

🔍 Misconception 5: "Manifestation is against taking practical steps." 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️
This is a common misconception! Manifestation isn't about sitting still and waiting for things to happen. It complements practical action. When we manifest, we gain clarity about our goals and the steps needed to achieve them. Taking action is crucial in bringing our dreams to life; manifestation simply enhances our focus and motivation along the way.

🔍 Misconception 6: "Manifestation is a New Age fad with no scientific basis." 🧪🔬
On the contrary, there's scientific evidence supporting the principles of manifestation. Studies in neuroscience and psychology reveal how our thoughts and emotions can influence our perceptions and choices, ultimately shaping our experiences. While manifestation may have spiritual roots, it aligns with cognitive and behavioral principles, making it a fascinating subject of study for science enthusiasts.

🔍 Misconception 7: "Manifestation only works for specific types of desires." 💭🌈
Manifestation isn't limited to certain desires or outcomes. Whether you want to improve relationships, boost career prospects, enhance health, or experience personal growth, the principles remain the same. The power of manifestation lies in its adaptability to various aspects of life.

🌟 Let's debunk these misconceptions and embrace the true essence of manifestation! By understanding its principles, combining intention with action, and staying persistent, we can unlock the potential to manifest our dreams and create a life filled with purpose, joy, and abundance. 🌠


I don’t need to tell you that the world 🌎 is in trouble these days . It seems somewhere along the way some of us forgot about humanity. I actually can feel different energy when I walk into a room, and being there long with all those feelings does effect me. I can do people things , but not days in a row. I need my quiet 🤫 time after , and time to just “be” and feel my own feelings.
We need to get back to being kind and compassionate to people, because you never know what another person is going through. We need to reach out more if we can help someone in any way, myself included.😘
Don’t let the little things become big things, deal with your issues with honesty. It doesn’t have to be to another person as long as You acknowledge your truth.☺️
Allow yourself to truly feel your feelings whatever they may be , and if they are negative, work through them and let go … yep release them.
You deserve to live a joy filled life , filled with love 💕 and friendship. You deserve so much - just take a few minutes to think 💭 of all the things you do daily- does it bring you joy , does it soothe your soul.
If not take a long hard look within to when you first felt that way , get down to the root of what’s making you feel bad 😞 and change it.
I know sometimes easier said then done, but if you actually practice gratitude,mindfulness, and positivity things will start looking up for you 🥹☺️😉
Stop ✋ beating yourself up for things that don’t really matter. Start loving 🥰 yourself instead 😘😘😘♥️♥️♥️


I’m a strong woman, but even I have my days . Thankfully 😅 today is a happy day 🙂 I just woke up in a great 😊 mood . That thing that you’re scared 😳 to do , just start it . Take a chance on yourself.
What’s the worst thing that could happen; you fail - millions have failed , but the difference between success and defeat is confidence in yourself and your ability to do whatever it is that you want to do .
It’s scary sometimes to just step out on faith , but oh so worth it if you put the work in .
You are capable of learning new things no matter how old you are. I decided to reinvent myself in my 40’s , is it easy all of the time especially with the little one ☝️ and house 🏡 and spouse , nope .
If I want things for me though I have to believe and put in the work to achieve those things. I have to also believe that I’m worthy of the great 😊 things, that abundance is my right, and my truth, my power.
We all have a purpose….have you found yours yet ?🥰🥰😉😘


I want you to make today about You ! If you can’t take the whole day I understand with kids going back to school and home schooling starting . You can however take bites of time here and there to check in with yourself, to meditate 🧘‍♀️, to pray 🙏, to just be .
We need to take a breath 😮‍💨 now and again from life , we need rest and relaxation to refill our cups , so we can be there for others.
It’s not called lazy , it’s called self care, and we need more of it . Just sitting 🪑 with your feet 👣 up for 10 minutes is not going to change the world 🌎, but it will make yours better.
So today , take a breather if possible, we all need one 😘😘


Great Monday Morning Everyone ☀️, Have a Great day 👏👏👏♥️


Good 😊 Morning, Let’s Rise and Thrive 🌿🌿🌿 Have a Great Day 💕♥️


There is joy 🥹 in this life, you just have to find it within yourself. You can’t depend on others to make you happy 😆 because humans are fallible and not perfect and if you seek happiness from someone or something else than yourself you’re setting yourself up for failure 😣
In the end all that will matter is love 💕 and how freely you lived your life pursuing your own purpose.
Don’t get me wrong 😑 family and friends or partners can add to our happiness, but it’s true love 💕 of our authentic selves and trust that brings us joy .
The freedom to be exactly who you are , and be accepted as so matters . If you aren’t being validated then maybe 🤔 it’s not for you anymore.
Sometimes we have to let go of things or people that just aren’t meant to continue on our own personal journeys.
You can be whoever or whatever you choose to be, and those that are meant to be there will cheer 📣 you on !
So get up, shake things up , and look inside and find your happy 😆


