HCTD Performance

HCTD specializes in maximizing company profitability and leadership effectiveness.

I am an award-winning and experienced founder and executive with a demonstrated global history of successfully working in the business transformation and leadership development industries.

With a resume that spans 30 years of leadership roles and progressive success in our country's most successful and groundbreaking companies and organizations, Bob continues to achieve success by deploying prac

Home Page - HCTD Performance 06/19/2024


Do your people feel they have to "watch their back", defend their turf, or fear management when they come to work? Or do they feel comfortable speaking out to anyone, laugh, and have friends and fun with employees from other departments?

Do your people stay?

It's the leader who created this and accepts and allows it - and it's the leader who can change it....one way or the other!!

Home Page - HCTD Performance Everything You’ve Learned About Building a Successful Business Is WRONG! Give Me Just 5 Minutes and I’ll Show You How You Can DOUBLE Your Profits In 90 Days or Less! Would You Be Upset If I Could Show You in Less Than 5 Minutes How to Generate 3 Times More Leads Than You’re Getting Right […]

Home Page - HCTD Performance 05/28/2024


If you can't slow down and focus blocks of attention on high value activities, it means you have put yourself on the front lines of customer service - the phone keeps ringing and you have to pick it up.

You'll have to redesign your job first. Build a team, train, and delegate. Make yourself unnecessary in your current role. Hire yourself out of the job you are doing now.

THEN, you'll have more time to do what only you as the leader can do to grow your organization.

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Home Page - HCTD Performance 01/30/2024


Taking charge of your future entails undertaking and assessing risk. It involves facing a myriad of challenges and setbacks while forging the road ahead towards your goals. We often stumble through challenges, and somehow, we find a way to overcome turmoil.

However, once we reach our goals, we rarely take the time to reflect and remember the challenges that we faced. We need to be able to ask the tough questions, such as what caused the setback? Or how did we react when it happened? Or, most importantly, how could we avoid a similar situation in the future?

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Home Page - HCTD Performance 01/24/2024


You gotta live. You gotta work. You have to make these two worlds coexist in harmony with the 24 hours in a day you are given.

If there is not enough time to get your work done (in 8-10 hours a day, 5 days a week), you must adjust what you are doing, and how you do it at work, not cut so much into home and sleep time to cause imbalance.

What good is it to be successful at work if you aren't successful at home?

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Home Page - HCTD Performance 01/04/2024


Many people say "If I could, I would". That is NOT correct of course. And by the way, it's really more like "I don't, so I can't".

Self-discipline is the difference between intentions and accomplishment, between thoughts and achievement, and low and high performance.

Make it this way: "If I would, I could".

So, will you? Really.......will you?

Home Page - HCTD Performance Everything You’ve Learned About Building a Successful Business Is WRONG! Give Me Just 5 Minutes and I’ll Show You How You Can DOUBLE Your Profits In 90 Days or Less! Would You Be Upset If I Could Show You in Less Than 5 Minutes How to Generate 3 Times More Leads Than You’re Getting Right […]

Home Page - HCTD Performance 09/21/2023


Young people will believe what they are repeatedly told by their parents. Sure, often they will develop their own beliefs about things as they get older, but often ideas stick, particularly ideas about themselves.

What do your young people believe about themselves? What do they believe about the world?

I think one of the greatest gifts we can give our young people is believing in their own abilities, talents, and convictions. Growing up believing YOU can do anything if you will only decide and work hard enough for it is critical, and will determine what they will even try.

People manifest their beliefs via the actions they take repeatedly. What beliefs are your young people picking up from you?

Home Page - HCTD Performance Everything You’ve Learned About Building a Successful Business Is WRONG! Give Me Just 5 Minutes and I’ll Show You How You Can DOUBLE Your Profits In 90 Days or Less! Would You Be Upset If I Could Show You in Less Than 5 Minutes How to Generate 3 Times More Leads Than You’re Getting Right […]

Home Page - HCTD Performance 08/22/2023


Our habits of thinking and doing things each day are our what confine us to the results we are getting.

Changing those habits of thinking and doing are the key to getting entirely new results.

What groove are you in? Is it time to jump out? If not now, then when?

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Home Page - HCTD Performance 07/13/2023


A street kid looking to be respected.

