Rocky Ridge Horse Rescue, Central, SC Videos

Videos by Rocky Ridge Horse Rescue in Central. We buy starved, abused, neglected horses and rehab them and give them a chance at a new life and love

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Me and Arianna Crenshaw worked with Sarina and Nala today!! Nala let me pick up and clean out all 4 feet and this is only the second time I have even picked up her feet. She's very smart. Then she stood untied perfectly still while I did sarinas...and Nala was better than Sarina is so smart it's ridiculous! They're both gonna make amazing horses! Rocky Ridge Horse Rescue More videos in comments. I don't know why it won't let me load more than one video

Magic Mike! I was able to catch and halter him, tie him, which he stood completely still while I came out of the fence went to the truck and got grooming stuff, and look who's following me after we were done with our session! He's getting easier and easier to just stand there and let me pet. The haltering still takes time but that's ok. It's not taking me nowhere near as halter him and way less drama! Super proud of him for being so brave!

I was FINALLY able to take some time and work with Sarina and yhe new girl ( who I haven't got s name for This was Sarinas first time seeing a stick and string and also the first time a saddle pad has been on her! She really surprised me!! She had a couple runs in circles til she realized it was ok. She let me pick up all 4 feet and pick them out too! She's super smart and gonna make someone a really great horse! The new girl is just terrified. I can pet her all over and have started working with picking up her feet as well. The stick and string....well that was an alligator trying to eat she was fine with it until it touched her butt then it was go time! By the end I could rub her all over with it even down her back legs!! I'm trying my best to give her, Sarina, and Mike all they need to be better but it's hard. I'm only 1 person and I do all the handling ... but I'm doing my best! I'm super proud of both these little girls! Venmo @RockyRidgeHorseRescue Zelle 864-623-8137 Checks: 451 browning rd central SC 29630 or 371 browning rd central SC 29630 Rocky Ridge Horse Rescue

I just wanted to say a special thanks to everyone who has donated or reached out to do ate supplies! I even met a wonderful woman named nanda who has her own non profit called Rideshare on a Mission . She made contact with me and told me how to type up a letter with a list of supplies needed and even came to my home and picked it up to take to the woman at Lowes. I had no idea that these companies set aside money each year to help non profits and thanks to her we have another resource in the future!! She even had to come back 2 times cuz I messed up the first letter!! I'm so honored to meet and know ao many caring people who actually want to help!! Thank you all!! Video of magic Mike meeting new people and being loved

Magic Mike..... today was a very special day for Mike. Roxanne and Jeannie came over to visit Mike. Roxanne and Jeanie both donated towards him and the even more special part is that Jeannie's son who recently passed away was named Michael. Roxanne had requested that I name him Michael or Mike and I decided on Magic mike. Jeannie later told me that when her son was little he always wanted to grow up and be a magician so it was a God thing that I picked Magic Mike not knowing that. As usual because Mike is so traumatized from whatever his past was he was absolutely terrified of these two new people in his pasture he didn't know he didn't want any part of it and then the most spectacular magical thing happened. He began to accept treats from Roxanne and then accept treats from Jeannie and even followed them. It was a very special moment for all three of us but I know especially for Jeannie. For him to have been so trusting in the hour that we were over there just tells you that God has his hand in it and just with patience time and love he will turn around. I was absolutely stunned and in all of the fact that he began to warm up to them and it really says a lot. I was just so thankful and honored to be a part of the story no matter how hard it is for me to get him to accept me and to earn his Trust knowing the reason behind it makes me want to work even harder. Thank you Roxanne and Jeannie for coming out to meet Mike and me as well it was so worth it! More videos in comments

Day 2 with magic mike.... he did let me rub him a little with my lead rope and let me brush him without a halter obvisouly.... I did bring some panels up to build a little stall. I will be feeding him in there so he knows it's a safe place. I'm sitting inside the pen quietly while he eats. After a few days of that I will get in with him without trying to halter just to make him comfortable and just keep doing that until I feel he's ready for the halter. I'm also going to make a little shelter like I have at my house with the panels, cattle panels and a tarp. He has shade trees to get under at the fence line but none of them ever use it. They will graze whether it's 10000 degrees or