Cooperative Healing, Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork
CranioSacral Therapy, ZeroBalancing, Reiki, and Relaxation and Therapeutic Massage Therapy. Some Or
Helen is a nationally certified, Licensed Massage Therapist, a Certified Zero Balancer, and a Usui Reiki Master/Teacher. She currently offers Massage, CranioSacral Therapy, Reflexology and Reiki services at her private office in Champaign, as well as Personal Performance in Urbana and through the I-Hotel Spa in Champaign. She will even bring Massage or Reiki to you -- contact her directly for info
Celebrating 50 years of Zero Balancing during the month of May with haiku poems offered by ZB practitioners. Find a session or class near you at
Thank you, Deanna Waggy for your excellent graphic design!
In Zero Balancing our primary working tool of touch is the fulcrum. Simplified a fulcrum is a point of support on which a lever turns and serves as a catalyst for change.
Archimedes said "Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I shall move the world"
Fulcrums aren't solely physical but also deeply energetic. For instance our skillful use of speech is a verbal fulcrum. Can you recall a time when expressing a simple word or two was all that was needed? Diffusing an awkward situation, bringing a smile to anothers face or as the precursor for new insight and direction in life.
When we embody the fulcrum we become the fulcrum, a stimulus for change affecting how we relate to ourselves, others and the world around us.
"When you receive or study Zero Balancing, you run the risk of being yourself." Fritz Smith, MD, Zero Balancing founder
In Zero Balancing, we don't just "look" at our clients. We commit to "seeing" them and what they do in response to ZB. The bodywork that is done is ultimately THEIR work, not ours. It proceeds from inside out. But we can see the trajectories of their inner work through changes in breathing, movement, facial expression, etc. This sensory aspect is an essential capacity emphasized by Zero Balancing. Learning Zero Balancing will give you a much deeper level of knowledge and skill in seeing and responding to these "working signs."
"While with an eye made quiet by the power
Of harmony, and the deep power of joy,
We see into the life of things"
~ William Wordswoth
I've heard a study was done of films of Feldenkrais, Trager and Ida Rolf working. The study was looking for what made them masterful, what distinguished their work from their students. It turns out they were not apparently "doing" any different moves than their students. What they were observed to be doing, quite differently, is they were paying attention to the client, "tracking" the client with a far higher degree of concentration.
It turns out observation skills and the sensory aspect of bodywork is as important as or more so than the motor actions we take. So use your eyes brilliantly and you will SEE what needs to be done.
By spending time within, we can find ways to heal our bodies more deeply
A valuable message wrapped in an adorable drawing...
I'm feeling it! 💞
To go along with the image, here are some
Powerful Benefits of Looking Within.
1. By looking within and exploring your thought patterns and behaviours you can discover your true nature.
2. Compassionately looking within can help you to positively deal with insecurities.
3.Compassionately looking within can increase self-understanding, self-worth, self-confidence and improve your overall mental health.
4. Compassionately looking within can help you focus on yourself and identify self-care needs so they can be met.
5. Looking within can also boost your energy. A lack of looking within can lead to not knowing yourself well enough to know what fuels your energy and what drains it. Regularly and compassionately looking within can go a long way in preventing you from feeling drained, overwhelmed or burnt out.
We spend so much time in our outer world, don't forget to lovingly spend time looking within. There is so much beauty waiting to be fully uncovered.
Wishing you health, peace and empowerment.
# # # J 💜
Adorable image by Sketches in Stillness
This is a wonderful class, with wonderful teachers. If you have taken the Core ZB classes, you'll LOVE this!
And if you're receiving ZB, you'll love receiving this work too. It's amazing.
Learn to bring ZB Touch to the organs!
Zero Balancing Expanded: Addressing the Viscera with Lisa Berger and Amanda King, August 4-7 in S. Deerfield, MA.
This four-day course teaches you how to evaluate, mobilize and balance the structure and energy of the visceral system, including internal organs, membranes, cavities and other important structures. Using anatomy knowledge and Zero Balancing principles (Interface, the Blue Line, fulcrums, working signs etc.), you will gain the skills and confidence to easily integrate visceral work into your ZB sessions.
What students say about ZBX: Viscera:
"[This class is] spectacular, clear, magical, spiritual and very physical. So much more room for circulation, immune flow, nerve flow."
"[my] knowledge has been greatly expanded with view of potential outcomes. I feel confidence and have skills to integrate the whole person."
"I loved the Organ Theaters -- great kinesthetic experience of what we were learning."
Pre-requisite ZB II
Details and register:
"Zero Balancing is an integrative, low cost, simply administered, holistic therapy with multiple benefits. ... [T]his body therapy, with its focus on skilled, conscious touch, does facilitate wellness in the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions of wellness."
Schedule your ZeroBalancing session today and enjoy deep relaxation, a feeling of being integrated within yourself, and increased ease of movement. Call (217) 220-7673 to book your session
(Quote from: Rhoads, Misty L.; Murphy, Mary; Doucette, Michele; Gentile, Tom; Rhoads, Dylan; and Watson, Jacob (2021) "Investigating the Effects of Zero Balancing on the Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Dimensions of Wellness: A Phenomenological MIxed Methods Pilot Study," The International Journal of Zero Balancing and Transformative Touch: Vol. 1 : Iss. 1 , Article 11.)
Available at:
Investigating the Effects of Zero Balancing on the Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Dimensions of Wellness: A Phenomenological MIxed Methods Pilot Study Background: Today, the necessity for relieving undue stress on the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels is evident at this time of concomitant global crises from the pandemic, societal inequity, and climatic challenges. Methods to restore and enhance human well-being are critically need...
It's not too late to register for the Reiki I Certification at Soul Care. The class runs all day September 11 & 12, 2021. Register here:
Self care comes in many forms, from a lovely cup of tea to buddy work that meets you where you are and helps you get where you want to be.
I will be at Soul Care from 12-1:15 offering 10 minute taster sessions. Come see what this wonderful place has to offer (and say hello).
Calling all Nurses!!!
We appreciate you all so much for what you do to help take care of all of us. So, we would like to give you the opportunity to allow us to take care of you! ☺️
Come on out Saturday, the 15th to let us refuel your soul with such offerings as massage, foot baths, guided meditation, and much more.
Our doors will open at noon, and there's no need to make a reservation. Just come on it. We welcome you!
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
Contact the business
Champaign, IL
Opening Hours
Monday | 11am - 5am |
Tuesday | 11am - 5am |
Wednesday | 11:30am - 5am |
Friday | 11am - 5am |
Saturday | 12pm - 5am |