No matter what anyone tells you , you are worthy . You deserve joy 🥹 and happiness. Everyone does , but sometimes the past comes back to haunt us , but we shouldn’t stay stuck there . It’s a wound that needs to be tended to so that it can heal . So that you can heal ❤️‍🩹.
Loving 🥰 yourself helps with that , and believing in your truth. Accepting yourself as you are right now, where you are , and if needed you are strong enough to make the right decisions for you.
You are capable of doing hard things, and changing things that no longer serve you. You are capable of moving from one path to another.
You are worthy of love 💕; real , honest, communicative love 💕. No one deserves to feel unimportant or as if they aren’t being heard or validated.
I think 💭 the greatest gift 🎁 you can give is to truly, unconditionally love 💕 another, not for what they can do for you but because of what they add to your life .
So go forward with confidence, truth , kindness, joy , and love 💕
This is my wish for all of you today - have a great night 🌙.


I appreciate each and everyone of you more than you know. When I’m feeling down there is always love 💕 and when I’m in a great space there’s still that same love 💕
Y’all are an amazing group of friends and some I consider family ♥️
Thanks for the encouragement and love 💕 everyday, it soothes my soul ♥️


“Way more interested in how my life feels like to me than it looks like to others “


It is far easier to turn your head than to listen to the truth of your own soul ✨✨✨


I talk a lot about limiting beliefs because the more you limit your beliefs the less you receive in the way of abundance or growth .🌻🌻🌻 If all you ever do is think 🤔 negative, then negative is what you’ll get .🤔🙃😔
On the other hand 🖐 if you react and think 🤔 and speak 🗣 positive things ; then positive things will happen in your life ♥️💕😊
You get out what you put in , you reap what you sow 🪡🌿. You think 🤔 abundance ✨, you visualize it ✨, you picture yourself right where you want to be in life and put forth the action necessary 🏃‍♀️💨 to reap those benefits ✨ in your life ✨.
And you will reach what it is you’re trying to
reach, but we must ditch the negative 🕳.
And step out in joyfulness . Step out into the light ✨.
Really believe in what you’re after , really believe in yourself ✨✨✨


Abundance is always present, it’s the limits we impose on ourselves ✨✨✨


I know I haven’t been around on this page 📄 lately, that comes from trying to keep up with everything else 🧹🧺🫧!

I’ve been trying to build my clientele within my business 👩‍💼 so I’ve been a busy little bee 🐝. Making a landing page 📄 and getting our New Menu out !!!

It contains all of the reputable and vetted products that I offer through HWC, plus we have a Specialty Menu that is awesome 👏 and available upon request!🌿🌿🌿🍄🍄💨💨🌱

We make all of our own products in small batches and quality is of the utmost importance, You should Know Your Sources!!

I also offer appointments for complimentary consults so message me if you need help or just have questions 🌿🌿🌿

We offer local pickup 🛻, or shipping 📦📦 is available! So what are you waiting for?? Let’s feel better ❤️‍🩹 Now !!!!🌿🌿🍄🍄🐝🐝🌱♥️


I wrote 2 new chapters of my book 📖 this morning ☀️. It’s slow going sometimes and others the words just flow🌊.

It finally has a title it’s called Syd’s Journey and it will be a four book series, here’s hoping 🤞 especially when I get writer’s block, but I just take 10 minutes to meditate 🧘‍♀️ and go do something else for a while.😂

Every teacher I have ever had said I should be a writer, so here I go .

Even if I have to self publish it will make it into some hands 🙌

Also , it’s YA because I just loved 🥰 to read at that point in my life , now it’s finding the time, but I do .

Knowledge is important if we are to evolve and learn new things, that’s why I’m trying because I’d rather it suck than have the regret of never ever seeing if I can do it !🙌🙌♥️

We regret the things we never ever try , step out on faith, that you are worthy enough and smart and talented enough to do what’s on your heart’s desire

Love 💕 you beautiful people ♥️♥️


Did you know that negative thoughts 💭 and speech about yourself matters 🥰🥰

What you think 🤔 about yourself and your inner dialogue absolutely matters!!!!

Be kind to you !😊😊😊

Replace each negative thought 💭 with a positive one ☝️ and watch how things change , but you have to be consistent with it !🙂🙂🙂

You love 💕 on everyone else , do for everyone else, just do this one ☝️ thing for yourself to start with 🥰🥰♥️


I’m reading 📖 this awesome 👏 book 📕, that’s why I’m up so late ⏰.

It talks about how we seek out love 💕 from one another, and how often we hide 🫣 our true selves to make others happy 😊🫣

It talks a lot about the soul and your core beliefs, the very essence of what you believe yourself to be .

