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Happy mother's day to all women and girls in all over the world.


THU. NOV. 30, 2023: Addictive Effect of the social media apps on the families.

Has any one noticed that Artificial intelligence or AI has the potential to addict families across the world.

These days, the children, the parents, and grandparents even in the remotest enclaves of the world communities are addicted to the telephones and the other social media technological devices. The governments at all levels in all countries are incompetent to control and surveil this generation. I could recall the time when cell phones were prohibited in the school. In my opinion, the governments are losing the battle. There is a lasting interdependence between humans and AI and there is nothing we can do about this phenomenon. Who is to blame for the invention of this useful monster call AI? (QER).

Who invented AI?
"THU. NOV. 30, 2023: Addictive Effect of the social media apps on the families.

Has any one noticed that Artificial intelligence or AI has the potential to addict families across the world.

These days, the children, the parents, and grandparents even in the remotest enclaves of the world communities are addicted to the telephones and the other social media technological devices. The governments at all levels in all countries are incompetent to control and surveil this generation. I could recall the time when cell phones were prohibited in the school. In my opinion, the governments are losing the battle. There is a lasting interdependence between humans and AI and there is nothing we can do about this phenomenon. Who is to blame for the invention of this useful monster call AI? (QER).

Who invented AI?
The term "AI" could be attributed to John McCarthy of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), which Marvin Minsky (Carnegie-Mellon University)"

Gas flares in Nigeria oil heartland harm children - Gas Outlook 11/29/2023

WED. NOV. 29, 2023: The need to convert the Fossil gas in the Delta ,and Bayelea States to useful and consumable products for domestic consumption and export is urgent and necessary now. (By Dr. I Idio. Nov 29, 2023. 11:24 EST.)

From the Diaspora contribution & suggestion to Nigerian governments and private entrepreneurs, I offer the following ideas. The premise is, Nigeria is sitting below a gigantic funnel flaring natural gas wastefully into the atmosphere for decades in the River, Bayelsa, and Delta states. Russia converted its gas into useful products to become the world's leading gas exporter. Russia has become not only rich but it is using its revenue to bully Ukraine.

Nigeria can do exactly the same thing.


Reliefs for the cost of cooking gas for household consumption

Generation of revenue for the federal and state governments' treasuries

Increasing the value of Naira

Decreasing the rate of inflation

Availability of money to develop high speed railroad transportation system, health-care system

Great employments

Reduce crime rates and corruption

The Tinubu's administration can accomplish these things if Nigerians support president Timubu instead of undermining his effort.


"But gas flaring, routinely carried out by oil exploration companies in Nigeria, also poses a significant hazard to the health of populations exposed to it. According to a study, around 12 million tons of methane are released into the atmosphere yearly in the Nigerian states of Rivers, Bayelsa, and Delta." (Nov 15, 2022)



"...has flaring …" https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://gasoutlook.com/long-read/gas-flaring-in-nigeria-oil-heartland-harms-children/%23:~:text%3DBut%2520gas%2520flaring%252C%2520routinely%2520carried,Rivers%252C%2520Bayelsa%252C%2520and%2520Delta.&ved=2ahUKEwiG98TZyemCAxW8MVkFHROpCYUQFnoECAoQBQ&usg=AOvVaw0VhSmSjqMawFfmd2mT6geR

"Gas flares in N

Gas flares in Nigeria oil heartland harm children - Gas Outlook Gas flaring, routinely carried out by companies producing oil in Nigeria, poses a significant hazard to the health of those exposed to it, especially children.


SAT. OCT 25, 2023. Then & Nowadays.

Back then, s*xuality was a respectable phenomenon and it was unheard of or even imagined that it could become a weapon of "mass destruction." Unlike today, the chief executive officers, politicians,and others could 5ake their secretaries who were not their spouses on overseas tours and pay their ways with the escrow vouchers covered by the government. The bosses would take advantage of the secretary under the pretext of performing official duties. As long as what transpired between the parties was not a public gossip. Some people would describe the event as a "bush allowance" for the boss.

