Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A. The Good Witch of Charleston

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A. The Good Witch of Charleston, Alternative & holistic health service, Charleston, SC.

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑊𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑛
✍️ @stardust.for.writers
🗝High Priestess, Witch, Goddess Devotee
🌱Sacred Magick Tools + Courses
✨Sound Healing + Spell Crafting


Stress loves a good hiding spot! 🙈 Whether it’s clenched jaws, tense shoulders, or a churning gut, our bodies hold onto stress in surprising ways. 🤯

Understanding where your body stores tension is the first step to letting go. Check out the image above to see why this area may be bothering you!

Try paying attention to physical sensations throughout the day. 🧘‍♀️

Some common stress hotspots:
👉 Jaw: grinding or clenching
👉 Shoulders: tension and tightness
👉 Stomach: butterflies or knots
👉 Neck: stiffness and pain

Ways to release the tension:
💜 Deep breathing exercises
💜 Progressive muscle relaxation
💜 Yoga or meditation
💜 Regular exercise
💜 Spending time in nature

Remember, it’s okay to not be okay. Taking care of yourself, both physically and mentally, is crucial. Let’s prioritize our well-being together! 💪

Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 08/01/2024

Save this & write down these dates to be in the flow of August’s magick! ✨✨✨

Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 08/01/2024

Happy Lammas! 🌾🍞 Celebrate the first harvest with gratitude and abundance.

Take a moment to appreciate the fruits of your labor and the beauty of the earth.

👈🏼 Swipe left for more ideas!

How are you honoring this special day? Share your Lammas rituals and traditions below!

Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 07/31/2024

Just a (witchy) girl ✨

Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 07/03/2024


Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 04/08/2024

😉 ✨

Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 02/28/2024

Needing more courage, protection, or a straight forward answer to a question? Try this spell. 👉

🔥 Tuesday is ruled by the fiery planet Mars, igniting passion, courage, and strength. It’s a day for taking action, pursuing goals, and overcoming challenges with determination and vitality.

🌿 Correspondences for Tuesday include:
- Colors: Red, Orange
- Crystals: Carnelian, Bloodstone, Red Jasper
- Herbs: Basil, Ginger, Pepper
- Intentions: Strength, Courage, Protection

Harness the fierce energy of Tuesday to fuel your ambitions, conquer obstacles, and ignite your inner fire.

Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 02/25/2024

🔮 Magickal Correspondences for Sunday 🔮

☀️ Planet: Sun
🔥 Element: Fire
💛 Color: Gold, Yellow, Orange
🌞 Deities: Ra, Helios, Apollo
🌿 Herbs: Sunflower, Chamomile, Marigold
💎 Crystals: Citrine, Amber, Sunstone

Sunday, ruled by the radiant Sun, is a day for vitality, success, and empowerment. It’s a time to bask in your inner light and harness the energy of confidence and achievement.

And hey, let’s not ignore the elephant in the room - the dreaded Sunday Scaries! 😱 While Sundays are often associated with relaxation and rejuvenation, they can also bring a sense of anxiety as the weekend comes to a close and the workweek looms ahead.

Here’s a little reminder for those battling the Sunday Scaries: You’ve got this! Take a deep breath, ground yourself in the present moment, and remember that you are capable of handling whatever challenges come your way.

Bonus: a sprinkle of magickal intention never hurts! 😉

Swipe left 👈🏼 for 3 spells to ward off the Sunday scaries!

Whether you’re casting spells, practicing self-care, or simply enjoying the sunshine, may your Sunday be filled with warmth, positivity, and a touch of enchantment! 💛🔥

Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 02/24/2024

2 SACRED OFFERINGS THIS WEEK! Come practice with me!

✨ Full Moon Crystal & Chakra Healing, Monday, February 26th at 6:30pm

✨Candlelight Kundalini Yoga, Wednesday, February 28th at 7:30pm

Begin your Kundalini journey with Pixi! Allow her to guide you through one of the most comprehensive forms of yoga, combining the physical practice with meditation, breathing exercises, and mantra to work on the body, mind and spirit ALL AT ONCE!