It has journal 📓 prompts , songs that he recommends you listen 🎧 to throughout it’s just really good 👍

It’s called “There’s a hole 🕳 in my love cup
“ by Sven Erlandson he’s on YouTube and Facebook a lot , you can look 👀 up badass counseling method to see his videos 👍👏♥️

It’s about getting back to your truest self , the one ☝️ we often hide 😶‍🌫️ from the world 🌎, it also offers soul work .

I’m a major fan of him , he doesn’t hold back and I like that ♥️


I haven’t made a post on this page 📄 in a minute, I’ve just been busy … I went on a womens retreat this past weekend and it was nothing but love 💕♥️💫

The views , the people, the time we had was amazing 🥲

It’s amazing the kindness, the talks , the laughter- just brought all of us closer together ♥️

We are a collective of medicine women , spreading hope and love 💕♥️🌿🌿🌿


Personal growth is sometimes scary 😱, it can be downright uncomfortable 😳 too . That’s because it requires you / me to make major shifts in our life around our attitudes, behaviors, relationships, and values.

Can’t do the same things we used to do and that requires stepping out of our comfort zones . 😳🙄 which in itself can be intimidating. You’ll also lose people along the way and that can be painful 😓.

We do the work because we want something more for ourselves, something different, better more fulfilling lives . 🥰😘

My why is freedom, to be myself and to be free in this life to do what I want , and to fulfill my family’s and my needs. 😊😊♥️ to be completely comfortable in my own skin . To connect with like minded people who have already been there and that I can learn from 😘♥️

Yes 🙌 growth is sometimes scary 😧, but so worth it , it allows you to determine your path in life , helps you to know yourself better , and to trust yourself and your decisions. ♥️✨♥️


I’m quiet 🤫 when I first meet people. Not sure 🤔 where I fit in or what to say . I’ve always been this way , introverted until I trust you . 🫣

I’ve been working on trying to come out of my little shell 🐚 because I want those close relationships, I need them .

We weren’t meant to travel 🧭 this world 🗺 alone . I’ve come to realize this while being around like minded people, my tribe if you will .

I need that love 💕 of course I have the love 💗 of my spouse, but there’s something about women coming together for collective momentum that appeals to me , encourages me , lifts me up . Almost like magic 🪄

So cherish your women friends, be there when you say you will , do what you say you’re going to do - foster those relationships 💕♥️

In the end relationships, healthy ones , mean the most ✨♥️✨


It’s spring 🌺 time for rebirth and new beginnings 🌈 a time to sow new seeds of gratitude and grace towards ourselves.

A time to assess, a time to bloom 🌺 , to believe in new momentum. We have it within ourselves to create whatever we want 🔮🪄

So let’s get busy doing that 🌺✨🌺


I’m absolutely growing as a person. I started in January just trying to get real with myself. 🤔☝️so I started meditation 🧘‍♀️, journaling , self and gratitude 🙏

February has been so much better , well the latter part and into March , because of the work I’ve done ✔️ on self and with my therapist help . She gives homework 📚 y’all ♥️✨✔️

March is shaping up to be my best month yet , I’m happier , more joyful 😃. I know myself my triggers for anxiety 😟 and depression . Letting things go that I can’t control. Doing those things that I can 💃😊✨😉

So I put this picture as a symbol of me emerging into my own , not finished with my journey because I never will be , but on my feet 👣 and ready for the next steps 👣👣😃


You have to watch who you surround yourself with….because that’s what you become- their habits , their thoughts 💭, it’s not possible to be positive with negativity surrounding you 😧😧🥲

So search 🔦 out those that have already done ✔️ it that will be a great 😊 influence on you , that can teach you something ♥️✨

So seek out positive people, people who are actively reaching their goals and doing the damn thing 😜♥️

That’s where you learn , that’s how you learn , by surrounding yourself with a tribe of like minded individuals, watch how fast 💨 things change within yourself ✨♥️✨


Yesterday I thought 💭 I was broke right but I’ve been double counting my money 💴 and Asking it to bring more like it back and I found 250$ that I forgot about in my wallet. If that isn’t manifestation and desire being fulfilled I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ what is 💕♥️🙌

So now the car 🚘 I’ve been looking for is in reach the car 🚘 I’ve been compulsively looking at telling myself that one of those are mine already and things are falling into place.😅😀🥰

Manifestation is real 💥💥why wouldn’t you do good things if you’re having thoughts 💭 real desire over what you want, it moves you to action , keep believing 😎🎉🎉♥️


Writing ✍️ some more of my book 📖, if it never goes anywhere, if the only published copy is the one I hold , it will be worth it .
I said I would do it one day so that’s what I’m doing, I’m seeking my truth, then trying to live in it . I try my best to keep promises to myself and do whatever promotes self love and kindness in an often confusing, not so nice world 🌎. So I promise myself I will finish it by the end of the year, and it’s cathartic, it helps me understand myself, my spirit better.
So find your thing or things that make you happy 😊 and get to it ♥️♥️♥️


Some people like to stay stuck, some people love 💕 being the victim, some people love 💕 drama 🎭, some people love 💕 gossip, but you’re trying to be different, better, kinder, you are truly trying to grow. Don’t let anyone else hold you back 🙌🙌🙌♥️


If you could snap 🫰 your fingers and change one ☝️ thing about your business 👩‍💼 what would it be ?