A farmer looking to provide for his family.

An executive looking to create results.

A factory worker looking for significance.

A mother striving for her children.

Is it really any different?

Home Page - HCTD Performance Everything You’ve Learned About Building a Successful Business Is WRONG! Give Me Just 5 Minutes and I’ll Show You How You Can DOUBLE Your Profits In 90 Days or Less! Would You Be Upset If I Could Show You in Less Than 5 Minutes How to Generate 3 Times More Leads Than You’re Getting Right […]

Home Page - HCTD Performance 07/11/2023


When a leader respects EVERYONE on his/her team, it shows through in words, voice, acknowledgement, listening, caring, and training. When the leader respects others, all the employees know it - and tend to respect each other.

Being a leader is not just weilding the power to make the big decisions - it's setting the culture by who they are being every day.

Who are you being to your people?

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Home Page - HCTD Performance 07/10/2023


Every year at about this time, many leaders scratch their heads and wonder how time passes so quickly. With the first half of the year nearly behind us, now is a good time to pause and carefully review the progress your organization has made thus far. Doing so will allow your team the time it needs to get clear, get focused, and get moving on any needed strategy adjustments to ensure you end the year on track and are able to blast into the new year with powerful momentum.

As you consider ways to end the year according to your plan and take meaningful steps to lay next year’s foundation, consider the following three points and their implementation:

1. Break the “us vs. them” pattern.

Make strategic planning, as well as the assessment of strategic results, as inclusive as possible. Include a cross-section of employees in both processes—plan creation and plan assessment. An organization’s good performance is always the byproduct of fully engaged employees who feel like they contributed to the plan’s creation vs. simply complied with it once it was written and announced. The same is true for identifying and then implementing any needed course corrections along the way.

2. Keep driving hard—but WITH your people rather than without them.

Keep driving hard with your people rather than without them. Be willing to do the heavy lifting alongside them. Strategic planning and the organizational change that often follows as part of implementing a strategic plan needs to be an ongoing, collaborative process that has fully engaged leaders who are willing to jump into the trenches with their people each day. When employees see their leaders actively working the plan, and when they hear their supervisors talking enthusiastically about the plan, then they are far more likely to want to take ownership of it.

Ownership of an organization’s strategic plan may start at the top, but it certainly can’t stop there.

3. Getting the whole story.

It’s far more important to assess and then understand the source of the situation rather than react and over-correct based on assumption, fear or frustration. While it’s possible your strategic path needs to be adjusted and some course-corrections made, it’s equally possible that a few specific tweaks in the way you’re engaging your employees are all that’s needed to put performance back on track—and strengthen the level of ownership each team member feels whenever they experience the rush of shared results.

Home Page - HCTD Performance Everything You’ve Learned About Building a Successful Business Is WRONG! Give Me Just 5 Minutes and I’ll Show You How You Can DOUBLE Your Profits In 90 Days or Less! Would You Be Upset If I Could Show You in Less Than 5 Minutes How to Generate 3 Times More Leads Than You’re Getting Right […]

Home Page - HCTD Performance 06/21/2023


We all have dreams, but to make them come true it takes a lot of determination, hard work, and persistence. If we are smart, we can shorten the payment period, but it's still long.

Dreams aren't free. Are you willing to pay the price?

Home Page - HCTD Performance Everything You’ve Learned About Building a Successful Business Is WRONG! Give Me Just 5 Minutes and I’ll Show You How You Can DOUBLE Your Profits In 90 Days or Less! Would You Be Upset If I Could Show You in Less Than 5 Minutes How to Generate 3 Times More Leads Than You’re Getting Right […]

Home Page - HCTD Performance 06/13/2023


Tension, bitterness, frustration, anger between you and someone else. You know you need to talk with someone but you are afraid of how they will react, or you know you played a part and don't want to have that pointed out because you don't want to hear it and apologize.

But having that long overdue critical conversation with that person, to ask them how they feel, apologize if necessary, and earn their listening so you can tell them how you feel, can make a world of difference in your relationships and the burden you carry.

Who do you need to talk to? When will you do it? How about today?

