Dragonfly International Therapy, Chandler, AZ Videos

Videos by Dragonfly International Therapy in Chandler. I'm Sarah Jenkins, MC, LPC. Welcome to my counseling practice, where the focus is on relieving suffer

The Coffee Cup Analogy

Healing from trauma. Our increased processing capacity described in 7 short minutes. #EMDR #emdrtherapy #EMDRIA #EAEMDR #trauma

Other Dragonfly International Therapy videos

The Coffee Cup Analogy
Healing from trauma. Our increased processing capacity described in 7 short minutes. #EMDR #emdrtherapy #EMDRIA #EAEMDR #trauma

Alaska Bear Video SWS Conference
I took this sweet video last week while in Denali, Alaska. This bear is going to help me teach folks at the SWS Conference in Tucson this Wednesday about individuation!

Healing the Whole Self: Treating Dissociation In Harmony With EMDR
If you are an EMDR Therapist, perhaps you have felt "stuck" when working with folks with complex trauma and dissociation. It's not that EMDR doesn't work, or that you don't have the right protocol. Learn why. Discover what you might be missing. Healing the Whole Self: Treating Dissociation in Harmony With EMDR Therapy October 26th, 2018 Course REGISTRATION is now open! https://dragonflyinternationaltherapy.com/training.html

The push and pull of craving - wanting something on the OUTSIDE that we think might fill us. Wanting something on the OUTSIDE to perhaps change our state. But, in reality, it's what is on the INSIDE that we really need.

Water Fountain Games
An oldie, but a goodie. One of my favorites of Ms. Chloe.

Sarah Jenkins MC, LPC, CPsychol EMDR Trainer, EMDR Therapist, EA-EMDR Founder
Sarah Jenkins MC, LPC, CPsychol EMDRIA Approved EMDR Training Provider, Consultant, EMDR Therapist, Founder of Equine-Assisted EMDR : An Introduction to my practice Dragonfly International Therapy

I captured a sweet nurturing moment with two of the horses I have the privilege of doing equine facilitated therapy work with. Moments like this are magical.