I love 💕 when people love 💕 what they do . Whether it be a cashier at Mc Donald’s or the bank 🏦 teller , kindness is a gift 💝 and we should practice more of it .
When that person opens the door 🚪 for you or says “ Good Morning “ ☀️ it’s just someone looking for a little human interaction.
We can be kind , we can be loving 🥰
And lest we forget our families, how great 😊 would things be if you were totally kind for a month . How would your home life change ?
To the husband down to the kids , patient and kind - let’s try it 💥💥💥


I’ve been writing ✍️ again except this time I plan on finishing it . I’m on chapter 3 . It may never 👎 be read by anyone else but I’m doing it .
Follow your passion, your dreams, your desires. Whatever that might be . Creativity is in all of us or other talents you might have .
It’s your time ⏰ , to do what you really love 💕, take that chance- follow your heart ♥️
Don’t let anyone stop ✋ you on your journey. Live life to the fullest. You’ll know when you’re there because it won’t feel like work . You’ll be joyful 😄 because you are finally doing something for you ♥️♥️


You can always change, whenever you want to The only thing that keeps us acting 🎭 or stuck is other peoples perception of us . I could decide I want to be a writer ✍️ tomorrow, and write. I could decide I no longer like my hair and shave 🪒 it off - anything is possible.
You have people that came from less than me make it to right where they want to be . Why not me ? Why not you ? Because we are focusing 🧘‍♀️ on the failing not what if it happens!!👍
We aren’t taking actions towards it because deep down we don’t believe it’s possible, but it is .
Whatever you want , you can have .
By loving 🥰 yourself, believing in yourself, believing you are worthy of the effort it’s going to take.
Because why not you ? You think 🤔 God just said I’ll make them famous, I’ll make her loving 🥰, I’ll make them this , yes we all have different gifts 🎁 but so many don’t use them ♥️

Just Believe ♥️


When you mess up - own it , learn from it , grow from it - so you can move on . So many times we don’t want people thinking 🤔 bad about us , but we aren’t perfect 👍 we are human beings that are fallible sometimes.

To own it - gives you back your power ⚡️, and then you can begin to trust yourself again, so others can trust you . It makes a difference whether you stand in your truth or not .

Deflecting or trying to shift blame just goes to show that you aren’t ready , you must give up those ways and shift your energy ⚡️ and mindset .

It just leaves you in a bottomless hole 🕳 that you can’t quite climb 🧗‍♀️ out of . So accept that we as people aren’t perfect 👍 and never 👎 will be , but we can be healthy in mind , body , and soul .


Kindness is so important especially for us women. We need to stop competing with each other and come together.

If you ever notice men stick together and I don’t know why we can’t do the same. We are just as capable.

I want to see encouragement, empowerment, uplifting. We need to start looking out for each other. Instead of being against each other.

So rise up against mistrust, Against petty things, and reach out with kindness to each other.

We are allowed to be who we are. So much use that and change things for the better. I believe in us, do you?


What is beautiful? What society deems as beautiful? What we’ve been conditioned to think 🤔 is beautiful?
I don’t think 🤔 so I think 💭 what makes us beautiful is our kindness our love 💕 for others.
I do like makeup 💄 so that’s why I wear it when I feel like it, but I know it’s what’s inside me that’s beautiful.
It’s our energy ⚡️, our souls that recognize each other as worthy.
So do you , and stop 🛑 worrying what someone else might think 🤔


Power ⚡️ your power ⚡️. Trust in it , believe in your own . You have the power to do whatever it is that you want to do in life.
You don’t just have to be stuck, because you are a powerful being, that is here for a purpose.
It’s up to you to discover 🔎 what that purpose is. Whatever you are passionate about, whatever is in your wildest dreams 💭 you can achieve 🫶🫶🫶
It’s up to you though, to change . It’s not easy after being conditioned our whole lives to be scared 😟 of change .
I can admit on my growth journey that I continue on is not easy, but I determined I wanted to be passionate about something and happy 😊.
So I’m working really hard on changing my mindset to positivity, and you can too.
Remember the power ⚡️ is inside of you 🫶🫶🫶

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