Today, most politicians are becoming victims of rampant s*x abuse accusations. Even the supreme court does not favor the statute of limitations or when the abuse took place. The accusers are taking full advantage of the weapon they have. Three elements that humans prefer in life are eating, happiness, and s*x. This commentator does not condone s*xual abuse in any form. We should respect the girls and women and transgenders. The politicians who were caught in the net of the accusers and lost their elected offices should have been careful. Even Adam could not resist s*xual urge when Eve presented herself as *Apple" to him and both blamed Satan after the act. Why did Satan not join in in the act? I wonder. We are all hypocrites when it pertains to s*x. It has transcended the moral fabric of all societies across the world. (TBC).



Our Divine Creator, AKWA ABASI IBOM the Creator of the universe and all lives on earth. Look with Mercy upon all of us. Comfort us in our time of trouble, time of sickness, time of war, time of pandemic, and in time of uncertainty. Cure us of our sickness. Bring us peace and harmony in your name. You are the only one to deliver us from our misery and to console the grieving families who lost loved ones. Even as we call you in different names, God, Yalwah, Allah, and many others, you are still the universal creator. I pray for Peace, Harmony, and Tranquility. AMEN.

NBC4 Washington 10/10/2023

Tue. Oct. 10, 2023: The more the volley of Missile exchanges between Israel and the Palestine Hamas lunger's, the higher the prices of gasoline for motorists across the world except in Saudi Arabia., Kuwait, and a few other oil producing nations.

10/10/2023: The more the conflict between Israel and Palestine escalates and linger, the higher the gas or fuel prices will increase for American motorists and those in other nations across the globe.

The good thing is that this time around, the media and the critics know who to blame but not President Byden. It goes to prove the point that humanity is very interdependent. Metaphorically, whatever happens in the middle east, affects everybody else. It's like when an elephant sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold. Conversely, the sooner we seize fire and talk peace, the quicker we can see the gas prices plummet to the level we had prior to the fighting early last week. The average gas price in Washington DC," Maryland. and Virginia metropolitan areas stand at District of Columbia average gas prices ; Current Avg. $3.777, $4.284 ; Yesterday Avg. $3.781, $4.284 ; Week Ago Avg. $3.858, $4.442 ; Month Ago Avg. $3.900, $4.431; Virginia average gas prices ; Yesterday Avg. $3.467, $3.898, $4.260, $4.346 ; Week Ago Avg. $3.523, $3.943, $4.297, $4.358." ; Mar 7, 2022 — Washington, D.C.'s average gas prices are well above the national mean at $4.225 per gallon, according to AAA. That's 60 cents more than it was …"


Reference/ Links

NBC4 Washington

https://www.nbcwashington.com › ...

Gas Price Surge: DC and Maryland Reach Record High

NBC4 Washington Washington DC News, Maryland News, Virginia News, Local News, Weather, Traffic, Entertainment, Breaking News


Sun. Oct. 8, 2023: Will Israel and Palestinian peoples live together in Peace and Harmony?

Yes. It may happen at the end of this war between Israel and Palestinian that started on Saturday, October 7, 2023.
God the Creator of the universe and all peoples on Earth will have Israelis and the Palestinians to live together in harmony, peace, and tranquility on the same land as one nation under Yahweh or God or Allah or Akwa ABASI IBOM. This will come to pass sooner than later. Read the poem in the
book: Ignatius Ekpenyong Idio. Sr. A Memoir: The Intriguing Journey Of My Life (pp.67-68). ISBN: 978-15049-4752-7. May the Creator plant the seeds of peace in the minds of the people of Israel and the Palestinian people. Amen.


Sunday. Oct 8, 2023: May we petition the Divine Creator to encourage us to show sympathy and kindness at every chance we have to assist our fellow human beings we interact with daily. Let's begin each of our days with divine gratitude, truth, and hope in our heart. May our Creator guide us to end everyday by reflecting on our actions. Let's pray for a ceasefire in the fighting between Israel and Palestinian states and the victims who lost their lives. I pray in the name of Akwa Abasi Ibom for universal PEACE, HARMONY, AND TRANQUILITY. AMEN.

Netanyahu tells Israel ‘We are at war’ after Hamas launches an unprecedented attack, killing at least 100 people 10/07/2023

Sat. Oct. 7, 2023. Hamas attack on Israel and the counter attack by the Israelis government.
"Citizens of Israel. We are at war, said the Prime of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu (CNN reporting. 10 Oct. 2023).
Are the citizens of Israel ready and willing to respond to their leaders to fight Hamas in Gaza in light of the ongoing domestic protest in the streets of Israel because of the PM's policy on reforming the Israelis Court?
It will serve both the Israel and Hamas to seize fire immediately.
Another thing to consider is that Hamas appears to have more sophisticated ammunition to counter the Israelis powerful weaponry. Both sides will suffer lots of human casualties. America has the crisis in Ukraine to deal with. If there is no seize fire and if the fighting in the middleast escalates. Iran and North Korea may supply the Hamas with more longrange missiles. Present Putin has his stomach full by his invasion of Ukraine to offer support to Israel.