Home Page - HCTD Performance Everything You’ve Learned About Building a Successful Business Is WRONG! Give Me Just 5 Minutes and I’ll Show You How You Can DOUBLE Your Profits In 90 Days or Less! Would You Be Upset If I Could Show You in Less Than 5 Minutes How to Generate 3 Times More Leads Than You’re Getting Right […]

Home Page - HCTD Performance 05/12/2023


We all like to be right, but we can't be right all of the time. Errors made by managers and leaders can be particularly costly – and, in some cases, disastrous.

Your boss is probably the person who hired you and maybe even signs your paycheck. They're above you in the food chain, and they might not appreciate being outsmarted by a "subordinate." So, do you risk telling them about their mistake? Or do you bite your tongue and leave the company to sort out the mess?

If your organization's well-being and your own integrity matter to you, it's important to conquer your fears and to speak up. It may feel unnatural and risky, and it may go against your office culture, but, when you're graceful and adept, you can help your boss to put things right without upsetting anyone.

A few tips:
1. Do Your Homework
You must be certain that your boss has actually made an error before you mention it. Remember that they likely have access to more information than you and that they could, in fact, be right.
2. Check your motives
Consider whether you feel like speaking up just to be contrary or nitpicky. You could be about to make matters a whole lot worse, without good cause. But if there's a solid business reason to worry, or if the mistake might damage your boss's reputation, they may be relieved to hear your concerns.
3. Check the Timing
Choosing the right moment to grab your boss's attention is crucial. In the event that you spot an immediate and critical problem unfolding, don't hesitate – you may have little choice but to speak up publicly, before it's too late.

Home Page - HCTD Performance Everything You’ve Learned About Building a Successful Business Is WRONG! Give Me Just 5 Minutes and I’ll Show You How You Can DOUBLE Your Profits In 90 Days or Less! Would You Be Upset If I Could Show You in Less Than 5 Minutes How to Generate 3 Times More Leads Than You’re Getting Right […]

Home Page - HCTD Performance 05/01/2023


There is nothing wrong with ambition of course. Without it, your life is nothing. But chasing external achievements exclusively will not turn out well over the long term. Ambition to become a bigger, better, more productive, able, dynamic, happy, healthy, valuable person who means more to others is a higher path.

External achievements and material possessions come with it, but they are the side effects, not the target.

Home Page - HCTD Performance Everything You’ve Learned About Building a Successful Business Is WRONG! Give Me Just 5 Minutes and I’ll Show You How You Can DOUBLE Your Profits In 90 Days or Less! Would You Be Upset If I Could Show You in Less Than 5 Minutes How to Generate 3 Times More Leads Than You’re Getting Right […]

Home Page - HCTD Performance 04/25/2023


My last post covered how to learn about your big fish and prepare for your initial contact with them. This first contact is essential to your success so you will need to instill confidence in them. They need to know you fully understand their problem and handle yourself as though you can handle it via the questions you ask.

Today we will explore the big approach and how to make that perfect first impression. Before you devise your plan of approach, you need to establish trust. It helps to know which big fish you will be targeting. Review your notes and research that you’ve compiled about prospective fish and then decide which one will be the best target…….or the highest ranking fish that experiences the problems you help solve.

Position Your Business
You must position your business to make the first move by listing your revenue streams, your operational procedures, where your fish is initially positioned, your big-customer research, and putting it all together.

Compile Your Hit List
Begin with a list of all the companies you’ve been considering then narrow it down to the ones you know could benefit from your products or services. Don’t overlook obvious choices, whether they are big or small. Even small companies could be big fish in the future.

Select the Best Target
Once you’ve got your list narrowed down, you need to decide which one is the best fish to target first. You must consider the following:
· Which have the most purchasing resources to spend?
· Does their company vision complement yours?
· What are their employee incentive programs as they relate to your products and/or services?
· What is the company’s real need for you?
· Will the partnership lead you off-course?

More to follow.........

Home Page - HCTD Performance Everything You’ve Learned About Building a Successful Business Is WRONG! Give Me Just 5 Minutes and I’ll Show You How You Can DOUBLE Your Profits In 90 Days or Less! Would You Be Upset If I Could Show You in Less Than 5 Minutes How to Generate 3 Times More Leads Than You’re Getting Right […]

Home Page - HCTD Performance 04/18/2023


In a recent post we covered how to bring the big-company mindset into your business and your team. This will help you overcome the mental obstacles that will keep you from being successful. Now that you’ve learned how to overcome that, we’re going to lay out how to identify who your fish is. It is important to be familiar with the fish you are looking for before you put a plan together. We will also take a moment to highlight the potential “red tape” you may encounter along the way.