This class will focus on the most common kriyas postures, breath work, and meditations to build your
“Foundation for Transformation”.

Come balance yourSELF with this intentional Kundalini class in a candlelit room. *All levels are welcomed!

DATES: Feb 28th & Mar 6th
TIME: 7:30-8:30pm

Come and experience intentional magick and love!

Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 02/01/2024

I just finished registering my baby for his final year of pre-k next year.

After next year we will have:
🌟 Rowan starting kindergarten
🌟 Jude starting high school
🌟 Grey heading off to college

The lessons & blessings that these boys have taught me and given me so far are absolutely priceless.

My tender mama heart might be tearing up a little bit at how fast time flies, but my magickal self loves watching them grow into their beautiful selves.


Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 12/23/2023

I don’t talk much about how Kundalini Yoga helped me heal from grand mal seizures.

For 10 years I suffered with not feeling in control, or even in, my body. Those early adulthood years were intense and some parts I barely remember because the seizures could be so strong.

I had studied yoga before but the minute I walked into my first Kundalini class, something felt different and I knew that this practice could change everything.

After completing my kundalini yoga certification when I was 26, I stopped having seizures completely (although I still feared them). I took my time with doctor’s approval to get off of the level c medication I was on, especially in preparation to get pregnant and not potentially harm my child. Today I haven’t had seizures in nearly 12 years and I haven’t taken medication in nearly 5 years.

I don’t talk about it much because I’m still in awe of it and am more humbled by the experience than anything. I plan on writing more in depth about it soon but feel free to ask me anything!

As I enter 2024, I am greatly looking forward to share some of my favorite kundalini practices, sacred sound healing, and Ayurveda. I’ve just completed my priestess of sacred sound training with (highly recommend) and am embarking on a new year long study of Ayurveda and ta**ra with

If you’re on a journey of healing physically, mentally or emotionally, I hope we cross paths in the future and that some of my witchy, somatic & mystical tools can be of service to you.

Blessed be, dear ones.

Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 10/29/2023

Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 10/14/2023

Blessed New Moon in Libra + Solar Eclipse, my loves! 🌙✨

The epic journey of new beginnings is upon us!

I don’t know about you, but for me, sometimes my excited energy can feel like anxiety. Allow those energies to bubble up as we embark upon the dark time of the year.

What are you calling forward during this cycle?
What are you choosing to embody?
What makes your skin tingle with anticipation, excitement, and maybe even a little fear?
Follow those longings! 🐈‍⬛

I also want to say that even though this is a powerful portal time we are in, you don’t always have to be “doing” something. Sometimes the greatest ritual can be in receptive mode - just resting and allowing. After all, this is the time of year to allow yourself to slow down.

As a gift, enjoy a wonderful meditation for times when the veil is thinning. Comment INTUITIVE below and I’ll send you a direct link.

Trust your intuition, my love. You are Magick. 🔮

Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 09/30/2023

Priestess pilgrimage 🌀✨ so grateful to feel myself awakening once more

Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 11/13/2022

Holy heart opening 💚



Anyone else feeling this? 👋

Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 10/07/2022

"It was not witches who burned.

It was women.

Women who were seen as

Too beautiful
Too outspoken
Had too much water in the well (yes, seriously)
Who had a birthmark
Women who were too skilled with herbal medicine
Too loud
Too quite
Too much red in her hair
Women who had a strong nature connection
Women who danced
Women who sung
or anything else, really.


Sisters testified and turned on each other when their babies were held under ice.
Children were tortured to confess their experiences with “witches” by being fake executed in ovens.
Women were held under water and if they float, they were guilty and executed.
If they sunk and drowned they were innocent.

Women were thrown off cliffs.

Women were put in deep holes in the ground.