The CNN morning breaking news report


Ahram Online , Saturday 7 Oct 2023.

"2023. Gaza - Israel Crashes" https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Gaza%25E2%2580%2593Israel_clashes&ved=2ahUKEwibkfKD1eSBAxVWFFkFHVueCyQ4ChAWegQIBBAB&usg=AOvVaw1lHEqDgbFJkmQV6J0w_eZB

"LIVE UPDATES: .Israel attack on Gaza: 232 Palestinians killed, 1700 injured…"

Netanyahu tells Israel ‘We are at war’ after Hamas launches an unprecedented attack, killing at least 100 people Hamas militant group in the Gaza Strip carried out an unprecedented, multi-front attack on Israel at daybreak, firing thousands of rockets and infiltrating heavily fortified sections through air, l…


Oct. 4, 2023: Are the Republicans staging a political coup and character assassination?

"A house divided against itself,l cannot stand," said Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the US. It seems the Republican party is staging an internal political coup and character assassination to the extent that the members are unsure about representing the American people. They are suffering from what could be defined as "misappropriation of governance priority" syndrome."


Sunday, 10/1/2023: Weekend devotion.

Let's pray in our own individual way to our Creator God or AKWA ABASI IBOM to thank Him or Her to be alive today. We also must thank the savior for providing our daily bread in spite of the rising cost of living. All these are the evidence that our prayers are answered by Our Creator. Let's pray for the families which have lost loved ones, homes, and livelihoods. They fled their homeland to take refuge in other countries. May we reach out to help the refugees in our midst with the little we have. With our small act of kindness, we will be rewarded abundantly.
This I pray in love, peace, and tranquility, AMEN.

Home of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion - health.gov 09/27/2023

Wed. Sep. 27, 2023: Is bacteria older than human beings?

Bacteria fossils were known as microscopic organisms or microbes about 300,000 years ago (See link in the reference.)

Coroterally, "How long have humans existed? "Bones of primitive Homo sapiens first appeared about 300,000 years ago in Africa, with brains as large or larger than ours. They're followed by anatomically modern Homo sapiens at least 200,000 years ago…" and brain shape became essentially modern at least so, bacteria preexisted human beings. The premise of this comment is that bacteria and human beings and other living things have a symbiotic relationship or have been in close physical association. Unfortunately, the relationship between bacteria and human beings is not always harmonious. According to the National Institutes of Health.gov) article,cited in the link,

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › pmc Editorial titled "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly: Multiple Roles of Bacteria in Human Life" - PMC: summarized by T. Venkova in 2018, showed that "Despite the vast information available to date and the general belief that bacteria are more harmful than beneficial to the human population, …" the editor disputed the claim by taking the position that "Bacteria are not only considered the cradle of Life, but as revealed by history and centuries of scientific interest, they are the living organisms that affect us, the Humans, most…."

From the moment Antonie van Leeuwenhoek observed for the first time the tiny bacterial cells under the microscope, up until the ongoing sequencing projects on the human microbiome, the microbiologists, virologists, bacteriologists, and other microbe scientists have conducted research studies and experiments to determine the proposition weather bacteria are "good, bad, and ugly to the human beings as they cohabit with the human beings. For instance, in 2019 to the present, our research virologist conducted studies on coronavirus in Wuhan laboratory in China that r

Home of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion - health.gov Health.gov is your portal for health-related resources and news from the U.S. government. Find prevention topics, dietary and physical activity guidelines, and other health resources.


SUNDAY, SEP. 24, 2023: The good, the bad, and the painful part of Tattoo as a body decoration fashion by

Dr. I.E. Idio. 10.00 p m. est.

Synopsis of the history of the art of tattoo.

"Tattooing has been practiced across the globe since at least Neolithic or archaic times, as evidenced by mummified preserved skin, ancient art and the archaeological record. Both ancient art and archaeological finds of possible tattoo tools suggest tattooing was practiced by the Upper Paleolithic or stone age period in Europe Wikipedia.

