Videos by Psych Dog Charlotte in Charlotte. Psych Dog Charlotte promotes and educates about the use of Psychiatric Service Dogs specifically for the Charlotte, NC area
"Amiee" and Darryl little bit about Psych Dog Charlotte!
Darryl Savage talks about Psych Dog Charlotte
"Amiee" and Darryl little bit about Psych Dog Charlotte!
Psych Dog Charlotte on FOX News Rising 9/19/11
Darryl Savage and Taylor with Anna Kooiman from FOX News Rising in Charlotte, NC on September 19, 2011 to officially announce that Psych Dog Charlotte is a non-profit and having our first Fundraiser on October 22, 2011. Thanks to Morgan Fogarty for her help setting this up for us! I CANNOT BELIEVE how much weight I've lost since then!
"Grounding" task for Psych Dogs
Taylor doing a demonstration of the "grounding" task in case someone has a panic attack in public or at home, or if someone feels dissociated and needs to get "grounded". The effects are immediate and much quicker than any medications! And just think, the only "side effect" is love!