The most important thing to know about your fish is their purchasing habits and procedures. There are four main things you need to work on in order to be successful:
1. Responsibilities: You need to know who has influence over purchasing, who does the actual buying, and who has the ability to kill a deal if desired.
2. Get on Their List: You need to figure out how to get on their list of people to buy from. Your name not only needs to be on that list, but at the top of it and in as many categories as possible for additional interaction. Ask about a procurement program and what is required to go through the application process.
3. Lingo: You need to learn the company’s unique language and communication style. This could include report names, buzzwords and even the nicknames they have for their employees.
4. Fiscal Budgets: It is essential for you to be familiar with the fiscal budget of your fish so you know exactly when they are planning their expenses for the year.

Now that we’ve identified what you need to know about your fish, let’s take a quick look at the “red tape”.

Bureaucracy might as well be a four-letter word with the emotions it stirs in all of us. “Red tape” is a necessary evil that you can use to your advantage by learning from their system. There are two ways to learn from their system:
1. Analyze their activity
2. Review their correspondence.
Being an outsider looking in can have its advantages too. If you hate dealing with the “red tape”, imagine how their employees feel dealing with it. If they need to crunch some numbers, offer to take care of it for them. If they need more info, make sure you are
providing it in a user-friendly way.

The things layed out in this lesson will help you prepare for the big approach. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you need assistance with untangling the “red tape”

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There are a number of factors to take into consideration when prepping yourself and your company to approach the largest clients you may ever work with.

Today, I will begin with a brief look at the three paths every business faces and show you which one is the path to success. Then we’ll talk about the mindset it takes to attract
the big fish.

There are three major paths a business can take when expanding their business:
• Snail Speed
• Shooting Star
• Catch the Big Mike

Snail Speed:
Unfortunately, most business owners end up working themselves into the ground without much reward or success. This is the inevitable result when you fool yourself into thinking you will find quick success. You may also fall onto this path when you are avoiding change.

Shooting Star:
This describes a business that shoots to the top so fast you become overwhelmed and are not prepared with adequate resources in place to adapt to the sudden growth. This can also occur when you are overwhelmed by smaller clients and do not take the time to try
to land the larger clients that would sustain your business once the small client sales start to decline.

Catch the Big Fish:
This is the path that allows you to build at a steady manageable pace by not allowing your customers to outpace you. You can accomplish this by putting these tips to work:
1. Attract, keep, and lock in big clients;
2. Integrate “big business” culture into your company and employees
3. Acquire the expertise you need to grow
4. Have the courage to make changes as you grow.

Now we are going to transition a bit and focus on the “big fish” mindset. It may sound easy to identify and catch that big fish, but if you are stuck in a small business mindset, it will be harder than you think.

Think of some of the benefits of focusing on larger clients:
• Inexpensive
• Highly Profitable
• Longevity
• Security

In order to catch the big fish, you need to believe your company can provide a benefit to their company. It is easy to second guess yourself into the belief that a large company couldn’t need anything from a small business like yours, but this is definitely flawed thinking!

Once you take a look at how large companies operate, it is important to identify which ones are the best fit for your company. One of the best ways to get in the door is through a connection with someone on the inside who will be able to put in a good word for you.

If you’re not sure where to start and feel a little intimidated about catching big fish, reach out to me for assistance.

Home Page - HCTD Performance 03/29/2023


Entrepreneur - one who undertakes, manages, and assumes the risk of a new enterprise. The word comes from the French where it literally means "undertaker".

You need to be brave or crazy to be an entrepreneur, as most fail because they don't learn enough about what is required for success.

Are you the right blend of brave (crazy), smart and well informed and willing to do the RIGHT things to succeed?

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For many years, books like 'The Secret', while not my favorite book by any stretch, have popularized the idea of the law of attraction. The idea that putting your thoughts out into the universe to create results is a compelling one. It is also an important way to maintain a positive mindset. However, despite what many books and coaching programs would have you believe, it is not a complete solution. It is the starting point, not the end point.