The start of this madness was years of famine, war between religions and lots of fear. The churches said that witches, demons and the devil did exist and women were nothing but trouble. As we see even today, there is often a scape goat created, and the chaos escalated in Sweden when the Bible became law and everything that did not line up with what the church said became lethal. The Bible fanaticism killed thousands of women.

Everything connected to a women became feared, especially her sexuality.

It became labelled as dark and dangerous and was the core of the witch trials through out the world.

Why do I write this?

Because I think the usage of words are important, especially when we are doing the work to pull these murky, repressed and forgotten about stories to the surface. Because knowing our history is important when we are building the new world. When we are doing the healing work of our lineages and as women. To give the women who were slaughtered a voice, to give them redress and a chance of peace.

It was not witches who burned.

It was women."

Author: Fia Forsström


Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 10/07/2022

Hey spiritual fam!
It’s been a while since I made a post. I’ve still been doing all the magickal things and am excited to be more present on social media.

So much has happened the past few months plus I have some great new things to share:
🍂 In September we put my precious familiar, Athena, to sleep. The grief is still here but I am so glad she is no longer suffering.
🍂We went to England to visit family and explore towards the end of September. It was so fun and needed. I miss the energy there already. There is so much power in their landscape.
🍂 We adopted our new cat Jinx! I’ve always wanted a black cat. When I went to the adoption center this week, I had no intention of adopting, but was just seeing how my 2 year old would do around cats. He fell in love with a magickal black cat who is the most affectionate, playful, and easy going cat I’ve ever known.

I’m excited for this season and can’t wait to share some magickal events & new projects in my next post!

Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 06/27/2022

Ireland went through an abortion ban from 1983-2018. It’s been helpful to see how other countries fought against it but especially because most of Ireland is Catholic, as our Supreme Court is mostly made up of Catholics. This is a funny video—please watch and hope it lightens your mood. It’s also an interesting look at one of Ireland’s goddesses & her written myths (she apparently aided in abortion).

I was technically raised Catholic, although I do not practice or even believe in Christianity now. It’s absolutely fascinating to me that a nation, which supposedly is meant to have “freedom of religion” and “separation of church & state” so vehemently wants us to be a “Christian nation.”

Ps—if you are Christian and do not believe in or don’t want an abortion, I’m happy for you. However, please remember not everyone is Christian and has their own right to belief & bodily autonomy in this country— separation of church & state.

Did you know that the words “In God We Trust” was only added to the American currency in 1955 during the Cold War. We were taught that if we came to God, the “godless Soviet Union” wouldn’t blow us up…it’s honestly so confusing on how that has stood the test of time, given once again, we are meant to be a secular democratic nation who allows varying beliefs.

Yes, I’m still incredibly full of rage and anger at a lot of things right now but research is helping to arm me with things like how others have handled it and what I can do now.

Among many things I’ve found in my research is how does not believe in Satan or God at all, they believe in compassion for all and equality for all, and are more of an activist group, but I also love that they are a religious group welcoming of any beliefs. They are on the front lines fighting for religious reproductive rights and I’ve found everything they’ve done and are doing absolutely inspiring.
(Continued in comments)

Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 04/24/2022

Photo dump of the past few weeks. 🥰

How many of us neglect to fill our own cup? (Slowly raises hand 👋)

No judgement here. As a Capricorn I ebb and flow between workaholic and doing absolutely nothing. The doing absolutely nothing short moments are REALLY hard but needed, and sometimes I really step back from social media…hence not posting in a month.

Today I’d like to share a few magickal ways I try to just BE in the moment:
✨Get comfy, close my eyes, breathe, and do a body scan. What sensations are coming up? Where feels right and where feels relaxed? Can I breathe a little bit more magick into those tight areas? From here I might start working on different chakras—my heart has been needing it big time.
✨Go to nature, sit, watch her. Ask myself what I hear, what I see, what I feel, what I smell. Sometimes, if I’m struggling to be still, I will write these down in my journal (these have been my most beautifully written entries to date). Let nature sweep you away.
✨Choose an element. Go and connect with it. Today, I was feeling a strong pull to working with water. So here I am, family in tow, watching the waves crest and fall. Out and in. I’ll bring a little ocean water home with me and ask her to bless my home and may even use this water in my next moon water ritual.

