Clemson Paw Partners, Central, SC Videos

Videos by Clemson Paw Partners in Central. Clemson Paw Partners is an animal welfare organization that's dedicated helping save the lives of ani

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Message from Charlie

Cannon Fincher, a senior at Clemson majoring in forestry is an awesome young man who rescued this little fella. Very nice young man.

Happy to help people and their furry companions. What a great venue at the Doodle Trail in Pickens.

Boxer Butts & Other Mutts Thank you to everyone who donated. This is what we have received so far, with more on the way.

Bella Nova
Electric Strings playing Somewhere Over the Rainbow at Pickens County Meals on Wheels luncheon for volunteers

In the past, Clemson Paw Partners has been over $5,000 for Oliver, Molly, Boots, Squirt and Jones medical care. This amount does not include their food we provided to Molly and Oliver. Thank you, Keowee Animal Hospital and Magnolia Hospital for helping us. The amount does not include donations to other rescues or food provided to pet owners. Thank you to the people who rescued them and to the fosters for caring for them. Thank you to everyone who donates. To our donors. Many of you donate $10 a month. What I want you to know is that we love you. But please take care of yourself and your family first if it puts a strain on your budget. #5sheltersaves

Over two weeks ago, the good citizens of Six Mile rescued this petite little girl. We kept her name which is Molly. Molly was microchipped. The owners were located and they had given Molly away. To who, we don’t know. The owners moved out of state and showed no interest in Molly. Molly was taken to Magnolia and was treated before turning her care over to Keowee Animal Hospital. Through donations, we were able to pay Molly’s bill at Magnolia which was $1,500. Thank you Molly will now need surgery(Nov 14th) to remove bladder stones. We need to raise an additional $500 to cover the surgery. Please donate, Venmo @pawpartners-18

Jones From Monday until this evening. Jones is still not out of the woods, but there is hope. His appetite is good. Let’s hope his numbers continue to improve. Thank you, Boxer Butts & Other Mutts for helping this sweet fella.

Our Six Mile Dogs. Oliver & Molly Look at their transformation of their wounds. Laser treatment was used on both dogs.

All 15 of the winter cat houses are gone. I knew they wouldn’t last long. For those of you who donated, we will take that money and buy more totes to make more. Just don’t know when that will be. Charlie, from Clemson Life was a huge help. Always has a smile on his face. Charlie has Down Syndrome and I look forward to him coming to the clinic. He works harder than people without a disability. Thank you to @Paula Hinger and her group of church members for making the houses. It was really great to help everyone

This young male dog as you can see is in terrible shape. This little fella showed up at business and they can’t keep him. This is off Shiloh Rd in Oconee. The business in his words stated he was probably in a pen, starved and very malnourished I can’t even tell what kind of dog he is I asked the business owner to take to Oconee Animal Shelter. I hope they don’t turn him away. I hope someone can help.

Winter cat houses are ready. If you take care of a feral colony, you can pick one up for Free. Only one per colony. They are well insulated as you can see. The straw will be put in last. Paula Hinger along with a group at her church donated and made 15. I will let everyone know when they will be available.

Her name is Molly. Tonight, I met Jennifer Hill and Samantha Hartsell(foster) at Magnolia Hospital in Anderson to pick Molly up. Molly will be cared for by Samantha and her fiancé, Mike. Mike has already fallen in love with her. Molly’s head wound/laceration will have to be changed twice a day. Molly is on antibiotics and pain meds. Molly is a very quiet little girl. Molly is around 10 years old and is Heartworm negative. Molly has bladder stones that will have to be removed surgically once she is healthier. After we left Magnolia, we went to Pet Smart to get her some quality food. We found she loves can food. We like Purina Pro Plan. Then we went to Target and bought bandages, gauze and saline to dress her wound. She took everything in while Mike pushed her in the basket. Once she is healthier, all her follow ups will be at Keowee Animal Hospital with Dr Monica Parker. Thank you to the good people who live in Six Mile who helped Molly. And to the vets and staff at Magnolia Hospital, thank you for your kindness and the wonderful care you gave Molly. To everyone who donated, thank you. GOD IS SO GOOD!!