Putting your thoughts into the universe is useless if it is not followed by a strategic plan to achieve your goals and the action necessary to implement that plan. You can think that you want more customers all you want, but if you don’t let people know about your business, no customers will come. Your positive mindset and visualizations need to be followed up by actions. It is the actions that allow you to achieve your goals.

To put your thoughts into action, here are some steps to follow:
- Create A Plan: Determine what needs to be done to achieve your goal.
- Gather Resources: Determine what resources you will need. If you do not have all the resources, find ways to acquire them or partner with people who have them.
- ACT Your Plan: You have to take action. Step-by-step do what is necessary to achieve your goals. Be determined and persistent.
It takes hard work to achieve your goals. Start working.

HCTD Performance 03/09/2023


Many entrepreneurs think big, dream big, and would go after Moby Dick in a rowboat - and bring the tartar sauce with them! They get some adrenaline and glory from just declaring a new venture and lining up on the starting line. But starting, even starting well, is only part of what is required for it to end well.

You've got to examine the results you are getting from your action, make adjustments, and take more action. Then you have to notice the results you are getting again, make changes and take more action. Then you repeat this process about a thousand more times over 20 years, all while maintaining your enthusiasm for the journey and never giving up.

THEN you can mix up a new batch of tartar sauce!

HCTD Performance Most business owners focus on building revenue. That’s WRONG! Building profits is what feeds your family… but almost no business owner understands how to build profit without building revenue. They think you can’t build one without the other, and they’re wrong.This video will explain how you...

HCTD Performance 02/16/2023


Some think that when they HAVE things, then they will DO things, and BE the kind of person they want to be. But that is reversed and won't work.

It's Be-Do-Have. When you become the kind of person you need to be, you will do the things you need to do, and then you will able to have the things you want.

Be the kind of person you need to be first. It'll fall nicely into place.

How about now, ready?...................GO!

HCTD Performance Most business owners focus on building revenue. That’s WRONG! Building profits is what feeds your family… but almost no business owner understands how to build profit without building revenue. They think you can’t build one without the other, and they’re wrong.This video will explain how you...

HCTD Performance 02/13/2023


Here are 10 items. What are your top three......and if you can take a moment, why those three?

Are you part of your team's solutions or its problems?

Ten rules for high performance teamwork:

1. Put the Team First
2. Communicate Openly and Candidly
3. Be Part of the Solution, Not the Problem
4. Respect Diversity
5. Ask and Encourage the Right Questions
6. Use a Rational Problem-Solving Process
7. Build Trust with Integrity and Example
8. Commit to Excellence
9. Promote Interdependent Thinking
10. Pull the Weeds

What do you think? Your top three are what?
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HCTD Performance Most business owners focus on building revenue. That’s WRONG! Building profits is what feeds your family… but almost no business owner understands how to build profit without building revenue. They think you can’t build one without the other, and they’re wrong.This video will explain how you...



We all have choices to make daily. Usually, it boils down to comfortable vs. uncomfortable.

Remember that over the weekend. Then, reach out to find someone to help hold you accountable......consistently.

HCTD Performance 02/09/2023


Failures in management are an ongoing source of pain for business owners in modern organizations. Talent management, has by and large been dysfunctional, leading companies to lurch from surpluses of talent to shortfalls to surpluses and back again. Plus, it's usually pretty expensive......so many hidden costs!!

At its heart, talent management is simply a matter of anticipating the need for human capital and then setting out a plan to meet it.....finding someone who knows what to do and how to do it.

Current responses to this challenge largely fall into two distinct—and equally ineffective—camps.
1. The first, and by far the most common, is to do nothing: anticipate no needs at all; make no plans for addressing them (rendering the term “talent management” meaningless). This reactive approach relies overwhelmingly on outside hiring and has faltered now that the surplus of management talent has eroded.
2. The second, common only among large, older companies, relies on complex and bureaucratic models from the 1950s for forecasting and succession planning—legacy systems that grew up in an era when business was highly predictable and that fail now because they are inaccurate and costly in a more volatile environment.

It’s time for a fundamentally new approach to talent management that takes into account the great uncertainty businesses face today. Fortunately, companies already have such a model, one that has been well honed over decades to anticipate and meet demand in uncertain environments—supply chain management.