"In Japan, tattooing is thought to go back to the Paleolithic era, and tattooed Egyptian mummies—primarily female—have been uncovered dating to the age of the pyramids. In 1948, the excavation of Siberian tombs revealed bodies over 2,000 years old decorated with tattoos of animals and mythical beasts."

"Egypt's international trade spread the practice of tattooing to Crete, Greece, and Arabia, and there is a history of tattooing in ancient China, as well as among Celtic and Northern European tribes, such as the Picts—literally "painted people"—and in Samoa and the Polynesian island where the word "tatou" originated."

"With the rise of Christianity, tattooing became increasingly associated with paganism and the criminal class, and was prohibited in Europe under the first Christian Roman emperor, Constantine."

In the late eighteenth century, the practice of tattooing became popular among British sailors around the time of Captain James Cook's voyages to Tahiti, and for a time, tattoos were present in the western world mostly on the bodies of seamen returning from the South Pacific. But the art form experienced a resurgence among the British gentry after King George V and later Edward VII were tattooed (with a dragon and a cross, respectively), and foreign courts followed the British Court's lead, sparking a rash of tattooed royalty during the nineteenth century. According to Jablonski, "Tattoos become more socially acceptable because they are


Sunday. Sep. 24, 2023. Weekend Devotion.

May the universal creator God or Akwa Abasi Ibom infuse in all of us a perfect love and devotion. May His or Her love increase our compassion toward the needy people we meet everyday. May your holy spirit direct us to pray with divine joy for everything that is good. Comfort us in our time of sickness, time of war, and in times of uncertainty we encounter daily. This we pray in profound Peace, Harmony, and Tranquility. AMEN.

The White House 09/18/2023

Mon. Sep. 18, 2023: The age of President Biden, prognostication, and some Americans unwillingness to accept Vice Presidential Harris as the next President should the President vacate leadership in 2024.

The people who think this way either are not knowledgeable about the provisions of the 12 and the 14th Amendments to the Constitution.

Why would any person judge the Vice President by the color of her "skin" rather than the "contents" of her character, according to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (Aug 28, 1963.)

Domestically, Vice President Harris has traveled across America to campaign in support of the achievements of the administration. Internationally, she has traveled to several nations and met with world leaders to thwart the threats posed by China, Russia, Iran, etc to NATO, and the unprovoked invasion of Russia of Ukraine. Vice president Harris has spoken eloquently against some state laws that are in place to band black history from the public school curriculums.

It is obvious that some Americans are yet to warm up to the reality that the Vice President is very qualified to be the president of the U.S. and she will demonstrate a stoic performance during her reign. She has the temperament and ability to stand toe to toe against both domestic and international foes and the compassion for American allies and friends.


"Fact sheet: President Biden and Vice President Harris Are …" www.whitehouse.gov

"Harris makes first midterm campaign stop on abortion …" Spectrum News…ny1.com

"Vice President Kamala will visit Wisconsin to tout broadband and raise money" Wisconsin News(31 July 2023)

Who is Kamala Devi Harris? "Kamala Devi Harris is an American politician and attorney who is the 49th and current …" wikipedia.

The Whitehouse videos. Whitehouse.gov

The White House President Biden and Vice President Harris promised to move quickly to deliver results for working families. That’s what they’ve done.


Sunday, Sep. 10, 2023: Weekend Devotion Everyone


Because you and I and our loved ones are alive today, isn't that sufficient reason to give thanks to the universal creator for His or Her grace?
Akwa Abasi Ibom, the Almighty God has our back and is always ready to insure our lives without asking us to pay a premium. Whether you are a believer or not, remember to thank God in your own unique way in Peace, Harmony, and Tranquility, AMEN.


SUNDAY SEP. 3, 2023: Weekend petition

Let's pray. Thank you our Creator for your love for us.

Thank you for keeping us alive one day at time. Forgive us for the things we did to displease you.

We pray that you will encourage us to love more and to hate none.

Keep our loved ones and relatives healthy and alive. Provide for the people who have been displaced around the world.

Help our leaders and policy makers to settle crises peacefully and stop wars.

I pray to Akwa ABASI IBÓM in Peace, Harmony, and Tranquility, AMEN.

What Is QAnon, the Viral Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theory? 09/01/2023

Fri. Sep. 1, 2023: Why bite the finger that feeds you?