Oliver getting ready for his 5th laser treatment at Keowee Animal Hospital. Look at the improvement on his leg.

Clemson Paw Partners was one of 22 nonprofits chosen this year by The Reserve Foundation. Keitha Albright and I enjoyed the last two days helping with The Reserve’s Annual Golf Tournament

Oliver Update!!! Today, Oliver was taken to his Aunt Jennifer Hill by his mom, Denise Carver Reynolds. Yes, I heard Denise tell Oliver “come to Mom”. It was Rub ah Dub Day for Oliver. I swear I can’t even remember all the stuff Jennifer put on him but I’m sure it was organic. Oliver is one happy boy. But we are cautious moving forward. Oliver has to stay calm for several months because of the heartworms and having a heart murmur. Oliver will confinue to be cared for by Dr Monica Parker and her staff at Keowee Animal Hospital. The question was asked about adoption fee. We don’t charge an adoption fee. Our focus is placing the animals we invest in to go to a great home. Those of you who have donated, thank you so much. “We don’t choose to do what’s easy, but what is hard” The Late Robert F Kennedy.

We Got Him!!! Thanks to Jennifer Hill, she met me at the property and transported him to Keowee Animal Hospital to see Dr Monica Parker. Even better news, we have a foster. More to come. UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE! Oliver is estimated to be around 2 years old. He weighed in at 42lbs, has been neutered, but no microchip. His disposition is so darn sweet. He absolutely loved all the attention he was getting. Jennifer Hill had a thick comforter for him to lay on and he went to sleep. Now for the medical side. Oliver is Heartworm positive and he will be treated. Oliver has a heart murmur and will have to remain very calm. At this moment, his leg is being X-rayed for possible fracture. The open wound will be treated tomorrow with lazer treatment. Out of all the things that Oliver has, the open wound will be the least of his issues. So where do we go from here. No brainer. You help this animal. The cost is no concern to CPP. I don’t really worry about because if I did, we would never help an animal. Many of you have offered to help. When I know the full cost I will post and you can donate. Jennifer Hill is providing all the supplies, like food, crate, bedding and probably a male tutu to the foster. Pray for Oliver.

Our first client today was Shiloh, the German Shepherd that was saved by the Fed Ex driver in Six Mile. We treated Shiloh with a Free Pamper Your Pet Day. Savannah Cison and her 2 little girls are so happy to have Shiloh back home.

TD’s in Clemson has always supported Clemson Paw Partners. Today, TD’s invited Charlie and I to lunch to buy tickets, Tshirts and give us a check. TD’s is also a part of the Clemson Life Program. Grace Clements, daughter of Clemson University President, Jim Clements works here. Charlie decided he wanted to help Grace bus tables. Charlie never stopped grinning. Whatever you do today, stop and Google Clemson Life Program.

Pictured are 2 samples of throws that will be featured at our “first ever” Festival on October 14th. Stop by and check out the amazing handy work of Linda and Cathy. Pictured are how many Tshirts are left. We will not reorder. A citizen who I have known for years stopped by and picked up a bag of dog food and toys for her Chihuahua who she adores.

Come by Saturday and pick up a bag or two of cat/dog food at Savvi Pet Accessories located at 129 W Main Street. Bring your cat or dog to be Pampered for $35. Microchip, Nail Trim, Teeth Brushing and Ear Cleaning. Sold as a package only even if you don’t want all 4. Cat/Dog will be free to those who bring their pets to be Pampered.

Monday adventures with Charlie. First we stopped at First Citizens Bank where CPP does business. Then we headed over to Keowee Animal Hospital and Charlie was allowed to shadow Dr Monica Parker. Today, as Charlie would say. “This was the best “. He loved being in the exam room with Dr Parker. Charlie also helped with 4 kittens. Charlie had a huge smile on his face when we left. He told me he was going to buy a big farm and Dr Parker would be the vet. Dream Big Charlie. Charlie has Down Syndrome and is a student with Clemson University Life Program.

A very kind donor came by and gave CPP $260 cash to buy cat food. We had 53 cents left. Charle with Clemson Life scanned every bag and we ended up with 2 full baskets. We will have cat food for those who need it. Our clinic hours for Thursday and Friday are 10-4pm. Only one bag per family.