It’s ok to take a good and deep look into outside professionals that can really help you. Doing the same thing over and over and over again, while expecting a different result is insane as we all know. Try an outside firm to help you. They don’t bite. And here’s a thought or two, many actually work and they are usually more capable and affordable……many work VERY well indeed.

So, bottom line: get uncomfortable and go outside yourself to improve yourself and your company. Or don't. But we know how that's turned out, now don't we!

HCTD Performance Most business owners focus on building revenue. That’s WRONG! Building profits is what feeds your family… but almost no business owner understands how to build profit without building revenue. They think you can’t build one without the other, and they’re wrong.This video will explain how you...



Any business owner can tell you that there are numerous challenges to growing a business and that how you manage them defines if your business is going to be successful or not. It’s vital to detect and overcome these obstacles that come hand to hand with growth in order for your business to continue to thrive.

With different stages of business expansion come different pitfalls and it’s up to you if you’re going to be prepared for them or let them take you by surprise. I want to point out some of the biggest problems businesses face when they’re trying to expand.

Allowing Growth to Overwhelm You

While most business owners strive to grow their business, they are sometimes unaware that growth means change. To sustain increasing growth, you’ll need better management, more staff, and control for any and all processes. Without these things you’re at risk of getting drowned by your own growth, as growing a business too fast will create all kinds of risks that will threaten your business’ existence. This is why you need to know when and if to slow things down. As you feel that you are getting overwhelmed by growth, perhaps just slow down and try to prepare better for what’s to come.

Staying in Touch with Market Trends

A common mistake business owners tend to make is to do a market research when they launch the business and then base all the decisions on that, even years later. The fact is that market conditions change just like your business, and at a rapid pace, so it’s important to regularly do market research if you’re going to make the most out of your business decisions. You need to know what new products your target audience is interested in, as well as where your current products are currently in their lifecycles. Without that, you’ll hardly ever be able to reach your business’s full potential and increase profitability.

Not Taking the Time to Vet Clients and Suppliers

Business owners can easily get so excited about the expansion they’re going through that they just accept any and all clients coming their way, instead of taking their time to check their credit scores. Keep in mind that many businesses met their demise because of just a couple of late or unpaid invoices, so you need to improve your billing process. Before you take on a new client or supplier, do your best make sure they have a reliable reputation.

Cash Flow Control

Small businesses rely heavily on good cash flow to operate, especially when it comes to growing businesses. Invest time and money into business planning if you want to make the best use of your finances. Keep in mind that you will sometimes have to pass on a promising opportunity if you don’t have enough cash flow to support it, as going with it would starve your existing business out of much needed funding and take you a big step towards bankruptcy.

Failing to Delegate Responsibility

Startups usually have a business-owner as the main decision-maker in control of everything that’s happening in the company. However, the more your business expands, the more control you’ll have to give up and delegate to your ever-growing management team.
Giving up day-to-day control will let you focus on the more pressing issues and creating a plan for your future. On the other hand, if you don’t trust your management team with making important decisions, then you’ll never be able to grow to a point you’d be satisfied with. The same goes for your advisory team. For many business owners, the hardest thing is to learn to listen and take advice. Following your guts is fine sometimes, but taking an advice from a professional based on all the facts is something you can’t afford to pass.


Business growth has many pros and there’s a reason why it’s the goal of almost any business owner. But understanding the risks is important if you’re going to do it the right way. Bumps in the road are something every business owner is used to, but these challenges can mean the difference between succeeding and losing a business. With this in mind, you should now be prepared to successfully transition from a small business to the next stage and, hopefully, stay ahead of your competitors.


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We empower our customers to outperform by providing cost effective and innovative equipment care sol

Dr. Chad K, Streamlining & Scaling Systems for Cash Physical Therapists Dr. Chad K, Streamlining & Scaling Systems for Cash Physical Therapists

Therapists: I simplify & streamline your systems with done for you / with you services!!

Market-View Market-View

Market View empowers business owners to view their business from the perspective of a buyer before beginning a sale process.

Klear Transactions Klear Transactions

Klear Transactions was founded to help agents make their business dreams a reality. With our comprehensive transaction coordinator services, you’ll be able to save 16 hours per tra...