What are some ways you try to practice the art of doing nothing? Would love to know and try some of your ideas! 🥰


Join me and for an afternoon of relaxation & chakra energetic release on April 23 from 4-6pm

When we make space in the body and create peace, we open ourselves up to receive and flow in alignment.

You will:
✨learn all about the chakras
✨create a special spray you get to take with you to keep your chakras balanced
✨experience a chakra clearing breathwork + guided meditations
✨receive a sound bath to ease tension and restore you energetically
✨receive reiki healing & MORE!

Class space is limited to 20 participants. Link in bio to book now and reserve your spot!


I’ve been digging out all my old materials and grimoires from when I first dove into witchcraft for students in my newest course!

Yes, I started a grimoire when I was about 12 and would sit on AOL searching and copying down all I could find.

And I also have a grimoire binder that would put Monica from Friends to shame (blame my Capricorn side for all the details + categorization).

I’m super excited to share this wealth of knowledge with students inside of my newest course “Reclaiming Your Wild: 13 Weeks of Witchcraft Basics” that starts March 20th.

Sign up at the link in my bio!
Get ready to reclaim your wild by feeling more in tune with nature’s rhythms and utilizing the sacred magick you already contain within to feel more balanced, fulfilled, and connected.

Also stay tuned for a new in-person class where we will learn and create magickal items together… 🖤


The word witch strikes fear in the heart of many.

And for good reason…it’s a word that has been used and is still used to prosecute those who stir up fear, or simply to acquire what they have.

What if I told you that the word witch is actually quite powerful and to reclaim the word could reawaken your inherent gifts?

Join me for Reclaiming Your Wild: A 13 Week Witchcraft Basics Course. Link in bio to discover more!

Happy conjuring… 🌙✨


Oh look, it’s me in real life 😂

Photos from Stephanie Pixi Morris, M.A.  The Good Witch of Charleston's post 03/12/2022

✨Sweet testimonials from current clients ✨

Are you desiring a deep, healing transformation and to reclaim your wild magick?

I believe we hold the key to our transformation and power, but sometimes we just need help finding the right door. 🚪✨

I’m here to gently guide you on your journey and hand you the ✨🗝✨when you’re ready.

Here are a few ways you can work with me:
🖤Alchemical Intuitive Healing Sessions (in-person)
🖤Therapeutic Spellwork™️ (in-person & virtual)
🖤 Tarot & Oracle Card Readings (in-person & virtual)
🖤 Priestess & High Priestess Initiations (virtual)
🖤 Reclaiming Your Wild: Witchcraft Basics Course
🖤 Home or Space Clearings & Blessings
🖤 Handfastings
🖤 Baby blessings
🖤…and even more courses coming soon inside of the Sacred Magick Mystery School
🖤 or join our Sacred Magick Circle Community!

Book here: ✨
Questions about booking or something else? DM me here or email me at [email protected]
I love questions!!



Head to the link above to listen to these affirmations that were created to help you feel self-confidence and awaken your self-worth. Each time I create positive affirmations, I place reiki and magick inside of the words I choose with the intention that they will help you embody their energies.

Please let me know if you liked them or want more affirmations in the comments and give this video a thumbs up! Please click the bell to be notified when I create more videos. I appreciate you stopping by and taking some time for you today.