I am so disappointed about the way Americans are fixated with low poll numbers for president Biden. I am disappointed by the way some women have been treating the president. Yet, they forget that the women have been the greatest beneficiary from the Biden/Harris administration in two years of leadership since the president took office. These same women will be complaining when the Republicans win back the White House in the 2024 election and revert back to unfair treatment of women. Can the news outlets ask the Republicans to hold a press conference to tell the American people what they have accomplished in the last two years in Congress?
The former president has several impeachment concords, conspiracy theories of stealing elections by the Democrats as well as a laundry list of court cases most of which the courts dismissed and pictures of mog shuts on t-shirts. Would Americans vote for the former president or any of the supporters in the 2024 election? (TBC).


'What Is QAnon, the Viral Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theory?"

How the Republican Party came to embrace conspiracy …"

"Post-election lawsuits related to the 2020 U.S. presidential election"
Post-election lawsuits related to the 2020 U.S. presidential election
Article Talk
How the ex presidentpresident made money …"
AP News
Article Talk

What Is QAnon, the Viral Pro-Trump Conspiracy Theory? Explaining the “big tent conspiracy theory” that falsely claims that former President Trump is facing down a shadowy cabal of Democratic pedophiles.


8/31/2023: If the minimum or a living wage or salary is paid to all levels of employee in Nigeria, there would be no need for petty bribes or tips that some Nigerian soldiers or police or security agents usually ask for at chdck points across the country. I suggest N100-150k minimum pay for employees with secondary diplomas or equivalent ceritificates.
President Tinibu should consider this national minimum salary or wage increase a matter of national priority.


Sunday, August 27, 2023: A global day of prayer.

Let's thank the universal Creator for keeping us alive.

Let's thank God or AKWA ABASI IBOM for healing our illnesses.

Let's thank the all-present Creator for taking care of our loved ones and our family. Let's thank God for sparing the people of Niger from Wagner Boss Yevgeny Prigozhin who was killed in his private jet plane Crash In Russia. Our Creator works miraculously. In this case, Prigozhin might have faced his fate as a self-destroying martyrdom. No human being can predict the intent of the Omnipotent Creator. Appeal to your Alpha and Omega Creator in your own Idiolect and your petition will be answered in Peace and Harmony, AMEN.


Sunday, 8/20/2023: Keep on praying and happy weekend to everyone.

Let's pray in our own unique way to our Creator God or AKWA ABASI IBOM and our petitions will be answered. Speak more of the positive things you experience daily. For example, we are alive today, we have a stable economy, progressively low inflation, fewer gun violence and more love and tolerance of one another. All these are not random acts; this is evidence that our prayers are answered by Our Creator. Let's pray for the families which have lost loved ones and are in a state of lugubriousness. We should remember the words of a great thinker who said that "In death there is life and in life there is death." Life and Death are ordained by our Creator. This I pray in love, peace, and tranquility, AMEN , AMEN.2



AAA Gas Prices 08/17/2023

8/017/2023: The current rise in gas prices in the DMV area can be fixed with simple supply and demand economic principles.

If the motorists adjust their demand for gas, the supplier will do the same.
1 Drivers can buy less gas unless they have to fill up their gas tanks.
2 They can walk to nearby shopping malls and grocery stores instead of driving.
3 They can carpool.
4. They can use public transportations.
5 They can order groceries to be delivered to them at h9ome.
6 They can ride bicycles like the President does.

The impact on the supply of gas.
1 The supplier of gas will have a lot of inventory in their depot.
2 They will supply more gas; reduce inventory, and reduce the prices of gas.
3 The federal reserve will not need to interfere at this time.
4 The President will not have to do anything at this time.
If we all buy into this and act accordingly, the gas prices at the gas stations will fall back to $3.00 by next week. Let the supply-demand economic force prevail. (TBC).

The current average gas prices in the DMV are as follows.
"Washington (DC only) ; Current Avg. $4.022, $4.549 ; Yesterday Avg. $4.015, $4.566 ; Week Ago"

"Virginia average gas prices ; Current Avg. $3.678, $4.072"

"Maryland Current Avg. $3.811, $4.310, $4.616, $4.369. Yesterday Avg. $3.807, $4.303, $4.588, $4.335." Today's AAA Maryland Avg. $3.811
Price as of 8/17/23

AAA Gas Prices

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