Blessed be. 🌒🌕🌘


Don’t forget to register for this event happening next Friday! Link in bio!
So excited to be hosting
Sound Bath & Healing with at

This is the weekend of the Spring Equinox! It’s the perfect time for an energetic balance and tune up.
March 18th | 6:00-8:00pm
Investment - $45 per person if purchase BEFORE March 1st - AFTER March 1st - $55 per person
Join us for a night of B L I S S where you will experience a meditative bath of sound waves which will create an atmosphere of energetic healing that will relax the nervous system, give you an increase sense of well-being and induce overall calmness.  
Participants will also make a "crystal energy dream pillow" before we begin to aid in the acceptances and reception of guided messages and help you dive deeper into a relaxed state of being.
This night of bliss will also include:
✨Guided meditation & movement
Your hosts for the night are Stephanie Pixi Morris & Samantha Noel of Bella Healing Therapy. 
*Space is LIMITED so book your mat space early.  Refunds will only be issued PRIOR to March 15th.

Sign up at link in bio! 👆👆👆


It’s my loves!

Do you have a book of shadows or grimoire?

If you do, this can be a great addition to any page.

If you’re asking yourself “what the heck is that?” A grimoire is a journal of sorts where a witch collects knowledge she’s acquired via various resources as well as notes on spells and workings.

Want to know more tips on creating your magickal grimoire? Join my new course “Reclaiming Your Wild: 13 Weeks of Witchcraft Basics.” Link to join below! Sale ends Friday at midnight!


It’s my loves!

Do you have a book of shadows or grimoire?

If you do, this can be a great addition to any page.

If you’re asking yourself “what the heck is that?” A grimoire is a journal of sorts where a witch collects knowledge she’s acquired via various resources as well as notes on spells and workings.

Want to know more tips on creating your magickal grimoire? Join my new course “Reclaiming Your Wild: 13 Weeks of Witchcraft Basics.” Link in bio to join! Sale ends Friday at midnight!

Watch this reel by stephanie.pixi.morris on Instagram 02/26/2022

How to use your heartbeat to amplify your magick! Happy Venus day, lovers! 💕💕💕

Watch this reel by stephanie.pixi.morris on Instagram 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑊𝑖𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑛 shared a video on Instagram: “💕💕💕Happy Self-Love Friday 💕💕 Friday is ruled by the planet Venus so it’s the perfect day for…” • See 1,008 photos and videos on their profile.

Want your business to be the top-listed Health & Beauty Business in Charleston?
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

My Story

Back when I was a child, 4-8 years old, I started communicating with nature and angels. I would sit with the trees and could literally feel their energy pulsating. Trees that had been cut or their energy felt off, I would sit with and place my hands upon them to send “healing light,” as I would refer to it. I also loved being alone and have vivid images of sitting in my bedroom or my closet with my eyes closed meditating(although I have no idea what I called it at the time, it just felt right) and seeing images of ideas and beliefs I still connect with to this day. I also connected with and spoke to angels and faeries as a young child (and still do).

I found yoga when I was a pr***en via a close friend’s family. They were unitarian universalists and very “hippy” but I absolutely loved that about them. I remember being in the basement of their ranch-style home practicing yoga on large exercise balls. I felt happy and free and just so connected. Their home felt so ahead of the times.

As I grew up and suffered my own bought with seizures, I turned to Kundalini yoga and my own spiritual practices. I am now 8+ years seizure free.

When I was ready for a lover, I called upon my own spiritual practices and-- there he was.

Videos (show all)

I’ve been digging out all my old materials and grimoires from when I first dove into witchcraft for students in my newes...
Oh look, it’s me in real life 😂#bewitched #measablonde #witchyvibes #witchesofinstagram
Priestess + Witch Tip:🔥The element of air represents knowledge. Fire needs air to breathe to stay lit. ✨Each time you ar...
Sending you love, joy & abundance this holiday season! Thank you for being a part of the journey on this page and in our...
🩸Moon Time🩸It’s Day 1 of my moon. I can feel a layer of myself releasing. I feel the time I took this week to rest has r...
Have you been curious about what it means to be a priestess? I’m going to be sending out module 1 to everyone on my emai...



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